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Are you sick? As in with a disease or illnes or flu?


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Let me start off by saying that nothing sucks more than having strep throat on winter break. On monday I began feeling sick and now, four days later, its done nothing but get worse. My eyes have been doing weird things that turn them red. My nose runs like a waterfall. It feels like someone stabbed me in the ear with a rusty ice pick. And my throat... lets just say you DO NOT want to know what it looks like.

So if your sick too, tell me. How do you feel? What do you have? Am I the only one whos so sick he cant play his brand new XBOX?
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I'm getting a cold. But its my own fault, I knew my boyfriend had a cold, and I still kissed him yesterday. ^_^ My throat is sore, and I'm hoping it'll ggo mostly away by tomorrow, because I'm going to a church youth group lock in for New Year's, and I don't wanna be miserable while there. I started getting sick around 1 in the morning today.
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I have both Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Sjorgen's Syndrome. Both are autoimmune diseases that cause joint pain, swelling and disfiguration. Basically RA makes your immune system think that your joints are something bad and need to be attacked. It wants to destroy your joints like it is some invading virus. In severe cases it can cause death.

I was diagnosed a couple of years ago. I get to take a bunch of medication to keep the diseases in check. So far there is no cure for the diseases, only medication to slow the progression. I got it from my mom, she has already had both elbows replaced and will have her ankles done next summer due to the pain in the joints.

On the plus side of having RA is that when I catch a cold all I have to do is get off my meds and let my overactive immune system do it's job! It takes care of the cold then I go back on my meds before my joints start to hurt. I think of it like having a wild animal that wants to eat me. I keep it on a leash and under control. Let's say a murder breaks into my house so I let loose the wild animal to attack the intruder. While it is taking care of the murder, I chain the animal back up before it can hurt me. Other than that, it really has no good use. :confused:

I try not to let this get me down. It has dramatically changed my life but not my outlook on life. It has really made me realize that I need to enjoy the little things in life and appreciate the days I feel good.

I wish you all good health and happiness in the new year!
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[size=1]Gah, I missed an entire month of school after getting hypothermia, then the flu, and then an ear infection....etc. It wasn't *too* terrible, but every time I started feeling better and could go outside, I fell right back in bed ill again, and aksdjlaskj not fun. Not to mention, it's not fun having your weight shift a ton after being in bed so much, eh. =x

Drink lots and lots of water. Tea is especially good for zee throat. [/size]
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[font=Book Antiqua][color=gray]*sighs and rolls her eyes* alright, I have an illness that screws with my spinal cord and nerves. Messages to and from my brain sometimes take longer to get where they're going or are lost. It effects hormone distrabution [yes, that's why I look 16 -.-] and senses, especially touch. Gyah, the touch thing......it's random and in random parts of my body, sometimes my whole body.....sometimes it's numbness, sometimes its heat, cold, preasure, excrusiating pain even >_< Other senses are effected too, like vision, hearing, taste, smell, and even my vocal coards. :O[/color][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][color=gray]But I'm getting treatment for it, thank god. Surgeries often. If I hadn't gotten any treatment at all, eh...lets just say I wouldn't be here right now ^^'' would have died last...april, I think. anywho, it's more of a birth defect than an illness, so naming it is kind of hard.[/color][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][color=#808080][/color][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][color=#808080]*sneeze* I also have a cold! :D[/color][/font]
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Guest DeathRose
I have a cold wich interacts with the diabetes I have by making me feel worse.I also feel weak, can barely stand on my own two feet. Right now I'm coughing like crazy. :( :crying:
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[QUOTE=Panda]I try not to let this get me down. It has dramatically changed my life but not my outlook on life. It has really made me realize that I need to enjoy the little things in life and appreciate the days I feel good.

I wish you all good health and happiness in the new year![/QUOTE][color=#4b4b79]*points out, once again, how amazing you are*

I've got a sore throat, which hopefully won't develop into anymore more unpleasant. I've have problems with colds--I end up with very bad coughs, and don't get over them for several weeks. It's not a lot of fun. I was sick for a couple months last spring. Yech.

I was actually talking about that with my mom today, and it turns out that I've had bad coughing problems every since I was a wee one. Just part of who I am, I guess. Go figure.

b-b-b-bennie and the jets,
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[size=1][color=royalblue]I haven't exactly [i]caught[/i] any sicknesses since May. As soon as a symptom starts taking effect, I hit the garlic like nobody's business. Symptoms such as odd/sore/icky-feeling throat and feeling a little hot-flashy. I just gargle some silver mixed with water every hour, and take a clove of garlic twice a day.

And I don't get a cold. Flu bugs though, I can't really remember. The only time my gut/stomach cramps up a little is when I manage to eat some junk food (which is hardly ever) because my body isn't used to it. ^_~ I have few food allergies, and I'm only allergic to dust, mildew, and cat dander.

So far I'm healthy except for anemia, which sucks because I tire quickly no matter how much I exercize. :([/color][/size]
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[COLOR=Navy]I have Cerebral Palsy, which is a type of a brain disorder. It is a life-long condition that affects the communication between the brain and the muscles, causing a permanent state of uncoordinated movement and posturing.

I am glad that I in my case, the CP is very mild. I can still run, jump, and play. Though...I used to be so clumsy when I was little. I fell and scraped my knees so much that I ended up wearing knee pads for the next couple of years. I used to not be able to balance myself on the balance beam, but thanks to having physical theropy for many years, I was able to balance. Now thanks to DDR, snowboarding, and skateboarding, I don't trip much either.

Also, when I was little, I kept on getting ear infections that lead to getting tubes being put in my ears... Those ear infections caused my to have a bad speech problem. I overcame that.

With my CP now, my legs hurt every now in then from too much exercise. I also have to sit down too from standing too long.

I overcame so much. When I was little, many adults thought that I would live in a group home, be in a special ed class, and be dumb my whole life.

I sure proved them wrong.[/COLOR]
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well...I have a blood disease ( I can't spell it ) but its a disease where if I get hit, grabbed too hard or cut badly then I just start bleeding continuously and it doesnt stop. I have to be taken to hospital to get fresh blood..although its not as bad as when I was little but its still sucks. You have to be careful with what you do....although I never am.... If i get bruised badly then I start to bleed..it really sucks!!!!!! Blood just starts coming out of the bruised part, my nose...mouth....its really out of it...but i just carry on as if I don't have it
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Im 17... I have Diabetes, Thyroid problems that arent being worked with, AND i am ANEMIC... always am...

I have to take three 150(not sure if its miligrams or what) iron pills a day just to have enough energy to make it through the day. My red blood cells are puny and kind funny looking. So with that i have the lovely sheet white face (that just goes GREAT with my almost entirely black wardrobe) and i have no energy what so ever if i miss a pill or two.

So I can look like Im a SleepWalking Mime
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[quote name='Heero Darkangel']well...I have a blood disease ( I can't spell it ) but its a disease where if I get hit, grabbed too hard or cut badly then I just start bleeding continuously and it doesnt stop. I have to be taken to hospital to get fresh blood..although its not as bad as when I was little but its still sucks. You have to be careful with what you do....although I never am.... If i get bruised badly then I start to bleed..it really sucks!!!!!! Blood just starts coming out of the bruised part, my nose...mouth....its really out of it...but i just carry on as if I don't have it[/quote]

Hamaphiliac? I used to have a friend who had that. He had to get a shot every single day. He also went to the hospital a lot and missed a lot of school. He didnt seem to care though becauause he always got free stuff

Im in trouble now. Ive never had strep for 6 days straight. (and Ivve had it a lot) My dad is scared that it will turn into scarlet fever. We dont yhave any medical insurance, so I cant go to the doctor.
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[QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude]Hamaphiliac? I used to have a friend who had that. He had to get a shot every single day. He also went to the hospital a lot and missed a lot of school. He didnt seem to care though becauause he always got free stuff

Im in trouble now. Ive never had strep for 6 days straight. (and Ivve had it a lot) My dad is scared that it will turn into scarlet fever. We dont yhave any medical insurance, so I cant go to the doctor.[/QUOTE]

Yeah thats it and thats what I have.....I asked my mother lastnight on how to spell it..its actually spelt Haemaphiliac. Its really hard when you have to watch your every step...but I never do....can't let something like that pull you down..LOL
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Wow. I guess I'm pretty lucky to be as healthy as I am. Although, I am a bit of an insomniac, which means I'm tired alot, but I digress... I had the most obnoxious cold all of last week. Sore throat, stuffed up head, ears, and nose, then runny nose and a cough. Yuck! It ruined my whole first week of break. Evilllllll. But the moment I got that tingle in my throat I started chugging orange juice and tea, and popping vitamin c like there was no tomorrow. Hahaha, I kicked that cold in the butt. Really though, I'm glad it wasn't the full blown flu or strep. That would've sucked. [/COLOR]
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I have smoker's keratosis which is a pre-cancerous lesion in the mouth caused by tobacco use. It also causes fine pieces of skin to peel off of my gums. It's not as gross as it sounds but it is really uncomfortable and it could easily turn into cancer. I've had it for months but yesterday was the first day in years that I've gone without a cigarrette. If it dosen't heal on its on within a few months I have to have laser surgery in my mouth. Please if you don't smoke never start, I am only 19 but I have been sneaking cigarettes from friends since I was little and since I turned 18 I have smoked at least a pack a day. Now that I have to quit, going a day without a cigarette makes me feel like I'm going to die but I know if I do smoke I will further increase the problems with my mouth and may even develop a worse disease.
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[quote name='Azure Rose][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue']Wow. I guess I'm pretty lucky to be as healthy as I am. Although, I am a bit of an insomniac, which means I'm tired alot, but I digress... I had the most obnoxious cold all of last week. Sore throat, stuffed up head, ears, and nose, then runny nose and a cough. Yuck! It ruined my whole first week of break. Evilllllll. But the moment I got that tingle in my throat I started chugging orange juice and tea, and popping vitamin c like there was no tomorrow. Hahaha, I kicked that cold in the butt. Really though, I'm glad it wasn't the full blown flu or strep. That would've sucked. [/COLOR][/quote]

Im an insomniac, but Im usaully not tired. Insomniac simply means that you never seem to get to sleep. On school nights, I go to bed at nine 0 clock, and turn off the TV at 10, and yet I usually dont fall asleep until 11:30 to 12. On Fridays, Saturdays, and breaks, sleeping is something I rarely am found doing. Maybe its only a coincidence that I happen to love Ratchet and Clank, where it pays to be an insomniac. Unfortuanetally, this means I sleep through half my school day.
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I am starting to lose my voice but worst of all is that I am getting migranes all the time. A Migrane, In summer. It ain't natural at all because of the fact that I actually do stuff during the holidays.

I also was a sick baby, I was hospitalized with a nasty case of Bronchitis.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[FONT=Book Antiqua]I dont think i have a long/life time illness. but recently i have been coughing up mucus and blood. i am sleeping and then i start coughing out of nowehere. it really sucks. but i haven't gone to the doctor because there is a slight chance i might die hehehe so i dont take any medicine. I also suffer from constant headaches. they suck [/FONT]
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Nothing worth mentioning. I've got a cough that's acting like it's here to stay, but that's probably from smoking. I have a problem with my right eye, it's not serious, not even enough for me to care about.

I have Kenerticonus in my right eye. It's where your eyeball gets a lump on its surface due to the inside of it pushing it out. It distorts your vision if its in a bad spot, as like mine case, where it covers nearly half the colured part of my eye. It can be caused by smoking (never wouldv'e guessed.. :drunk:) or too much pressure being put on the eye (rubbing constantly, contact lenses). Mine is caused by wearing my contacts for too long-a-periods of time, and smoking. It distorts my vision slightly. I now have to wear stronger contacts, that are the level below glass contacts and a level above the soft plastic contacts. They're made out of something that feels like the plastic coke botles are made out of. They should stop my case getting worse. If I hadn't gone for an eye-test when I did, the Kenerticonus would be bad, and my right eye would be straining to see. And if I didn't get the contacts I have now to stop it, it could have spread to my left eye, as like most cases... funny thing is, Kenerticonus is apparently hereditry, but there is not one case of it in my family.
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