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This RPG goes as a mix of .hack//SIGN and other anime, in which you either make your own character or one from any anime you choose.

Create a character form:

Favorite Amine
Choice of weapon

Here's an anime character form:

Choose a ruby (blue or red)
Choice of weapon

10 jewels have been kidnapped, while you and your friends (along with other anime) join and stop the theif, Giga Bowser and other villans (With GB the leader.) The rules are:

No cheaters
No tricks
and NO pounding an anime character you hate, no matter how much you hate him/her.

I'll start.

Name: Lashamaru
Age: 650 and a half, 651 in April
Personality: I'm tomboyish, playful, adventurous, and dangerous when mad!
Clothes: Kikyo's clothes, but the shirt (at the bttom, the rim... and black) reaches halfway up the torso; gray baggy pants, and a black ribbon tying the hair
Fav. Anime: InuYasha
Choice of weapon: A bow with fire, lightning, ice, and poison arrows

Join the Revolution and take back the Jewels!
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[size=1][color="#FF9900"]LashamaruChaos, please read over the Square's sticky before you continue to post in the Arena. There are certain guidelines set out in the sticky that all RPGs must follow, such as a sizable backstory and an appropriate rating for the story. This thread is closed, therefore, until you've read through the rules and have come to an understanding about what is expected on the boards. If, after you've read, you'd like to try this idea again and you properly follow the guidelines we have set down, you may re-post the thread here in the Inn.

If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to PM me or another moderator. ^_^

- Arcadia[/color][/size]
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