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Digimon: Dark Virus


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[B]OOC: ULX, that post was classy XD[/B]

[COLOR=SlateGray]Imi growled under her breath and started muttering things under her breath, "Damn lanky freak...who does he think he is? How could he suggest something like that it's just so......so....."
"True?" that was Darien, he had snuck up behind Imi and had been listening to her ranting.
"ARG! No, dammit, NO!" Imi clamped her hands over her ears and ran forwards....tripping over a rock and falling flat on her face.

At almost exactly the same time the whole group erupted into laughter, Imi jumped up and brushed herself off then continued walking, her head down.
Zeos and Darien were practically in tears laughing while Reis and Takuto tried to control themselves. Elena giggled slightly, tying not to offend Imi and Kenmei kept a satisfied smirk on her face.

Lance glared at the others and started walking towards Imi, "You don't have to be so insensitive!" he shouted at them, but it fell on deaf ears.

As he walked over to Imi he noticed that she was crying,
"Imi?" he asked kingly, "Did you hurt yourself? Here, let me help...." he tried to steer her to a holt but Imi slapped his arm away,
"I don?t need help from you and I certainly don?t need [I]that[/I]!" she pointed an accusing finger at the rest of the group and then took off like a shot, sobbing into the palms of her hands.
Lance was about to run after her but Reis held him back, "She'll be back soon and it wouldn't do for you to get lost searching for her."
Lance shook away from his friends grip but stayed still, "Congratulations you lot, I hope you feel proud....."[/COLOR]

[B]OOC Uh oh, looks like Imi's got some teenage angst problems[/B]
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Elena looked at the group, particularly at Zeos. They had said nothing to each other since she told him how she felt about being in this world. Anger rose up in her throat. [I]How could I do that to him? He already has enough problems on his plate.[/I]
She looked towards Darien. She wasn't quite sure about him. Especially after he said Zeos and Imi would end up having 'wild monkey sex'. However, she did breathe easier when Zeos said he was not interested in her.

They all were waiting for Imi.
" I wonder where she's gone?" Takuto asked the air.
" I don't know but I hope she hasn't got into any trouble," Lance replied worriedly.
Elena stood up. " I'll go look for her."
Zeos looked up from the ground. " Are you sure? You'll be ok?"
Elena smiled. " I think I will." She turned and went off in the same direction Imi went.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Lance turned and glared at Zeos.

"Now you best stay away from [I]my[/I] woman, Fearless Leader," he snarled. "[I]And[/I] you better apologize when she gets back!"

"Listen, Lance," Zeos said, totally fed up. He walked over and pushed Lance's chest, causing him to stumble back. "I don't want [I]your[/I] woman. And for the record, she ain't even yours! She obviously doesn't even [I]like[/I] you. So why don't you cool off and back off!"

"Make me!"

"Sounds fun!"

"Hey!" Darien yelped. He stood inbetween the two. "No infighting. Infighting bad. Save it for the Puppet Master, alright?"

Zeos and Lance glared at eachother from around Darien, but turned away.

"Great. We've got sexy girls, rivalries, cold chicks and the guys who lust for them, fighting, magic weapons, magic little animals, infighting, and sadistic overlords," said Darien counting it off. "All we need are giant robots and we've got ourselves a regular anime."

"Don't forget the Bishonen!" Zeos added.

"Thanks for the complement," Darien quipped, fluttering his eyelashes.

"I was talking about [I]me[/I]!" Zeos growled. "I'm twice the Bishonen you are!"

"Really? Well, why don't we ask an expert," said Darien. He turned to Kenmei. "Kenmei, which one of us it more of a Bishonen?"

Kenmei stared, her mouth hanging open.

"I...I...I...I can't...no...not me...I..." she stammered.

Darien flashed a smile and turned to Zeos.

"See? My Bishie-goodness has overwhelmed her."

"More like your Bishie-badness," the silver-haired teen snorted.


OOC: I'm glad my 'wild monkey sex' line was such a hit.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Imi sniffled and sat by a tree, her back was leaning against it as she wiped her eyes and fixed her hair.

"I really have been a *****." she said to a beetle that walked in front of her, even that seemed to nod.
Then she heard a noise behind her, she jumped up and grabbed her Digivice, ready to summon her spear.

Elena walked out, "It's only me." she said, holding her hands up in a gesture of peace.
Imi nodded and gestured for her to sit down. Elena looked surprised but sat down opposite Imi anyway.
"I suppose the others aren?t worried?" Imi suddenly asked.
Elena looked down and didn't reply, but when she looked up she was surprised to see Imi smiling.
"It figures, I suppose." she looked up and smiled generally at Elena, "I've been a ***** to everyone, even you and you didn?t deserve it....I'm very, very sorry." she then got up and hugged Elena, a few tears falling onto the other girls shoulder.
Elena sighed, "It's okay, Imi, just so you know...I always considered you a friend, I mean that."
"That means a lot, thank you."
The two girls shook hands and stood up,
"I need to apologise to the others." Imi stated, and they left the clearing where they had been.

After about 10 minutes of walking the two girls came back into sight.
"You see? I knew they would be back soon." Zeos said, turning away from his 'discussion' with Darien.
Lance ran over to Imi and was about to open his mouth when she done something that no one was expecting......she kissed him.
Elena giggled and smiled at the others, Imi pulled back and hugged Lance tightly, "I'm so sorry."

[B]OOC Sorry, I couldn't resist ^^[/COLOR][/B]
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[size=1][color=SlateGray]Takuto stood up, looking towards Imi. The girl seemed to be in some pain, Takuto did not know what had happen, He had fallen alseep. [I]Hmm...[/I] Walking over he stood and looked at Lance, than to Imi.

"Are you okay? Also, Lance, you have a girlfriend!" Takuto reached out his hand.

Lance looked strangely at Takuto than nodded. Extended his hand, they both shook. Each one was trying to out do each other in the handshake. Both greeting there teeth, although, the other's thought they were smiling.

OOC: Sorry my ISP was down. A squirell ate through it, litterally through one of the lines. Also, sorry for the post.[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]"Well," said Zeos, standing up from the rock he had been sitting on. "Now that we're all back together, I saw we move out!"

"Right-o, Fearless Leader!" said Darien, saluting him.

"Shut up, Bishie-boy," growled Zeos.

"Bishie-boy?" Imi and Elena asked.

Kenmei walked over and whispered, "Long story."

And with that, the group headed out on their next adventure.


Within a half-hour, everyone had fallen into their groove.

"I hate marching," Zeos grumbled.

"And I hate wandering aimlessly. We've gone through this. Can we figure out a place to go already?"

"Is it just me, or are we starting to go uphill?" asked Takuto.

Zeos and Imi snapped out of it and realized that she was right. They were now climbing a rapidly inclining hill.

The hill grew steeper and steeper until the group almost had to climb with arms and legs instead of just walk.

"How...much...further?" asked Lance.

"Dunno...never...been...up here...before..." replied Zeos.

Finally, after nearly another half-hour of climbing, the group reached the top.

"Wow..." said Zeos.

From up there, they could see down into a large bowl formed with many hills. It was like a crater. In the center of the crater, was a large stone tower.

"Big tower," said Darien.

"Let's check it out!" Zeos yelled.

Without a second thought, he bolted down the other side of the hill, racing down towards the stone structure. The others called out to him, but resigned to the fact that they had to follow him.


"I can't believe you made us go to this freaky tower," growled Imi.

"Oh, come on, it'll be fine!" Zeos said, reassuringly. "Now, where's the entrance." He looked carefully at the side of the tower he was at.

"Eh hem."

Darien casually pointed to a door.

"Thanks," Zeos said, sarcastically.

Slowly, the Eight walked inside, scanning the area. It was dark and mysterious, as all ancient temples are. A pale light came from far inside the room. The group advanced upon it.

Beneath the flickering torch-light sat a tablet.

"Let's see," Zeos began, reading the tablet. "'When evil runs rampant upon the Digital World, Eight chosen human children shall be called and shall save the world. But to stop the overwhelming menace, they must gain the power to fight. To do so, they must face the trials that rest within.' Sound fun."

"Well, I guess we should go face those trials," said Lance.

"Sounds like a plan."

Suddenly, eight lights flashed in the room. Each was a different color, and each illuminated a door.

"I guess we're color coded," quipped Darien.

And with that, the eight entered their respective doors, and towards their trials.


OOC: The trial is battle with an E-Virus powered rookie. Basically, walk down a hall into a torch-lit room, find a mystical elemental orb, and a Digimon attacks. You start getting thrashed by it, as it is easily twice as powerful as you are. However, we will be able to stop it. Just wait for the sign.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[size=1][Color=SlateGray]Stepping through the yellow door. Takuto seemed to be traveling through a large hall. At the end a bright Orb lay on a stone pillar. Advancing more quickly now, stepping into a small room, where the Orb was. Walking to it, he picked it up examing it.

"It is like my Digivice, it has the crest of Hope." Takuto was shocked, [I]How could this have gotten here, also, why is it the crest of Hope?[/I] Before he could think anymore a voice rang out.

[I]"Let's begin shall we, I will use this [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Gizamon.html]Gizamon[/URL]."[/I] The voice was hard and cold, ringing through the large hallway.

It appeared right infront of Takuto, the spikes on it's back sliced through Takuto's skin as it lept into him. The blood trickled down his chest, his white shirt basically ripped in-two. Yelling out in pain, the orb falling from his hands. Landing with a sharp [B]thump[/B] and rolling behind Takuto.

Pushing himself up with his right hand, Takuto held his chest with his other. The blood flowed between his fingers, standing he reached into his poket, pulling out the Digivice.

"Crest Weapon Activate!" His voice called through the hall, in a instant his axe was in his hand.[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Lance threw open the grey door and gazed around.He was inside of a hall and the walls were covered with odd markings. Lanterns outlined the sides of the wall,"Heh. this looks promising". Lance walked forward cautiously, unsure of what he may encounter.

"Man, have I got a bad feeling about this....I only hope I'm wrong." He walked forward into the main room and walked around a bit. He was amazed by the size of this room,"Wow....I wonder. What would a place like [I]this[/I] be doing in the Digtal World?" He kept walking forward untill he came to two statues surronding a pillar. He took a closer look at the pillar to discover that there was an orb sitting upon it.

He picked up the orb and observed it. "Intersting..."he muttered to himself,"this orb appears to have the symbol of Reliability on it. I wonder if It's linked to me in any way..."

Suddenly from the shadows came a cruel spine-tingling voice,"The holder of the crest of Reliabillity... can you rely upon your own skills to defeat my [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Koemon.html]Koemon[/URL]?"

A creature dived from the ceiling and slammed his fists onto Lance's head. Lance collapsed onto the floor and the orb bounced out of his hand. He went to reah for it, when Koemon jumped in front of him, shaking it's finger.

Lance jumped up,"You dare mock me?" He grabbed his digivice and pulled it out,"CREST WEAPON ACTIVATE!!" His daggers then appeared in his hands,"Now let's get this ov---" Koemon jumped up and kicked Lance in his jaw. Lance was thrown across the room. He looked up and rubbed his jaw,"Alright. This may be harder than I thought..."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Upon entering the room, Kenmei found that it was fairly well lighted. The torches on the walls burned dimly, that shadows weren't fall on to the walls in irregular patterns. Back towards the beginning of the hall, back to the hall way that lead in from the door. She looked back. The hall seemed desolate and forlorn. Kenmei turned back forward and continued until she saw something glowing.

There was a gray, stone, pedestal. There was a grove that was on the inside, there were small symbols. Breaking away and cracked, most likely because of the pedestal's location. Inside the groove there was a glowing orb. Staring it thing shimmered a faint pink then died down again. But along the walls the shadows begun creeping back.

Taking a few steps, she reached out her hand. Letting it rest on top of the orb. She could feel a light breeze creeping around her hand then the rest of her body. Slowly and carefully she took it out. Holding it with both hands she examined it. Looking closely, into the clear/transparent orb, she could see the out line of the French curved heart. But it glowed faintly. After a few more seconds she couldn't see it anymore and the breeze that went around her went away. There was a smooth, eerie laugh behind her in the darkness.

"How sad." it said, still laughing, "Wouldn't you like to be put out of your desolation. Leave this world, and yours?"

She turned around two, small, red slits appeared in the shadows. They disappeared and a being started to emerge. Kenmei backed up only to find the pedestal in her way. Clutching the orb against her chest she used her other hand to reach for the DigiVice in her pocket. The thing saw this and smirked. It rushed at her, with it's large claws it cut into her arms while pushing her back breaking the pedestal.

It looked over her and kicked her. Shoving her into more broken rock. She clutched her right hand...Empty? The orb was gone. She turned over and faced the ground, she felt like crying but held back the feeling. Dust hung in the air she inhaled some in and coughed. Some blood flew out and hit the ground. Growing angry, she whispered; [i]"Crest Weapon, Activate."[/i] She could feel the little thing turn into sleek wood. She angled it at the ground and forced her self up, although her back and neck hurt badly. She stared at the Digimon. He held it within the tips of her right claw.

"If you wish to go down fighting, so be it." he laughed again, "I am [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/ArcaDemonRookie.html]ArcaDemon[/URL], and I shall be your executioner."
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC Arg! I was nearly finished writing and my computer wiped the post out! Sorry if this isn't very good, I'm a bit pissed off now. :flaming: [/COLOR]

[COLOR=Indigo]Imi walked down a dimly lit corridor, humming as she went. She inspected her dress and was surprised to find that, as of yet, it wasn?t ripped.
"Good thing too." she said to herself, knowing that no one was listening, "After all, this is my favourite dress."
She smiled and fingered the hem of the dress lightly, thinking about it as she walked. It had been a gift from her Grandmother on her birthday, 3 months ago. About 5 weeks after Imi had celebrated her sixteenth her Grandmother passed away in hospital, giving up the fight to a growing cancer.
A tear ran down Imi's cheek, that was one of the reasons she was so cold. Her Grandmother had been one of the single most important things in her life and she lost her in a matter of weeks without ever telling her so.

Imi raised her head up, refusing to give in to the feelings inside of her, she was strong now and had a group of pretty amazing friends. She was going to beat this trail and show everyone that she wasn?t a little girl any more.

As she rounded a corner to the end of the corridor, she noticed an opening leading off to the right. It was like a doorway and the entrance was covered by beautiful white lace curtains. Imi stared at them in awe and lightly pushed them aside, sighing at the cool feel the material had against her skin.
As she walked into the room she noticed a pedestal in the centre. On it was a blue orb with a soft hue of light blue emanating from it.
Imi's crest of friendship was carved into it so naturally she walked forward and picked it up.

At that exact moment the room started to shake and a massive crack formed down the middle, throwing Imi to floor and causing her to drop the orb.
She winced and rubbed her backside, looking around to see what was coming.
When she looked to the ceiling she saw what was dreading, a Digimon.

A laugh rang out in the room and the Digimon descended to land in front of her.
"This is my slave, [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-l/Lucemon.html]Lucemon[/URL] and he will be the last thing that you ever see, pathetic human."

"Oh please." Imi snorted, "Get some original lines, you psychopath." she reached into her pocket and grabbed her Digivice,
She stood with her spear in hand and waited for Lucemon to make the first move.
The Digimon laughed, "You cannot win this battle...you are too weak!" with that Lucemon flew forwards and punched Imi before she could even blink, he then rounded on her and seemed to use his wings to slice a gash across her stomach.
Imi cried out in pain as blood started to spit from the wound, she sobbed lightly but used her spear to help her to stand,
"I will....not lose....."[/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC Was that okay?[/COLOR]
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"Good luck, O Fearless One." Darien smirked, patting Zeos good-naturedly on his back before striding through his green color-coded door.

It took a second for his pupils to adjust to the new surroundings, because the place he was in was completely dark and pretty scary, he had to admit. Blindly he reached out with his hands to his sides, and found that he was in some kind of narrow hallway of stone.

"I sense no danger here..." He remarked to no one, a bit of panic in his usually calm voice.

After a few minutes of aimless walking and whistling, he bumped into something tall and hard.

"Damnit, who puts a stupid...thing in the middle of a hallway?" He muttered angrily as he rubbed his throbbing head gingerly. As his eye's readjusted from the collision, he noticed that what he had hit was what looked to be a sort of pillar-sized pedestal that, had he not been the tallest of the group, he probably could not reach. Resting on the flat surface of the pedestal was a glowing green orb with a clearly visible tear drop on it's smooth outside.

"I really thought this would have been a bit more challenging..." He muttered cautiously, slowly extending his left arm out and resting it on the top of the orb. It felt warm to the touch, as if the glowing green mist inside of it was heating it like a small fire. Relaxation crept through his body and a shivery tingle sped up his spine. As soon as the feeling had come, it disappeared, replaced by manaical laughter throughout the hallway.

"Welcome, holder of Sincerity and Purity, to your doom. Your murderer today shall be my pet, [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Guilmon.html]Guilmon[/URL]."

Almost on cue, a red dinosaur-looking thing strode out from the shadows, it's monstorous claws hanging by its side, its face twisted with enjoyment.

"You really need some lines, man," Darien spat, stumbling around his pockets for his digivice.

The second he felt the gadget in his hands, the dinosaur flew through the air, it's claws on fire, straight into the defencless teenager. Darien cried out in pain as the fire burned through his black jacket, scorching his chest, then as the force of the attack sent him flying into the opposite wall.

"If you give up now, your death will be quick and painless, child." Guilmon laughed, walking calmly to the fallen human.

"Crest Weapon...Activate." Darien hissed between struggling gasps for air as he took hold of his Digivice. Blood trickled down from beneath his black hair as his Glaive appeared in his burned hands and he used it to lean on as he stood up defiantly.

"So be it, human! Your choice has given you the opportunity to die slowly and painfully as these teeth and claws rip through your flesh."

"Couldn't be more sadistical, could ya, Dino?" Darien smirked, twirling his weapon around in his hands with a new burst of energy and defiance.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[size=1][color=SlateGray]Takuto still held his chest as he dodged one of Gizamon's attack. Everytime he moved, pained surged through his body. His breathing was long and harsh, leaping forward Takuto slashed out at the Digimon, it easily dodged.

[I]"Is that all you can do?"[/I] Gizamon mocked in his hard like voice.

[I]Am I hurt bad? If I take the time to check the wound, Gizamon will again attack.[/I] Jumping into the air, Takuto released his hold on his chest, grabbing the Axe handle. Blood dripped slowly down it, striking down hard, Takuto tried for one desperate hit.

[I]"Ha ha![/I] Laughing sarcastically, Gizamon stepped to the side.

Takuto's axe sliced easily through the Pillar that once held the orb. [I]The orb![/I] Turning around, looking at the Orb, it was still there. For that small moment, he was not paying attention, he was attacked once again. Gizamon lept into the air, spinning it's small body making a small saw like motion. The spikes sliced into Takuto's back. Yelling in pain, he was flown into the wall.

"What can I do..." Pushing himself up, blood was dripping from his chest. The blood on his back was being soaked into his shirt. Also, his bottom lip was badly busted.[/size][/color]
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Elena stepped towards her door uncertainly. All the others went in with confidence, why can't I? Because I'm scared of failing again. Zeos's words of encouragement flowed through her mind. She felt stronger, more confident. As long as I don't lose Zeos or any of the others, I'll be alright. Elena stood up straight, ready to face her trial.

The door opened. Elena stepped in. In front of her was a very old stone altar with an orb on top of it. The orb glowed a soft pink. The symbol of light revolved around in the centre of it. Elena was entranced by the orb. Slowly, she reached out and touched it. It felt cool but oddly warm. Moving it off the altar, Elena held it near her chest, almost cradling it like a baby.

Suddenly the altar collapsed and a Digimon appeared out of the dust. Elena was coughing hard, her eyes watering.
" This is just one of my many minions sent here to destroy you and your friends. Say hello to Helldramon!" the Puppet Master's sick voice echoed through the room. Elena clutched the orb tightly in one hand and grabbed her Digivice with the other. She hesitated for a second. What if I can't change this thing into my whip? No, don't think like that. The others need you, you have no time to doubt yourself!!


A sharp crack spilt the air. The sound was music to Elena's ears. She stood there ready and waiting, like a real warrior.
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OOC: Uh, ULX, unless you want this to die you'd better let our characters figure out how to win soon, lol.

"HEAD SLAM!" Guilmon cried, charging headfirst at Darien. Darien, quite taken by suprise, had time only to brace himself. To no luck, the force of the attack sent Darien crashing into the pillar. He moaned painfully as the debris settled. Blood was flowing more freely now from underneath his hair and his eyes looked blurred and out of focus.

"Words cannot describe how gratifying this is, human." Guilmon sighed, taking the liberty to let Darien stand up, leaning hevily again on his Glaive. A strike of realization flashed across his mind and he spun around. The sphere, thank god, did not break and was sitting on a large piece of debris.

"RAPID CLAW!" This time, Darien was ready. As Guilmon charged at him once again, Darien held his Glaive up. As Guilmon reached attacking distance, Darien swung it to the left, striking the Digimon beside the head. Only slightly phased, Guilmon brought it's right claw in a downward strike, slashing Darien's chest. This wound wasn't as deep as the others, but Darien stumbled back, nonetheless.

"Damn, this doesn't look to good." He muttered through gritted teeth as he glared at the red dinosaur.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Imi held her stomach, the blood was starting to flow rapidly and she was feeling weak from just standing, then , a flash of Lance came across her mind, banishing all of her previously clouded thoughts.
She saw with a light across the whole room and she felt a new energy flow through her,
"So this is what adrenalin is?" she laughed.
Lucemon looked at her like she was going crazy, "Talking to yourself already, girly? You look like you belong on a shelf rather than fighting in a battle.....haven?t you realised that you are what is holding everyone back?"
Imi stopped and looked up at the Digimon, he was right...even though she hated to admit it.

Since the start Imi had been a bitch and had held everyone back and even caused fights between Lance and Zeos. She was nothing but trouble.

Her spear disappeared into data and her Digivice formed in her hand once again.

Lucemon smirked and flew over to stand beside her, he leant over and whispered in the girls ear,
"If you join me...you will never feel weak again, I will give you unimaginable power." he smirked and paused, making sure that Imi was taking this in before he continued,
"Those children, they aren't your real friends...the one they call leader, he hates you and wishes you weren?t there, I should know."
Imi looked up with anger and sadness in her eyes, she knew what Zeos thought of her,
"But what abou-"
"Lance?" Lucemon finished, "Hah! He doesn?t care about you either! He just thought you were something pretty that was worth pursuing, I can guarantee, that when you go back to your home you'll never hear from him again."
Imi looked down and like a fool, she believed him.
"Fine then," she said finally, "I don?t need them." with that she stood up, her wound still bleeding. She looked at Lucemon,
"I'll side with you if you promise that you'll leave Uchiyama for me?"
Lucemon nodded and the two shook, binding Imi into a deal she would wish she never made.[/COLOR]

[B]OOC: Okay...I decided to go...freaky, I thought this would add some depth to the story-line, I hope it?s okay with you ULX[/B]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]OOC: DaisukeAngel, you're probably right. I was kind of hoping everyone would post but...


Zeos made his way slowly down the hall. At the end, he saw a torch-lit room. In the center of the room was a pedistal, and on it was a small crimson orb.

"What the?"

He picked it up and looked at it. It was warm, and the symbol for Courage was enscribed on it.

"Wierd. It's all...warm."

Zeos shrugged and slipped the orb into his pocket. Just as he turned, a cackling rang out through the room.

"Pitiful human, prepare to face my strongest warrior yet!"

A small, bipedal orange dinosaur walked into the room. He looked up at Zeos with sad eyes before the Puppet Master's eye flashed on his forehead.

"DIE!" the beast bellowed.

"Saw goodbye, for you die at the hands of Agumon!"

Agumon began to transform. His claws grew larger and barbed, his teeth changed into stake-knives (not literally), his tail grew from a stub to something respectable, and his skin darkened.

"This is not good," sighed Zeos. "CREST WEAPON ACTIVATE!"

His digivice transformed as well, becoming the katana. Zeos readied himself for battle.

"Let's go, scales," he said, grinning.

"BLACK PEPPER!" the dino roared.

Agumon fired a black fireball that Zeos barely dodged, and it caused the rock wall behind him to shatter. The reptile raced forward and lashed out with his hooked claws, catching Zeos's arm. The talons cut a deep gash in his flesh. The warrior of Courage let out a grunt of pain, and swung around with his sword, the blade biting into Agumon's shoulder. It just barely cut the skin.


Agumon lashed out with his tail, knocking Zeos to the ground. A black fireball struck him, and the world dimmed as he cried out in pain. Blast after blast struck him, causing indescribable anguish.


The fire died away and the katana changed back into a Digivice. Zeos was nearly unconscious.

"Now, finish him," said the cold voice of the Puppet Master.

Zeos looked up at the out-of-focus Agumon. The world was hazy and dark.

"But make sure to take the orb before you kill him!"

[I]The orb![/I]

Zeos pulled the orb out of his pocket, using all of his energy.

"Ahh, giving in, eh? Good idea. Perhaps I'll let you live."

[I]How do I use it? What do I do?[/I]

The orb slipped from Zeos's fingers and rolled across the ground. As it rolled towards his Digivice, the electronic device began beeping and flashing.


"No! Stop him!"

Inspiration struck Zeos. Running on auto-pilot, he picked up the Digivice and yelled, "DOWNLOAD!"


The orb flashed and broke down into data. It moved into the Digivice, and the device beeped.

"Now, Puppet Master," said Zeos, strength beginning to return. "Time to show you what I can really do! CREST WEAPON ACTIVATE!"

The Digivice transformed again, but this time, instead of being a regular katana, it had the symbol for Courage enscribed on the blade.

He pointed the sword at the feral reptile, and pulled it back into a battle stance.

"Now, you die! METEOR BLADE!"

The teen swung down with his sword, moving straight at the ground. As it swung, fireballs shot off towards the Dinosaur, pelting it with flame. It roared as hundreds of fireballs struck it, burning it.

"Now die, Puppet!"

The dino let out one last roar as Zeos dug his katana straight into it's gut. It burst into data, charging into the katana.

The temporary strength Zeos had recieved faded, and he fell to the ground.

"I'll...I'll just take a short nap..."


OOC: Okay, there you have it. Time for special attacks. You see how to defeat the evil now. And I really hope I haven't waited too long, because I really want this to continue.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]The ArcaDemon charged at her again. Pinning Kenmei against the wall, she dropped her boh. Watching as it rolled away; it glow and then turned back into her DigiVice. It's claws cutting into her shoulder. Struggling, she found that it made it hurt more and the claws go deeper. The thing began to laugh. Bring up her left leg, she kneed it in the abdomens and then kneeled it. Using the wall to her advantage in her movements. Falling to the ground she pushed her self up against the wall and looked around the room to find where everything had gone.

Locating it, she pushed off the wall and dove for it. Taking up the DigiVice began to beep. [i]Where's the sphere? Does...Does the ArcaDemon still have it?[/i] Standing, Kenmei looked around to spot the ArcaDemon. She couldn't see him, and he had to still be within the room. Standing she looked around and then to the ground. Her blood had spattered everywhere yet she couldn't feel as much pain as she knew she should have. Had her senses gone numb? Out of the corner out of her eye she could see a quick shimmer of light. "CREST WEAPON; ACTIVATE" The boh returned to her hand and she charged into the darkness swathing at the flashes of light.

Something hit the ground, she backed out to the places that weren't covered in shadows. Looking to the area of where she had heard it there was a pink glow. Running she picked it up and held it by here weapon. From where she held her boh...It felt like blood was being bumped threw it. Confused she looked at the items held within her hands. Both glowing violently, she wrapped a loosing cling of the chain around the sphere. She waited, Kenmei would have to let the ArcaDemon make the first move.

Quickly she glanced around and them looked back...The sphere was gone. Before she could do something, she slammed into the ground. The Arcademon slowly driving rocks up as it came closer to cutting her neck. She could feel strands of her hair being cut away. Stabbing the ArcaDemon, she was able to slouch up. Bent over she stood up straight and screamed; [i]Love's Sorrow![/i] As the it came back again for an attack.

Swatting the enemy with her boh she twirled it. Letting the chain fly freely, it twisted it's self around the things wrist. The AcraDemon couldn't move. Using the energy she had left, she took a few swift steps to the side and used the boh like a bat. Smashing it into the wall, dust flew around the room. Waiting she could see streams of light disappear and the AecaDemon was no where in sight. Kenmei's boh turned back into her DigiVice.

"I'm still here..." Kenmei said in a satisfied voice.

She smiled lightly, as she watched a door open. In that second, light seemed to hit every cornor of the room. And she could feel the ain in her body again. Shaking her head she walked out limping.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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A black snake slithered out of the dust. It had bright purple eyes and 12 inch fangs. Elena stood ready.
" Prepare to die human," the Pupper Master's voice boomed out.
" You first," Elena said and charged. She leapt up into the air and brought the whip cracking down on Helldramon. It caught the whip with its tail and threw Elena against the stone walls hard. Her head smacked against it, dazing her.
" One shot and she's gone. Helldramon, grab the orb," the Puppet Master said.
" Yessssss masssster." It slithered towards Elena. She could see its hypnotising movements as it slithered towards her. Struggling to her feet, Elena clutched the orb closely.
" Just admit you are defeated," the Puppet Master taunted.
" Never, not when my friends' lives also hang in the balance. I would fight to my death to keep them breathing!" She cracked her whip in defence, keeping Helldramon at bay for the moment.
" Then YOU WILL DIE!" Helldramon lunged at Elena, who was still dazed, and sunk its fangs into her side. She withheld a scream of pain. Helldramon recoiled and went to lunge again only to hit a stone wall. Elena had managed to duck and crawl to the other side of the room, the orb still in her hand. Her whip returned to its Digivice state. Elena's breathing was heavy. Darkness started to cloud her vision.
" No....must....stay.....awake."
" Ah she's talking to herself. Isn't that cute? Oh well, Helldramon finish her off!"
Images of her friends drifted across her mind's eye: Imi kissing Lance, Darien's famous one-liner of 'wild monkey sex', Kenmei talking to her, Takuto and Reis laughing their heads off at the campfire and her burying herself into Zeos's chest. They were her friends, her family. She would fight to the end to protect them. This wasn't the end, this was merely the beginning. The beginning of their quest to stop the Puppet Master, no matter what. He was going to turn this beautiful world into something monstorous, something always blanketed by a cloud of darkness. NO! That was not going to happen! Light always defeats the darkness, no matter the consequences.

Elena stood up, her eyes looking down on the ground. She held out her hands. The orb floated about 2 inchs above them. Elena looked up. Fire burned inside her eyes and inside her heart. Helldramon stopped his advance.
" You are wrong Puppet Master. This is not my day to die!"
The orb turned into a revolving ball of data with the symbol of light in the centre of it.
" HELLDRAMON, GRAB THE ORB!" Helldramon lunged at Elena. She smiled.
" Not likely. DOWNLOAD!" The data swirled around and then entered her Digivice she now held with both hands. " CREST WEAPON ACTIVATE!"

The Digivice separated into two and formed into two whips. On the handles, the symbol of light was burnt into the leather. Elena felt revitalised. She saw Helldramon launch itself at her and dodged it. Helldramon crashed into the wall. It got up dazed.
" Now Puppet Master, say goodbye to your minion. SCYTHES OF LIGHT!" She cracked both whips and two boomerangs of light raced at the dazed Helldramon. They cut the side of the Digimon and slowly, it turned into data and flew off. The whips combined into one and turned back into her Digivice.

Slowly, Elena made her way back out to the foyer. She walked to Zeos's door which was cracked open. She climbed through it to see Zeos on the floor, his right cheek slightly burned and his arm bleed profusely. Elena stumbled over to him, the pain in her sides almost unbearable. She checked his arm. She tore off a piece of her jacket and wrapped it around Zeos's wounded arm. Then she touched his burnt cheek. The skin was still hot and starting to blister already. Elena closed her eyes.
" One last go..." Her hand glowed white and healed most of Zeos's burn. However, healing him to away the last bit of energy she had. Elena looked at his face and smiled.
" I wish you feel the same way about me as I feel about you Zeos......" She collapsed out of exhaustion, landing on his chest.

OOC: Awww ain't this romantic?? lol she's almost obsessed with him but that's what happens when you're in love
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Imi felt herself become stronger and she smirked, looking at her new partner, Lucemon. He looked at her and nodded, the two walked out through the corridor and into the hall were the group had first entered.

Some the other were there save Zeos and Elena, Kenmei looked around and saw Imi with Lucemon,
"What the? Imi, you're supposed to kill them not make friends with them!" she shouted, summoning her weapon.
Imi smirked, "It's not you I'm after...so don't you worry."
Lucemon cut in, "Where is your leader, the one called Uchiyama?"

Kenmei twitched and stayed silent, but then Imi heard a distant thud from one of the rooms. Her head snapped around and she sprinted for the entrance, summoning her weapon as she went.

Kenmei and Reis shouted and went to run after Imi, they knew what had happened. Lucemon laughed and flew down to block there way, "Going somewhere?" he asked sarcastically as he started to attack the two fighters.

Imi ran down the corridor to find Elena and Zeos on the floor, a pool of blood around the boy. She walked over to the two, tapping her spear on her shoe as she went.
"Girl." she said coldly and Elena looked up groggily, she was then literally wrenched off Zeos, much to her surprise, and dumped on the floor hard.

She cried out when she saw it was Imi but the blue haired girl just smirked,
"Now, do you want to watch me beat the shit outta him....or are you gong to leave?"
Elena glared and tried to stand but she fell back down, too drained to do anything for Zeos. Imi laughed,
"You really are pathetic!" with that she kicked Elena square in the jaw, knocking her against a wall.

Imi then rounded on Zeos, her now sworn rival. She poked him hard in the back with the end of her spear and he groaned slowly he lifted his head and Imi helped him up,
"Hey Zeos, are you okay?" she asked politely, sounding like a complete angel.
Zeos grumbled and saw who it was, "Yeah, I feel okay I gue--" he was cut of by a fist to his cheek.
He fell back and shouted, glaring at Imi.
She smirked, "Do you think I really care about how you are? Listen, jerk, I'm with the Puppet Master now and you?re in our way...I'm making it my mission to take you out first....." she looked over her shoulder at Elena, "She'll be next."
Zeos glared and then spat on the floor near Imi, "I never thought you could sink so low...you really are a heartless bitch."
"Oh spare me the sweet talk, hon." Imi scoffed, "Call your weapon and let's fight!"[/COLOR]

[B]OOC Yeah, battle time, ULX since this is your area, the floor is yours. Have fun[/B]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Zeos slowly staggered to his feet. He was tired, drained, and bloodied. Elena lied on the ground next to him, unconscious. Imi stood in front of him, smirking and wiedling her spear.


The Digivice changed into the Sword of Courage, and Zeos braced himself for the onslaught.

"Bring it on, bitch," the teen spat.

"Gladly," sneered Imi.

She hadn't done any fighting, and easily outclassed Zeos. Her speed was double, her strength and endurance higher. She didn't wince with every move, cry out at the slightest touch from the blade. She was playing it cheap, and didn't care at all.

"Why don't you fight back, Fearless Leader?" Imi sang.

Her spear cut a gash across Zeos's chest. She swung it around and smashed the blunt end into his cheek, sending him crasing to the hard stone floor.

"Well, that was dissappointing," she scoffed. "But, I guess I shouldn't've expected any better from this pile of arrogance and stupidity."

"Don't..." Zeos croaked. "Call...me...stupid!"

With inhuman speed, the katana flashed and bit into Imi's arm. Blood flowed freely from the wound, and Imi howled in pain. She pulled loose and swung with her spear, but Zeos dodged with ease and came around with a hilt-to-the-head. Imi reeled and collapsed against the pedistal.

"METEOR BLADE!" Zeos bellowed.

The fireballs shot off and struck Imi hard. Fire scorched at her body and caused her to scream in agony. Some also struck Lucemon, blackening his feathers.

"It's time I returned to the Puppet Master," said the fallen angel. "I bid thee good luck, human fool," Lucemon scoffed.

"No!" Imi croaked. "You were going to help me!"

"You were but a Puppet to my masters great power. You may have stood a chance if you understood your power."


"It lies in your Crest, stupid girl."

"He's saying Friendship is your strength," said Zeos, glaring at her. "And I had the Courage to stand and fight. You can't win now. I have outclassed you."

As Imi fell to the ground, the world turned to black. All around faded into night.


OOC: Imi and amgoddess, if you post before me, please have Elena and Zeos tending to Imi. We want Imi back, and need to show her Kindness.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]The Koemon jumped right above Lance and came down at full speed. Lance narrowly dodged out of the way. Koemon spun around and landed a punch in Lance's chest.

"Argh!"Lance was knocked into another wall,"Damn it! Is there no way to beat this thing?"

Koemon danced around, mocking him. It then sat down and began making faces at him. Lance's temper was growing steadily. Koemon suddenlylept up, turned around and started walking off,"You're not worth it..."

Lance's anger reached t's peak and he jumped up in anger. He lunged towards Koemon, blindly,"Why you little b----!" He drove one of his blades into Koemon's back and slashed him with the other. Koemon jumped away and brushed off his back,"Hmmm...is that all you got?"

Lance was baffled,[I] How do I defeat this thing? Maybe if I had something to power my weapon..[/I]suddenly it occured to him, [I]the orb!![/I]He changed his daggers back into digivices and ran towards the orb.

Koemon sneered,"Hah! Look at the digidestined run with his tail between his legs! How pathetic!!"

Lance grabbed the orb and smiled at Koemon,"You had an advantage, and now so do I". He put the orb in front of his digivice. Koemon began yelling frantically,No!! Don't!! You can't!!" Lance put on his half-assed smile,"Watch me...DOWNLOAD!" The orb began data and the digivice absorbed it."CREAST WEAPON ACTIVATE!!" His daggers reappeared in his hand.

Koemon growled nervously, the became cocky again,"Hah! You don't really think that you can defeat me now do you?" He lunged at Lance,"THE PUPPET MASTER IS ALLL POWERFUL! NONE CAN DEFEAT HI--" "Shut up and take this...AQUA GLYPHS!! Lance was encircled in odd glyphs that floated around him. He concentrated and the glyphs began firing off aquatic energy in random directions. He was blasting the room to peices.

Koemon smiled,"You can't even ai! You'll never beat me!!" Lance looked straight at him and focused every part of his buddy at Koemon. [I]Really...[/I]sudenlly all the shots were directed towards Koemon. "NO!!!" Koemon screamed out just before he burst into data. The data went straight into Lance's dagggers, and then they transformed back into a digivice. He turned around and noticed that the door was open once again,"Wonderful..." he muttered as he limped out.

He walked through the door and was amazed by what he saw. Imi and Elena lay there unconcious and Zeos and Kenmei was on the verge of collapsing. He tried to walk towards them but he collapsed. "Imi..." The next moment all was dark.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Elena's eyelids fluttered opened. The vague images of Kenmei and Zeos hovered above her. She turned her head to see Imi laying beside her and Lance propped up against a wall. She struggled to get up.
" Elena, you're awake!" Kenmei said happily. Elena coughed violently, covering her mouth with her hand. When she uncovered her mouths, splatters of blood were on her palm. Zeos looked at it with a little concern on his face. He wiped it away with the bandage Elena made for him out of her jacket. She touched the burn on his face softly.
" Are you ok now?" Elena asked him. He nodded in reply. She looked from Kenmei to Imi to Lance. Zeos was tending Imi's wounds. A fleeting feeling of jealousy passed through her body.
" I'll go help Lance." Slowly, Elena made her way to him and looked at his injuries. A few minor cuts and bruises from what she could see. The pain in her side where Helldramon sunk his fangs into, was becoming almost unbearable. After about 15 minutes, Lance's eyes opened. He saw Elena tending to his wounds. She didn't look so good. But the only thing on his mind was...
" Where's Imi?" he asked as he sat up straight. Elena smiled.
" She's over there," Elena said weakly, nodding her head in the direction of her, " But she's still unconscious." Lance nodded and managed to join Zeos, Kenmei and Imi under his own steam, leaving Elena alone. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably. Now, she was terrified of Imi because of what happened. Her fear was great and she didn't want to go anywhere near her for a while, until the Imi she knew returned. Elena leant against the wall, she coughed violently. More blood. She quickly rubbed it on the ground so no one could see. She watched the others tend to Imi.
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[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]"You've got no idea, human. And don't think I'll be taking it any easier on you." Guilmon sneered, flicking it's claws, Darien's blood splattered against the nearby wall, like Guilmon was cleaning them.

"What do you mean, 'taking it easier on me?' When have you done that!? " Darien asked with a bit of unusual panic in his voice.

In the most nasty way of replying to this question, Guilmon took advantage of Darien's incredulous state and shouted [i]head slam![/i] and sent Darien crashing back into the pile of rubble.

"Why don't you just kill me now." Darien found himself moaning as new bruises appeared and old ones turned different colors.

"What fun would that be?"

"The man has a point..." Darien muttered, using his Glaive to half-heartedly stand up. The second before he was about to stand firm and tall, his Glaive gave way and transformed back to his Digivice. Unstable and still very weak, Darien stumbled to gain balance but, rather comically, fell flat on his face.

"Pathetic!" Guilmon laughed, tears of pure joy leaking from his eyes. Darien groaned in perfect Anime style, laying flat on the ground, his digivice still clutched in his hand. Straining his neck, Darien looked around. To his suprise, the Orb had rolled off its stand and was glowling, right next to his right hand, the hand that held the digivice.

"Down...load?" He muttered, a new sense of hope and an idea striking him.

Next second, it was glowing in such a fierce way, that Darien had to squint his eyes almost-shut to prevent any more pain.

"No! Guilmon! Don't let it-!" The Puppet Master's voice screamed in the silence, as Guilmon had quickly stopped laughing and was staring at Darien in shock.

Almost instantly, the Orb changed into glowing green energy and his Digivice sucked it in. Smirking, Darien lept up, a new wave of strength and spirit crashing into him.

"CREST WEAPON ACTIVATE!" His Glaive reappeared in his scorched and bloodied hands, but he stood tall and defiant without a wince of pain.

"Get him, you fool!" The Puppet Master shrieked. Guilmon, like snapping out of a daze, roared and charged at Darien.

"[i]Pure Soul![/i]"

Guilmon froze in fear, as Darien's eyes glowed a faint green and he lifted his Glaive straight up into the air with is left hand. It started glowing green, gaining brightness quickly. In one sudden flick of his wrist, Darien pointed it straight down then thrusted it downwards and stoped suddenly when the very tip of the top of the Glaive was inches near the ground.

"Good bye, b*stard." Darien said calmly, tilting his head slowly and smiling.

In the next second, green light erupted from the ground underneath Guilmon's feet. His screaming could be heard, but nothing could be seen. Darien stopped smiling and gasped, feeling all the energy he had just had exit his body, plus the draining of the energy it took to power the attack.

The last tangible thing he saw before his vision was blurred by pain and weakness, was Guilmon reappearing from the light, falling face-first, but vanishing into nothingness before it hit the ground.

His Glaive fell with a clang to the ground as Darien's knees buckled and he fell to the ground, sideways, loosing all intelligent thoughts into blackness.

OOC: Okie dokie, I wanted to be different from everyone else, so I made Darien using his strongest attack, which leaves him weak in spirit and physically. And the fact that Darien was probably beat up the worst by his Digimon (what can I say? I like character torture, lol.) doesn't help much. So, I figured him being unconcious for a while could give some time for the people who haven't finished fighting some time before we leave without them, lol. Hope this is ok, ULX. I just don't want anyone to give up on this, it has alot of potential.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Zeos was slumped against a wall, in an incredible amount of pain.

First he delt with a fire-breathing that tore a deep gash in his arm, and then he had to fight Imi who worked a number on him. He was tired, he was hurting, and he had to go on.

Imi was unconscious, Elena was beat up horribly, and Kenmei was on her last legs, the only one of them who wouldn't be in the Emergency Ward right now. Yet Zeos knew, he had to go on, and make sure they made it out alive.

He was the Fearless Leader. He was the Warrior of Courage.

He was Elena's hope.

"Imi..." came a weak cry.

Zeos turned and saw Lance fall to the ground. He looked half-dead, just like the rest of them.

"Lance!" Zeos yelled.

The silver-haired warrior struggled to rise. Pain shot up and down his body as he pushed off from the wall. He went five steps, and collapsed, more agony tearing through him. An anguished cry tore loose from his throat.

"Zeos!" Kenmei and Elena chorused.

"I'm...okay," he grunted, through gritted teeth.

With his good arm, he pushed up from the ground, and made his way back onto his feet. Swaying, he walked to Lance's unconscious body.

"He's alive," Zeos announced. "Pretty good, by our standards."


OOC: Short, yes, but it gets the job done. I'm just re-emphasising how much of a toll this has taken on the Digidestined.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Elena looked around. Lance, Imi, Zeos and Kenmei were the only ones who had gotten out so far. [I]What about Darien, Takuto or Reis? Were they still in there, getting beaten to within an inch of their lives?[/I] Tears welled up in Elena?s eyes. [I] No, I want them to live, to see what life has in store for them. If one person were to die in this world, during this adventure, I would want it to be me. I?d rather stay in this world for eternity then go back to our world. I have a little strength left in me. This will make Kenmei and Zeos?s lives a bit easier? for now. [/I]

Elena moved to around the corner so the others couldn?t see her. She grabbed her Digivice out of her pocket. Tears splashed down onto the screen. Suddenly light came from her chest as the symbol of light glowed in front of her. She closed her eyes.
? Powers of Light, please give Kenmei and Zeos the strength to help the others.?
The symbol glowed brightly for a second. Then two light beams shot from the symbol and headed for Zeos and Kenmei. It hit both of them in their backs. They felt warm and a little stronger. Elena moved herself over to them after the symbol had vanished.
? Are you guys ok now??
? Yeah we?re ok,? Zeos replied, smiling at her. Kenmei nodded in agreement.
? Oh good. I?m going to take a little rest now?? Elena started before falling asleep in Zeos?s lap. Kenmei smiled.
? Zeos??
? Yeah??
? You know that Elena cares for you a lot??
? I know.?
? How do you feel about her??
? I?..I dunno. Let?s just help the others first before we worry about that,? Zeos replied, moving Elena?s head out of his lap and started tending to Imi and Lance?s wounds. Kenmei looked worried but started helping.
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