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British men hot or hot


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[QUOTE=maladjusted][color=darkslateblue] British accents don't really have an effect on me...but I fell in love with Sean Biggerstaff (guy who plays Oliver Wood in the Harry Potter movies) when I heard his voice. So, yeah...go Scottish accents! ;)

But then again I have a thing for all-American guys. >_>;[/color][/QUOTE]
OMG i fell in love w/ him the first time i saw the movie, pretty much any accent from the UK or surounding aria(ireland) gets me goin. but yes scotish is one of my faves. But yup accents are a big part of someones attractiveness, i realy like all engish, welsh, scotish, irish, australian,german, and greek accents. I'm not realy a big fan of the accents in the US or canada, maybe it's cuz i hear um too much. Some american guys are good, i mean my boyfriend is american, he lives in georgia so he's got that whole southern thing goin wich i don't mind all that much.
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[size=1][color=royalblue]"British men hot or hot"...y'know that title sounds off, but I'm pretty sure it's just my imagination. ^_~*

Well, it's kinda hard to classify British men into a seperate category. Like everyone else, you have you're hotties, and you have your uglies.

What I find most attractive is their accents. @_@[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE=Dark Serena][size=1][color=royalblue]"British men hot or hot"...y'know that title sounds off, but I'm pretty sure it's just my imagination. ^_~*

Well, it's kinda hard to classify British men into a seperate category. Like everyone else, you have you're hotties, and you have your uglies.

What I find most attractive is their accents. @_@[/color][/size][/QUOTE]
okay i'll be a little more specific, not all british men are hot, but a lot are. i'm into the tall skinny ones, with the kinda skinny face, dark hair, dark eyes, maybe a little stubble and that adorable accent. you know the hot guys on british dramas and comedies those kinda guys.
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Heh, take a look at my signature and avatar. The very Handsome Alan Cumming reigns from the UK. However, as for this "more night life in UK" thing... well of course. Pretty much everywhere in Europe has a very profound night life. I've had the privilege of cris-crossing Europe. If you ever get the chance to go to the UK or any part of Europe you really should. You'd be surprised to how different things are over there.
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[quote name='Kareiyasha']Heh, take a look at my signature and avatar. The very Handsome Alan Cumming reigns from the UK. However, as for this "more night life in UK" thing... well of course. Pretty much everywhere in Europe has a very profound night life. I've had the privilege of cris-crossing Europe. If you ever get the chance to go to the UK or any part of Europe you really should. You'd be surprised to how different things are over there.[/quote]
Yes i can tell he is, its the facial structure and dark hair color(how i can tell i don't know). I want to go to soooo bad but unfortunately i can't plus if i could i'm only 15 so the night life thing would be out of my reach. When i get older though i'm planning on going to the UK and when that happens, wow american boy gone wild.^_^
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[size=1]I hate British accents. Ok, I lie. I dislike British accents. High-pitched, whiney and annoying.

And thats the good things I have to say about them, lol. I am exaggerating, but British accents have never really appealed to me. As for British men being hot...I wouldn't know, lol. [/size]
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[QUOTE=Methuselah][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Well, I'm sure I said this in a PM to you, Miryoku, I don't think Brittish men are that hot. ^_~

[SIZE=1]Jamie. One word. Well wait for it *looks around for Steff* Ok Safe...Kilt.
Heh heh, personally, I don't think I'm your personal Prince Charming. But meh, it's all down to personal opinion. And if we all thought the same, well wouldn't this be a mucked up world.

"Hi John"

"Hi Bob"

"How was work John ?"

"Fine Bob, How was work Bob ?"

"Fine John, What did you have for lunch John ?"

And so-on and so-on. So it's all down to personal opinion. Plus Brits can be split again into, well the Welsh, the Irish, the Scots (myself being) and the English. So meh, go with your own opinion. That's all I can say.[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=Reise][size=1]Jamie. One word. Well wait for it *looks around for Steff* Ok Safe...Kilt.
Heh heh, personally, I don't think I'm your personal Prince Charming. But meh, it's all down to personal opinion. And if we all thought the same, well wouldn't this be a mucked up world.

"Hi John"

"Hi Bob"

"How was work John ?"

"Fine Bob, How was work Bob ?"

"Fine John, What did you have for lunch John ?"

And so-on and so-on. So it's all down to personal opinion. Plus Brits can be split again into, well the Welsh, the Irish, the Scots (myself being) and the English. So meh, go with your own opinion. That's all I can say.[/size][/QUOTE]

OMG, kilt, i love kilts, they are sooo sexy. not to mention the accents of those wearing them.....hummmmmmmmm. God what an image ^_^
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