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[font=Verdana][size=2]OOC: My character was nice and asleep, and you woke him up.:( Oh well.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]IC: "No! Its ok. I just... I was just finishing up anyway." Phayt stated.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"Sure. You dont have to lie me." Zirarre said with a 'I know what you're thinking' face.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"Bu-but... I really was... darn." Phayt said a little bit confused.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"Yeah, just what I thought. I'm just gonna leave if you're gonna lie to me." Ziarre replied while walking out the training room. Right before she left however Hiroshi walked up.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"Phayt, Ziarre, this is James, the Hero of Sound." Hiroshi introduced them to James.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"Oh! Hi James. I'm Phayt." Phayt said while placing the hammer down behind him, and putting out his hand. [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"Hi, Phayt." James replied not paying attention to his hand. [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"Hi, I'm Ziarre." Ziarre said. She didn't walk up to him or anything though. She just introduced herself. [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"Well, James hasn't met everyone yet, and I'm busy so could you two show him around. Oh, and Phayt please put that hammer back where it was and please at least ask someone to help you train." Hiroshi said a little bit annoyed. After that Hiroshi left James with Phayt and Ziarre.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"So, what do you want to do James?" Phayt asked.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]OOC: Sorry I left it in a bad spot (it would be for me) but I got some serious wrighters block. Sorry again.[/size][/font]
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[COLOR=Indigo]OOC: I think people are confused, Hiroshi is [B]NOT[/B] the Hero of Life. THe actually Hero of Life hasn't even posted yet. Hiroshi is a descent of the Hero of Life he has no powers.
Mizu stood in the doorway and watched as the unfamliar boy intreduced himself as the Hero of Sound. Stepping forward Mizu chuckled causeing Ziarre, Phayt, and the 'Hero of Sound' to turn and look at her.
"Hi I'm Jacob the Hero of Sound." The imposter spoke.
"Really? Are you?", Mizu asked with a smile.
"Ya, why?" The boy looked around.
Tilting her towards Ziarre Mizu spoke," Ziarre you can see that this person has shadows within him can't you? I would think that [I]you[/I] would be able to see the turth."
"Yes you don't seem like the Hero of Sound." Ziarre spoke.
"What?" Phayt asked confused.
"Why don't you believe me? I am the Hero of Sound!" Jacob shouted.
"No, Azuru is the Hero of Sound." Ziarre spoke.
"Hiroshi's getting rusty. We should take care of his mistake or matbe the [B][I]real[/I] [/B] Hero of Sound would like to take out her imperstaner."[/COLOR]
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OOC~ Thanks for clearing things up, Bloody_Moon. I was starting to get confused there since some of the posts were differing from your original story.
[COLOR=GREEN]Azuru was in her room, sitting on her bed contemplating the day's events. A lot had happened that day, including finding Phayt, the Hero of Earth. She let her self fall back on her bed, her legs remaining in a sitting position. Staring at the ceiling, Azuru tried to remember the dream she had been having from earlier. She closed her eyes.

Azuru stood alone in a mist covered area, devoid of life. The only thing that seemed to be there, besides her, was an old, dust covered mirror. As she approached the object, she noticed the frame was of black, polished wood, inlayed with silver musical notes. A dark figure appeared in the mirror, but this strange phantom didn't resemble Azuru in the least. She stood before it, silently, thinking of what this could mean. [I]My true self?[/I] she wondered. She raised a nervous hand to gently touch the mirror. The image, also did this, but in a delayed reaction. [I]No, a copy. And a bad one at that.[/I]

Azuru sat up in her bed with a start. She put her hand on her forhead. [I]What the heck did that mean?[/I] she wandered intently. She shook her head. "Oh, well," she mumbled, "Can't sleep now. Might as well train some more." And with that, she got up, fasened her jacket closed, tied her sash belt around her waist and headed down the hall.

As she strode down the hall to the training room, Azuru noted the strange silence in the halls. [I]I wonder where everyone's at?[/I] she thought. But as she approached the door to the training room, however, she could hear quite the comosion coming from inside. "Never mind," she mutered under her breath, "I know where they are."

Azuru pushed open the door to see Mizu, Ziarre, Phayt, and some other guy whom she didn't recognize. They all turned to look at her as she entered the room. "Well, speak of the devil, here she is," Mizu said with a bit of a smirk on her face.

"Here I am, what?" asked Azuru, looking extremely confused.

"This guy is claiming to be you," answered Ziarre, motioning towards the strange boy.

"But," started Azuru, cocking her head to one side, "He doesn't look anything like me."

"We mean, he says he's the Hero of Sound," Mizu stated, starting to get agravated.

"Oh," Azuru said, still looking at the boy, "Well, that's stupid. I'm the Hero of Sound."

"We know that," said Ziarre, who, like Mizu, was trying her best not to slap Azuru for stupidity. But she soon regained her composure, "But why don't you try to convince him of that little fact," she added.

A cunning grin quickly replaced the ditzly confused expression on Azuru's face. "Sure," she said with a smirk. "Phayt, could you hand me that hammer you were training with earlier?"

"Uh, sure," responded Phayt, who seemed completely lost from the whole thing. He picked up the warhammer and handed it to her.

"Thanks." Azuru gripped it with one hand, the cord loop on the base of the handle, draped loosly around her wrist. After a moment the hammer began to pulse, slowly changing from a plain dingy appearance to silver in color.

She eyed her opponent across the room. He still held the same blank expression, but Azuru could tell he was nervous. "I can see you weren't counting on the [I]real[/I] Hero of Sound to show up." Her weapon began emiting small sonic impulses from its head. She lifted the hammer above her head. "Now begone, copy-cat!" she shouted as she brought the hammer crashing down to the floor in front of her. A strong sonic force wave shot from the place it struck in the direction of the stanger, slamming him hard against the back wall.[/COLOR]
OOC~ Sorry to make it so lengthy. I figured since Mizu and Ziarre were kind of serious most of the time, that Azuru could be a bit ditzy and absent minded from time to time, but she's still serious in a fight. Oh, and Lazarus's creation thing isn't dead, just unconcious. Someone else can deside what they do with him. As for me, I'm outie.
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"Dammit!" shouted Lazarus, his voice echoing round the cave. Another of his creations had failed, and as this one died, it would take a piece of his consciousness with it.

Then it dawned on him. All the creations he had sent to destroy the heroes had failed. They were inferior. Now it was time to reveal himself. He would take the heroes on face-to-face.

But wait. His creation was getting up, moving towards the heroes, who had their back turned. It jumped, drawing a dagger out of nowhere, and swinging it towards the heroes. Then, at the very last second, the Hero of Sound spun around and smashed the creation across the face with her hammer. It cracked the neck of the creation, killing it. It fell to the floor, and burst into its component dark droplets. A white light shone on the floor for a moment, then disappeared. That portion of Lazarus' consciousness had gone, and with it part of his sanity. He laughed maniacally, dark rings forming under his eyes. He grabbed his swords, put them in the sheaths on his back, and left the cave, heading towards the heroes.

(OOC: Sorry it's so short. But Lazarus is coming for you!)
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[COLOR=Indigo]"It was some short of creature from the Realm of the Dead." Azuru said as she glanced over her shoulder at the boy dissappered. Eyes went towads Ziarre who was already on the edge from expirence she had in the morning.
"What! Why don't you all just saw it! I have the blood of a traitor flowing through my veins! None of you trust me!" Ziarre shouted out as she ran out of the room and otwards her own sancurary. Phayt looked down and followed Azuru out of the room as she went to comfert Ziarre. Mizu stood her head down with her red hair in fromt of her eyes. Exiting the room Mizu felt a great wave of tiredness rushing over her. Stumbling towards her room she was barley able to make it to her bed before she passed out slumping onto the firm maitress. She entered the dream world. She was flying throught the dream she had in the morning seeing everthing she had dreamed but, it was much faster. All halted as she was standing infront of the corpe that had woken her up. This time she stayed asleep. In a gust of wind that caused Mizu to cover her eyes from debre. When she uncovered her eyes she saw a boy. His hair was long and raven black a white streak raced through the middle of his hair. He looked like he around the same age as Mizu. His body was slumped against a tree looking down at his black boots with a jagged white streak down the sides. When Mizu sucked in a the stale air around her he lifted his head a stared at her with clod sad eyes. His eyes were almost the same color as hers yet, they were a little darker.
" Who are you?" He asked in a dry hallowed voice that raised the hairs on Mizu's neck.
"Mi..zu." She spoke in a worried voice. [I]I've never spoke in my dreams.[/I]
"Mizu. Water. My name is Lazarus. Don't forget now you will here it again." He said with a small grin.
Before Mizu could answer she was jerked awake by someone.
OOC: don't care who wakes Mizu up.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Ziarre stalked out of the training room fuming.

All of them, including Kayin, thought that [U]she'd[/U] created this monster of a thing.

" They all thought that I created that thing.....I don't even know how...."

Slamming her door shut, Ziarre punched the wall so hard that a crack appeared in the wood slabs.


Grabbing a bag, Ziarre began stuffing her clothes into, still muttering curses to herself. Snatching Hades and her quiver, Ziarre practically ran out of her room and made her way to the topside.

[B]20 minutes later...[/B]

Ziarre crept along the rooftops of the village that was near the Sanctuary. She shifted her bag uncomfortably from shoulder to shoulder. It was dawn and rays of sunlight burst from the horizon. Careful not to wake the residents of the house she was creeping along, Ziarre came to the end and leapt into an alleyway. She looked around nervously. Most of these people had exiled her from the village but they didn't know that one day, she was one of the many that were going to save their lives.

Melting into the shadows made by the sun, Ziarre found that she would have to move and find another place to hide before midday otherwise there would be no shadows for her to hide in.

Sneaking from shadow to shadow, Ziarre swiftly ran to the outskirts of the village where there was fewer people to hide from. Seeing the forest again made Ziarre's heart grow warm as she trekked inside it, hopefully finding somewhere she could be alone and not be disturbed by any person, Hero or not.

OOC: It might do the Heros do to get out of the Sanctuary a bit.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Kayin had been upset about all of the goings on directed toward Ziarre. He at first thought that she had made the monster. But he knew that she was not one to do things like that. He headed to his quarters for a while to think about all that happened. He had dozed off for sometime and not long after woke back up. Kayin left his room and went to Mizu's quarters. He shook her a bit until she woke. "Unh...Huh? Kayin why did you wake me up?" Mizu asked groggily.

Kayin bowed in apology. "I am truly sorry. I just wanted to let you know I'd be going out. Could you tell the others when you decide to get up?"

"Um...yeah I'll do that." Mizu replied. She laid back down on her bed and closed her eyes.

"Thanks..." Kayin said quietly before teleporting out of the sanctuary in a flash of light. He looked around, thinking where he would go. Part of him wanted to find Ziarre, the other part wished to give her some time to herself. "I shall simply train for a while during my time out here."

Kayin jumped up into a tree and began bounding from branch to branch, landing so lightly that even twigs wouldn't snap beneath his step. While making his agility better with this training he would also train his balance. He drew out several kunai and threw them all into different trees. He landed on the closest kunai and bounded from there to the next one and to the next after that. He had reached an opening which led to a small town.

He landed in the opening and looked toward the town. He looked down to the ground, "I do not belong here...or anywhere like this......I don't deserve to be..." Kayin whispered to himself. He turned himself around to go back but felt a ball roll into his heel. He turned around and picked up the ball to see a little boy coming for it. Kayin kneeled down as the boy neared him. "Is this yours young one?" Kayin asked smiling.

"Uh-huh..." The boy said quietly.

Kayin handed the boy the ball and saw that he was being waited on by a little girl who seemed to have been playing with him. "You go have fun with your sister okay?" he said still smiling.

The boy looked back and the girl and then to Kayin, "How'd you know that was my..." The boy stopped in his sentence to see that Kayin was no longer there. He ran back to his sister and they resumed their game.

Kayin had disappeared back into the trees and his smile went away instantly. "Cherish your family...they will be the best thing you've ever had in the long run..." Kayin said faintly. He headed off in another direction, and for the first time in a long time had thought about how he was the reason his town was destroyed. Kayin had stopped somewhere within the forest and slumped against a tree. He quickly decided to try and get this memory off of his mind, but the only thing that took its place saddened him more...the fact that he had done the one thing that he swore to himself he'd never do...
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Lazarus ran through the forest, ready for a fight. His swords were ready on his back. They could be drawn at a moment's notice. The run didn't exhaust him at all, and his mind was set on battle. He had been training for the last 8 years for this moment. He would finally destroy the Heroes.

He slowed his speed as he saw a flash of light move throught the forest. He stopped, turned and began to follow it. He focused on the target. Kayin. The name suddenly popped into Lazarus' head. The Hero of Light. An easy target.

He chased the flash of light, catching up with it as the darkness flowing through his veins enhanced his speed greatly. The flash stopped, and it was replaced by a person. Lazarus drew one of his swords, and sliced through the tree Kayin was leaning on. It fell, and almost landed on top of him.

"Who in the name of sweet Jesus are you?" he shouted.

"I am Lazarus. Remember my face, as it is the last you will ever see, Kayin."

"How do you know my name?" asked the Hero of Light.

"I know so much more about you than that, Kayin. I know your weaknesses. You can be stopped by the dark, when there is no natural light. I can bring the night around much quicker than usual."

He stretched his hands out, and strands of darkness floated from them, wrapping around Kayin's body, separating his body from the light it needed to produce his powers.

"You will be the trophy of my first victory, Kayin," said Lazarus, floating his enshrouded body into the air. The Hero of Light was still struggling. He only prolonged his agony by struggling.

They headed towards the Sanctuary, Lazarus ready for destruction.
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Kayin stopped struggling entirely. His eyes glowed brightly. "You are a fool to underestimate me..." Kayin drew the Raijin Blade from its sheath. He cut through the darkness with the blade. "You think that darkness prohibits my powers? You are sadly mistaken Lazarus...Such mistakes might cost you dearly." He fell to the ground as the shadows were dispersed.

"How dare you defy me!" Lazarus unleashed more tendrils of darkness at Kayin. "I will not be denied a victory!"

"That is where you are wrong!" Kayin sent a blinding light at Lazarus, dispelling the darkness. "You will be denied a victory this day! All who oppose the Hero of Light whom are evil shall fall at my hand!" Kayin raised his sword above his head. He pointed it straight at Lazarus and fired a bolt of lightning at him. Lazarus dodged the attack and Kayin charged in as he was recovering from the dodge.

"I won't be defeated so easily fool..." Lazarus disappeared and reappeared above Kayin about to cut him in half.

Kayin blocked with his sword and ran electricity through it. "You can only take so many volts at a time...How long will you take to fall?" Kayin said surging more and more lightning through the Raijin Blade.

Lazarus was starting to feel the energy and it wasn't at its peak and he knew it. He pushed off of Kayin's sword. "We'll settle this later...There are better challenges to deal with than you..." Lazarus disappeared.

Kayin was breathing heavily and his eyes returned to normal as he sheathed his sword. "I must find Ziarre...then tell the others at the Sanctuary..." Kayin headed off to find Ziarre.

OOC: Sorry Blayze, Kayin's not goin down that easy.
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(OOC: Never thought he would, Kayin)

Lazarus jumped from treetop to treetop, looking for more of the heroes. If one was out in the forest, then it was likely he was not alone.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his head, causing him to grab his head with both hands, which in turn caused him to fall off the tree. He hit the ground with a thud, and stayed on the ground, clutching his head in pain.

He had felt this pain before. It could only be caused by someone tapping into the darkness that provided his lifeblood. The Hero Of Death. She must be somewhere nearby.

He calmed himself down, and drew on his power to sense where she was. She was close, no more than three hundred metres away. He would easily be able to find her.

He moved closer to where the energy disturbance was situated, an found her. She was sitting on the ground, holding the darkness in one hand, toying with it.

"I see you are proficient with your powers, Ziarre," he said, emerging from the shadows.

She stood up, alert.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I am one who shares your strength, Ziarre. I can help you to control your powers. You want to be able to do that, don't you, Ziarre?"

"Yes," she replied weakly.

"I can help you, if you help me. All I want you to do is capture your little friends, and bring them to me. If you do this, then I will grant you complete control over your powers. You'll never have those nightmares again."

"I can help you," she said. Suddenly, Kayin, the Hero of Light, burst through the trees, and kicked Lazarus in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"He's evil, Ziarre! Don't trust him!" Kayin shouted.

"If you go with him, Ziarre, you'll never gain control! It's your choice. They don't trust you, Ziarre. Traitor's blood, you see. It runs through your veins, and they believe it will destroy them all. I trust you, Ziarre. I know what you have been going through. I went through the same thing!"

"No, Ziarre," said Kayin, "It's not true! Don't listen to him!"

(OOC: It's your choice, amgoddess)
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]OOC: Ooooo some intrigue...and evil doing...I'm up for it!

Ziarre looked uncertainly from this new guy to Kayin. His offer was tempting...very tempting. And he has gone through what I went through? Then he would understand my pain...and anger....

Her eyes darken into nothingness. Kayin watched on helplessly.

" Ziarre! Don't do it!"

" Why shouldn't I Kayin? What do you know of my pain?"Ziarre growled at him, her eyes now pitch black.

" I...I...."

" That's right! You know nothing! My past haunts me Kayin. You do not know of the terrors that haunt me in my dreams and in my reality.....you have no idea...."

Ziarre turned to Lazarus. " I will help you. In return, you give me complete control over my powers."

Lazarus grinned excellent. Ziarre notched an arrow in her bow and aimed it at Kayin.

" We are going back to get the others. Unless you want the Hero of Death to show her talents."

Kayin just stood there shocked.

" Ziarre...."


Slowly, one foot after another, Kayin started walking towards the Sanctuary. Ziarre turned to Lazarus, but kept her aim on Kayin.

" Don't follow us. If you do, I'll assume our deal is worthless and kill you without a second thought."

" Fine..."

Ziarre and Kayin walked towards the Sanctuary, taking the long way around just in case Lazarus followed them.

Soon, they were in the Sanctuary. Ziarre nudged Kayin with the tip of her arrow.

" Get the others. Gather them in the dining room. NOW! If you don't return to the dining room with them, I will destroy this whole place. Got it?"

OOC: I love being evil...for a little bit anyway....[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Kayin stopped in the middle of walking. He could feel the arrow in his back. "I told you to get the others Kayin...Do it now..." Ziarre said. Kayin remained motionless. He didn't reply...didn't move...didn't even breathe. "Kayin don't make me kill you...because I will..." She pulled the arrow back further.

Kayin left his trance, "I have called them to the dining room...I don't understand why you must do this Ziarre..."

"Because no one here trusts me or understands me...And I want control over my powers...something you don't under..."

"What makes you say that!" Kayin interrupted. "You think I have control over my powers Ziarre?! I don't! That's what got me here! And no...we don't understand...because you never want to explain...and you're wrong about another thing...Someone here does trust you...I do...No matter what I know I can trust you and your judgement..." Kayin let out a sigh and looked to the floor. [I]You were the only thing keeping me from my rage here...if you don't destroy this place then I fear for the others as to what I may do...[/I] He thought. "I'll go join the others now..." He said grimly as he walked toward the dining room.
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"Excellent," whispered Lazarus, watching the whole thing, "Well done, Ziarre."

Kayin joined the other heroes in the dining room, and Ziarre moved in on them. She was still holding her bow taught, and aiming steadily at the heroes. She looked capable of killing them all with a single thought.

"I'm taking you all out into the forest," said Ziarre, "There you will meet your demise. This is what you get for not trusting Ziarre."

"We do trust you," said Hiroshi, moving towards Ziarre. She swung round and aimed her arrow at him. He stepped back, putting his hands in the air.

"No you don't," she replied, "I know that you all thought I summoned that monster! Well now I've found someone who understands my pain. He knows what I've been going through. And he's going to help me gain control over my powers."

"Foolish girl," Lazarus whispered, "If she thinks I will let her live, then she is sadly mistaken."

Ziarre moved the heroes into the forest, and Lazarus moved towards them. Soon they were all standing in a large clearing, weaponless and unable to use their powers against one of their own. Lazarus strolled cockily into the clearing.

"Good work, Ziarre," he said, "You will get your reward in time. But first, the matter of the rest of you." He turned to the heroes, and drew his swords.

"Kneel before your executioner," he said. They dropped to their knees. He walked along the line.

"Now which one first? Which one?" he pondered to himself. He stopped next to Kayin.

"Ah, yes, the Hero of Light. The one who caused me so much pain before. You will be the first to die." He raised his sword, ready to decapitate Kayin.

"Wait!" shouted Ziarre, "Give me my reward now, or I won't let you kill them."

"Try to stop me, Ziarre," he replied. She turned to him, and loosed the arrow at him. It hit his chest and disappeared.

He flung her away with his powers. When he turned back, Kayin was gone. Lazarus ran into the woods after him, and a chase began.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]" How dare he...."

Dark shadowy figures started to dance around Ziarre as her anger took a giant leap into the red zone. The figures became more and more solid. Hiroshi backed away.

" Oh no....she's done it........" he said quietly.
" Done what?" Mizu asked.
" What Ziarre is doing is exactly what her ancestor did."
" WHAT!" Mizu yelled.
" I hope she doesn't do what her ancestor did...."

The dark figures then started to whisper to Ziarre - whisper tidings of death and destruction. This was it, Ziarre was finally starting to control the powers that her ancestor couldn't. All the other Heros could hear was whispers but they couldn't decipher what they were saying. It was in the language of Death - only known to the Hero of Death.

[I]Don't let him get away....[/I]
[I]He has betrayed you....[/I]
[I]Get them both...[/I]
[I]Destroy the boy....[/I]
[I]Kill him....[/I]

" No, I will do what I want. All of you, be silent!" Ziarre whispered back to them forcefully. The death souls did as they were instructed by their mistress. " Now, lets go after that bastard."

Ziarre ran into the forest after Lazarus and Kayin, the death souls following her.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[I]Damn that Lazarus...He hadn't even intended on keeping his promise...[/I] Kayin thought as he continued to run. He couldn't risk fighting without his sword. He glanced back to see Lazarus hot on his trail. He jumped into the trees above and bounded from branch to branch in hopes of gaining ground on Lazarus, but he was still right behind him. [I]I can't shake him....I suppose it would be more honorable to go down fighting...[/I]

Kayin landed on a branch then lunged downward at Lazarus from the branch. He landed a kick on Lazarus, which halted him and sent him back several feet, and landed on the ground. He stood in his fighting stance and drew out several shuriken. "I'm not going down without a fight!" Kayin shouted.

"You think you can hold me off with a few ninja stars? You'd be better off fighting with your hands..." Lazarus said as he rushed at Kayin. Kayin threw four shuriken in Lazarus' path and began chanting. As Lazarus reached the shuriken a cage of light rose around him. "What sort of technique is this?!" Lazarus said trying to shatter the cage.

"It's to hold you still...So Ziarre can deal with you..." Kayin said as he saw Ziarre come into view with the death souls beside her.
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[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Ziarre stalked into view, the death souls swirling around her in a never-ending circle. Her eyes were pitch black - dark and fathomless. She was a terrible sight to behold.

Seeing Kayin capture Lazarus in a cage of light, Ziarre walked over and accompanied Kayin.

[I]Kill the boy....He deceived the Hero of Death.....he must be punished![/I] one soul whispered to her.
" His time will come soon enough. Hold your tongue!" Ziarre scolded the soul. It drifted backwards obiedently. She turned to the boy who was caged.

" Why did you betray me? I could have been a worthy ally, but I would have seen through your evil intent, so I wouldn't have been a faithful one. But to betray the Hero of Death? That is a death wish in the making," Ziarre spoke coldly. She waited patiently for Lazarus's answer, the death souls swirling around her and Kayin.

OOC: Sorry its short but I didn't want to do too much for your sake Blayze. Just incase you wanted to break out or something.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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"I betray you, Ziarre, because I know I am more powerful than you," replied Lazarus. The shadow creatures began to advance on him, eyes glowing in the darkness of their substance, weapons forming from their arms. They looked intent to kill. Lazarus looked at them and smiled, then burst into laughter.

"You attempt to destroy me with such puny beasts as this? Are you joking?" he said. He flicked his hands out, and the creatures stopped, turned around, and began moving towards Ziarre and Kayin. He could not fight properly, as he was still encased in the cage of light, but he could make these monsters do his bidding. They moved towards the two heroes, who backed away.

"Begone," said Lazarus, waving his hand. The creatures dissipated into their individual droplets, but before the droplets could sink into the ground, he took them up and began to mould them. He combined the darkness from all of Ziarre's creatures, and combined them into one huge, hulking shadow beast, flames glowing in it's eyes.

"See if you can destroy that, heroes," he said, as the creature advanced towards them...
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[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Purple]Ziarre growled furiously.

" You cannot manipulate the Hero of Death so easily, you child," she hissed. " You may share some powers with me, but you do not know the full extent of what death's hand can deal."

Kayin and her leapt away from each other as the beast smacked his huge hand on the ground where the two Heros once were. Ziarre rolled to the side and then stood up, ready for the next attack. Kayin had leapt to the side as well.

Lazarus cackled evilly. " You think you know who and what you are Ziarre, but you have no idea."

The shadow beast aimed at Ziarre again. She smiled as she dodged the attack of flame.

" I know who I am, and what I am. I am the Hero of Death, and I am an outcast of society. But what society doesn't realise, is that we will save them one day. Most likely very soon," Ziarre replied as she readied herself for yet another attack.

" ZIARRE! WATCH IT!" Kayin warned as the beast swiped at her.

" ENOUGH!" she yelled. The beast froze in mid-swing. Kayin looked astonished as he walked around the beast who was frozen in time. Ziarre looked squarely at Lazarus.

" I may not like what I am, but I sure as hell won't let you use my abilities to wreak destruction!"

OOC: Ok Blayze, do your stuff.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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"Very well," said Lazarus, rage building inside him, "If I will not use your abilities, then I shall use mine!!!"

He stretched his arms out, and his body glowed with dark energy. Bolts of it shot from his body and into the air. As they came back down, they made contact with the cage of light surrounding Lazarus, and shattered it. He held out his hand, and black lightning twisted from his hand, wrapping around Ziarre.

"Now you shall feel true power!" he roared, sweat dripping from his forehead. He clenched his fist, and began to crush Ziarre alive. She squirmed and gasped for air, before flexing her muscles and breaking free of his hold. She turned to him and flung him backwards. He hit a tree and smashed it into a pulp. He was knocked unconscious by a combination of this attack and the immense effort he had to put into his previous attack.

Ziarre and Kayin stood over him, and Kayin encased him in chains of light, unbreakable ones. They started to carry him back to the Sanctuary.
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