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A clan departed.-A Redwall tale (R-LVAC)

Akieen Cloud

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OCC---Okay so I've been reading alot of redwall books lately, I dunno if many people read those but their really good. Your characters will not be human or anyother creature that resembles a human. They will be animals for those of you who haven't read. Okay, good guys are Otters, Mice, Hedgehogs, Shrews, Moles, Badgers, Voles, Hares,Squirlls, animls like that. Bad guys are Ferrets, weasels, rats, stoats, wildcats, vermine of anykind and wicked looking animals...well sorta. Yea well here goes.

For many years this land has been guarded by the loyal followers of the Badger lord and his loyal Long Patrol hares. The waters were protected by my caln of otters. things were peaceful, till the frightful day that seemed to rain blood upon our lands. I am a old warrior now, I have seen many seasons but this particular season is the one where my brother came to power. I have taken the task of being recorder for my clan and I write down our history, this tale of death and pain is one I thought the entire shore should know of. It was raining that day, endless rain. the scores of pirate ships that landed upon our shores were many in number and carried even more frightful numbers amoung them. The badger lord of Salamandastron was forced to call upon all those around the shores to aid him against the terrible beast the was Luserason Bloodlast. The haunting fox that brought his horde to take over our lands. He was grey from age and carried a long scyth that was alomost as frightful looking as him-self. He had a gold hoop in his left ear, a necklace made from bones of his fallen eneimes and bracelets up both wrists. His eyes were dark Red and meanicing. He wore a black tunic and his face was tatooed to resemble death. The Blood Red cloak made him look all the more terrible. The lord badger of the mountain and five of his long patrol met him on the shores. Words were shared and we recived message that a war was going to take place no doubt. Things became more complicated as my brother and the other otter warriors assembled along with my-self. We learned that night that Luserason had slyed a hare as she walked away with her lord. We were appalled. The badger lord had requsted our aid in the battle and we gave it to him. A tidal wave of anger and retrobution was about to spill out upon the shores of Salamandastron like nothing we have ever seen and I was in the middle of it. This is the storey of the battle of the mountain.

Okay I need as many people as I can get for this, if it's a flop than hey I tried. I need One Luserason Bloodlast. This will be the bad guy and I am giving it to the first person who wants it first come first serve, I also need one otter warrior for my brother. These two characters will go into the fianl battle and fight to the death. I need ONE bader lord of Salamandastron. Other than that you can be what ever you want. Here's mine.

Name: Herya
Age: 17 seasons (seasons are like years)
Gender: F
Weapons: Sling, bow, hand scy. (3 weapons tops please)
Profile: Born on the shores of Slamandasrton she was rasied by her mother and father. She follows her brothers example and becomes a warrior of the otter clan and fights for the mountian. (doesn't have to be very long just lemme know where you came from and stuff like that)
Personality: She is nothing like a lady and is fire spirited, She fights hard and never rests when theres work to be done. Kind natured but firce on the battle feild.
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[size=1][color="#993366"]We really encourage all members to finish their RPGs [i]before[/i] they post them up into the Inn. Just save it into a program like Word and continue to add to it and edit until you feel it's ready for a go. Unfinished threads are not cool.

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