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Hey Say Mr. Lucifer [M]


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[color=deeppink][size=1]An experiment in stream-of-consciousness.[/size]

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You're lying in the bed with the heavy rock blaring as loud as you can get and no one's home you're all alone with nothing to occupy you but your own sick twisted thoughts. Shallow breathing with heavy heaving because no matter what you do there's never enough air in the room. Your mind races and the sanctum becomes an asylum, a cage made of technicolor psychosis. Everything's a mess and insomnia is driving a nail through your temple and oh god what if the body is a temple who will worship it, who will adorn it with tender touch and tender love?

Not moving just hurts too much so you fly off the bed and get naked and jump around and around like a rabid rabbit hopping circles to catch his own shadow all while you've got the heavy rock as a background static to the thoughts and patterns and wretched random with which you conduct your head. Bruises and cuts are just marking points in life where you hit an end you hit a stop and somebody promptly got up and said "Now what?" and the question was so killing in all that it didn't have an answer that it screwed you to the tile and let you rapidly drown in the speeding silence of the lack of a response. Now all there is is nothing.

And for all that there wasn't anything there seemed to be a whole lot of nothing and man oh man that empty just slips right through you like a sliver of a silver spirit, leaving you changed forever even though you're unaware. A heart transplant at 1 am for the dying life of a dying child with her dying parents in their dying love and the only thing that's keeping it all alive is the fragile balance of the doctor's scapel so be careful Mr. PhD you've got somebody's world on a string.

Rambling on and on like a train with no direction where's the destination I haven't got in mind? So here's a little old school for you and you better take like a man and suck it down in one whole gulp like that shot of vodka in a drunkard's mouth. Here's the plain white truth in clips and phrases and stained all over. If what we have is what we've got and what we've got is what we have and we haven't got anything but a hope and prayer then is all this for nothing and we are we all just kept waiting in some demented anticipation like God's final prank upon a world who forsook him?

And who is this God anyway? i'd really like to know! Is he a pupeeteer or an observer, a director or an audience? And if God really was one of us, I think he'd just chuck it all up to bad luck and bad planning and say Hey Mr. Lucifer give me a smile cause we're going south for the winter, up there it's mighty cold with all the condescending lamenting preachers and angels and choirs and Mr. Lucifer will say Well alright Yaweh let's get a move on now we don't want to be late cause our cousins are stoppin' in and we wouldn't want to miss 'em.

And they would drink iced tea and lemonade and watch the grass blades as they flutter in that Southern summer breeze.

So in your heart of souls and your soul of hearts and heart of hearts in souls and hearts and souls and souls in hearts what do you really truly feel? Give me a straight answer straight face straight to my face and don't think twice because your first instinct is always right so tell me now do you really feel? What's that beating your chest there, what's that screaming dear? What's this subliminal ethereal overwhelming pain? It's perfection in a bottle, a prescription in the blood, a love so smudged with dirt and sludge we can't even recognize it anymore.

What's this love?

We'll end it here. Because there's a sick little suicide in all that we do and a sick little murder in all that we don't and it's a lose-lose situation no matter how you look at it so chuck it all up to bad luck and die free of regret. Burn it up. Toss it down. Raise up the anarchy and bring down the higher order of things and strip it down to pathetic, bleeding core and eat it alive. Eat it like a child eats the lies of a loving parent.

We'll end it here.

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[font=Verdana][size=1]Whoo. Three thumbs up for language. [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1]I think some parts really confused me. The stream of consciousness was great, except that it really was [i]a stream of consciousness[/i], so it jumped a bit, hehe. Does that make sense? It was hard to follow at times because it was just like being in someone's mind, if you get that. [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1]But some of the lines in there were just magic, Miss Karma. ^.~ Just to quote my absolute favorites;[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][QUOTE][color=#ff1493]A heart transplant at 1 am for the dying life of a dying child with her dying parents in their dying love and the only thing that's keeping it all alive is the fragile balance of the doctor's scapel so be careful Mr. PhD you've got somebody's world on a string.[/color]
[/QUOTE] [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][QUOTE][color=#ff1493]Here's the plain white truth in clips and phrases and stained all over. If what we have is what we've got and what we've got is what we have and we haven't got anything but a hope and prayer then is all this for nothing[/color][/QUOTE] [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][QUOTE][color=#ff1493]Hey Mr. Lucifer give me a smile cause we're going south for the winter, up there it's mighty cold with all the condescending lamenting preachers and angels and choirs and Mr. Lucifer will say Well alright Yaweh let's get a move on now we don't want to be late cause our cousins are stoppin' in and we wouldn't want to miss 'em.[/color]
[/QUOTE] [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][QUOTE][color=#ff1493]What's that beating your chest there, what's that screaming dear? What's this subliminal ethereal overwhelming pain? It's perfection in a bottle, a prescription in the blood, a love so smudged with dirt and sludge we can't even recognize it anymore.[/color][/QUOTE] [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1]And the last paragraph, too, is something I really love. To be honest I [i]love[/i] this piece because of those phrases and the language. [And would you mind awfully if I used part of the Hey Mr. Lucifer as my MSN name, lol?][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1]But yes. I loved it. Magic, seriously. Just...magic. *nods* Some of those phrases are just so lyrical, I can fully imagine them being in a song, especially when they're so cleverly crafted. Well done![/size][/font]
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[color=deeppink][size=1]Thanks Asphy! Yea, I was kind of amazed at the quality of this piece considering how early in the morning I wrote it, and how it honest-to-God came out of nowhere. I just had the sudden urge to write, and not a clue what to write about. Something with an actual plot was rather intimidating, so I decided to be cheap and do some stream-of-consciousness. Because of the constant poetry I write, my mind tends to actually think in rhyme and meter, so reading my thoughts straight out ends up sounding like a not-quite song poem. It's a little weird.

Of course you can use it on your MSN name. (My MSN handle is [email]Tokyo_Moon@msn.com[/email], if you'd like to stop by.) I love your banner, btw.

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