liamc2 Posted January 29, 2002 Share Posted January 29, 2002 *A ominous [I]shliiiiiiiick[/I] is heard, and Liam comes back cleaning off his sword* Sabir: wasn't there supposed to be a signal? Liam: though I might deliver it mesself, only a couple of *cough* dead *cough* sentries, massive legion of soldiers below. .think its time for Armaggedon? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkness Posted January 29, 2002 Share Posted January 29, 2002 (Approaching the other end of the complex, Siren asks the wind what it sees) Siren: looks like there is a mass of soldiers not too far from the other group. There aren't many guards in our path; they must preparing for the end. Burn: [color=red]An end that we won't let happen![/color] Mia: Well, what do we do? Cryad: Burn and I will dispose of the guards, while we're fighting, I want you two to enter the temple. Siren: Consider it done! (They build thier power) Cryad: [color=blue]You ready?[/color] Burn: [color=red]Just say the word[/color] Cryad: [color=blue]Now![/color] (They begin to execute the plan) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiha Posted January 30, 2002 Share Posted January 30, 2002 [COLOR=royalblue]So...what's the plan?[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti Posted January 30, 2002 Share Posted January 30, 2002 OOC:ahh through numerous events,none of which I wish to elaborate on, I have finnally found the time to return to Oaku, I see you guys kept this rpg alive and well w/o me((*reads over this part again and relizes it might be taken the wrong way*, I mean it as a compliment)) will be nice to be back ----------------------- Sean:....we will have to use armagedon, what do you think Liam? Liam:withthat number, yeppzies Sabir:and what will the rest of us do? Sean:what, at least you do best...attacks where the most confusion will be...I have an idea...Liam, see that hill...go up it and at the last moment before armagedon become visible...then we can do like Alpha and Beta are... Sabir:attack from a flank? Sean:exactly...whatever is left is free killing...but even after armagedon the enemy will still be could always wait to fight such large numbers till we are in a confined space... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
liamc2 Posted January 30, 2002 Share Posted January 30, 2002 Liam: ok *nods and turns invisible* *the sound of soft hurried footsteps dies out* ok. .hill, hill . . . *looks around* *sees it and runs towards it* *Liam reaches the highest point of the hill, breathing heavilly, he looks around below, scanning for any signs of close danger* ???: *wraps a rope around Liam's neck, slowly strangling him to death* DIE INVISIBLE DEMON! *continues to strangle Liam* Liam: *turns visible in shock* KACKT! Dark Sentry: our master warned us of your kind. .destroying us. .but know I destroy YOU! *tightens the rope* ------ Down Below ------ Anti: Liam is visible. .take cover! *All take shelter and wait. .but nothing happens* Ayarna: is something wrong? *looks worriedly up at the hill* I mean. .does the spell take a while? ------ On the hill ------ Liam: *fumbles for his sword* gerakkkk. .*struggles and everything seems to go fuzzy in and out of focus* one . . . chance . . *Liam pretends to black out* Dark Sentry: *stops, lets Liam drop to the ground* pitiful creature. . thinking you could ever beat us *raises pike* Liam::flaming: *unsheaths his sword in a blur of movement and slices through the sentry's leg* D S: :eek: *drops the pike and tumbles over the cliff* AAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!! Liam: *tries desperately to regain his breath* huh. . .huh. .*cough* *rolls over to his side, clutching his throat* ------ Down Below ------ *the group see a figure fall off the top of the rock, all stare in shock, all lost for words* Ayarna: he . . but . . it couldn't. .no *slumps against a tree staring at the ground* *the others just stare blankly at her, no idea what to say* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiha Posted January 30, 2002 Share Posted January 30, 2002 [COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: ALPHA!! Go find Liam! If he's dead, mask his scent, if he's alive, get him back! Alpha: *nods* [i]He wheeled outwards towards the cliff, dodging Dark clansmen left and right. Sabir, Ayarna, and Sean turned to face the others.....and tightened their grip on their weapons.[/i] Sabir: Let's open up this party properly...:devil: Ayarna: Plans? Sean: Just cover your ears. Ayarna: Why- agh! Sabir: LAGUNAAAA BLAAAAADE!!! [i]She whirled her sword in a tight circle above her head, and whipped a huge mass of blue flames towards the enemy.... *WOOSH* Sabir threw back her head and howled to the moon, calling the wolves to her sides.[/i] Sabir: Let's go![/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti Posted January 30, 2002 Share Posted January 30, 2002 Sean: SUN's RAY!!! [I]A Blinding light shots out of Sean's hand, and upon entering the light of the open field increase many times in power, it cleaves upon a large side of the enemy forces[/I] Sean:right...lets go [I]Sean unsheaths his daggers and rushes foreward, keeepng up with the wolves and Sabir[/I] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkness Posted January 30, 2002 Share Posted January 30, 2002 Cryad: [color=blue] NOW!!!!![/color] (with flames coming off his swift sword, Burn lets the enemy feels his wrath. Cryad does the same, while Siren and Mia make a b-line to the small temple entrance) *...a few moments later* Burn: [color=red] That took longer than I thought it would.[/color] Cryad:[color=blue] Yea, now let's see if we can catch up to Siren and Mia.[/color] (As they run into the temple they wonder how the other group is doing) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiha Posted January 30, 2002 Share Posted January 30, 2002 [COLOR=royalblue][i]Sabirsing pointed at the wall, and the whole thing fell apart.....and the group charged through, the wolves as the four runners......soon, Alpha and Liam were back.[/i] Ayarna: Is he alive?!? Sabir: He's fine. Alpha: He was asleep, if you really want to know. Sabir: :demon: WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Sean: LOL.[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti Posted January 30, 2002 Share Posted January 30, 2002 *Sean grins and turns on one of the dark ones quickly finishing it off* Sean: well we better move...Beta we need to clear a path through to the temple... *Sean turns into a wolf and stands next to the others* Beta:lets go then...we of the wolf clan will clear a path through the dark ones *Sean nods and follows the wolf pack, ready to fight* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiha Posted January 30, 2002 Share Posted January 30, 2002 [COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Come on guys! [i]They followed in Beta and Sean's wake....hacking left and right.....soon, they came to the center of the temple and looked around...[/i] Sabir: Seal the doors! Sean: *goes human* Why? Sabir: So we don't get any unexpected visitors, we can work our way out from here, claiming more and more territory as we go. Liam: I suppose that one'll work... Ayarna: Let's do it![/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
liamc2 Posted January 31, 2002 Share Posted January 31, 2002 OOC: sorry haven't been online, school started :toothy: WTF????? I was otaku, now i'm back to 912? insane *shakes head* second time i was otaku and lose it. .lol --------- *Liam looks up at the ceiling, making sure there aren't any entrances or holes, and rubs the spot on his neck where the rope cut into it* Liam: let my guard down. .again. . bah. .I'm not about to let it down again Ayarna: are you ok? Liam: *forces a smile* fine. .just fine *walks around the temple, sword drawn, but without his usual stance, and somehow withered looking* Ayarna: ok *paces around also, keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragonflame Posted January 31, 2002 Share Posted January 31, 2002 OOC: IIIII''''MMMM BBBBAAAACCCCKKKK actuall I have been back for a while but not wanting to wreck ur awesum stuff...looks great, keep it up...hey Liam, this should help with our english unit yeh??? lol, catcha later matey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti Posted January 31, 2002 Share Posted January 31, 2002 Sean:well if thats the plan...then lets go claim territory connecting us to the others... [I]Sean looked at each door, there were four of them going off in the cardinal directions, they knew the south door led outside...the other three must have led deeper into the temple[/I] Sean:3 passages...well we can travel them one by a large group... Sabir:or split up... [I]Sean nods[/I] Sean:more dangerous....but we will move faster... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiha Posted February 1, 2002 Share Posted February 1, 2002 [COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Right........Ayarna......go with Beta. Ayrna: Right. *leaves* Beta: *sweeps out* Sabir: Sean......go with Alpha........ Alpha: Come. Liam: Ånd me? Sabir: Stay here......we're holding down the fort.[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
liamc2 Posted February 1, 2002 Share Posted February 1, 2002 OOC: :rolleyes: when you dabble in the pool of fantasy, you have to sooner or later take a plunge --------- Liam: *nods* *unsings a bow from his back and sits waiting* Sabir: arrows? Liam: :D *holds up hand and an arrow is formed from lightning, which he promptly shoots at a archer looking through a hole in the roof* this bow is courtesy of one of our archer friends *nods to archer that falls through the hole* Sabir::rolleyes: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkness Posted February 3, 2002 Share Posted February 3, 2002 On the other side of the temple..... *Cryad and Burn are involved in senseless violence, mutilating and maiming any who dare approach them* Cryad: (beheading his foe) Burn!! How you holding up? Burn: [color=red]I'm fine![/color] Cryad: The girls should be right in front of us, let's advance. *Burn nods his approval* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raquel Posted February 5, 2002 Share Posted February 5, 2002 siren: they better hurry Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkness Posted February 5, 2002 Share Posted February 5, 2002 *Cryad pats Siren on backside* Cryad: Hey babe, you miss me? Siren: Always. Cryad: I think that there are some up ahead. Let's show them how good a team we are. Siren: Anytime. *They go forward, and the slayfest begins* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiha Posted February 5, 2002 Share Posted February 5, 2002 [COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *THWACK* Okay.............we need the others to get over here.........the dead bodies are kind of in the way..... Cryad: SABIR!! Sabir: HEY!! GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE RIGHT NOW![/COLOR] :flaming: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkness Posted February 5, 2002 Share Posted February 5, 2002 [color=blue]Cryad: At your service.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti Posted February 5, 2002 Share Posted February 5, 2002 [I]Zack and Alpha run down one hallway...slashing through guards but never stopping their run[/I] Wolf: HOWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [I]Alpha jerks to a stop[/I] Alpha:thats Beta....he is wounded... Sean:...go ahead your clan... Alpha:thank you Sean...I will return...until then I am in your debt [I]Sean turns and runs down the passage, neatly takeing a dark clansmen head off as Alpha turns and heads back to help Beta[/I] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
liamc2 Posted February 5, 2002 Share Posted February 5, 2002 *Liam releases more arrows, then hears the wolf howl* Sabir: that was Beta. . Liam: wasnt Ayarna with Beta?:eek: you'll be fine *runs out of the temple, towards the wolf cry* *Liam runs further and further away from the others, firing arrows randomly at the dark soldiers around him* [I]Liam: If anything has happened to her. . .hell will pay. .[/I] * Up ahead he saw Ayarna, using the blade with all the ferocity she could muster. Beta lay on the ground, an arrow peircing his side, Alpha tending the wound* Ayarna: *smiles* about time you got here, letting me have all the fun *nods to the massive pile of darkclansmen* Liam: *smiles and unsheathes his sword* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkness Posted February 5, 2002 Share Posted February 5, 2002 *Cryad,Siren,Mia,and Burn have met up with Sabir* [color=blue]Cryad: What's your situation?[/color] [color=lightblue]Sabir: Liam just went to help down on that end of the corridor, Sean's that way.[/color] [color=blue]Cryad: What do you suggest? We can group together and take it to Draconus, now that we're inside.[/color] [color=lightblue]Sabir: Just what I was thinking. Let's do it.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raquel Posted February 6, 2002 Share Posted February 6, 2002 siren: alright!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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