InuyashaLvr Posted July 1, 2004 Share Posted July 1, 2004 [COLOR=Magenta][I] Ok...Say you like someone alot, but you're to scared to say anything about it. Well, that's why I'm creating this thread. I guess to kinda help people out with this kinda stuff. Oh, if there is already a post like this, I didn't see it, and Im terribly sorry!!!! Please forgive! (=^-^=) Anyway, I'm kinda going through this, so I'm going to be looking for advice to. But please, anyone who has advice write it down! Because I know I'm probably not the only one going through this ;) Well, good luck everyone! so yeah...Im done :babble: :p :D[/COLOR][/I] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Chris Posted July 1, 2004 Share Posted July 1, 2004 well, lately i've had feelings for someone, and it's kind of creeping me out. i'm a strait male, and i have never found a guy attractive before, but this guy is special. he's so sweet and caring, and he's suprisingly hot. i don't know what to do becuase, as a christian, i'm supossed to be strait. this guy seems to be strait, or atleast on the outside. i have reason to doubt it. i just don't know what to do. he's actually a mod here. i don't know what it is about syk, but i just can't stop thinking about him. what should i do? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Chris Posted July 1, 2004 Share Posted July 1, 2004 well, i was being sarcastic, but i guess i could try that out . . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InuyashaLvr Posted July 1, 2004 Author Share Posted July 1, 2004 [quote name='Chris']well, i was being sarcastic, but i guess i could try that out . . .[/quote] [COLOR=Magenta][I] I'm just telling you what I think would be right. Be sarcastic all you want, but if it's true you can still try it! (=^-^=) just next time, please be more clear on wether or not you're telling the truth. alright? Good luck Chris <<< SARCASTIC (see! do something like that!oh wait...that was sarcastic too!oopz! :rolleyes: bye!) vanna[/COLOR][/I] EDIT: the reason I deleted my post is because Chris you deserve to rot in...nvm! I'm not gonna get my self banned because of you! Have a nice day! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezekiel Posted July 1, 2004 Share Posted July 1, 2004 [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Hmmm, I find this thread incredibly sweet for some I think I should reply. Okay then, here's the deal. I think I'm beginning to have a crush on someone from this site *points to buddy list* but I don?t want to say who he is because I'm scared he wouldn't 'talk' to me again or whatever....besides, it's pretty silly because I've never even met the guy but there you can judge by a persons personality, right? Anyway, nothing would ever happen obviously because this is the internet....but enough of that. About your crush, I had a crush on this boy in my school a while ago, it was last year I believe....July...anyway. I thought he would never like me back in that way because I?d only ever known him as a friend, one Geography lesson, his best friend said, "I know who Joe likes." and so I was like, "Oh really, who?" and he wouldn?t tell me, instead he told my friend and she went, "OMG! Jamie likes him back." so there was a lot of blushing and we didn?t talk for the rest of the lesson, so I was thinking that the friendship was over yadda yadda....but, that night he asked me if I wanted to go out and we were going steady for 9 months after that....of course now we have broken up but that's life. Um....hope my love life story helped in any way, I guess I'm just saying that you should find out how he feels and not be afraid to tell him how you feel in return, you never know what might happen ^^[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InuyashaLvr Posted July 1, 2004 Author Share Posted July 1, 2004 problem! I like this guy *cough* is a member here *cough* :p But I've never met him, and I'm not saying any names because I dont know if he likes me or what so yeah...*gives confused look to everyone* :confuse2: what can I do? I'm lost and have no idea. Even though I've never met him, he's really sweet and around my age. Do you guyz think that there's any chance for me getting this guy? :confused: help!plz! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Chris Posted July 1, 2004 Share Posted July 1, 2004 yes. i used to have a huge crush on this girl that went here, although nothing ever happened. things can come of internet relationships, though i'm pretty sure it is quite hard to pull off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epsilon Posted July 1, 2004 Share Posted July 1, 2004 [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] Wow, sweet stories. Didn't there use to be a few OB Crush threads around back in 2003 or so? Well, if you like the guy, I say becomes friends with him. If your already friends, you may just want to go for it. I personally thin it depends on their personality. And how they will react. Online or off. If he doesn't mind having a friend who has a crush on him, then tell him if you'd like. If you think he will have a problem, I don't recommend telling him. Imi, if the person is who I think he is. Go for him, looking at the guys in you signature list. From what I know of them, I don't think they'd stop talking to you. I think Chris is right on how hard it would be to meet someone off line. Unless at a convention or something, and both had everything planned out. It's totally up to you. And good luck to both of you.[/COLOR][/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anime-nikki Posted July 1, 2004 Share Posted July 1, 2004 ok so theres is this guy (i don't know if he is a member here or not) that i used to hate so much, then later on i kinda started to like him, which was creepy cause i hardly knew anything about, just that he was kinda annoying. now i know i like (i don't wanna say "love" cause its weird) him and he moved to his dad's!!!! what's up with that, i might not see him anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezekiel Posted July 1, 2004 Share Posted July 1, 2004 [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Oh dear, I haven?t made it obvious who I like, have I? *crosses fingers* Eh Ruby? Can you do me a favour and PM me, because I do hope that I haven?t made it obvious, that would be the worst thing to do and would be totally embarrassing ^^ Thanks for the encouragement though, I appreciate it.[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rei_Man Posted July 1, 2004 Share Posted July 1, 2004 Wow, convenience. I don't have a crush on anyone at OB, I don't go for that kind of thing, but yeah - I find it really difficult myself. It's like you get that fear that you might say or do something that'd screw up your friendship in the long-term. Plus with my complete inexperience with dating anyway..... yes. Indeed. I've liked someone I know for, oh, nearly a year and a half now, and made about three attempts that I absolutely screwed up. I think it helped a lot that she just laughed it off and preended as though she didn't even realise, but I went through a period of about three months where I thought she hated me. But that was just me. If I tried now, I think I might be able to pull it off, but the problem is that I rarely see her any more, because she's off at boarding school at the moment. I see her maybe every couple of weeks, and I find it really difficult because when I do see her, I only get to talk with her for about ten, fifteen minutes. It is rather annoying... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rachael Posted July 3, 2004 Share Posted July 3, 2004 I can say that i have a crush on somebody on OB. He already know's about it though were still close friends but i sometimes wonder if he wants to go further than that. I'm happy with what we have now but if possible id like to go further. The problem is i don't think he wants to commit to a realationship. There are some other issues relvolving around us not taking this further but i won't get into them now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rikoshi-Sama Posted July 3, 2004 Share Posted July 3, 2004 Well it's alright to act on a crush...though from my couple of stints with experience in that department they can end up harsh or great. My first sorta crush I had on this girl really didn't go well she wasn't really interested in me and well I thought perhaps at the time trying to swoon her over would really work. Which really didn't end up making things better I ended up looking like a fool in front of many people. Now as for another time...this one more recent. There was this girl I liked named Blizzi (Vanessa) and for about 10 months.....*checks calendar* yeah for 10 months I had been madly in love or for better terms crushing on her. I tried everyday to try to appease her and find out how she really felt about me. Though, she took this sorta to her advantage....and kinda extorted me. Then at Anime Next, magic sorta happened and we finally got together or at least I thought so.... We kinda went out for like a week before it ended up in disaster...V_V It's exactly like a week since we broke apart now. However if you really have a crush on someone it's better to tell them and not wait too long...attachment can be a terrible thing so good luck telling that person you care, best wishes... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest lavalamp Posted July 3, 2004 Share Posted July 3, 2004 I can't really hold conversations with people online let alone have crushes on them. I'm too critical/sarcastic/egotistical for that. I've had thoughts of creating another account just so I could fit in and have a crush on someone, though. Narcissistic? What? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shi no Tenshi Posted July 3, 2004 Share Posted July 3, 2004 If you like someone, you say something methinks. Even if they don't feel the same, it's very flattering and nice to them. Erm... my first relationship didn't turn out well, but my second one is great. We've been together nearly four months :] Online crushes are ok I suppose, but they have a higher chance of turning out nasty. I reckon people should only act upon online crushes if they are older and capable of seeing their crush or something. But in real life? Gah. Go for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan L Posted July 4, 2004 Share Posted July 4, 2004 Proactivity is always a good way to look at things. i.e. "Don't just sit there, do something about it". Ultimately it boils down to several arguments- The only way to get something done is to do something about it- things hardly ever just "fall into place" (either one person or the other has to put some kind of pro-active effort into it. May as well be you, as you can't guarantee that it'll be them..) Live life so as not to regret later. Don't waste time moping about not doing anything about liking someone, and then acting all surprised when you miss your chance, and then feeling down about all the times it's happened for years on end. DO SOMETHING. There are only a minority of strange people who take the words "I like you" ("love" is too presumptuous a word to use at that kind of stage) in a negative way. Unless you happen to like one of these people, the worst you can do is brighten up someone's day by telling them. However, you'd be well advised to get to know them well first. Forget the "can't date them once you know 'em" bullcrap. You [i]never[/i] know if you like somebody until you know who they [i]really[/i] are. Until that point all you like is the person that you assume them to be. Also it's best to note that these thoughts generally apply to people probably beyond the age of 16/17. Before that, it's also wise to add the thought that maybe you're either stupidly infatuated or just plain neither ready nor in need of a relationship just yet. As for me- I'm starting being a bit more proactive- and actually talking to this girl I liked for.. probably since February- and I started making more of an effort in March. We were both very busy, and one time we arranged something but she was ill. Right now, she's in Papa New Guinea, for the next two months or so. When she gets back I'll have a lot more time due to my course at St Tom's finishing, and maybe I can actually plan something which will happen :p. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roxie Faye Posted July 5, 2004 Share Posted July 5, 2004 [color=#9933ff]Oh, this thread is so sweet. Well, crushes are sweet, in general. I couldn't tell you whether or not it's okay to be with someone you're met on the internet - it depends on your preference. Crushes can last less than a week (er... at least the online kind), so just wait a week or two to make sure you really have a crush on them, and then tell them. Sometimes these things just fix themselves. And in the end, they usually do go away. Heh. I've had so many internet crushes, they're not all worth mentioning. I think I had about three major ones; so I'll explain them quickly. Two of them, I told them how I felt; one after I didn't have a crush on them anymore - I wanted to get it off my chest, - and another when I did have a crush on them. And both people were really cool about it. Of course, neither of them felt the way I did, but [u]nothing[/u] drastic about our friendship changed after I told them. And they're still my friends today. =) (see how telling works out, even when it doesn't?) Oh, and you [i]know[/i] who you are. And if you say anything, I [b]know[/b] where you live. And the other crush? Well, it was for a while, but I didn't know it until one day when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Then I got all crushy-obsessive-like about them. I was hoping that it would go away. In the end, I ended up making a character of them on the PC game [i]The Sims[/i], and after three days of working on the character's work skills, my crush was gone. Now I know what to do next time. V_v;; But I'm sure that was boring for most of you. The bottom line: tell your crush how you feel. I'f they're any sort of decent person, they won't hate you. And g'luck to you people. ^_^;[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezekiel Posted July 5, 2004 Share Posted July 5, 2004 [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Okay, hearing about other people who have online crushes has made me feel a whole lot better! I think I will tell him, if he actually decides to come online *glares* But yeah, thanks for the advice ^^[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan L Posted July 5, 2004 Share Posted July 5, 2004 On the internet? Oh dear.. I think I missed that part when I read the initial post... :p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess_Keiko Posted July 5, 2004 Share Posted July 5, 2004 Looks like everyone likes someone on the OB.If you like someone you should just go and talk to them, don't until you try. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rei_Man Posted July 5, 2004 Share Posted July 5, 2004 I'm kind of confused as regards to the actual mechanics of internet relationships, especially if the two are long distances apart........ Also, it wouldn't really work well for a person of my ethics and personality. I find it difficult enough express my feelings in real life, but if I try to type them....... Oooo boy. Impossible. [I][B]Dan[/B][/I] - You didn't miss the Internet thing in the initial post because it wasn't mentioned in the initial post. I think this is concerning crushes and stuff of any form. Either that or I've made a mistake too......... hehe..... :sweat: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Shaman-SkyLord Posted July 6, 2004 Share Posted July 6, 2004 Yeah everyone has someone, lol, but yeah ave got a MAJOR crush on a girl and i dunno what to do about it, she seems to like someone else so i think i should just give up, what do you'ze people who knoe EVERYTHING, lol, think ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Persona Posted July 6, 2004 Share Posted July 6, 2004 [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well I've had a crush on a guy I nicknamed Kurama for two years. Well I was so scared to tell him how i felt, because I knew that he only sees me a sister. I admit it was hard for me to be next to him, I turned all shy and i wouldn't talk to him. But I still wanted to at least let him know how i felt about him. You know just maybe it'll spark something betwwen us you know. So this year i told him and he told him he knew that i liked him. How embarrassing! But the good thing was that he didn't change the way he was with me. I asked him if i was to tell you someone told you they liked you would you change around that peson? He said "o" That was kool. So sometimes it doesn't hurt tell someone.[/COLOR] :laugh: :blush: :love2: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charles Posted July 7, 2004 Share Posted July 7, 2004 I have a crush on Charles; he's the only man I've ever had these kind of feelings for. He's a kaleidoscope of wisdom. That is, he's able to partake in a variety of subjects in an intelligent manner, proving that he's a well-rounded individual. And modest to boot. You just can't beat that--it's primo. I'll tell you, that Charles always manages to cheer me up when I'm down. Whether he's posting strange images or stirring up mischief, he remains such an integral part of my life. Our relationship extends far beyond the Internet, actually. It's deep. I've known him for years--even before he ruled OtakuBoards with an iron fist. He's predictable in the sense that I can always seem to tell what's on his mind, but at the same time, understanding those complexities can prove rather challenging. I used to write letters declaring my undying affection for him, but couldn't seem to muster up enough courage to present them to him. I'm sure that if we ever took our relationship to a sexual level, it would get rather disturbing--but we can work around that problem. After all, working things out together is healthy for building a strong relationship. I am the blanket, and he's the brush-fire--I'll smother him in love! I'm certain he'll read this. The truth will be out. I will be timid, no more. In fact, I think I'll trudge up the dying (thank Jebus) OtakuBoards marriage trend and declare our online wedlock, official! Perhaps that will serve as inspiration to some of you. Just one more reason to love Charles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Transtic Nerve Posted July 7, 2004 Share Posted July 7, 2004 Oh my god, i totally have a crush on Charles too. Tell him he's so dreamy and I would love to get into his.... control panel.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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