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Social Stuff..... friends or family?

Eternal Snow

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Guest Epitaph
come on, its kinda unfair to ask me ta choose :(
our friends may understand us better but our family is v important too
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I'd have to say that I prefer the company of friends to family, on the most part. Really, it's not quite as much of a [I]listening[/I] thing, but more of a 'the more time I spend with someone, the easier it is for their habits to irritate me' kind of thing. It's not exactly as if I listen to my friends any more than I would my parents. If I'm in a bad mood with my parents, I ignore their advice. If I'm in a bad mood with my friends, I'll ignore their advice too. That's as simple as it gets in terms of the listening factor. As with the irritation thing, there's a big difference between the 2/3 hours you spend with your friends at college and the rest of your waking hours spent with your family. Personality quirks are [B][I]so[/I][/B] amusing. :rolleyes:
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[quote name='wrist cutter']I've noticed nowadays that teenagers tend to be retards, too.[/quote]
HEY! Im not a retard! Anyways I like to talk to my friends more just 'cause I hate my family. Seriously I do! I could care less whether they were burning in hell or living peacfully in heaven. If such things exist. Im an atheist so... yeah.
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[quote name='Phayt']HEY! Im not a retard![/quote]

[size=1]Actually, I'm going to back wrist cutter on this. We really are. Haha.[/size]

[QUOTE]Seriously I do! I could care less whether they were burning in hell or living peacfully in heaven. If such things exist. Im an atheist so... yeah.[/QUOTE]

[size=1]Thanks for letting us know...hehe. Anyway, I'm not sure where I stand on this. In my free time I'd definitely choose friends, but if I'm going to be stranded on a desert island, my family would probably be a better choice. Both groups have their ups and downs. Anyway, it doesn't really matter, seeing as we're all one being. I'm a Buddhist, so...yeah.

Haha, sorry. Just raggin' on you, man. ^ ^[/size]
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Taking this thread to a deeper note.

Chapter 3 of our A.P. Psych book addresses how much our parents really [i]do[/i] influence us as who we are.

Despite popular claim, parents [i]do not[/i] influence their children as much as you'd like to think.

Parents only account for "10 percent of a children's personality differences," but they do pass along more of their beliefs and values to their child.

"Men resemble the times more than they resemble their fathers." - Ancient Arab Proverb.

[quote]"It may be scary to realize how risky it is to have and raise children. In procreation, a woman and a man shuffle their gene decks and deal a life-forming hand to their child-to-be, who is then subjected to countless influences beyond their control. Knowing that lives are formed by influences beyond the parents' control is another reason for caution in crediting parents for their children's achievements and blaming them for their children's troubling traits. And if our children are not formless blobs sculpted by parental nurture, then perhaps we parents can relax a bit more and love our children for who they are." [i]P. 121, Psychology, 7th Ed., David G. Myers.[/i][/quote]


Other things, other than parents, that influence us, are obviously peers, and our culture.

"If you want to blame your parents for your own adult problems, you are entitled to blame the genes they gave you, but you are not entitled - by any facts I know - to blame the way they treated you. . .We are not prisoners of our past." - Martin Seligman, [i]What You Can Change and What You Can't[/i], 1994.
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[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=SeaGreen] I kinda have to agree with Attimus331 on one thing, I do count on myself for alot of things. It comes with being an independent type of person. Yes I listen to my friends more then my family because most of the time my family only gets me in trouble (sorry but yes not trying to sound like a "retarded" teenager as wrist cutter puts it) but they have a tendency to give me wrong advice most of the time and get me in trouble. Its hard when your not close to your family, and its more like they don't listen to me, so i'd have to say 50% of my strength comes from me and the rest my friends. There are more trustworthy then my family. Sad but also true. Except my perverted Grandma, shes the only one that listens to me lol [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[size=1][color=darkblue]I would have to say I am one of those people that is more friend dependent. Don't get me wrong, I like my family.. well, some of my family. But they just don't understand me the way my friends do. And, well, frankly your parents aren't interested in a lot of things you want to do. With my family, I can only talk to my mother and sister. Basically everyone else hates me in my family, but that is because I am forced to live with my step father, step sister, and two step brothers. And they don't bother with me. But I am perfectly fine with that, seeing to that I need a good amount of space.

If I had to choose to spend time with my family or friends, friends would win.

But it is easy to tell why teens spend more time with friends than family. Normally it is an issue between space, interests, and so on. I've never seen a person that had made best friends with one of their parents or siblings. Everyone lives in their own world, and they have certain needs for their world. And normally a teen's world and a family's members world does not meet strongly. Those two worlds may brush up against each other, letting communication be shared. That is the way I see it anyhow.
And, hey, if you are close to your family, that's great. But sometimes it can lead to bad things, especially if you have things you don't want your family to know and so on. It really depends on what kind of person you are, and what kind of people make up your family and how people have been raised and have been communicating.[/color][/size]
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[quote name='wrist cutter']I've noticed nowadays that teenagers tend to be retards, too.[/quote]

[size=1]Haha. No argument. =P

I can't really answer either one as a 'unit', because I usually tend to stick to one best friend and a small circle of close friends I truly trust, and a broader group of friends I don't tell secrets to, but wouldn't mind hanging out with and such. Usually, though, I'm with that one best friend, and we're like sisters. ...Or um. Brothers. o_O;

However, I'm extremely close to my parents. They give me great advice, and don't pressure me to 'choose' between spending time with them or with a friend (well, mainly because they're divorced), and they have their equal time to spend with their friends, and I have mine. But I won't go so far as to say my entire family, because my relations aren't at a consistant 'level' because of the divorce issue and such, and some of them have put me through some really tough times because of it.

I don't know, you get a few 'pluses' and 'negatives' from friends and the same deal with family. It's really not too easy to really figure out which you value most. Plus, I consider some of my cousins as extremely close friends anyway.

So erm. There's my little ramble there. >>[/size]
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[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Times New Roman]This is a hard choice but I will choose neither.

Friends:Sure the understand you now but you really don't know if they are your friends. If a situation brakes loose, will they be there?
Another reason I dont choose them is simply cause its not easy for me to trust people.

Family: They love you yes. But sometimes is hard for them to understand you. Its hard to talk to them cause you don't think they'll be much help.

So in the end ill choose myself cause i know I cant let myself down.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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i'd probably say my friends or my sister. i dont get along at all with my parents, and i really dont tell them anything thats going on with my life. so far i've relied on my sister with the stuff i dont trust others with, and my friends for the stuff i dont trust her with, and i suppose i get by ok.
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I don't choose one over the other. See, I take advice from both and socially my friends are who I lean to because that's how people become friends. Through social meets.
Family is something that I need and will always appreciate no matter how annoying or pissed they make me.
And I'm not gonna say "I don't know" because I do. It's just not a decision that can be made by me.
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[color=#811C3A]I would have to say family. Friends come and go -- friends have never been particularly important to my life. I mean, that isn't to say that I don't value them, because I do. And I'm very fortunate to have 'em. But...I can live without constant friend contact. I can't live without family contact, though.

Besides, I have three siblings and they are not only family, but they are also my very closest friends in the entire world. Without them, I think I'd be a pretty lost soul. So as long as I have them around me, I'm always feeling pretty good. ~_^[/color]
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[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=2][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Friends are definately more important to me than family, I mean there is nothing in the whole world that I wouldn't do for the people that I rely on for supportand I just don't have this sort of feeling towards family. I think that may stem from the fact that my families (both my parents are remarried with kids) have been equally split in importance, well something like that, is hard to word really.

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Guest BigBoss
I'm a hippy/goth (NOTE:two thing that do not mix) but thats beside the point I stay in my room play games with my friends.
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  • 2 months later...
I couldn't pick just one because my family gets me almost everything I want and takes good care of me and then on the other hand my friends take care of me to and will stand up for me even though I'm in the wrong. They always got my back and yet so does me family. You'll have to understand my crazy family...my friends say I have the coolest parents! :catgirl:
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[b]@Big Boss- i think you need to lay off both the drugs and the smilies...[/b]

[b]Well... this question shouldn't be as tough as it is... but I'll try to answer it anyway.[/b]

[b]My friends have usually been the ones who were there for me when things were insanely bad. They were the ones who offered comfort and solice when I truly needed it, and were willing to just listen. [/b]

[b]But my friends either went off to live their own lives somewhere else and neglected to keep in touch, or they were killed somehow... so there are only a few left to go to... and only one that I'm truly comfortable opening up to (but now we live a couple hundred miles away from one another and his girlfriend is a b***h).[/b]

[b]My family- *heh*- they are the reason I don't sleep, the reason I have nightmares when I do manage to coax along some sleep, and the reason for my psychological disorders and poor self-esteem. Not entirely, of course, but yeah--mostly.[/b]

[b]All except my mom and my (nearly-twin) brother. They are both friends [i]and[/i] family.[/b]

[b]I do, however, love my family with all my heart, regardless of the pain they inflict.[/b]

[b]I can't honestly say which I would choose or which I prefer, because I get different things out of my relationships with my family than I do with my friends-- I guess I would say that they are equally important and necessary in my life. [/b]

[b]Between the two of them, I am fulfilled, and I wouldn't be if either was missing from my life.[/b]
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Guest Alchemist
I like my imediate family ex. My sister my mother my father and my dog. But my extended family i dont really like so if it is not my immediate family i rather spend time with friends.
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