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Kingdom Hearts 2


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And I agree with your statement of Org. XIII being, well, pathetic. Because they where. I didn't have any problems with them, but for some reason I cannot for the life of me beat Sephy...oh well. Guess I need to level up some more, eh?


Well what level are you I beat him at lv 71,
SEPHY in kingdom hearts 1 took me about 70 trys to beat him because I would almost alwas die with the halo attack.
I just beat the final battle again and I didn't die once and only took me about 30 min.[94%] completed
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Guest EzekielTsurai
[QUOTE=dog dancing1]Well what level are you I beat him at lv 71,
SEPHY in kingdom hearts 1 took me about 70 trys to beat him because I would almost alwas die with the halo attack.
I just beat the final battle again and I didn't die once and only took me about 30 min.[94%] completed[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the final boss was easier than I had thought, I didn't die once either. And I beat him at about 71-73. Just pack your L1 commands with healing stuff (X proferably should be curaga) and have leaf bracer on, it's a lifesaver. I had ethers on triangle, elixers on square and hi potions on O (also a have item boost on too). Berserk Charge helps, but you don't want to keep on forever, as he'll teleport away and have you open for an attack. Get all the mp and combo stuff you can put on, and max out all forms and you should be ok. And if you haven't already, get Ultima Weapon too.
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  • 2 weeks later...
The Ultima Weapon is awesome.But I don't think it's my favorite. Mine is either Oblivion,Lions Mane, Or Oathkeeper.KH2 is a pretty easy game once you get the hang of it.I just have to beat Xemnas in his Final Form like Sora but it shouldn't be that hard since Riku gets to help me.He is so awesome!! :catgirl:
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Guest Alex50
I'm actually stuck on KH2 in Port Royal. I can't defeat the pirates on the part where you try to go back to Port Royal but they try to steal the medallion. Can't defeat 'em in time.
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try to train a little before trying again.It was easy for me.If you don't fight all or most heartless that you come across,you will be below the level needed to go on.If you run through battles,that could be the reason.Anyway,just train and try again if you've tried a lot already. :D
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[QUOTE]Does that get explained in Chain of Memories? Speaking of which, is Chain of Memories really worth playing, or should I just go read a summary if I'm curious about how its plot ties in to KH2's plot?[/QUOTE]

I would recommend CoM to any KH/KH2 fan! While the battle system can get frustrating at times it becomes kinda fun once you get the hang of it. It is worth it alone to play the extra Reverse/Rebirth after you beat the game. Also it gives you a little introduction to DiZ, Namine, and Axel.

Just thought I would clarify the Organization XIII member's deaths in the game. [spoiler]Sora kills Larxene & Marluxia, Axel kills Vexen, Riku kills Lexaeus, & Riku's clone kills Zexion.[/spoiler] Ya things get kind of crazy.

Also, I really enjoyed KH2. I loved what they did with Riku. All game I was freaking going, "I want Riku!" And then you finally find him and it's great. Well worth it to not have him around all game [spoiler]to have him fight side by side with you on the final boss in the end.[/spoiler] :cool:
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  • 3 weeks later...
[COLOR=Red] I think that [spoiler]Zexion should still be alive[/spoiler] because he was a cool member of the organization.Plus if there had been more members of the organization left then maybe it would make the game even more awesome than it already is!!

I really do hope that in KH3 that Sora will be included except not as a normal fighting character like Donald and Goofy.But kinda how they showed the little movies in between the different chapters of the story.Like Selphie but just in more of them because I think that dhe was only shone in about 2 of the movies.

Maybe KH3 will tell you things about all the different keyblades and I'm pretty sure there will be different keyblades to choose from and different worlds.Like maybe another world that was included in one of the Final Fantasy games.Maybe Spira but I doubt that ever happening[/COLOR] :catgirl:

[size=1][color=darkred]Added spoiler tags. -- Bombu [/color][/size]
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[color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]Oh my... okay you guys need to learn how to use spoiler tags. If there is something that you are posting that is a spoiler in the game then surround the sentence with a spoiler tag! Click [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/misc.php?do=bbcode#spoiler]here[/url] to find out [i]how[/i] to use them. :)

Back to the topic on hand. This game [url=http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/1828/rawkhawkcopy3fy.jpg]rawks[/url]. I'm about 21 hours in now (just going through all the worlds [spoiler][FONT=Tahoma]for the second time[/FONT][/spoiler]) and it's still just as fun as it was when I started.

My favourite world is (as you can see) Timeless River ([spoiler][FONT=Tahoma]The level where they go back in time to 1928[/FONT][/spoiler]). I'm sorry, but [spoiler][FONT=Tahoma]black and white[/FONT][/spoiler] Sora is pure awesome.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[b]EDIT:[/b] P.S. Level 38 and haven't died yet!
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[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I'll have to agree with White on this one. XD Kingdom Hearts II is so addicting, it makes you want to play it every second of everyday. It kicks major *** in graphics as well as the story line.

I've beaten it already, but I'm playing it over again. As for say which world has my favorite story, I must say it's [spoiler]Halloween Town. It's so awesome that you can go to Christmas Land and actually see Santa! I so cracked up when Sora was so excited to see him and said things like, "HOMG! We're going to see Santa?! Yay! I hope I'm on his good list!!"[/spoiler] And I'm like, "Sora.. aren't you older than that?" XD But he's so cute when he acts all innocent and crap. XDD

But for my favorite world, I must say it has got to be [spoiler]The World That Never Was. The whole scene is based on dark and moody,while Heartless pop everywhere at your mercy. So many bosses there and hot Organization XIII guy members... ho yes. That world was just plain sexy and hot.... loved all the hard bosses and the movies.[/spoiler] As a n00b would say... that world was t3h S3X!!1!!11!one XDDD So hot. XD

Of course, Sora is awesome, but Riku is even hotter. I want to just hug him and pet his hair. *braids Riku's hair*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS][quote name='Keyblade Wielder][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]But for my favorite world, I must say it has got to be [spoiler]The World That Never Was. The whole scene is based on dark and moody,while Heartless pop everywhere at your mercy. So many bosses there and hot Organization XIII guy members... ho yes. That world was just plain sexy and hot.... loved all the hard bosses and the movies.[/spoiler] As a n00b would say... that world was t3h S3X!!1!!11!one XDDD So hot. XD[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]
Uhhhh...being a dude, I didn't think it was as much sexy as cool, but yeah...it did have some sexiness to it. :animeswea

I'd have to say, as much as I liked the other worlds, my favorite one will always be Hollow Bastion. It was my favorite in No.1 (especially with the battle theme...and the battle theme in this one had piano and violens...I nearly cried the first time I fought here... :p ) and it's still my favorite in this one. The [spoiler]Great Heartless War as I call it[/spoiler] was one of my favorite moments in the game. I thought it was kinda funny when [spoiler]they thought that Goofy died[/spoiler] only because the possiblity of it being true was very slim.

I'm going to beat the game in Expert for the Secret Ending. ;) [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]Playing Kingdom Hearts II was like dipping an overworked body into a hot bath tub and letting the steam relax your muscles after a long day's work.:love2: [/size][/font]

[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]I loved the graphics and the animation [almost] making me feel like i'm part of the game. The easy flow of [b][i]KH II[/i][/b]'s controls, combined with a better control scheme (In my opinion) was marvelous and it should have been something the creators should've done with the first [b][i]KH[/i][/b]. Now, down to the details of the story [b][i].[/i][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3][spoiler][b]Sephiroth[/b]. Has anyone made it to him by now? Those of you who are highlighting the spoiler tag now should know that he is the secret boss unlocking a new [b][i]keyblade[/i][/b], lots of kudos and a [i][b]special[/b] FMV[/i] with [b][i]Sephy, Cloud, and Tifa[/i][/b], right? [b][i][u]If not, sorry, but I told you that the spoilers were armed.[/u][/i][/b] I got my arse kicked plenty of times (And by plenty, I mean [b]PLENTY[/b]) before I got to a high enough level: [b][i]Lvl. 75[/i][/b] to defeat him. [b]*Take a LOT of Megalixers with you and watch out for 'Sin Harvest' (Where he zaps all of your MP and leaves you with 1 HP point).*[/b][/size][/font]

[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]Great [b][i]'level-up'[/i][/b] zones. There is [only] one in the [b][i]Pride Lands[/i][/b] where Simba and Nala sleeps. After you beat Scar, go upstairs and you'll find [u][b]millions[/b][/u] of Heartless bugs. Use [b][i]Magnega[/i][/b] to defeat them, gaining crazy experience points [b][i](Even more than in the world 'Betwixt and Between')[/i][/b]![/size][/font]

[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]Who's finished playing Kingdom Hearts II with [b][i]100% [/i][/b]in [b]Standard[/b] mode? If you have played in [b]Expert[/b] mode, did you beat the game? If you have done either of these things, you will see the [b][i]'special ending'[/i][/b] for [b][i]Kingdom Hearts II[/i][/b]...[/spoiler] [/size][/font]

[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]...and i'll stop right there. Even with the spoiler tags [rounds] in full burst, I could not tell you all the [b][i]'special ending'[/i][/b]. It's just too good to ruin. Didn't mean to sound like a Kingdom Hearts dictionary, but talking about the game doesn't do it enough justice. You have to sit down and play to understand the beauty.[/size][/font]

[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]One more thing. The best thing about this game is that I could buy it for myself and teach my daughter to play also. I usually by the Rated M games for myself and tell my daughter to leave them alone. Now I can enjoy KH with my daughter whenever I want. [b][i]That's why this game rules[/i][/b].[/size][/font]

[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3][b][i][u]EDIT:[/u][/i][/b] I wish that [spoiler][i][b]Kingdom Hearts III[/b][/i][/spoiler] will come out with a way to explain the origions of [b][i]Oathkeeper[/i][/b] and [b][i]Oblivion[/i][/b]. They problably won't but i'm definitely going to talk with Square Enix and see if they'll make [b][i]another Kingdom Hearts[/i][/b] [spoiler][b][i][ IV ][/i][/b][/spoiler] where they can bring out [b][i]all new[/i][/b] [b][i]Keyblades[/i][/b] including the one in my signiture [b][i](Haven't you read it yet?...)[/i][/b][/size][/font]

[right][font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]Acheron~[/size][/font][/right]
[right][font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]Kingdom Hearts I [b][100%][/b][/size][/font][/right]
[right][font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]Kingdom Hearts II [b][100%][/b][/size][/font][/right]

[right][font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]*My favorite world is [spoiler][i][b]Beast's Castle[/b][/i][/spoiler]*[/size][/font][/right]
[right][font=Palatino Linotype][size=3](Plus, [b][i]Belle,[/i][/b] is a hottie, hot hottie.)[/size][/font][/right]
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[spoiler]I did find sephiroth, couldn't beat him though T_T
hey, umm, what does the Keyblade look like? Cuz there's this one that I keep seeing, but have no idea which one it is...
Another question
I had heard that you can get final form "randomly from driving in The World that Never Was" However, when I got it, I was in Radient Garden, after having reached the way to the final battle... Is this normal or a glitch or what?[/spoiler]
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[QUOTE=NashvilleDream][spoiler]I did find sephiroth, couldn't beat him though T_T
hey, umm, what does the Keyblade look like? Cuz there's this one that I keep seeing, but have no idea which one it is...
Another question
I had heard that you can get final form "randomly from driving in The World that Never Was" However, when I got it, I was in Radient Garden, after having reached the way to the final battle... Is this normal or a glitch or what?[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]I really can't say if what happened to you was a glitch or not, [b][i][u]NashvilleDream[/u][/i][/b], I can, however congratulate you on getting the [spoiler][b][i]'Final Form'[/i][/b][/spoiler], even if you weren't in the specified world.[/size][/font]
[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3][/size][/font]
[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]What [b][i]Keyblade[/i][/b] are you talking about? [b][i]If you're talking about the one in my signiture, [u]it's fake[/u].[/i][/b] Something [b][i]I[/i][/b] made up. Why does everyone think that [b][i][u]'Acheron'[/u][/i][/b] will really be a keyblade? [b][i][/i][/b] *Now i'm [b][i][u]really[/u][/i][/b] going to talk to [b][i]Square Enix[/i][/b] about making my [b][i]OB username[/i][/b] into a [b][i][u]'legendary keyblade'.[/u][/i][/b][/size][/font]
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No it's.. well... Lets see if I can describe it...
It's really long and thick... and it's light blue...
And it's like.. all these intertwined vines...
It's in some of the cutscenes from [url]www.kh-vids.net[/url]
I'd never seen it before the cutscenes and I was like... wow...
Also, I've seen a picture of a... Heartless keyblade.. but I think that that doesn't actually exist...
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[QUOTE=NashvilleDream][spoiler]I did find sephiroth, couldn't beat him though T_T
hey, umm, what does the Keyblade look like? Cuz there's this one that I keep seeing, but have no idea which one it is...
Another question
I had heard that you can get final form "randomly from driving in The World that Never Was" However, when I got it, I was in Radient Garden, after having reached the way to the final battle... Is this normal or a glitch or what?[/spoiler][/QUOTE]

Its no glitch. I got it at agrabah. So I would think not.

Sora's voice change was better. The other one was girlie. I don't have 100% of the games but I have defeated all of them. If KH3 comes out I will get it beat it and yell yes. I heard on a different board that the creator is not that interested in the franchise much anymore. I am A FANNNNNN!
(Nashvilldreams, does your banner suggest that Sora and Riku are gay? I like the banner though.)
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[quote name='chaos Alvis']Wow. ALot of u guys are kh2 fans :D . well i havent died yet *lvl 62* and i still dont have ultima :animecry: . i just need one more +orichulcum. any hints anyone?[/quote]

One hint is to fight lots of enimies and raise your moogle levels. Spend no orichulums at all until it's finished.
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[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS][quote name='chaos Alvis']Wow. ALot of u guys are kh2 fans :D . well i havent died yet *lvl 62* and i still dont have ultima :animecry: . i just need one more +orichulcum. any hints anyone?[/quote]
The one you missed is probably in the [spoiler]"World That Never Was."[/spoiler] It's the one that I found completely on accident. In the second save spot, right before you go up the bridge, look on the left, and you will see a treasure. Bam. ;)

If it's not the one you missed, my bad, that's the Orichulcum+ that most people I know missed.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Guest MaRk-0wN3Z-YoU
KH2 was awsome I cant wait until KH3 comes out it should be much better then the second one. I beat the game when i was like LV55. The first part of the game was very slow like 2 hours of being roxas. Here is an article I found more about the ending of KH2.

[spoiler]KINGDOM HEARTS 3 INTRO WHat the letter said at the ending of KH2 Kairi runs over to Sora and Riku, a glass bottle in her hand. She hands it to Sora as he pulls out a rolled piece of parchment with King Mickeys seal on it. He opens it and reads it aloud, and is surprised by the contents. It goes as follows: Dear Sora, It's Mickey. I have some news that you may want to know. As being an avid traveller of the worlds, you know I would find some things that would be very surprisin'. But this takes the cake. I was travelling with Donald and Goofy this time and we went sorta beyond the normal limit we would do. Well, we wound up in a town called Gildan City. There, I found two more Keyblade bearers besides you, me, and Riku! After explaining to them what their ability is, I realized something. Our battle against the darkness isn't over yet. Get yourself, Riku, and Kairi ready. I'm coming to pick you up in four days. Prepare yourselfs kids. I'll be there soon... Sincerly, King Mickey PS: There is a little present at the bottom of the bottle. Teach Kairi to use it after she releases it, okay? Sora looked into the bottle and poured out a small blue orb. "Is this what he was talking about?" Kairi grabbed the small orb and held it in her hand as it started to glow brightly. The three shielded their eyes from the light. After it died down, Kairi and Sora were surprised to see a weapom similar to the Oathkeeper Keyblade. It had the same color sceme, handle, pommel, and hilt, but the blade was an actual blade made of pure silver and mythril. "Oh my god!" Kairi yelled. "Looks like Mickey wants Kairi to go with us. I suggest we get started on her training then." Riku said. "But we just got home! How am I supposed to tell my mom about all of this?!" Sora exclaimed. "Show her the Keyblade Sora." Riku replied as he summoned his own blade. "Alright...Kairi, you better tell your parents since you'll be going with us. We'll teach you to fight with a blade until King Mickey gets here." Sora replied. "Okay. See you soon guys..." Kairi said. [/spoiler]

BTW did anyone beat Sephiroth yet?? I couldnt he was to hard for me :( i need to leval up more. i think he has like 11 health bars.
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I mean no disrespect but I never read anything so bad as a fan fic thing like that ever in my life...

But yes I look forward to KH3. I have beaten Sephiroth many times now pwning him like he was my little toy even on Proud and at level 40 now. (yes I found ways of doing that :P)

Here is a good question as well. Out of the entire game what would be your favorite world so far? Mine are two. The Tron world, and Steamboat wily world.

I loved Tron. Such a wonderful movie and I liked how they did tron however it could have been better but meh can't always be perfect.

Steamboat willy was really well thought out. How it all looked and felt Old school. Some can disagree with this but I loved how the sound was as if it was worn over the years of playing through a projector just... gave me tingles.
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Guest MaRk-0wN3Z-YoU
ya i know the article i found was alright though. Well how did you find out how to beat him (you know sephiroth)

My favorite worlds are Pirates of the carrabien and Hollow Bastion!

I liked the Pirates of the carrabien world because i am a big fan of that movie I liked how they had the story just like the 1st movie and you can use jack sparrow on your team he kicks but!

I also liked Hollow Bastion because you get to fight all those hartless and nobodys with the final fantasy charictors it was pretty good i liked fighting with cloud!!!
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[quote name='MaRk-0wN3Z-YoU']BTW did anyone beat Sephiroth yet?? I couldnt he was to hard for me :( i need to leval up more. i think he has like 11 health bars.[/quote]
[font=arial]Sadly, no, I haven't. D: (SADLY?! WTF MATE?! I don't want him to [spoiler]go boom![/spoiler])

I actually haven't gotten to him yet in my game, but I tried fighting him on a friends game...didn't go over so well. Ah, she didn't beat him either, so I'm good. XD

If this were KH1, however... *grins*[/font]
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Guest MaRk-0wN3Z-YoU
Yes of course KH1 Sephiroth was much easier then the KH2 one lol my friend beat him when he was like Leval 50 I don't really know any stratagy I just keep dying from a cheap shot from him.................
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[font=arial][color=darkorchid][size=1]Yeah, KH1 Sephiroth isn't nearly that hard.The guides I read all suggested you be at level 80...I beat him at level 49. :animesmil

But, enough of KH1...back to topic.

Xaldin now makes me angry. I can't beat him. Now I shall boycott him, as with Demyx. :animesigh XD[/font][/color][/size]
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