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Vignette Underground [PG-LSV]


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[center][size=5][font=georgia][b][u]Vignette Underground[/u][/b][/font][/size][/center]

[size=1]Hey all. Let's use this thread for any discussion regarding the RPG itself, and to address questions the players may have throughout the project. Having said that, let me begin with a few things I'd like to ramble on about...[/size]

[font=trebuchet ms][size=3][b][u]Post Structure[/size][/u][/b]

Basically I expect each post in ?Vignette? to include two things: [b]The Story[/b] and [b]Bookends[/b]. The stories themselves can be told from any point of view or perspective? you have complete freedom with those. My only request is that the stories themselves remain self-contained and accessible, since that is what this RPG is all about.

Whereas the individual posts are expected to tell self-contained ?small stories? there is the ?big story? of these characters at the tavern exchanging their stories. The ?big story? deals with interaction between the storytellers, events taking place in the bar, and whatever else you can think that takes place in the ?present.?

The [b]Bookends[/b] to the post involve the set-up to the story, and anything else you can think of. Whereas the individual posts are expected to tell self-contained ?small stories? there is the ?big story? of these characters at the tavern exchanging their stories. The ?big story? is covered in these [b]Bookends[/b].

Also, whenever possible, I?d like to have the Bookends have some relevance to the story being told. Here?s basically what I envision a basic post to look like?


[b]Intro Bookend:[/b] Marlow and Charlotte get into an argument about an Arthurian legend. Marlow grew up with a more conventional version of the story, but Charlotte can prove through historical records that his version is incorrect. Gwelldyon laughs at both of them, ?You two are both wrong. I know because [I]I was there.[/I]?

[b]The Story:[/b] Gwelldyon tells the story of when she met a young Arthur and shared an adventure together.

[b]Closing Bookend:[/b] Both Marlow and Charlotte wonder if Gwelldyon has had a bit too much to drink that evening. Marlow still has unwavering faith in the story he has known all his life.[/quote]
Having said that, you don't neccessarily have to limit [b]Bookends[/b] to the beginning and end of your posts. If you'd like to break up the narrative flow a bit and have the Vignette storyteller characters interact [i]during[/i] the actual story than you are more than welcome to.

[size=3][b][u]Post Order[/u][/b][/size]

Here is the posting order. Wash, rinse, repeat.
[*]Heaven's Cloud
[*]Dragon's Warrior
If needed, the posting order can be switched around to accommodate people's schedules. It's really just about posting when you feel ike you're ready to, so if you aren't ready and someone else is... just let them post first. Nothing is really set in stone.

[size=3][b][u]HTML in Posts[/b][/u][/size]

Not all of us are html gods like Alan, but in my personal experience I have found it easy enough to use. If we (ie: everyone throw in your two-cents) decide to use html, I'd like us to use a standardized coding for our posts.

Also, I'd rather not have us use images for post backgrounds. Simple one-color backgrounds seem perfectly fine for me, but if you guys would rather have images then that's okay. But I want the look of the posts standarized, so if we decide to go one way than I expect everyone to follow.[/font]

[size=1]We should be starting "Vignette" sometime in the next week, assuming that we're able to settle these matters within that time. Question, comments, concerns?

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[quote name='Shy']Not all of us are html gods like Alan, but in my personal experience I have found it easy enough to use. If we (ie: everyone throw in your two-cents) decide to use html, I'd like us to use a standardized coding for our posts.[/quote]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I wouldn't exactly say I'm a God, heh. >>;

Anyway, did that code I whipped up actually work? I remember there was some Firefox-not-IE **** going on, and I couldn't test it, heh. And you never PMed me to tell me if actually worked so I'm pretty much in the dark, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Alan][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I wouldn't exactly say I'm a God, heh. >>;

Anyway, did that code I whipped up actually work? I remember there was some Firefox-not-IE **** going on, and I couldn't test it, heh. And you never PMed me to tell me if actually worked so I'm pretty much in the dark, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
[size=1]Actually, yes. The only real issue I was having with it was I couldn't make it work for a single-color background as opposed to having a background image. But then I started to toy around on my computer, and I created a handful of background images that I really like... so I think I'm going to change my mind on using background images altogether.

Here is an example of what a post in "Vignette" is going to look like. Each story should have a title (preferrably after the [b]bookends[/b].) [/size]

[center][b]The Handmaiden's Tale[/b][/center]

It may be a week or so before the actual RPG is created and before then I?d like to set up how posting will work, and address the questions anyone might have. This will be done in the [b]Vignette Underground[/b], thread to be created soon.

[size=1]That is basically an example of what I want. The coding is fairly simple, and it gives you a lot of room to play around with different color schemes and such. I'm going to send out a PM of the coding to every member of the RPG as soon as I see Alan online, and play around with a few things there.

For post backgrounds, I've been trying to create one for every character and it's turning out to be mildly successful. If you already have an image in mind (I know a lot of you used images for your post backgrounds in the sign-ups) then that's fine.) I really just want the html to look standardized as opposed to the several different versions that were used in the sign-ups.

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[SIZE=1][B]I'm guessing when you PM the codes you'll tell some of us how to actually post in the codes, won't you? Because I for one have absolutely no idea what-so-ever how to use HTML (They told it was hypertext mark-up langauge in school, but did they ever tell us how to use it? Nooooo!).

Oh, just a small question: How long are you expecting the post to be? Small stories and big, oh and also, how long do you plan on making the whole RPG?[/SIZE][/B]
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[QUOTE=vicky][SIZE=1][B]I'm guessing when you PM the codes you'll tell some of us how to actually post in the codes, won't you? Because I for one have absolutely no idea what-so-ever how to use HTML (They told it was hypertext mark-up langauge in school, but did they ever tell us how to use it? Nooooo!).

Oh, just a small question: How long are you expecting the post to be? Small stories and big, oh and also, how long do you plan on making the whole RPG?[/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE]
[size=1]I'll explain to you how to use the html to the best of my ability, my dear. Heh. It really isn't that difficult once you play around with the stuff a bit.

I don't have any real expectations for the length of your posts. Write the best posts you can, and don't be concerned about the length. As for the length of the RPG, I honestly don't know. I would expect this project to be under 50 posts in length, but again nothing is set in stone. It depends on the quality of the posts, and how long you guys stay interested.

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[size=1]I have completed all of the post backgrounds, here they are. If you have any problems with how they look (I use a laptop computer, CMYK-style computer monitors will view these diffferently than I do) please bring them up in this thread. Also, if you don't like the color-scheme or whatever, just tell me.

Assuming that nobody has any major issues with these, I'll send out the PMs about the post backgrounds and html tomorrow morning. Tonight, I sleep.

As you can tell from Alan's post, "Vignette" is officially launched. Heaven's Cloud is next to post, although I'd like to get the post backgrounds finalized before he starts. Heh.[/size]

[center][b]Shy's Background[/b][/center]

It may be a week or so before the actual RPG is created and before then I?d like to set up how posting will work, and address the questions anyone might have. This will be done in the [b]Vignette Underground[/b], thread to be created soon.

[center][b]HC's Background[/b][/center]

It may be a week or so before the actual RPG is created and before then I?d like to set up how posting will work, and address the questions anyone might have. This will be done in the [b]Vignette Underground[/b], thread to be created soon.

[center][b]Vicky's Background[/b][/center]

It may be a week or so before the actual RPG is created and before then I?d like to set up how posting will work, and address the questions anyone might have. This will be done in the [b]Vignette Underground[/b], thread to be created soon.

[center][b]Siren's Background[/b][/center]

It may be a week or so before the actual RPG is created and before then I?d like to set up how posting will work, and address the questions anyone might have. This will be done in the [b]Vignette Underground[/b], thread to be created soon.

[center][b]Alan's Background[/b][/center]

It may be a week or so before the actual RPG is created and before then I?d like to set up how posting will work, and address the questions anyone might have. This will be done in the [b]Vignette Underground[/b], thread to be created soon.

[center][b]Lore's Background[/b][/center]

It may be a week or so before the actual RPG is created and before then I?d like to set up how posting will work, and address the questions anyone might have. This will be done in the [b]Vignette Underground[/b], thread to be created soon.

[center][b]DW's Background[/b][/center]

It may be a week or so before the actual RPG is created and before then I?d like to set up how posting will work, and address the questions anyone might have. This will be done in the [b]Vignette Underground[/b], thread to be created soon.

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