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Hunters-Dark Blood


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Suddenly the black bulky wildcat strode towards Maura as she transformed.
[I]Maura, you're transforming![/I]
Maura looked up at the wildcat. " I know Ziarre. It's my father's curse."
Ziarre strode up to Maura, flung her onto her back and started sprinting towards the mansion.

A few minutes later they had arrived. Maura's transformation was almost complete. Carefully, Ziarre slid Maura onto the ground. Suddenly Ranpu barralled out of the forest and attacked Ziarre with his bared fangs. Ziarre yelped as Ranpu buried his teeth into her side.
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]" No!" Maura screamed but, Ranpu went on bitting and clawing at Ziarre. Maura grabbed at her head as her wounds suddleny closed. Her body surged with warmth and she screamed out in pain. The concouis part of her grew smaller and smaller intill it was just a whisper in a crowded room of shouting and screaming people. Maura's eyes turned an electric blue and her hair became longer and turned a deep shade a blue, her nails longer, and all of her wounds dissappeared. She raised her head and cast a hungry look at Ziarre.[/COLOR]
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Ziarre looked up at Maura. She flung off Ranpu who landed at the side of Maura. She got up slowly, reopening old wounds, mental and physical.
[B]Everyone is against me! Even Night. I thought these people were my friends....they're my family! And now they have turned against me! UNFORGIVABLE![/B]
Ziarre launched herself at Ranpu and tore big shreds out of his side. With Ranpu weakened, she turned to Maura. Ziarre leapt onto Maura, slamming her back against the ground, fangs poised for the kill.
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As Ziarre's fangs lowered, a shout came from behind. A rather large blade blocked the killing blow. Night stood there, covered in blood. A swift smash from Ziarre's claws knocked him flying. Rolling to a hault, he turned to the advancing wildcat.
"Ziarre! What the hell are you doing?!"
Another smash threw the hunter across the courtyard. Night was still for a moment, then slowly rose to his feet.
"Ziarre...listen to me. You are a hunter! You fight the demons! Fight your blood!"
Ziarre let out a roar, charging towards Night. The Hunter raised his blade, then tossed it to the side. He took the charge straight on. Akuma and Diana ran out of the forest. They watched as Night slammed against a tree. His wounds were severe, and he was coughing violently. Ziarre turned away from him, back to Maura. Maura had entered the mansion. Ziarre took a step.
She turned, watching Night rise slowly. The red cloaked hunter was staggering, blood dripping off him.
"Ziarre...d..dont do this...fight it...dont make me hurt you..."
Baring her fangs, she ran towards him. Letting out a roar, she raised her claws. Night lowered his eyes.
"Forgive me...Ziarre."
He faded away, the claws slashing harmlessely in the air. He appeared behind her. A slash from the broadsword tore open her back. She let out a roar, turning to meet Night. He was gone from view. She took another slash from her side. Whirling, she saw nothing.
"Ziarre! Im sorry!"
She looked up, where Night was falling with his blade. His eyes were glowing. The blade pierced her shoulder deeply. Night's wounds had finally caught up, and he fell unconscious in her arms. The blade dropped to the ground. Ziarre stared at the limp form, Night's blood running over her claws.
[I]His life is in your hands, Ziarre. Fight your blood![/I]
The wildcat looked aound for the voice. Night was breathing slowly, his heartbeat slowly weakening.
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"Ziarre! Im sorry!"
She looked up, where Night was falling with his blade. His eyes were glowing. The blade pierced her shoulder deeply. Night's wounds had finally caught up, and he fell unconscious in her arms. The blade dropped to the ground. Ziarre stared at the limp form, Night's blood running over her claws.
[I]His life is in your hands, Ziarre. Fight your blood![/I]
The wildcat looked aound for the voice. Night was breathing slowly, his heartbeat slowly weakening.[/QUOTE]

A silver tear formed in Ziarre's eye as she transformed back. She knelt there, holding Night in her arms. The tear splashed onto Night's face. Akuma and Diana stood there speechless. Their leader, the strongest of them, was about to die in her arms. Akuma and Diana watched as Ziarre struggled to her feet with Night in her arms.
" How can she pick him up?" Diana asked in wonder.
" She probably still has her wildcat strength," Akuma replied as Ziarre made her way into the mansion. She left a trail of her blood and Night's blood behind her as she walked.
Ziarre kicked open the door to Night's bedroom and laid him on the bed. She sat on the bed next to him and placed one hand over his heart, the other over hers. Night started to mumble but Ziarre shushed him. Suddenly Ziarre's hands glowed pure white as their heartbeats synchronised. A healing energy past from Ziarre's body to Night's. His wounds closed as her's opened further. Night's eyes opened. His vision was blurry but he could make out Ziarre's brilliant white hand on his chest. He felt better as his wounds completely closed. He could hear their heartbeats but this time they weren't in synch with each other. Ziarre's was getting slower while his was getting back to normal. He tried to sit up when Ziarre's warning came to him.
" Don't move. It's almost over."
Finally, the glow on Ziarre's hands faded. Night's vision became clear. He saw Ziarre staggering to his bathroom door. He heard a thump as Ziarre collapsed into the bathtub. He willed his body to move and slowly made his way to the doorway. Ziarre was in the bathtub, blood running down the drain.
" So that's why she's in here. She doesn't want to make a mess for Selino. Even on the brink of death she still worries about others."
Night crouched down next to her.
" What am I supposed to do?"

Akuma and Diana made their way to Maura's room with Selino ready to bandage both Ranpu and Maura up.
" Do you think Night and Ziarre will be ok?" Diana asked.
" Hmmmmm.....I hope so. For the world and our sake," Akuma replied. They headed into Maura's room.
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Night was still kneeling when he glanced towards his cabinet. The crystal shard was gone. He had a glazed look on his face. He looked back to Ziarre's face.
"I have to go..."
She was breathing weakly. Night brushed her hair out of her face.
"Im sorry...if...if I hadnt...."
Night leaned over. He kissed her.
"Im sorry. If Thyrale gets the shard..."
He rose to his feet. Buckling on his sword, he turned to the window. Selino walked in.
"Master Night! What are you doing?"
The hunter ignored him. He had discarded his trenchcoat, now wearing only a black bodysuit. Tears were at his shoulder blades.
"Selino. Ziarre is in the bathroom. Take care of her. When...if I get back, then all will be well. If I dont...then prepare for a demon invasion. They wont waste any time. Im going, and I dont care what anyone says."
Night leapt out the window. Selino took a step forward, then stopped.
"Very well, master Night."
He headed back into the bathroom to tend to Ziarre. Night was sprinting through the forest. He exited into the city, not stopping. He was breathing heavily.
[I]Is this life worth living? Do I deserve to play with the fate of this world?[/I]
Night shook his head. [I]Shut up Night! Now is not the time to doubt yourself You cant stop! For the other's....for Ziarre...[/I]
He was crying now, knowing he would not survive what he had to do. He headed into the wharehouse. Tylrian was there. Hefting the halberd, he grinned evily.
"Finally. I was wondering if you would even come. Nashyl has already delivered the shard to Thyrale."
Night hefted the blade. He ran straight towards the demon.
"I wont let you! I wont let you destroy this world!"
Tylrian laughed. The weapons clashed, and a shockwave blew outwards, destroying the wharehouse. Civilians ran, screaming. The two continued to battle.
[I]Ziarre...if I die...then I will regret this for years. I wanted to tell you...I love you....[/I]
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Poking and prodding awoke Ziarre. Her eyelids fluttered open. She could make out Selino's figure beside her.
" Night......." she whispered. Selino looked at her with almost tear filled eyes.
" Master Night has left. He's gone my dear."
" Night....has....gone?.....He....left.....us?" Selino nodded his head. A sharp zap made him leap to his feet. Lightning jumped from Ziarre's body. She struggled to sit up, coughing so violently that she cracked her head on a tap. Blood trickled down her forehead. She made no effort to stem the flow. Ziarre just sat there, blood dribbling from her not yet tended wounds. She went to stand up but Selino forced her back down.
" ZIARRE! Now you must stay here like Night said you had to!" Selino said, starting to get really infuriated. Ziarre looked up at Selino. He stumbled backwards out of shock. Ziarre looked like a zombie, the walking dead. She stood up and staggered out the doorway, leaving splatters of blood wherever she went.
" Must....get....to.....Night....."

Selino stood in the bathroom, still frozen in shock. [I]Ziarre looked exactly like Cassandra. And sounded like her too! Cassandra would sacrifice herself for Night, just like..............NO![/I] Selino rushed down to Akuma, Diana and Maura at top speed.

Night blocked Tylrian's attack. They had been fighting furiously for the past hour and now, Night was starting to make mistakes. He swung his sword at Tylrian only to see him dodge it quickly and attack. He nicked Night's non-sword arm, leaving a great gash in it.

Suddenly dark clouds conjured themselves out of nowhere and began to clutter the sky. Rain started pelting down so hard they could barely see the buildings around them. They both stopped and looked around confused. Night stared at the clouds. [I]Could this be Ziarre's doing? But she can only do that if she near us.....OH SHIT![/I] Tylrian watched Night's expression on his face with some amusement.
" What's this? Rain for Night to escape under?"
Night ignored him and looked around. Finally he saw what he was looking for. A slumped figure leant against a steel pole that was once part of the warehouse. Tylrian noticed what Night was looking at.
" What's that I spy with my little eye?" Tylrian quickly ran over to the slumped figure.
" You touch her and you will die in an instant!" Night growled. Thunder boomed overhead. Tylrian smiled and picked up the figure by its throat.
" So its a girl?" Tylrian smelt her. " Young, fresh, and most of all, pure. Oooo. What a lovely play thing I have now. I doubt that you would attack me with her with me. Unless of course, she doesn't mean anything to you." Tylrian started crushing her throat. Lightning struck the metal pole the figure was slumped against.
" No! Ziarre!"
" Ziarre is it? Well, Ziarre my pretty, you are mine now. My slave." He licked the side of her face. Night's anger was at boiling point. " Soon, her purity will be no more. Once I take her to Thyrale of course. Doesn't this seem oddly familiar?"
" You bastard. You or Thyrale lay on finger on her in that sort of way and I swear that both she and I will tear you, limb from limb."

Suddenly, a soft chanting started. Night heard it over the booms of thunder and the pelting of the rain. He looked towards Ziarre. Her mouth was the only part of her body moving. A great, thunderous roar came from the sky. Tylrian and Night looked up. Then everything went completely black.
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Night awoke in his bedroom, a ticked off Selino leaning over his bandages. Night raised his head slightly. Selino smiled.
"You really had us worried. When we finally found you, both you and Ziare were bleeding heavily. Tylrian had fled I suppose. Ah, dont move! Your ribs are near shattered, you have heavy external, as well as internal bleeding. Not to mention the burns on your face. He was using that acid halberd of his, wasnt he?"
Night nodded weakly. Then he jolted upwards.
"Is fine. She's resting in her room. She keeps surprising us over and over. Hold still. This is gonna hurt..."
Selino tightened a bandage on Night's arm, causing him to shout in pain.
"I am surprised you even have the strength to remain conscious."
"How long have I been out?"
"Oh, around three days. Ziarre's woke once. She muttered something, then went back to sleep. Oh, and I pulled this out of her hand."
The servant held up a yellow shard. Night laughed weakly.
"She mustve grabbed it when Tylrian picked her up. Least Thyrale doesnt have both shards now. AAAAUGH!"
Selino tightened the bandage around Night's thigh.
"True. But he still has one. If he gets the next shard, then he can..."
"I know Selino. It wont come to that. Give me the shard."
The aged servant handed him the shard. From her view point behind the door, Maura, who had been spying on the request of Ziarre, could barely see Night. Night stared at the shard for a second, then popped it into his mouth and swallowed it. Selino was wide eyed.
"Master Night! Was that wise?"
Night winced as the crystal made its way down his bruised throat.
"Have I ever done anything wise in my life Selino? At least this way, the shard can only be taken if I die."

Nashyl was leaning against a pillar in the chamber. Tylrian was kneeling before a rather large throne. Though the throne was empty, it was obviously made for a rather large creature.
"Im sorry my lord. Please forgive me!"
A voice boomed from the throne.
"Idiot! If you hadnt fought Night, I wouldve had both gems now! And then you get thrashed by a half breed! You ashame demons!"
"Forgive me my lord. I will go to the Hunter's mansion and-"
"You will not! You would probably die against them! Nashyl! Continue with the sacrifices. I want an army ready to attack the mansion by next week! We will get the shard, even if we must burn this city to the ground!"
Nashyl bowed.
"I will not fail you, my lord."
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Maura raced back to Ziarre's room. She opened the door to find Ziarre standing at the open window, looking out. The soft breeze made strands of her black hair fly out behind her. Maura walked up to her. Ziarre was dressed in a pure white summer dress. She liked to feel like an innocent in the daytime - only thing that kept her sane.
" Ziarre?"
Ziarre turned around. " Has he woken up?"
" Yeah, finally. Boy he had us worried. When he comes out, I'm gonna......" Maura started, getting frustrated.
" You're gonna do what?" Ziarre asked, leaning down to Maura and smiled sarcastically. Maura burst out laughing.
" I'm gonna kick his ass then hug him, or the other way around?"
Ziarre laughed. " You do that. I'd pay money to see you kick Night's ass!"
Maura frowned in disapproval. " Don't you think I could do it."
" Oh you could do it. It depends whether Night wants you to hug him or have his ass kicked first."
" Shut up!" Maura replied sarcastically. She gave Ziarre a playful shove.
" Come on squirt, we'll see what Mr. Night is doing," Ziarre said playfully, walking to the door. Maura spun around.
" Who you calling squirt?"
" You." Ziarre poked her tongue out at Maura and sprinted down the hallway, laughing.
" YOU'RE GONNA GET IT ZIARRE!" Maura yelled and took off after Ziarre.

Night heard laughing, running and yelling outside his door. Selino walked to the door to open it when it slammed open. Ziarre raced in, looking behind her. Night was mesmerised for a second but soon came back to reality when Ziarre hid behind him. Selino was about to close the door when Maura raced in.
" You are so dead Ziarre!" Maura said, creating a water ball in her hands. Ziarre looked from behind Night and sarcastically pretended to faint with fright. Selino chuckled to himself at their melodramatics.
" What is going on?" Night asked, really confused.
" Ziarre called me squirt! I hate that!" Maura said frustrated, ready to throw the water ball. Ziarre laughed. Night looked at Ziarre. She was so innocent and playful when it was daytime. He chuckled to himself softly.
" You really like to stir don't you?" Night asked Ziarre. She smiled up at him.
" Yup."

OOC: something a bit lighter. thought it would be good to have something a little normal for once ;)
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Night stared at Maura, who was trying to get a clear shot.
She stopped, pouting somewhat.
"Use an over hand lob to get it above my head at least."
Night reached back, gripping Ziarre around the middle. She looked confused for a second, then struggled. Maura had a wicked grin. She lobbed the water ball up. It flew gracefully over Night's head, landing with a nice sound against Ziarre's back. Night released her, struggling not to laugh. Ziarre stood there for a second, then then burst out laughing, along with Maura. Night stood there, biting his tongue. He knew what would happen if he laughed, but couldnt hold it in. He laughed as well, then doubled over as he held his ribs. He couldnt stop laughing, regardless of the pain. Selino was soon joining in. The room echoed with laughter. As it died down, Night sat down cautiously. He glanced up at Selino.
"When was the last time all the Hunter's ate?"
"I'll have the cooks work on it now. I'll let you know when its ready."
"Good. Get lots of food. Lots and lots of food. Hell, we'll have a party. Its due time anyway."
"Are you sure you can handle that?"
"I heal quickly."
Selino bowed, then sputtered as Maura leapt onto his back.
"YAY! Party!"
"Miss Maura! Wha-! Would you get off!? I cant-Whooaa!"
The pair staggered out the door, Selino still stuttering and staggering. Night held his laughter in for the sake of Selino's pride. He looked down at his torn outfit. Looking at Ziarre, he smiled sheepishly.
"Better get something else on...this barely covers me at all."
Ziarre cocked and eyebrow. She left the room, closing the door behind her. Sounds of movement came from Night's room. A few moments later, he opened the door, now dressed in a white muscle shirt and loose jeans. He looked down at himself.
"I hate civilian clothes. I feel so vulnerable."
He smiled again, then held out a crimson towel to Ziarre.
"You look a bit wet. Did you take a swim earlier?"
Ziarre dried off, then threw the towel into Night's laughing face.
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" You are just so nice," Ziarre said sarcastically, " And such a gentlemen too." She leant in close. Night could almost feel her heartbeat. She smelled of the forest and womenly scent. Suddenly a cool sensation touched his lips for a second. He saw Ziarre pull away. Something was wrong. Night thought she would be smiling at their momentary kiss but she wasn't. She looked up at him.
" I'm sorry, I overstepped the line," she said before sprinting down to the dinner hall, her hair and dress fluttering out behind her as she left. Night stood there in shock. The kiss. It was what he wanted, it was what she wanted, but why did she run off like that?
[I]Because you have never told her face-to-face how you feel[/I], his mind said to him,[I] Maybe because you are still her superior?[/I]
[I]But I would never force her to do something in this department! Would I?[/I] he answered back. Night made his way down to the dining hall, confused by his own thoughts.

Night sat down at the top of the dining table. All the other hunters sat. His usual group of hunters he sat with, Akuma, Maura and Diana, were at his end of the table, talking happily to each other. One was missing. Down the length of the table, he could not see Ziarre anywhere. Usually she sat closest to him, trying to get him to add in the conversation, but tonight she wasn't because of the little incident that happened earlier. Night sighed heavily. He missed her company.
" So, Night, are we going to have this party?" Maura asked happily.
" Straight after we finish dinner. The other hall has been done up for it so it should be good." Maura jumped up and down happily.
" I wish Ziarre was here, she would been having fun." Night looked at Maura.
" Where is she?"
" In her bedroom. She was really mean when I asked her if she wanted to come down to dinner. She practically bit my head off. All she had to do was say no."
Night couldn't help but feel a little guilty. After all, it was the kiss that made her in a bad mood. He stood up. All the Hunters rised with him but he didn't notice. He made his way to Ziarre's bedroom and stopped at the door.
" No, this is stupid. Why am I up here?"
[I]Because you're going to tell Ziarre how you feel?[/I] his mind said to him. He gripped the door handles and opened it. He stepped into the room, closing the doors behind him. Ziarre was standing on her balcony, getting drenched by the pouring rain. She was in her hunting clothes. Night opened to doors to her balcony. Ziarre looked straight at him, her bright yellow eyes in a piercing stare.
" What do you want?"
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He stared at her, then his eyes seemed to glaze over. He raised his hand, and rubbed his throat.
Pausing, he kicked the door shut as Maura's face rounded the corner. He relocked his gaze with Ziarre.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
Ziarre's eyes widened. Night had a look of pure murder on his face.
"I asked a question. What the hell is wrong with you?"
She stared at him. He walked swiftly over.
"Ziarre. If there is any problem you have, I expect you to tell me what it is."
"There's nothing wrong wiith-"
"Then why did you run away?"
She froze. Night was staring at her carefully, face still emotionless.
Night gripped her arm, not roughly, but firmly. He pulled her closer, and embraced her, regardless of the rain dripping off her. She was momentarily taken aback. His voice was barely a whisper.
"Ziarre. I dont care if your half demon. I dont care about any of that. Its not your blood that makes you who you are, its your soul. And if you think that your soul is any different then any of ours, you couldnt be more wrong."
Tears were building in her eyes. Night's words were not harsh, but they still cut through her.
"Ziarre...I love you. I always will. In life or death, it doesnt matter. I will never leave you. Always remember that."
He pulled away, then turned and walked out her door. Ziarre stood there, still wet from the rain. Sounds of happy chatter rose from the stairs, but Night had headed the opposite direction, towards the training room.
The combat dummy was cut deep by the angry slashes from Night. He wasnt using his sword, just a simple dagger. He was breathing heavily, and slashed at the dummy wildly.
"Stupid...stupid stupid stupid!"
He took a final slash at the dummy, then collapsed on the floor.
"I know what will happen when he comes. I know what my fate is. Damn them...damn them all..."
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Maura placed her hand on the doorknob to Ziarre's room. Noticeing that it was locked shefell to the floor and looked under the door. Letting water slip under and go up to unlock the door. Hearing the reasurring click she smiled and got up and opened the door. She slamed it back as a bolt of lighting came at her. Eyes wide and breathing deeply she frowned. After a few minutes had passed Maura was outside Ziarre's window. Creating a ball of water in her hand she threw it up at the closed window. It missed and landed on the terrce. Quickly making another one she hit the window this time drawling Ziarre's attention. Ziarre inorged it and looked away. The cold air was getting through Maura's loose and to big pale purple shirt. Her black baggy shorts weren't helping either. These were her training cloths the ones that she used in the training room and she also slept in. Becoming annoyed she made a ball of water and turned to ice and threw it hard at the window. Shattering it. Maura gulped and looked around.
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Ziarre looked around at Maura.
? You?re going to have to fix that you know.? With that, Ziarre jumped off the balcony and landed on the ground. She walked into the forest, needing its wilderness to comfort her. Maura was pissed.
? First Night slams the door in my face then Ziarre wanders off alone. What the hell is going on here??

? Night just came in and told me he loved me. Was that a joke? Did he really mean that? If he didn?t and was just messing around with my head, I would tear him limb from limb!? Ziarre whispered to herself. [I]Does he love me? If he didn?t, then why did he say that stuff? Could he really??[/I]
She started running. The wind whistled in her hair as raindrops moistened her body. Mist clung low to the ground. Her shoulder blades ached again. Ever since she interfered in the battle between Night and Tylrian, her shoulder blades had ached whenever she thought of Night. It felt like growing pains but she had stopped growing a year ago. Finally, Ziarre stopped for a breather. Slowly, she drew breath in and released it. She stood there with her hands on her hips when a voice drifted to her.
? Hey you?..?
Ziarre spun around to see who was talking. ? Who?s there??
? You know who I am???
Ziarre kept looking around to see if someone was around her.
? I?m over here?.?
Ziarre looked to her side and Night standing there. In actual life, Tylrian was standing there. He had a trance over her and that made her see Night.
? Oh Night, you scared me.?
? Ziarre, I need you to go get that gem shard for me. Quickly.?
? But didn?t you swallow it??
? I did? Oh yes I remember. No. The other one. The one that is in my room. I can?t remember where I put it.?
? All right. Night, I just wanted to say that I love you.?
Night (in reality, Tylrian) smiled. Ziarre turned and ran towards the mansion at full speed.
? So, Night is in love with this half-bred Ziarre. This will definitely make it interesting!?

Night was punching the dummy he had slashed to bits when he heard something in his room. Stealthily, he made his way to his room and opened the door. Ziarre was pulling everything out of his drawers. She had already overturned his mattress. Obviously she was looking for something. He entered the room.
? Ziarre, what are you looking for??
Ziarre jumped backwards. She looked at Night.
? Oh s***, Tylrian.?
She unravelled her whip and stood ready.
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OOC: I'm posting this on behalf of SilverCyclone. There seemed to be some problems when he tried to post.

[QUOTE=SilverCyclone]Night crouched down.
"Ziarre...what are you doing?"
The whip cracked forward, slashing him across the face. Night made no move to try to dodge.
"Ziarre...are you out of your mind?!"
The whip slashed again. Night dodged quickly, then stepped on the whip. Ziarre tugged at it for a moment.
"Ziarre! What the hell is-"
His words were cut short as he was hurled backwards by a lightning bolt. Maura rounded the corner, and was struck by Night's flying body. They smashed against the wall painfully. Groaning slightly, Night rose to is feet, then helped Maura up.
"What happened?"
"Ziarre is...I dont know, but I think she's being decieved. But only Thyrale would have enough power to turn a Hunter against another."
Maura and Night immediately rolled away as another bolt blew the wall apart. Night ran swiftly to the side, grabbing the bastard sword that lay on the ground. He quickly ran behind Ziarre, knowing what she would do. She snapped the whip behind her, turning to meet him. She found a very rude awakening to the hilt of the sword. She hit the ground hard, then glared up at Night. Night's face had lost any form of emotion. He held the tip of the blade at Ziarre's throat.
"Dont move Ziarre."
Maura walked up, a rather large orb of ice in her hand.
"We dont want to fight you, but we will if we must."
Ziarre lay there, breathing heavily. Night crouched, still holding the blade. He reached towards her face with a cloth torn from his shirt. He wiped the blood out of her eyes. She glared at him. Night stared calmly back.
"You have a Rune on you. Its clouding you mind. I would think your demon blood would protect you from those, but it seems your more human then demon. He closed his eyes, muttering something. He then quickly reached out, and gently laid his fingers on her face. She writhed under his grip, but Maura kept her still. Night remove his fingers, and the Rune. Ziarre finally saw who stood before her. A bleeding Night, and a bruised Maura. Night rose, letting Maura fall into a hug. He calmly walked to his bed, and replaced the sword to its hold. He glanced back, smiling at Maura and Ziarre, now apoligizing profusely. He fell gently to his knees. THe blood was still flowing, but barely. His smile was replaced by a look of pain. The other two were unaware of his plight, until a scream rippied from his throat. Turning their heads, they saw a swirling entity of flame and shadow, holding Night by his throat.
"Fools! I will not let you halt my destiny! I will not be chained forever in my prison!"
The figure swept his hands, a wave of flame bursting towards the other hunters. It then leapt out the window, still carrying Night.
Ziarre and Maura both ran onto the balcony, and saw the figure hovering before them.
"Do you honestly think that you can stop me! I am the Burning Lord! I am hell incarnate! I am Thyrale!"
He raised a massive claw, a pillar of flame rising before Ziarre and Maura. Other hunters were streaming out onto the grounds. The sky was beginning to burn. Ash fell, and streaks of fire flew to the city.
"No more sulking in shadows like scavengers! The era of man has fallen! Demon's will now rule all!"
A deep rumbling sounded. Near the center of the city, a pillar of rock shot out of the ground. Fountains of lava erupted, and a shape slowly rose out of the ground.
"Lay your mortal eyes upon my citadel! With the shard that Night has, I can free myself from these bonds, and rise to my true power!"
Thyrale dissapeared in a burst of flame, along with Night. The citadel rose out of the ground, lava flowing over the lower parts of the city. The mansion shook as the citadel rose to the sky. Flame and ash rained down upon the city. The hunters looked on in fear. The floating citadels, once laid low millenia ago, now rose out of the ground. Three citadels rose excluding Thyrale's. Ziarre stared at the horrid scene. The demon's had risen out of Hell to enslave the souls of man once again, and Night was inside the Demon Lord's claws.[/QUOTE]
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" OH HELL YOU DON'T!!! NOT WHILE I'M ALIVE!" Maura shoted jumping up into the air and firing many ice shards at the demons below. A shadowed figure appeared behind her and with one swift punch she went hurtling towards the ground.
" You won't be alive for much longer!" The demon said in a raspy voice. Maura inored him and fliped herself around so that he feet would hit the ground frist. As soon as her toes meet the hard soil she pushed off, slamming into the demon. Moving her hand quickly she pulled out a dagger and stabbed the demon in its chest. Warm blood spaltered her. Moving above the demon Maura kicked him hard and with incressing speed he fell quickly to the ground. Many more demons came up at her and charged at her with their many sharp weapons. They soon fell to the ground with large ice spears sticking out of their chests. Landing near Ziarre her worried face came as a shock at first but then she understood.
" Don't worry Zia. I'll get Night back for you! No prob!"
" What are you talking about he's in the hands of the demon lord! You stupid child!"
" Hey one thing I'm not a child, I may be a little stupid at times but, that's beside the point. Your forgeting who I am."
" I know who you are! Your Maura Trepas daugther to the famous female Hunter Juno Trepas!"
" Ah. But you are forgeting who my loving father was."
" What! I didn't know who had a father."
" Well duh!", Maura said as she fired more ice spears at the demons," My mum didn't just become pregent! Duh! My father was a powerful demon in Thyrale. The Demon of the Northern Demon Plain."
" So that's were you get your water and ice powers from. But how can YOU get into Thyrale castle?" Ziarre said worried as she killed demons with her whip and some lighting.
" All of his four head demons of the Demon Plain desentents and theirselves can enter his castle. Few demons other than them no matter how high their class may enter." Maura flipped back as daggers went flying at her. Landing she grabbed her spear from her back she charged at the attacker ice daggers following her ready to hit the demon if he dodged her spear attack.
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All the Hunters behind both Ziarre and Maura looked anxious and worried. Ziarre?s eyes turned black. Night had finally admitted to her that he loved her, then he was taken away. Taken by the Demon Lord himself, Thyrale. [I] Why? Everyone I have ever loved had been taken away.[/I] Anger grew inside of her ? exactly like the anger she used to transform into her demon state. She felt weak and powerful at the same time. Angry and calm. Loved and hated.

? My fellow Hunters!? Ziarre started, feeling the rage inside of her slither and swirl itself into a seething storm of anger and hate, ? Don?t be afraid of the Demon Lord. He is but mist and shadow. His power is derived from the very fear all of you hold in your hearts right now. Don?t let him win. He has Night as a hostage. Don?t let that deter you. If we are to live free and without the threat of demons, we must fight. We must win! Don?t let the fear inside of you take hold! Don?t let them win! We have been chosen to eradicate this world of demons! LET?S DO OUR JOB!?
The reaction of the Hunters didn?t matter to Ziarre. The man she loved was being held prisoner by the one thing she hated the most, Thyrale. She used to shiver in fear when his name was mentioned, but now, not even the Demon Lord could stop her. Maura looked up at Ziarre. She had never seen Ziarre so calm before. Maura went to ask how Ziarre could be so calm when Ziarre answered her before she even opened her mouth.
? It?s the calm before the storm Maura. Do you notice before a thunderstorm its calm? That?s how I am feeling now.?
? You?re not seriously thinking of going in there?!?
? Maura, if the man you loved was in there, and almost certainly being tortured, would you go in??
? Well?..I?..dunno.?
Ziarre looked at Maura. ? I do. I would go in there and save him, or at least die trying.?
Tears welled up in Maura?s eyes. She grabbed Ziarre around the waist. ? Don?t leave me!?
Ziarre crouched down to her height. She wiped away Maura?s tears. ? Maura, remember one thing. Darkness can never defeat the light. There is always hope. You?re still a kid Maura, I don?t expect you to understand but just remember that. If there is hope, then there is light in the hearts of those who have hope?? Ziarre prodded Maura?s chest where her heart would be. ??If there is light, then there is no darkness as long as you believe you can defeat the darkness, then you have already won.?

The pain in Ziarre?s shoulders became something she wouldn?t even think was possible. Before Maura?s eyes, and the rest of the Hunters, Ziarre began growing wings. Wings like an angel ? white feathered ones. Her eyes turned white and her clothes turned white. Ziarre spread out her wings and for once, she felt powerful.
? Maura, do you know who my mother was??
? No,? Maura replied uncertainly.
? My mother, like your father, was a head Demon too. Of what, I didn?t know until now. She was the head Demon of Darkness. I have become her opposite.?
Ziarre turned to look at the citadel.
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[I]This it it. It is my time to take vengeance against the demons.[/I] Akuma leaped over the crowd of hunters and landed directly beside Maura.
"Who are you", she asked.
"I am Akuma, and I'll shall help you defeat the demon lord", he said.
With that, he ran into the citadel.
"Is he crazy, he gonna die in there", yelled Maura.
I will destroy you Thyrale, I will...

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Night grunted as he hit the ground. Opening his eyes, he looked up. Demons crowded around him. Thyrale was holding the shard he had just ripped from Night's body.
"You've caused alot of trouble for us mortal."
Night rose to his knees painfully. A violent kick from Tylrian knocked him back down.
"Dont even try it human!"
Night lay there, bleeding heavily.
"J...just kill me already..."
Thyrale lifted him by the throat.
"I will. But not before I have had my fun with you. I want to watch you-"
"Master! Hunter's are flooding the lower corridors! Their killing all the guards and are making their way to the second floor!"
Thyrale roared, flinging Night against a wall.
"I dont know master, but one of them has feathers!"
Thyrale slammed his foot into the ground, sending a shockwave out.
"Let them come! Tylrian! You will meet them on the second floor! Take you entire legion!"
Tylrian bowed, then set off, followed by two hundred assorted demons. Thyrale pointed to five acolytes.
"Get on with the ritual! I want to be free of these accursed bonds before they reach the fifth floor!"
He turned to Night.
"And as for you..."
Night stood up weakly.
"My brethren will never give up Thyrale! You underestimate the human spirit!"
Night was silenced as a slash from the large scythe Thyrale carried tore open his chest. He fell to the floor, twitching, the life slowly draining out of him.
"Toss that thing in the courtyard! When the Hunter's get there, I want them to see their great leader speared in the middle of a burning stake!!!"
The shadow chains that bound Thyrale began to glow, and Night's barely breathing body was soon speared through the shoulders, in the middle of the courtyard, behind the door the Hunters were battling near.
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Ziarre, Akuma and Maura made their way to the second level. The Hunters followed closely behind. A hoard of demons stood at the staircase which accessed the third level. Ziarre stood there ready, not needing her whip because of her immense anger which fuelled her powers beyond belief. She looked behind her at her Hunters, then back at the demons. Then, she gave the order.
“ ATTACK!!!”
The Hunters rushed forwards towards their foe. The clash of magic and steel rang in the air. Ziarre was about to join the fray when an excruciating pain cut through her heart. It sent her crumbling to the ground.
“ What’s wrong?!?” Maura said once she made her way over to her.
“ Something bad has happened to Night….Thyrale, I swear on my grave if you touch him, you will experience the worse possible death you can imagine.” With that, Ziarre took off and flew over the battle to the fifth floor.

Ziarre landed on the cold stone steps. Her wings grew back into her shoulders. Silently, she crept through the corridor. Murmurs came from up ahead. Two demons were talking about Night. They were saying about the torture Thyrale had put him through. That sent Ziarre’s blood boiling. Silently, she crept up behind the two demons and slit their throats without so much as a sound. Their bodies crumpled to the ground. Finally, Ziarre came to the courtyard where the demons said Night would be.

Night was hanging from two spears, both impaled into his shoulders. A slash mark was on his chest and it was opening from the effect of gravity. Ziarre’s wings grew back and gently, she removed Night from the spears and laid him out on the ground. With her wings wraped around him, she held him tightly. Her silver tears slid down her cheeks onto his body (she thinks he’s dead).
“ Oh Night….I’m so sorry….”
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A small groan rose from Night. He opened his eyes slowly.
"Night! Oh thank god!"
He grunted slightly as she hugged him. He raised his hand slowly.
"Dont talk. Your wounds are...Night Im sorry..."
Night blinked, then managed a pained smile.
"Dont...I...should be...apoligizing...I...f...failed...in my...task..."
Ziarre held him, ignoring the battle cries nearby.
"You didnt fail in anything...you tried as best you could."
"No...I gave up...I...lost my honor...my pride...everything."
Ziarre didnt understand. Night closed his eyes.
"If I...had kept fighting...I would never...have...lost...my..."
He trailed off. Ziarre felt him go limp in her arms.
"Night...no...dont die Night..."
[I]Step away, Hunter.[/I]
Ziarre rose, whirling around. Her eyes fell on a blue figure. It looked like an old man, but he was glowing and was translucent.
"Who...who are you?"
[I]Step away Ziarre. Night will not fall today.[/I]
The man raised his arms. More figures rose. They crowded around Night. Ziarre raised her whip, but the man stopped her.
[I]Hold Hunter! We mean no harm to Night. We are giving him a second chance to reclaim his honor.[/I]
She watched as the figures laid there hands on Night's torn chest. They began to glow.
Tylrian landed nearby, twirling his halberd.
"Damn it! Lost souls giving their essence! How many times must we kill you!"
[I]Protect us Hunter! We need time to heal his wounds![/I]
Night's hand twitched as Tylrian roared and charged at him.
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Ziarre looked from the old man to Tylrian. Just Tylrian's presence sent her blood boiling and her temper to the maximum. Lightning crackled around her closed fists.
" Darkness can never defeat the light...." she whispered to herself.
" So, you are the one who is to challenge me to a fight?" Tylrian snorted in disgust. He looked Ziarre up and down. Night's blood dripped from her pure white angel wings. She stood there, not slumped in fear, not looking with downcast eyes. But with conviction and strength. She looked him straight in the eye and stood straight and tall. No fear was shown whatsoever from this half-bred girl.
" You don't scare me Tylrian. You disgust me," Ziarre replied strongly.
" Lets fight, shall we?" Tylrian launched himself at Ziarre who swiftly laid on the ground and flipped Tylrian over the group of spirits and Night. Ziarre flew over them and landed with her back to them. Tylrian got up off the ground. He looked at Ziarre once more.
" You're stronger than I gave you credit for. Next time I won't underestimate!" Tylrian said darkly as he threw darkness chains around Ziarre tightly and wrenched her towards him. The sickly smell of death hung around him. Ziarre coughed and spluttered at the stench. He squeezed the chains tighter around Ziarre as she gasped for breath. The old man looked up at Ziarre's situation then back down at Night.
" Heal boy! Quickly before you lose another!"

Ziarre gasped for air. Tylrian laughed wickedly.
" Foolish half-breed. You are weak. Your precious Night will just live to see you die!" One of the chains wrapped around her throat and squeezed. Ziarre couldn't move her arms. They were trapped by her side by other restraints. Her gasps became shallower and more frequent. With pure will, she held her breath and looked Tylrian straight in the eyes.
" The darkness will never defeat the light...." she whispered forcefully. Ziarre forced her wings free of her restraints, ripping them throughly in the process. She enclosed herself and Tylrian with her wings as bolts of lightning spread around them. Soon, it became a glowing mass of electricity and heat. It rose up in the air and revolved for a few seconds before it erupted in a massive explosion that shook the citadel and the area around it. The old man shook his head.
" Too late..."
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((Sorry I took so long. Been a bit busy))

Night awoke in a haze of smoke. The souls had fled. He raised himself up onto one elbow.
He looked around, then climbed to his feet carefully. He saw a few feathers scattered around.
The skeleton of Tylrian lay nearby. Another body was near that. Night kneeled next to it.
He pulled off the remnants of the shadow chains. Cradling her head, he rocked back and forth, crying. A roar echoed from the spire. Maura and Akuma entered the courtyard, followed by a mass of Hunters. Night looked at them, tears still streaming.
"She can't be...she can't be dead..."
Maura fell next to him, staring at Ziarre. A loud burst of energy echoed from the spire. Night grew furious, his grip tightening on his sword. He lifted Ziarre.
"Maura. You and the other Hunters get out of the citadel. Evacuate any surviving civilians. Take Ziarre with you."
Maura nodded numbly. Akuma looked at Night.
"What about you?"
"...I have lost everything that I hold dear. If Ziarre still has a chance to live, I pray she makes it. I dont expect to survive this fight. Thyrale has freed hiimself from the chains. Now I must kill him and in the process, most likely die myself. Now get out of here. No matter what happens, no one may reenter the citadels. No one!"
Night took off towards the spire.
Thyrale stood, scythe in hand.
"Now my hunter...your love is dead, your home in ruin. Now you seek to complete your destiny. Then come. My bonds are broken and I await our final battle."
The demon lord spread his wings wide, then let out a roar that echoed across the torn landscape.
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Maura and Akuma were running back to the mansion when they heard a groan. Ziarre's eyes opened.
"Ziarre! You're alive!" Maura said. They both stopped. Gently, Akuma laid her on the ground. Ziarre laid there, having not enough energy to sit up.
" Where's.........Night?"
" Well, he's..........gone to Thyrale. It's the end Ziarre," Akuma replied. Ziarre struggled to sit up.
" He's....not...going....to go to....his death....alone," Ziarre said as she stood up on nothing but pure will. She staggered back to the citadel, making her way slowly but surely.

OOC: Are you going to battle Thyrale for a bit Silver?
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((I wont leave the rest of you out))

Night burst through the doors to Thyrale's chambers.
The demon turned slowly. Night was breathing heavily, gripping his blade tightly.
"About time hunter. I was beginning to think you wouldnt make it. Your friends didnt listen to you. They're back inside the citadel. I think a welcoming party should greet them."
From his viewpoint in the tower, Night could see his hunters in the courtyard. Pilars of lava erupted near them, killing several.
"Yes. Not the smartest minion, but surely a match for a few hunters."
Several flaming beasts climbed out of the lava. They were burning a deep green.
"I am impressed by your love's persistance though. Im surprised she's even alive."
"Ziarre?! She's...she's alive?"
"Not for long."
A glowing red infernal, twice as big as the others, stood in Ziarre's path at the entrance to the tower.
"Now no one can interrupt our battle."
Night crouched into a battle position. Thyrale hefted the scythe.
"Ive waited a long time to shed your blood Thyrale...you took my family from me. You took Cassandra. You will not take my brethren! FOR THE HUNTERS!"
Night ran towards Thyrale.
"You mortals are all alike."
The two combatants clashed, the energy from their blows shattering the very stone around them. Slash. Dodge. Dodge. Slash. They wheeled around the chamber, neither giving nor gaining ground. A fireball erupted from Thyrale's claws, forcing Night to dodge left. The scythe left a gash on his arm. Night whirled his blade, leaving wounds on Thyrale's chest.
"Cmon! Is that the best you can do Night?"
They clashed again, the steel ringing off down to the courtyard where another battle was taking place. The infernals charged towards the hunters. The red infernal roared a challenge to Ziarre, daring her to cross his path.
[I]Lest you be taken among the flood, aid your brother![/I]
The lost spirits that healed Night burst out of the ground, haulting the infernals.
[I]Now! Akuma, Maura, Ziarre! Break through! Kill the Demon Lord![/I]
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