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Blood Virus: Truth be told [PG- VL]

Akieen Cloud

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Mina had gone after TJ after her visit from Marious.
"TJ, I'm worried...things just don't feel right with this, I know for a fact that the Marcus brothers can't be killed that easily...something is wrong..."
TJ listened carefully and nodded.
"Your right, but wht is it?"
"I have no clue....but it just doesn't feel right..."
Mina turned and gasped as a shadow of Marcus dissappered from the mirror.
"TJ, things are getting crazy around here....I dunno what to belive anymore, so many things have happened, Aaron, Luna, and all the others, I mean don't get me wrong I love having them all here but..."
"Something eats at the back of your mind?"
"Yes...like there's a piece of this puzzle missing...The Grand Council...Defeated? Some how that doesn't seem possible..."
TJ nodded agian.
"I understand...I'll look into it for you."
"No TJ, I'm doing my own dirty work for once."
Mina took the cloak form her door and warpped it around her shoulders.
"It's time I begin to look for the truth on my own for my-self and stop relying on others to do it for me."
"Mina I understand where your going with this...but it's to dangerous right now, with the attempt on your life and everything else..."
Mina took a bow and satchel from the wall and tested the tightness of it.
"I think I can handle my-self..."
She turned and walked throught the door, she stoped and turned back walking over to TJ. SHe smiled warmly and put her hand on his cheek.
"I'm sorry, don't worry about me."
She kissed him gently.
"I'll be back, I promise."
She turned and walked away looking back quickly and then leaving for the liberary about a mile into the woods.
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TJ stood confused, blushing slightly. He put his hand on his face where she placed her hand. He shook his head violently thinking, [I]What is wrong with me? Mina's like my sister...what's so embarrassing about her kissing me? It's not like I...[/I] He left his thoughts at that and shook them off. "I can't let her go alone no matter what she says...I promised I'd never let her out of my sight again..." He grabbed his weapons then followed Mina's trail through the woods.
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Mina had walked away, she didn't turn back. Her face was red, she placed a finger to her lips as she remembered the feel of TJ's beneath her's.
"He said I'm like his sister so there's no way he'll understand that."
She turned a corned in the paht and stopped, she looked up at the large double doors to the liberary and sighed.
"This is where the truth will sho it's-self."
She opened the doors and entered lighting the candels and lamps as she went through.
"It's so damp in here, I wonder if any of the books are even still worhty of reading."
She found a few books on what she wanted and curled up in a large chair and began to read them.
"I knew that something was off about Marcus. He and his brother Victor were criogenicly frozen and promised never to be awakened...but why?"
She continued to read and yawned. She put her finger in her place and took off the thin reading glasses looking up at the brightly painted ceiling. Her fingers found her lips agian as she thought of TJ.
"Ugh! Stop this girl...He just thinks of you as his sister...I understand that...I do..."
Her eyes took on a glazed look as she was lost in thought.
"Hmm...TJ, I thought after you woke up and saw how much I had grown...You'd feel the same..."
She reopened the book and continued to read unaware of TJ in the shadows.
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TJ turned red again. He had no clue she felt like that about him. [I]But I do see how much she's grown...and I think I feel the same way about her.[/I] "I just don't know anymore...Oh crap..." He said quietly and unkowingly to himself. Mina looked to his location but he had moved immediately. [I]I can't let her know I'm here. If she finds out, she'll never forgive me...But I....I want to tell her how I really feel...That's it...I'm gonna tell her now.[/I] TJ stepped out of the shadows behind Mina's seat. "Mina..."

She turned around shocked to see that he followed her. "TJ, I asked you not to follow me here! Why did you come here after m...."

TJ cut her off by kissing her lightly on the lips. The both blushed, "Mina...I love you...but not like a sister..."
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Mina blushed lightly and smiled. She put her head on his chest and sighed.
"TJ, I know that this must feel odd for you..but please don't leave me agian...I've been solost with out you."
She looked up and smiled as he blushed.
"You look good when you blush."
This made him blush more and she giggled only to be cut off as he bent down adn kissed her again.
"Gods, TJ...what will become of us?"
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TJ continued to blush and smiled at her when she asked the question. "I couldn't really say, Mina. But as long as I'm with you I don't really care what happens to us. I just want to be with you for as long as I can...I'll never leave you alone again I still can't forgive myself for leaving you alone before..." he started to frown in the middle of his speech, "...but it was the only way I'd forgive myself for letting you get hurt back then...by not letting myself see you again...I still have not forgiven myself for that, Mina..."
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"Please TJ, you did what you had to, if you hadn't my father would be dead much sooner than his death. Please stop blaming your-sel"
She placed a hand over his heart and sighed.
"TJ, I wish you weren't the one to do that, to kill my mother...you did what you had to do."
She thoguht of the scar on her back from her mother's crazieness and attack on her.
"TJ, if you had not been there, I would be dead."
She looked up at him and smiled.
"I don't blame you."
She kissed him lightly and hugged him.
"I love you."
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TJ hugged her close to him, "I love you too, Mina...but still what I did was wrong..."

She looked up to his face, "What do you mean? Did you think that killing her was wrong? It may have been but like I said, I'd be dead if you weren't there."

"I know that...but...Mina, I never thought about what might have happened if I hadn't killed her...I simply didn't want to see you hurt. I always watched her actions when I was around...I never trusted her around you even if she was your mother..." TJ said sadly.
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"Father never trysted her either. He would never leave me alone with Mother, even for a moment."
She pulled away and sat down on a chair.
"TJ, I think I found something while I've been here. THe brothers, Victor and Marcus, they were frozen and then reawakened. They are vampire assasins. And by that I mean they kill their own kind for money."
"You still do not belive Marcus to be dead?"
Mina shook her head frowning.
"No, He's to strong to just die off like that. Especially from a dagger."
"In his heart?"
"That makes no diffrenece TJ, He had enough power to kill the entire council did he not?"
Mina looked at the book frowning. She just KNEW Marcus and Victor were alive and somewhere close.
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"If they really are alive...then it won't be long till they come here..." TJ said.

"You're right, TJ. But if they do come here what can we do? We'll have to try and fight them. For our clan's sake." Mina replied.

TJ looked disappointed. "If we do fight...I want you to stay close always. I'm not letting you get hurt again. Not while I'm around..."
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Mina smiled warmly and nodded.
"Right. I'm glad you realize that I will fight with you insted of trying to make me stay behind."
"There would be no winner in that argument."
Mina giggled and winced holding her mid-drift.
"Mina what's the matter?"
"I don't know, it hurts every time I laugh, but I haven't done anything to make me hurt."
Mina winced again and wimpered.
"TJ, it hurts...TJ..."
Mina collapsed to the floor. She began to dream...
A young man walked by her and to a tube, he put his hand on it and rubbed off a patch so he could see into it.
"Soon, dear Marcus, you and your brother will awaken and take the clan for me, than you will go back t sleepn and never came back."
The man turned and MIna gasped. Calek walked back by her. Tears welled up in her eyes and she squeezed them shut.
Mina sat straight up and into TJ's arms.
"TJ, Father hired them...thats why Marcus didn't kill me..."
She sobbed and slumped forward into TJ's arms passed out.
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[I]Marious Makes His Way To The Library... Mina See's Him Coming... [/I]
[I]He Falls To The Ground Gushing Blood From His Stomach... Mina Runs Over To Him[/I]
[COLOR=Purple]"Marious Who Did This To You!?"[/COLOR]
[I]Marious Replies In A Faint Whisper[/I] "V..[I]Coughs Blood[/I]V...Victor......"
[I]He Blacks Out[/I]
[COLOR=DimGray]"How are we going to help him, he's lost alot of blood?"[/COLOR]
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TJ knelt down to Marious. He studied his stomach's injury. "He's gonna need a lot of help..." TJ removes his shirt and wraps it around Marious' stomach and applied pressure to slow the blood loss down to an eventual halt. "We have to get him back to your home Mina. I can take better care of his injury there. We also need to go back and get you taken care of." TJ said lifting Marious over his shoulder. They left the library and headed back through the woods .
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Mina wasn't so shocked by the confession of Victor doing this, she had a vauge feeling that she may be next. She jogged beside TJ and remembered the vison of how the brothers were created. She shuddered at the strength that they possesed.
"TJ, this may not be the time but, I'm going to the council."
TJ stopped.
"WHAT?! Are you crazy?"
"No, if they truly are after me than I want nothing more than to go and meet them, to face them and let my coven live in peace not fear, TJ take care of the hom while I'm away."
She kissed him quickly and turned the other direction.
"Take care of him TJ, please, do this for me if nothing else, let me find out for my-self who I really am!"
She arrived at the council 2 hours later and looked at the large room.
"Nothin...no trace of anything anywhere..."
A shadow moved against the wall and she sent an arrow into the wall catching the cloth f the figure.
"Show your-self."
"Mina, My dear Mina..."
"N-No...It can't be...you were killed"
"Mina don't look so shocked."
Calek ripped the arrow form his cloak and into the floor up right point in the rug.
"My beautiful daughter, I knew you'd come to me. Your so lovely."
"Your alive!"
Mina ran to him only to stop as Victor and Marcus dropped down beside him.
"W-What? Your working with them?"
"Mina it's time for the truth to finally rear it's ugly head. Your no half-breed between me and a human...your an experiment."
Mina's eyes widened.
"And now that you've reached a proper age, it's time to breed you, with Marcus or Victor."
Mina ran to the door only to find it locked, she got down on her knees and into a fetal position, eyes closed and rocking back and forth.
She sobbed as Victor and Marcus got closer.

OCC: Twisted I know HEHE
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[I]Marious Awakens Fully Healed By Some Strange Force[/I]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Whoa! When did you wake up."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]"She went to the council house.. Why?"[/COLOR]
[I]TJ Knew From The Moment Marious Said That.. Mina Was In Trouble[/I]
"I found out to much, that is why Victor slashed me... I was almost to the library when Victor appeared infront of me and slashed my stomach."
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]"We have to get to mina and fast."[/COLOR]
[I]TJ And Marious Run As Fast As They Could To The Council House[/I]
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[COLOR=DarkRed] Luna and Aaron had dropped his frein off in the inn and they both started walking back to Mina's place. Aaron stared at Luna for a moment then grabbed her arm, sommuning her to stop.

"Tell me...why did you kiss me?" aaron said looking deep inot her eyes.

"Why did you kiss me back?", she mocked.

"I asked you first...please tell me...call me curious I just wanna know." aaron said loosining his grip on her arm.

"Well....its just because I sorta cre for you...ok" luna said blushing.

"I see....." Aaron said blushing as well.

They both stood there under the new moon, he luna suddenly fell into his arms and cried. He held her as she buried her face in his chest. Thats how they stood for minutes.[/COLOR]
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Mina ran along the rafters and whimpered as her sprained ankel gave out agian.
"Not good!"
She looked back to see Marcus advancing on her for the fifth time that night, untouched so far she was out of arrows and she had no other weapons than that. She screamed as the rafter gave way and she fell to the ground. She could hear her fathers words in her mind.

[I]To breed you, to make the perfect breed of vampire to kill for the war to come...[/I]

She looked at him and felt a cold rage attakc her heart, her eyes flashed blue in the dark and she stood, her body rigid and angery. She clenched her fist tight and as Marcus approched her she grabbed his wrist and snapped it cleanly. He winced and backed away from her as she began to radiate hate and anger.
"You think that I would a gree to this father? That I would roll over like a dog and pray for it to end. Your wrong!" She picked up a piece of metal form the rafter and swung it deftly hitting the railing to the rafter beside her, it fell to the floor as well.
"If I die you all die."
Her eyes softened as she thought of TJ and his lips on her's.

[I]I'm sorry, I didn't think it would end this way, suppose I was wrong...forgive me, everyone...I love you all...[/I]

She screamed as Victor grabbed her throat and began to choak the life from her body.
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A slicing noise occurred in front of Mina. Victor's arm was cut partially and he let go. Takahiro looked at Victor, enraged, as he stood in front of Mina. "Touch Mina again and your hand will be on the floor next time!" TJ shouted as he drew his X-Calibur and pointed it at Victor.

"TJ..." Mina started from behind him.

"Mina, stay put...I won't let anyone touch you...I won't let anyone hurt you..." TJ said still pointing the pistol at Victor.

"Ah, TJ, long time no see...How was your nap?" Calek asked sarcastically.

"C..Ca...Calek?! You're alive! But how?!" TJ said surprised. He started toward Calek.

Mina grabbed TJ, "TJ don't go near him...he...he betrayed us!" Mina cried.

"Betrayed? What do you mean?" TJ said looking back confused.
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Mina looked at TJ in sorrow and than at her father in hate.
"He cre-created me...like he did Victor and Marcus...I'm an experimant and he plans on breeding me with them so that the perfect breed of vampire can walk freely for the war...He was the one that destroyed the high council."
She looked at her father hareder and frowned.
"He created Marcus and Victor to gain control of the coven those many yars ago and he failed to keep them in check so now he plans to use tem as he is me...TJ he plans to kill us all."
Calek chuckled.
"I plan to kill allthe vampires including my-self to make way for te new breed that will walk amoung us as soon as Mina cuoperates."
Mina's eyes flased blue agian from behind TJ.
She slipped under his arm and engaged her father as they rolled along the flor Marcus approched TJ and smiled.
"She's gerogus."
TJ frowned.
"Touch her and die..."
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Aaron had heard screams from the castle. He let go of Luna reluctantly. He went and followed the screams. He entered a room and Mina was rolling on the ground, fighting... Calek? [i]I thought i killed him. What's going on?[/i] Aaron thought to himself. He saw Marcus and TJ standing nearby. Aaron wanted to help, but he noticed that he probably shouldn't. He walked up and stood next to Marcus and TJ. "What's going on?" he asked.
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[I]Marious Jumps Through The Door Tackling Marcus[/I]
"You little worm! I knew I should've killed you when I had a chance! You and Victor will pay dearly for what you've done!"
[I]He Grabs Marcus Off The Gound, Lifts Him Up And Throws Him Right Into The Rack Of Deer Antlers... Marcus Quickly Regenerates As He Slides Off The Antlers[/I]
[COLOR=DarkRed]"You did'nt expect that did you Marious"[/COLOR]
"How come I regenerated so rapidly like you just did?"
[COLOR=DarkRed]"Ha, Mina's not the only one whos an experiment, Marious"[/COLOR]
"What Do You Mean!!!"
[COLOR=DarkRed]"You are not a full-blood... You are a hybrid of Vampire... and Wherewolf... The virus that lies with in you was temporarly postpond and will activate as soon as a drop of Mina's blood touches you... BUT IM NOT LETTING THAT HAPPEN MARIOUS, BECAUSE IF I DID YOU WOULD BE MORE POWERFULL THEN THE HIGH COUNCIL FORMED IN ONE BODY!!!!"[/COLOR]
Hey if this isnt ok ill delete it but I think it would be cool, besides I have a really good idea
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OCC sounds fine to me dear elf bring onthe twitedness!

Mina felt her fathers claws rip into her and she screamed in agony. This wasn'r real it couldn't be real.
"Father you made me this way and now yo will pay for you stupidity."
"You haven;t see the extent of your abilities yet have you dear daughter."
Do not call me that. YOu son of a bitch!"
"Such language. And from a lady."
"I'll hear no more!"
Mina takled Calek to the ground and began to puncj every part she could find, her eyes turned blue in her rae and she felt the prominent fangs grow fuller in length, she growled and bit down visously into Calek's shoulder. He hissed and threw her off scratchin her face in the proccess. Blood ran down her face and fangs as she looked at her father.
"I'll silence you and your experiments. You slimy bastard."
Calek smiled and stood tall.
"We shall see what you can do Mina...we shall see."
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[font=Verdana][size=2]OOC: sorry guys I haven't been posting because my job got really hectic but I'm going to post let me know if it's ok or not I'll delete if I have to.[/size][/font]




[font=Verdana][size=2]Dregen sat in the shadow awaiting his moment. "I will not have this." Dregen yelled out. You are your sick pupets shall not harm my sister. Mina I'm Caleks Son do not fear me I am here only as your protecter. With that dregen unsheathed his katana. [/size][/font]
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TJ looked over at this new person, who called himself Mina's brother. He stared confused, "Mina has...a brother? How come I never knew this?" he said to himself. [I]Dregen, Mina....I have a new duty now...I have to protect them both...if it's true than Dregen is Mina's brother than I must help him too. And...Mina and Marious...they aren't just vampires.....but I am...does that mean we aren't at all alike?[/I] Thoughts like this and many others ran through his head. "Dammit I don't understand!!" TJ yelled.

"What...that you're the only normal vampire here? That you are weak? Tell me what it is that you don't understand, Takahiro." Calek said smiling devilishly.

TJ stared at Calek with a loss for words. "I'm....weak? It can't be...then why was I chosen to protect Mina?" He asked.

"Simple...to keep her from realizing how strong she really was..." Calek replied.

Two clanging noises were heard as TJ's sword and pistol dropped to the ground. "I was...used...." He said blankly.
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Mina ran forward and latched onto her fathers back biteing into his shoulder centemeters from the jugular. Blodd splattered the floor and her clothes. He slpped her off and she landed cat-like next to TJ.
"Don't listen to him TJ! He's saying that to keep your mind off of what your suppose to be doing!"
TJ shook his head and nodded.
"Your right."
Mina charged at her father and screamed as his claws ripped through her flesh adn she smiled as pain lanced through her body. Adreniline was pumping through her and she was breatheing heavily.
"Father...I WILL kill you here tonight."
"Mina, you only think you are that strong."
Blood poured from both Calek and Mina as they faced off. Calek looked up at Dregen and scoffed.
"We shall finish this later. Victor! Marcus! We take our leave."
both nodded and they dissappered into the shadows. Mina's knees became weak as her life's blood spilled to the floor with her falling. TJ was by her side instantly.
"i'm alright...TJ..."
Mina took a deep breath and winced passing out.
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