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Star Fox: Assault


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Who's excited about this game? I know I am. [i]Star Fox: Assault[/i] is a return to the standard Star Fox formula. Made by the same people responsible for [i]Ace Combat 5[/i], [i]Assault[/i] is about the invasion of the Lylat system by the Aparoid Insect army. Andross's nephew, Andrew (remember him from [i]Star Fox 64[/i]?) also shows up. Andross himself seems to be out of the picture, although I won't be suprised if he shows up.

[i]Assault[/i] has the Arwing, of course, as well as the Landmaster tank. A new feture is the addition of on-foot missions, which look like they're going to be fun. They are my only worry, as the Arwing and Landmaster have prooven themselves in previous [i]Star Fox[/i] games. As always, the bosses look like they're going to be great fun, and the story also seems to be a bit deeper. This is one game I'm not going to miss.
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Oh dear god yes! I have been looking forward to this since '97 when I was done with 64. I like nintendos new partnership with Namco. They are really filling the place of Rare well. I can't wait for multiplayer. The multiplayer on 64 was terribly off balance.
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