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Digimon: Dark Virus


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[size=1][color=SlateGray] OOC :Note: I am still in the Hall, Room, etc.


Leaning himself against the wall, Takuto gasped as pain went through his body. Greeting his teeth, he stared at Gizamon. It?s spike?s located on it?s back, were covered with blood, Takuto?s blood. Gizamon seemed not to be worried about the Human, it was interested in the Orb.

?You? will not get that, Gizamon!? Takuto lunged straight forward, how, he did not know.

His Axe flying held firmly in his hands, the blade slicing through the air, itself. Gizamon looked up, it?s eyes glittering in the dancing light. It?s back blades quickly countered the attack. Although, one of the spikes was sliced in two.

?Why you!? Gizamon jumped onto Takuto?s shoulder.

Its small, lethal fangs piercing through the Shirt, than through the skin. Takuto was in rage, he reached up grabbing the Digimon?s tail. Trying his best, he could not pull the Creature off, every time he pulled, sharp pains surged through his shoulder. [I]The wall! I could use the wall![/I]. Charging straight forward, he tackled the wall, the Digimon?s spike?s digging themselves into the Rock. There it tried to free itself, Takuto was on his knees, breathing heavily. All his wounds was opened, he was losing blood and fast.

?Let me out of this, Human!? Gizamon?s teeth was still covered with Takuto?s blood.

?You just stay there?? Pushing himself up, using his axe, he looked over his right shoulder.

There in the middle of the large room, was the Orb. It was glowing yellow, the crest of ?Hope? shown through it?s surface.. Instinct?s finally hit him, walking over he knelt over, only feeling a sharp pain in his Lungs. Quickly he grabbed the Orb, it?s smooth surface was warm to the touch. [I]Download! Use the Orb to defeat it![/I] It was that voice again, Takuto had learned to trust that voice.

?Crest Weapon, Download!? Holding the Orb to the blade of his Axe.

Data filled the room as the Orb soaked into the Axe. A bright yellow Aura, filled the room, trying to see through the light, Takuto protected his eye?s using his right hand. When the light had faded, their his Axe was floating in the air. On it?s blade was the crest of ?Hope? Energy surged through his body, for one last attack.

Pushing himself up, he reached out, grabbing the handle of the Axe. Looking over, he saw as Gizamon loosened itself from the wall.

?I will not do anything special for you, you do not deserve it.? Rushing forward, Takuto lept into the air.

His Axe?s blade was covered by that same bright yellow Aura. As he came down to the Digimon, it?s blade cut through the air, heading towards the Creature. As the blade hit the Creauture was furious.

?This is defiantly not the last time, Human, I will?? That was all it said, all it could have said.

The blade of his Axe, sliced through the body of the Digimon. Both pieces of the Creature started turning into small blue blocks. [I]Data![/I] All the small pieces of Data soaked into the Axe. The Axe itself seem to glow, and appreciate all the newly found power. As soon as the downloading process was over, a small door opened. Fresh air filled the room, also, his lungs. Walking to the door, the Digivice had turned back to normal, for that moment all he could recall, was slipping the Digivice into his Jean?s pocket. Lying on the floor, his body had collapsed.[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Imi's eyes slowly fluttered open and her blurry vision only let her see a few details.
She noticed silver hair and cold eyes, the face was blurry but she knew who it was,
"Zeos?" the girl muttered, Zeos' head jerk and he looked down at her.

"You shouldn?t speak." he said gruffly, tying a bandage around a wound on Imi's leg.

The blue haired girl groaned and sat up slowly, against the protests of Zeos and Kenmei, who was tending to Lance's wounds.

Imi looked at Zeos, then to Elena. Her bottom lip trembled and she started crying again.

"I'm so sorry!" she sobbed, her tears choked her voice and made the words hard to hear, but everyone knew what she would be saying anyway.

"I?ve done nothing but hinder all you and I?ve put your lives in danger.....you guys should just leave me here to die....it?s what I deserve!"

Zeos shook his head and looked to Elena, he brushed some her from the sleeping girls face and smiled sadly,
"No one deserves to die, Imi.....and no one should wish for death."

Kenmei nodded her head slowly as Lance started to come back around. He groaned and placed a hand to his forehead, his wounds were throbbing and blood was still seeping out of the gashes.

Imi's cut on her stomach was a mess, even though she could feel no pain it was bleeding badly and starting to get infected.
Her ties with the Puppet Master had not lasted long; neither did his pledge of giving her power.

Imi clenched her fists and punched the floor, cutting her knuckles. She gritted her teeth and looked at the ceiling, the tears in her eyes had dried up to be replaced by a cold stare.
"Kill him....we [I]must[/I] kill him...."[/COLOR]

[B]OOC: *over dramatic gasp* WRITERS BLOCK![/B]
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Muffled voices came from near her. Elena opened her eyes. She felt a little better. She had more strength then most of the others. Takuto had come out of his room, looking worse for the wear. Same with Reis and Darien. All had cuts and bruises all over them. Imi had awoken and was tending to Lance. Zeos and Kenmei were helping Takuto, Reis and Darien. Elena looked away from Imi and Lance and crawled over to Zeos and Kenmei.
? You?re awake!? Kenmei said, smiling.
Elena returned the smile. ? Yeah. Sorry to leave you guys to help the others. How are they??
? Imi has cuts and bruises that will heal in time. Everyone else is the same,? Zeos replied, not looking up at her. He tended to Reis ? Takuto and Darien had already been tended to by Kenmei. Elena nodded, relieved that everyone had come out alive.
? I?ll go get some firewood. It?s really cold in here. It?s going to be dark soon,? Elena said as she stood up, wincing slightly at her side.
Kenmei stood up with her. ? I?ll come too.?
? Ok.?
They both left and went looking for firewood. Zeos sighed heavily.
? What?s wrong Fearless Leader?? came a croaky voice from beside of him. Zeos practically jumped out of his skin. Darien laughed croakily.
? You scared the c*** outta me!!? Zeos swore.
? Yeah I sure did,? Darien replied, sitting up, smiling devilishly.

Kenmei picked up some small sticks for the fire. Elena bent down to pick up a fairly thick stick when she started coughing. Kenmei made her way over to Elena slowly, picking up any other sticks she could find. When she got to her, Elena lowered her hand from her mouth. Blood was all over it. Elena wiped it on the grass, not noticing Kenmei starting at her. She turned to her friend.
? Lets go back.?

Soon, the fire was crackling happily in the centre of the foyer. As well as firewood, Elena and Kenmei brought back some fruit and berries. Takuto and Reis were still out cold. Elena sat between them, her coat laying over the both of them so they could stay warm. She looked up at Zeos who looked deep in thought.
? Well, what now Zeos??
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[font=Verdana][size=2]OOC: Realy srry for not posting for so long but my life has been pretty chaotic the last week.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]IC: Reis was walking through the forest, loving the peace and silence it gave him. "This is so great, but how did I get here" he wondered to himself as he saw a black shadow.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"No not him again, god please don't be him again," Reis said as his whole world shifted. The 8 kids were now on a battlefield fighting Champion level digimon and were all losing badly. "It can't be the truth, but he's always been right before so how can it be a lie?" he questioned as he saw the shadow again.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"Reis I have been expecting you to appear in the Digital World for a long time now," the shadow said rising out of the ground and starting to take shape.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"Why do you never leave me alone? I thought I had finally got rid of you and everything you represented," he yelled. "You did and it worried me but now I'm back and now you shall know the true me," the shadow continued as the shadows grew into a winged monster.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"I am ShadowNightmon, I have always been around and now you will find out the wrath I have been given from your rejection, I warn you be careful when you sleep," it growled as it lunged at Reis. [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"Noooooooooo, leave me alone you demon," he yelled as his world shifted again. He saw thousands of lightning bolts clashing and striking the ground in front of him.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]His crest appeared in the sky as millions of raindrops poured down, drenching him within seconds. "What is this place and why did he show me us fighting those huge digimon?" he asked himself as from behind, his arm was slashed by the ShadowNightmon. [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"I'm back and it's time for you to die," he growled, cutting both of Reis's arms. Reis crashed into the ground from the intense pain. "Please....stop....." he moaned as he awoke from his sleep.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]He saw some of the others sitting around all bruised and cut. [i]How could this be I was just in torment, but if he's back that means so is the damage,[/i] he thought as he looked at his arms seeing the same cuts that ShadowNightmon had given him.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]OOC: Looks like Reis has an inner demon and maybe some sense of what will happen. Again srry for being gone so long. PM me if anything needs to be edited I'm still a little confused about the story line.[/size][/font]
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