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First Time Sprite Experiment


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Yesterday, I downloaded a huge package of Pokèmon sprites, so today I decided to experiment with them. This banner took about 45 minutes to make. I edited the trainer's colors fully, but I only erased the backgrounds of the Pokèmon (which is sometimes a long task).

The attachments are the actual banner and the original trainer.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]Gah! Why won't you tell me where... Damn you.. <_< ... Didn't mean that. ^_^;;

I really like how you re-did Norman (yes, I know who that is). Umbreon, Wynaut and.. Uh-oh. Forgot who else was there, lol. Well, they're cool, either way. Erasing backgrounds can be a b.itch. Seriously. But I can't imagine how frusterating redoing Norman was. I mean, the only things that stayed the same was his head and his stance.

Goshums you're good. >_>;; 9/10

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The pokemon (whoever they are) are really good. I guess ripping them isn't as hard as designing them youself.

I don't like the trainer as much, though. When you recolored him, you didn't leave the shading intact, making his legs look like sticks, and giving him a less 2.5-d look, and a more 2-d look. If that made any sense.
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[color=gray][size=1]I know, ripping sprites is a pain in the arse -.-;
For a first time you did a really nice job I must say. Even though the trainer could use some more shading he still looks better than most first timers I've seen. Actually, this is the best first timer I've seen =P

Below I edited the trainer so that he has shading ;o
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[QUOTE=Boo][color=gray][size=1]I know, ripping sprites is a pain in the arse -.-;
For a first time you did a really nice job I must say. Even though the trainer could use some more shading he still looks better than most first timers I've seen. Actually, this is the best first timer I've seen =P

Below I edited the trainer so that he has shading ;o
Thanks for the edit, it looks good. I could never find a color that looked good. Do you have any suggestions on trying to find shading colors? Or is it common sense and I'm stupid?

Attached is a trainer I edited and the original version... first time I used shading.
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[color=gray][size=1]You know, I actually use MS paint for my sprites and with it it's quite easy to just lighten or darken a colour :P
Shading would be like (from the inside): Red, Darker red, even darker red, etc.
So I'm just darkening or lightening the colour (I want to make the surface) to shade.

Your latest one is quite nice aswell, you learned that making use of the original pictures colours is much easier than custom shading. The shirt though could use some shading aswell. And while you're at it, the lines around the shirt could be a bit lighter so that there's not too much contrast between the shirts and the outlines ;o

You're doing great Leh mate ^_~[/color][/size]
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