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New Years Resolutions


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[color=black]hmmm...My main resolution is to get a darkstar board next, and to get better at skating.I want to learn Heelflips, Kickflips, and get Pop Shuv-its and BS 180s better, and work on Fakie tricks. Also, I need to learn weh not shut my mouth and nto get my a__ into so much trouble this year.[/color]
[color=black]I also want to get better at the guitar, and get a bass. Once I do that, my friend can play electric and his dad can be drummer, and we can get the band (daunte's Puppetts) doin....[/color]
[color=black]That's about it for me. Oh, yea, I ne3ed to learn when not to say my mittle jokes...[/color]

[color=black]_-Nate-_ [/color]
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[color=darkviolet]I'm getting the cliched New Years resolution of losing weight and getting in shape. But hey, it's the first time I've ever said it.

Mostly I want to have a better year this year than I did last year, which isn't too hard considering that my husband will be home in March (well in TX) and out of the army this year. And I want to get a job...I'm looking, but no luck so far.

But the weight thing is definately up there. I want to be able to do silly song and dance routines for my daughter and not run out of breath or get winded while doing them.

Yeah I know it's a cliched resolution, but if you were over 200lbs it would be yours too.[/color]
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[COLOR=Navy]Since I might be living in Japan for six monthes next year, I want to be able to cook plenty of meals...not just pizza and ramen...lol

I also want to try and get B's in standard mode in DDR Extreme.

Another resolution of mine is too meet Panda. Since she and I live so close...I think we ought to take advantage of that and meet. It'd be really cool.

Lastly, I want to be able to become more responsible than I have been. Since I'm adult now, I should be more responsible.[/COLOR]
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[color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I was waiting on someone to start this thread...

:babble:Well, this year, I chose not to have a resolution. I just got tired of lying to myself, lol... but I guess that's the fun of new year resolutions, knowing that your gonna try to do it...[/color][/font]
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Resolutions are usually empty promises; if you're not already working towards them by the time it's 1 Jan, the odds you'll start are pretty low.

My resolutions, which I've already started on, are four-fold:

*Get into shape; I've already started doing double weight sets at the gym. The important thing is to stay in the habit.

*Balance my finances better. I've already started...uh, balancing.

*Balance my time between school and work better. Again, already started.

*Work out my position regarding a specific female: Well, really, this isn't your business.
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[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.

Well I'm also going to have to play the cliché card of losing weight and getting healthy, it's time to reconvert my keg into a six-pack. Although it is cliché it's definitely something I have to put serious effort into, besides half my family have made the same resolution so there's no getting out of it.

My only other major resolution is to really get involved in acting as a profession, after my fiasco of a year in 2004 I really need to try and get out of this limbo I'm stuck in. It took a lot of courage to actually admit to my family that I was going to pursue acting instead of going to college [as I was the only one going to go], but so far they've been really supportive.

The last one actually pertains to Otakuboards, and put simply it's a commitment to get back to my roots in [B]The Arena[/B] and get some new RPGs together. Actually getting into the prestigious [B]Maverick Hunters[/B] series seems to have been the catalyst to actually get my working on this front.[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=DeathBug]Resolutions are usually empty promises; if you're not already working towards them by the time it's 1 Jan, the odds you'll start are pretty low.

*Work out my position regarding a specific female: Well, really, this isn't your business.[/QUOTE]

[color=darkviolet]I started doing 50 sit ups a day after Christmas and am trying to cut out my junk food intake so there we go on the weightloss thing. The have a better year thing will only work if someone closes the back door because i feel a draft coming on, so I really have no control over that. And as for the job, I started replying to classified ads and filling out applications back in September.

Good luck with the female thing even though it's not really anyone's business.[/color]
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[color=#811C3A]My resolutions are to complete my online portfolio and to get my bedroom rennovated. The former is something I've only had vague ideas about up until now, while the latter is something I wanted to do last year but was never able to.

But this year I finally have the opportunity, so I'm going to go for it.[/color]
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My New Years Resolutions is to get a New Years Resolution lol :D Because every new years eve you always say "ooh my New Years Resolution will be somethingorother" and by the time you wake up on new years day, your tired, abit hung over, and you can't remember were you keep your underwear.....aahh...good times.....oh sorry, yeah and you always forget you ever made a New Years Resolution until your full of Easter eggs some time in April lol
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[quote name='DeathBug']Resolutions are usually empty promises; if you're not already working towards them by the time it's 1 Jan, the odds you'll start are pretty low.[/quote][color=#4b4b79]I don't think so. Sometimes it really helps to have an official "start date" to something...and January first is pretty noticeable, heh. I've kept resolutions...it's just easier to say "from now on...." if you've got a definitive "now."

Of course, it works just as well on any other first of the month, holiday, event, etc. But again with New Year's, you have the idea of a clean slate and setting goals for the months to come. As traditions go, it's not half bad, heh.

Anyway, personal goal: keep my sense of humor about me at all times. I'm generally pretty good about this, but I get angry sometimes. Life's much easier to approach with a smile.

I'd also like to get my much-neglected website up and running again. Poor thing. I wish weren't lazy, heh. But that's a goal, not so much a "resolution."

at the sound of the beep, the time will be...
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[QUOTE=Lore][color=#4b4b79]I don't think so. Sometimes it really helps to have an official "start date" to something...and January first is pretty noticeable, heh. I've kept resolutions...it's just easier to say "from now on...." if you've got a definitive "now."

at the sound of the beep, the time will be...

[color=indigo]I agree, I?ve always found New Years to be a great time to fulfill promises to your self. Last year I resolved to go back to school and to lose twenty pounds of fat, and both of those resolutions went swimmingly.

This year I have two resolutions, one social and one physical.

My social resolution is to stop being so fickle in my relationships with people. This tends to be a problem not only in my love life, but also with friends and relatives. I am horrible about keeping in touch with people.

My physical resolution is simply to sacrifice time to go to the gym. I know it sounds simple but I am usually at school from 8am to 10pm, then I go to work from 11am-8pm (sometimes much later) and then I come home and study/piss around for a few hours until it is time for sleep. [/color]
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I have no resolution. I find them pointless. If you aren't doing something you want to do, then you've been putting it off way too much and chances are some "resolution" isn't going to make you follow through with it.

Instead of saying words, go out and do what it is you want to change, whether it be getting in shape, learning, or whatever else satiates your little heart to joyous feelings.
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[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]This is the first year I decided to pursue a New Year's resolution. I planned on taking the year to do two things: Firstly I planned to tell everyone I knew that I was bi-sexual and secondly I wanted to enter into my first serious relationship. Its now the fourth day of the first month and I've done both off these things. Some year long resolution huh?

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Guest Cherry_Lane
[quote name='Morpheus']I want to know what Otakus hope to do in '05. I want to expand my comedy and have better relations with my mom.[/quote]

Mine is to get a job in retail and keep it for at least year, I also really need a car!!!

HAPPY 2005! :love:
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