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Boba's Photoshop Excursion

Boba Fett

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[color=green]I got Photoshop CS not too long ago, and I've started fooling around with it lately.

This is an image I put together for my livejournal, hence the username in the upper righthand corner.

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Since the sunshine is literally twisted in the picture, I like it. You're obviously getting use to CS's filters and effects. The fated writing is readable and quite cool, especially with the signed signature. I do think you should put a border on it (I've come accustomed to borders, so naturally I believe they look better). You don't need a border, but if you want one, an easy way to do it is to select the whole image with "Select All," then go to "Edit" and down to "Stroke." A setting of 2 pixels for the stroke should make a nice thin border. Make sure before you select stroke, you have the right color currently selected.

My real beef about it is the text. It's nicely done, but jagged. Perhaps not jagged, but it just bothers me somehow. Maybe I am going mad ;_;

Good work anyways, sir.

[b]My Rating:[/b] 8/10 That's sexier than yo' wife ;^D
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[quote name='LPpunkrocka']LOL...it is cool, actually. i do not think i've seen anythig like it.[/quote]Welcome to OtakuBoards! Here in the art forum we try to maintain some form of quality, to at least help the artist improve by giving him or her a few suggestions, or inform the artist about what you like about the piece. As long as you have that down, it's fine. ;)
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[size=1]Meh, not too sure about the text for your username. To use an old expression, it stands out like dog's balls :p

I think fading it in, as with the 'note' would have looked much better.

As it stands with the 'note' part, I love that, but I have a question...is that hand-written and scanned, or a font? Because, if it is a font, I'd love it ^_^; And I'd agree with DW about the border: you need one. Everytime I see a borderless image, a small part of me dies, lol.[/size]
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[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']is that hand-written and scanned, or a font? Because, if it is a font, I'd love it ^_^[/size][/quote]

[color=green]I wish it were a font.

It's just my right hand with the text handwritten on it, which was scanned. I'll edit this post in a little while with a revised image.

There is a border on this image. I'm very sure of it. Although why it is showing in photoshop and not here is beyond me.[/color]
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