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Alphabet Anime Game

Eternal Snow

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I've seen several people on other forum play this game, so I want to try this here. You just have to either say an anime characters name, an anime series, or a weapon that they use in that anime that begins with that certin letter. We go all the way through the alphabets and once you reach Z you can start over again with A.

OK..... A for Ayashi no Ceres......
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[COLOR=#503F86]Welcome to OtakuBoards, Eternal Snow.

I really hate to break up something which has been created with the best intentions of having fun, but unfortunately threads such as this can only go so far, and the length of the replies are always less than what we'd expect of OtakuBoards' standards. So I'm going to have to close it, sorry. Games like this are fun to play, but not in threads here unless you know you can make something really worthwhile of the discussion.

Thread closed. Sorry ^_^;[/COLOR]
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