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Hunters-Dark Blood


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Ziarre looked up with glazed eyes, not seeming aware of the infernals. She staggered along, towards Night, not allowing Akuma or Maura to help her.
" What's wrong with her Akuma? She's gone all weird," Maura said, running ahead of Ziarre with Akuma so nothing would be in her way.
" I don't know...it's strange...Night went like this when Cassandra died," Akuma slipped.
" WHAT?"
" Oops."
A lightning bolt surged past them. They stopped and turned around. Ziarre had collapsed to her knees. She couldn't seem to control her powers. She looked up at Akuma and Maura. Their presence seemed to strengthen her. Ziarre slowly got to her feet. She start walked again but this time faster. Her run gained in speed. Soon, she was running as fast as the wind, with Akuma and Maura at her flanks.
" Ziarre? You're ok?" Maura asked as they made their way to the top wher Night and Thyrale were fighting.
" Yes. I'm fine," she replied, blasting a demon out of their path. Akuma smiled and kept running.
" Thyrale, you will not win this time," Ziarre whispered. This time, both Maura and AKuma smiled.

Soon they were nearing the top. Tremors shook the citadel. They slowed down, carefully making their way up. Stones from the ceiling were falling down near them. Akuma looked up the long, winding staircase.
" They're up there."
Ziarre looked at Akuma and Maura and smiled. " Today is our day my friends. The Hunters will win."
They made their way carefully up the staircase, dodging huge chunks of stone that fell down around them. Another tremor shook the citadel. An avalanche of rocks came pouring down the staircase. They had nowhere to ecsape except out a window. Ziarre's wings appeared. She grabbed Akuma and Maura around the waists and leapt out of the window. The trio plummeted through the air for a few terrifying seconds before Ziarre gained enough strength to fly them to the top. With their feet safely back on the ground, Ziarre, Akuma and Maura watched Night and Thyrale fight each other in a duel of death.
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Night twirled around, narrowly dodging the sweeping chops of the scythe. He was faster, but much weaker. Thyrale gained a lucky sweep with his claws, catching Night in the ribs. The hunter was thrown against the wall. He regained his footing, shaking. Thyrale began to laugh.
"Look Night. Your friends have come to watch you die!"
Night looked weakly to the doorway.
"I...told you to get out...I told you to save yourself..."
"We couldnt let you fight him by yourself."
Night ducked as another chop with the scythe missed his neck. Thyrale kicked Night savagely, forcing him into the wall. Thyrale's massive wings prevented the others from reaching him.
"Night. Your comrades show such loyalty! I almost wish my minions showed that much. But then they wouldnt be very good at their jobs now would they?"
Thyrale gripped Night's throat. His breath singed the Hunter's face.
"Listen to me human! There are two races in this world! The mortal and the immortal!"
He flung Night from him. An ice shard pierced Thyrale's shoulder. Night rose slowly.
"No Thyrale...there are three races. The mortal. The immortal. And the Hunters!"
Bolts of lightning blasted through Thyrale as ice impaled him. Akuma opened several wounds on the demon. Thyrale staggered backwards. Night rose as the other three grouped around him.
"Look around Thyrale. You are defeated."
"I will never lose to a group of mortals! NEVER!"
Thyrale charged at them, swinging his scythe furiously.
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" Night watch out!" Ziarre yelled. She pushed him out of the way of the scythe and flipped out of the way. The scythe impaled itself into the ground. Thyrale tugged furiously at the handle, trying to get it free. Ziarre stood on her feet and looked around. She breathed a sigh of relief. Night was on his feet and was looking at Thyrale struggling to get his scythe free. Akuma and Maura had scattered to safety when Thyrale attacked. Ziarre held out her hands and flung a ball of lightning at Thyrale. It hit him square on the face. He stumbled back, holding his face. Maura summoned her dear Ranpu and together, they attacked him. Night walked over to Ziarre and looked into her eyes.
" I'm glad you came."
" It's ok."
Night went to kiss her but she stepped forward, her eyes black. Thyrale wrenched his scythe out of the ground. He started swinging his scythe at Akuma, Maura and Ranpu. Ziarre growled and steered a bolt of lightning, from the clouds above, to Thyrale.
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