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Social Stuff..... friends or family?

Eternal Snow

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[quote name='wrist cutter']I've noticed nowadays that teenagers tend to be retards, too.[/quote]

[color=crimson]We do our best.

No matter how much I enjoy [strike]melo[/strike]dramatic stories about how horrible people's families are/have been or I don't think I'll tell a story of my own. To put it simply I'm adopted by my grandparents and am not in contact with any other "family" members, biological or otherwise. They are a nice couple who have a few quirks but I unfortunately don't quite listen to or communicate [on a deeper level] with them. It's not that I dislike or hate them- the only reason I don't listen to my parents is because we have an uncrossable chasm between our outlooks on life. Very , very different opinions, heh. We simply think far too differently for me to confide in/talk to them about personal things.

I don't really listen to my friends as a whole either- I have one close, wise friend that I confide in. I've known this person for several years and trust him very deeply. Aside from him, I try to work things out in my own head if I don't have any wise, [very] close friends around to talk with. Sit down with a drink, think things over. Try to be objective, fail. Come to some weird, inane conclusion about things, etc.[/color]
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[SIZE=1]Well, I have alot of family. And we spend alot of time together... so we all get on each other's nerves plenty. I really do love them, and they return my feelings. However, when I want to have [i]fun[/i], I choose my friends. That's because my house is really boring, and I can at least have a good conversation with one of them.

I happen to be pretty good at choosing friends, so I know they'd be with me through thick and thin. I'd much rather spend time with my friends, because like I said, I see my family enough to get sick of them. I need to get out of the house every now and then, to get away from my brothers.

But stranded on a desert island? It would be pretty fun with friends, but I think survival chances would be higher with my family. We function as a unit, pretty efficiently if need be. There's plenty of hands to do work, and my friends would be joking around. Heh.[/SIZE]
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For social events and the like? Definitely friends. They relate to me on more levels than any of my family members do. For instance, none of my family members are really into anime, videogames, pranks, or any of that other fun stuff.

But my friends and family are about equal on what I'd trust them with. I tend to choose my friends pretty carefully. I don't allow myself to get close to those that seem like they'd be disloyal or those that are particularly close to authority in general. My family is all trustworthy as well, with the exception of my step mom.
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