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The Boxing Day tragedy


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Guest ZeroAnime
people people people i never said i was happy about the thing. if i could i would go volunteer to search for people. just i would not give money(i.e. be passive) i'd be action. but i am really that way baron,I dont do it to be cool. just am. but i really would go search for bodies and survivors. but im to young. we got off on the wrong foot. hopefully this cleared things up.
oh and disregard my signature.
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[quote name='ZeroAnime']Morpheus, i wish i could but i wouldnt be true to my self. and i am young i'm 14. i did not mean to offend anyone. also do u know what happens when u have to much of one thing it implodes. mankind would run out of food faster and oxygen would be consumed to fast. i kno im very cold hearted and sick(and i like it that way :smirk: )[/quote]
I'm not sending money either, but you could at least not be a jerk about it.
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[QUOTE=ZeroAnime]yes that is true i dont care about anyone but myself. and its better to never luv because u dont feel the pain and nobody can hold your luved one hostage in exchange for your life. Oh and one of my friends is among the missing she was on holiday in Thailand. emotions r mankinds creation, not nature. and i hav no emotions.
MistressRoxie u hav a very caring heart that is good, dont change. :) :)
i tried to have emotions but could not. i will do the right thing but dont care. but just the same i can do the wrong thing and not care.[/QUOTE]

[color=#811C3A]Ahh yes. At the grand, ripe old age of fourteen, you know all about emotions and the ways of the world. Right?

[i]Puh-lease[/i]. Get over yourself, drop the teenage angst act and then maybe you'll be welcome to these discussions.

When you consider the enormous size of this disaster, and the concept that many millions of people are currently suffering as a result (both directly and indirectly), it's absolutely callous to start talking in such a way. People are seriously hurting and they need help, not a big, fat, idiotic dose of teenage angst.

It's pleasing to see more and more people come aboard with the aid, though. Coca-Cola is going to be providing shipments of fresh water, Starbucks has donated $100,000 and various other businesses across the world are coming to the table. Some of it is a bit weak, but it all counts.

Also, just to be clear, Aceh is a north-western Indonesian province, not an Indian province. I just want to clarify that to avoid confusion (as Indonesia has suffered the brunt of the disaster so far).[/color]
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[QUOTE=James][color=#811C3A]When you consider the enormous size of this disaster, and the concept that many millions of people are currently suffering as a result (both directly and indirectly), it's absolutely callous to start talking in such a way. People are seriously hurting and they need help, not a big, fat, idiotic dose of teenage angst.

It's pleasing to see more and more people come aboard with the aid, though. Coca-Cola is going to be providing shipments of fresh water, Starbucks has donated $100,000 and various other businesses across the world are coming to the table. Some of it is a bit weak, but it all counts.[/color][/QUOTE]

I agree whole heartedly, but we all go through that phase where we believe ourselves to be heartless... sometimes when we're young it's easier to act this way so that we don't allow ourselves to get hurt. Especially at a young age. However, attempting to be cold-hearted in this situation is not going to change the fact that over 100,000 people have died in this tragedy. I would say that most of us live in places were we were fortunate enough to not have family there in the time that all of this has happened. This is not the time to hide our emotions and try to close ourselves off. Please try your best to sympathize for these people.

Now, as for helping these people, the Otaku Boards is obviously not the place to go for help, however, I would ask that everyone tries to contribute in any way possible. Try to donate just a couple dollars, or even if it's just a small prayer (if you're religious.) Hopefully the people of the far South-East will recover as quickly as they can.
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[size=1][quote name='James']Also, just to be clear, Aceh is a north-western Indonesian province, not an Indian province. I just want to clarify that to avoid confusion (as Indonesia has suffered the brunt of the disaster so far).[/quote]
Oops. My bad, heh. I'll edit that.

This disaster will probably take years to clear up. On the news last night it showed an aerial shot of this island city that was taken before the tsunami...and then they showed one taken afterwards.

There was nothing left standing. It was shocking.

And, in terms of the Australian count, somewhere around 1250 were missing at last report, and there is great concern for quite a few of them.[/size]
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. In Phuket, a missing Australian footballer (Melbourne Demons) he swept out by water after saving his wife, who were on their honeymoon after getting married in Dec 18. Still not found.[/QUOTE]

He just plays for Melbourne but that does not matter ( It doesn't stop me hating his team) but it is sad that he was on his honeymoon but what was even sadder about the girl whose brother that had down syndrome was swept away from her and their father. His family are starting to lose hope for him coming back but they wouldn't give up on him at first. Their father was also hospitalized for a while because of being pinned to a wall by furniture.

This is getting terrible.
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[SIZE=-3]So what are we looking at now...over 100,000 casualties and we are still finding more dead? This is just truly, a horrific disaster. I donated at least $100, I figure someone or some family over there could use it way more than I could.

Did you hear about that Indonesian woman who was hanging on to her two children, one two years of age, the other five years. Well, the water was getting rough, and she was losing her grip on the treebranch (Probably something else, I forget exactly) she was hanging onto, so she decided to let go of the oldest child. Well, she surived...and she later found out that her five-year old was found alive as well. It was great news, but she said she could never forgive herself for letting go of him. But then again, if she didn't she might have died.

So what do you think, good, loving mother? Or just a case of being selfish?

I've heard both said about her, and frankly I think that if she really loved him, she would have let him go. It's an amazing thing really,the kind of emotion to prevoke you into letting someone possibly die. But yet, I feel that it was 100% justifed. She did the only thing morally right in my eyes. Of course though, it was her decision and not the childs. The child was not going to sacrifice himself for her, she made the choice for him. But in a life-or-death situation like that, I don't think a five-year old child would have the ablity to comprehend such a decision, let alone know what the hell was going on. Maybe I'm looking too deep into it, but I feel that she did what any other person would do.[/SIZE]
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[color=#9933ff]Yeah, I think it was a good decision. I really don't think you can judge a situation like that until you're in it. In scary times like that, I just think primordial human instincts take over.

I just thought of this - my mother said she's been to Phuket before (lovely island). I told her "Well, if you ever go back, it sure as heck won't be the same." It was kinda sad.

I heard that it will take 5-10 years to totally clean up the entire area, which is kinda sad, too. =([/color]
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[color=darkviolet]Whoa I really am getting slow in my old age. I didn't even know if there was a thread to this tsunami until today *pokes herself*.

I heard about the Tsunami the day after Christmas when I was up at 4:15 AM EST or so changing and feeding my daughter. There really isn't anything on except CNN at that time so I decided to watch. At that time the death toll was only 10,000 and all I could think of was-"I've lived and driven through towns with less people than that.' It was pretty sad.

Yesturday when I was watching the news they were showing before and after aerial shots of this one [i]city[/i] in Sri Lanka I believe. The before shots were of a scene with buildings and such, the after had nothing.

I think if anyone wants to send money they could try redcross.org or something like that. That's the only one I could think of.

There are so many sad stories from this disaster. I heard one on the Today show yesturday that this woman went there with three children and she's only coming back with one. I can't immagine anything like that. The worst part of it is that most of the victims have been children becuase they ran out to the shore when the water was going out to collect shells.

I'd type more but my right wrist is starting to hurt since I've been typing since 11:am

Blessed Be.[/color]
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[size=1][quote name='Daermon_Nashabe']but what was even sadder about the girl whose brother that had down syndrome was swept away from her and their father. His family are starting to lose hope for him coming back but they wouldn't give up on him at first.[/quote]
The brother was confirmed dead early yesterday morning. Or maybe even the day before, I think.

[quote=Sol-Blade]Did you hear about that Indonesian woman who was hanging on to her two children, one two years of age, the other five years. Well, the water was getting rough, and she was losing her grip on the treebranch (Probably something else, I forget exactly) she was hanging onto, so she decided to let go of the oldest child. Well, she surived...and she later found out that her five-year old was found alive as well. It was great news, but she said she could never forgive herself for letting go of him. But then again, if she didn't she might have died.

So what do you think, good, loving mother? Or just a case of being selfish? [/quote]
She was in danger of losing her two year old son, and had to let go of the five year old, or thats what I heard at least.

But, if she was holding both of them, and herself, then if she was trying to save her own life, then it would be sensible. One dead or three dead. Which is better?

[quote name='ChibiHorseWoman']Yesturday when I was watching the news they were showing before and after aerial shots of this one city in Sri Lanka I believe. The before shots were of a scene with buildings and such, the after had nothing.[/quote]
I think that might be the shots I was talking about before: It was the Indonesian city of Banda-Aceh which, as you may be able to tell from the name, projects off the end of Aceh, that Indonesian province I mentioned before.[/size]
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[SIZE=1]I actually didn't realise what this thread was about until I read the small preview from highlighting the hyperlink. I first heard about on when I was in hospital on the 27th, I just happened to be flicking through the channels when I stopped on Sky News, honestly the sheer destructive nature of this incident is simply horrifying. I just checked Sky News a few moments ago and the number confirmed dead is almost 130,000 though thanks to the response from governments around the world the threat of disease spreading seems to have been stopped, something which could have doubled the number of fatalities.

This disaster does however show that when something of this nature does occur that people everywhere are willing to stand together to help those who have suffered. One report from earlier today showed how one town in England [Swindon I think] raised huge amounts of money and food/water as part of relief supplies, their dedication for what happened was truly inspiring. My only hope is that those who survived can find some comfort in the fact that the entire world both grieves with them and is working hard to save them from further harm. [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=-3]So...if I heard correctly...Japan has donated $500 million dollars to the reconstruction efforts and the US has increased it's donation to $350 million dollars. Now I know this is all for an excellent cause, but it seems like it's becoming a competition! lol[/SIZE]
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[size=1]If it's a competition, all the better for the affected areas, heh. Recently Australians raised $60 million dollars for it, from our four main charities. Oh, and you know the Albany farmer who donated 100 tons of deckspace on his cargo ship to take to Asia? Well, he has recieved enough to make a second trip there as well.[/size]
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