Arcadia Posted January 2, 2005 Share Posted January 2, 2005 [center][font=Tahoma][size=5][u][b]Paranoia[/b][/u][/size][/font][/center] [size=2]A key. A simple yet powerful object that you take for granted every single day of your life. It can give you the security of knowing that you're the only one who enters your house. It can satisfy you with the knowledge that you're the only one who can enter that curious attic on the third floor. But it can also allow any stranger, any stranger at all, into your home. And unbeknownst to you, they can bring your entire world down.[/size] [center][font=Tahoma][size=3][b]1028[/b][/size][/font][/center] [size=2]?What is that?? ?Maybe I don?t want to know.? ?Run!? The shadow quickly gained on the village, covering it like a flood without liquid. Yet, when it passed, nothing seemed different. People stood in the streets breathing heavily from their running, looking at their hands as if they were foreign objects. It had come and gone without harm to anyone. Unknown to them, the damage was more than sufficient. Crime quickly spread through the village. News of thefts, rapes, and murders skyrocketed. The odd thing? The criminals were well known for their calm nature. ?A shadow in the South. We should?ve known.? The Witch Rhea spoke with fear in her voice, but with confidence in her mind. Around her were Artemis and Fawne of the Witches; Tuor Lossëhelin, Findecáno Elensar, and Ainariël Mithrandír of the Elves; Jarig, Harris, and Kingston of the Mages; Merlin, Dimitri, and Leo of the Sorcerers; Marcolus, Narciss, and Griffin of the Shifters; Tyger, Eon, and Swanya of the Anima; Volcan, Atlantic, and Zephyr of the Golem; Dinè, Kyra, and Musica of the Nymphs; and Lucanus, Evene, and Xian of the Draconians. ?The Nexus has taken our brothers and sisters,? said Kingston. ?We are the last strength for our kind.? ?Everyone here is the last strength for their kind, Harris,? said Merlin. ?We must fight against the Nexus together.? Thus the Innocence was born. Three remaining members from each race inhabiting Gaia. Together they would fight and defeat The Nexus. Together, they would save their homes. But unity did not come easy to these beings. The Elves, humble and confident, thought that the playful and free-spirited Nymphs were immature, and let them know. Often times, when the Nymphs needed help, and an Elf was nearby, they would be ignored. This brought on many fights within the Innocence. The Elves also feuded with the Draconians because of their blunt force and love of battle; Tuor, Findecáno, and Ainariël thought that they were mindless brutes and weren?t worth keeping around. The Golem, made purely from natural forces, were often under the control of the Red Mage Kingston, as he could control any element. This angered the three Golem, and they retaliated often. Because of their lack of understanding of each other, the Innocence was failing. Dimitri of the Sorcerers was soon fed up. ?It is sad that in this time of darkness that this is the only way to make you see the light!? Dimitri yelled as he went into the Nexus voluntarily. ?One day, one bright day, the Key will be born! It will be a force of pure light embodied in a man of earth! And so the end of the Nexus will be seen!? Dimitri?s self sacrifice caused The Nexus to be severely injured, and it went into hiding for many a year.[/size] [center][font=Tahoma][size=3][b]1043-1058[/b][/size][/font][/center] [size=2]In the years after Dimitri?s death, The Nexus had returned and cast total darkness over Gaia. The inhabitants of Gaia began to deal with the presence of The Nexus, and those who were not affected by it lived their lives normally. The remaining members of the Innocence had since become Elders, the heads of their races. Utan of the Draconians, son of the Elder Xian was a renowned fighter. He was, perhaps, the strongest Draconian of his time. But what makes his destiny stand out is that he discovered the young girl Linwë in the forest outside of Memoria. The girl was only an infant when she was discovered, and noticeably of Elvin decent. Utan took Linwë into his home and treated her like his own. His father, from the very beginning, told Utan that she was the Key; the one who would save Gaia from the evil of The Nexus. Utan did nothing because of this. He just wanted to raise her. Linwë knew, of course, that she was the Key, and she took no interest in finding the parents that had abandoned her (it was very odd and rare for Elvin parents to abandon their young). It was as if she never had parents in the first place. On the day of her eighteenth birthday, more sunlight broke through the darkness than it ever had since The Nexus had arrived. Linwë left her home without saying a word and traveled to where the great evil remained. There, she fulfilled her destiny. ?The Nexus will inevitably return!? she yelled as she defeated her foe. ?Then, there will be born a new Key and it will have the same fate as I!? The battle destroyed Linwë?s physical form and spread light throughout Gaia once again.[/size] [center][font=Tahoma][size=3][b]1619, Present Day[/b][/size][/font][/center] [size=2]He didn?t turn to his assistant as he spoke. He stared out the window and said, ?Alert the Elders of each race. We need them to gather, especially the Draconian Elders. When the Elders of the Innocence knew that The Nexus would return, they put a magic marking on each of their descendants. ?Other than the descendants themselves, the Draconians are the only beasts that can recognize those worthy of becoming the New Innocence; their drive for protecting those of their earth enchants them with the ancient magic to do so.? The King of Memoria turned to his assistant and said, ?Get them here two days past today. We need to find the Key and the New Innocence.?[/size] [center][font=Tahoma][size=3][b]Races in Gaia[/b][/size][/font][/center] [size=2][b]Witches.[/b] Witches usually have a distinct magical power that they stick to, such as astral projection, divination, or even something like blood magic. They?re also very good at charms and hexes and often are called upon to charm objects or weapons to make them lucky or, as the case may be, unlucky. [b]Mages.[/b] Magic users that focus primarily on specific types of elemental magic, mages can be found just about anywhere, doing anything, and are often hired to do odd jobs by those who need them. [i]Red Mages[/i] deal with the elements, such as earth, fire, water, ice, air, etc, and are probably the most prolific type of mage. [i]White Mages[/i] deal with different kinds of protective magic, such as healing, shields, and wards. It should be noted that many priests/priestesses are of the white variety. [i]Black Mages[/i] deal with black magic. Things having to do with the manipulation of shadows or calling forth the undead. Because of the darker nature of black magic, this mage is kind of like the black sheep of the mage family. [i]Blue Mages[/i] are summoners and can summon a variety of interesting creatures to fight or perform certain errands for them. All summoners start with three different creatures. [b]Sorcerers.[/b] Generally more powerful than mages, but they have certain limitations. Their magic can only be controlled through an instrument like a wand, staff, or even a sword that has been bonded to them ? they can?t use just any old stick they find. Also, they must use Latin-based words in order to derive their spells. Sorcerers are very wise in the ways of the world and are more often than not advisors to the Kings and Queens. [b]Elves.[/b] Like mages, elves derive their magic from elements, but because of their special connection with the land, their magic is generally stronger and more varied. Their physical strengths include increased speed and agility, as well as excellent senses. Most have grown into a sort of subtle haughtiness over the years and if given the choice, will only associate with their kind. [b]Shifters.[/b] Though they generally keep to their human appearances, these beings have the ability to morph into fierce creatures of legend. Once they?ve transformed, they gain certain skills appropriate to the creature they?ve become, though general things like strength and stamina double in power. [b]Anima.[/b] A sort of distant cousin to the Shifters, Animas are creatures that are half human, half animal. They are especially gifted in divination and are often very learned creatures. Though they are generally peaceful enough, when provoked Animas can become very fierce warriors. [b]Succubi.[/b] This also includes Incubi and even Sirens; these are the creatures that lure others either through song, dance, or spell and are highly sexual by nature. The Succubi and Incubi specifically often act like vampires and drain energy from their victims through their sexual frustrations. Sirens, on the other hand, are more like temptresses than anything else, and more often than not turn out to be famous singers. [b]Golem.[/b] Golems are creatures of the elements and are, in fact, made out of them. Their powers are obviously specific to whichever element they?re created from, such as fire, shadow or water, and they are usually smaller in stature than any of the other beings. For a long time these creatures have often been servants to the Red Mages and it is a position they have long reviled. [b]Nymphs.[/b] Nymphs are close relatives of the Golems, but unlike the Golems, they are not bound to any race through slavery. They prefer to stay hidden and are usually only seen during the changing of seasons (which they help along) and during certain winter or summer solstices. During these solstices, however, they become more curious and celebratory and thus pairings between other races often result. You can always tell what sort of mood a Nymph is in by the color of his or her hair ? it changes colors constantly. Nymphs can also be called on by Blue Mages, but whether or not a nymph responds is based entirely on whether or not the mage has any previous relations with nymphs. [b]Draconians.[/b] A proud race of winged beings, the Draconians are famed for their prowess in battle and are thusly often sought after as royal or private guards, or even hired mercenaries. All of the regions also employ their own airborne strike forces of Draconians, and their use of arrows to reign down on their enemies is legendary. Their wings are made of feathers but are very durable, and their colors often signify rank. The strike force?s wings, for instance, are always dyed black.[/size] [center][font=Tahoma][size=3][b]Sign-Ups In Paranoia[/b][/size][/font][/center] [size=2][b]Name:[/b] Something a little more creative than plane old Jane. A name final fantasy-esque would be quite appropriate. [b]Age:[/b] Above 15, unless you give us a reason to make an exception. [b]Race:[/b] Choose from the above races. [b]Location:[/b] Choose from one of the four regions: [i]Memoria, Rivera, Lerion,[/i] and [i]Victoria[/i]. Please note that only elves hail from Rivera, and it is rare that they ever leave their beloved kingdom. [b]Appearance:[/b] Please provide a picture of your character. [b]Spells/Weapons:[/b] Everyone can carry a weapon, but your reliance on that weapon depends on what sort of powers you have at your disposal. [i]Witches:[/i] Include the power you employ, as well as any specific spells or charms that go with it. [i]Mages:[/i] Mages can have up to three very powerful spells (or if you?re a Blue Mage, then the three creatures and their skills), though this doesn?t include everyday things like throwing fire or simple healing jobs. These are the really big, impressive spells that drain large amounts of energy. [i]Sorcerers:[/i] Describe the conductor you carry, as well as your three most powerful spells. [i]Elves:[/i] Maximum of three spells, again. [i]Shifters:[/i] Include what you transform into, and what special skills that creature has. [i]Anima:[/i] What sort of half breed are you, and if you follow divination, what kind do you rely on? [i]Succubi:[/i] What sort of succubi are you exactly, and what are some of your trademark moves to ensnare your victims? (These can be spells ? limit three. It?s a special number here.) [i]Golem:[/i] Specific element (it can ONLY be one), and if you?re bound to someone, it would be wise to mention that person here. Three spells. [i]Nymphs:[/i] Three abilities. [i]Draconians:[/i] Three spells, but these should be tied to the weapon(s) that your Draconian uses. [b]Biography:[/b] Should be at least three paragraphs long. This part of your sign-up is especially important because it explains why your character thinks and acts the way they do. Please note that not everyone will be accepted into the RPG, so be sure to put some real time and thought into your sign-ups. We?ve given you plenty of room to be creative, and we encourage you all to sign up for different things. The idea is to have a wide variety of races and not a bunch of elves and mages, so please keep that in mind. As of now, [b]the Key has not yet been chosen[/b]. After the sign-ups are closed and we've accepted a number of different characters, Patronus and I will go about letting you (and [i]only[/i] you) know if you are the reincarnated Key. This works so that we all appear as Innocence. When the time comes, the key will be revealed.[/size] [center][font=Tahoma][size=3][b]Other Notes[/b][/size][/font][/center] [size=2][b]Paranoia[/b] will operate in a [b]Chapter System[/b] similar to what you may have seen in other RPGs in the Arena. Here's an example of how one might be set up: [quote][b]Chapter Six: Trial and Error[/b] [i]Characters:[/i] Generic Girl and Random Guy Generic Girl has a nightmare; a flashback to a traumatic event from her past. She wakes to find Random Guy stealing into the night to confer with the nymphs. She follows him.[/quote] PMs will be sent out to let you know which chapters you will be posting in. The majority of them should include most of the characters, however, so if all goes according to plan, everyone will be able to participate on a regular basis. As of now there is no set date to when we'll close the sign-ups, so you have plenty of time to think about what sort of character you want to submit. If you have any questions concerning the story or if you have some ideas that you want to run by us, please PM me or Patronus and we'll figure things out. ^_^[/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Patronus Posted January 2, 2005 Share Posted January 2, 2005 Please also note that if you do turn out to be the Key, do not tell any other member of the RPG. [color=#ffffff][size=2][u]Name[/u]: [/size][font=Arial][size=2]Valandil Elanessë [/size][/font][u][size=2]Age[/u]: 27 [u]Race[/u]: Elf [/size][u][font=Arial][size=2]Location[/u]: Rivera [u]Appearance[/u]: [img][/img] [u]Spells/Weapons[/u]:[/size][/font][size=2]Elvin Magic: [/size][i][font=Arial][size=2]Fingolfin Amandil [/i](renders temorary dominion over wind to the user), [i]Nolofinwë Singollo [/i](produces a blinding light which can stun an opponent, put an opponent to sleep, or heal), and [i]Lúthien Anwamanë [/i](unique to Valandil, this allows him to control the Anarion that is around his right wrist[/size][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=3]). [/size][/font][font=Arial][size=2]The Anarion is a piece of enchanted red fabric that can act as a very dangerous weapon when its activation spell is uttered. [u]Biography[/u]: Valandil's past, while starting out good, suddenly became dismal. He was born into one of the most respective Elvin families known to Gaia, and his attitude surely showed it. From early on, he was an impressive fighter --- he used his enhanced agility, stamina, and connection to nature in balanced form, thus there weren't many who could easily beat him. His parents were the record keepers of the Kingdom of Elves, Rivera, and were often in company of the Elders and other high-status Elves. The Salir family, and only the Elanessë family had access to the Archives of Ages, an ever-growing hall of every event to happen in the history of Gaia. Valandil, while a natural fighter, liked to spend many nights in the Archives reading the history of his world. The hall was where he heard the screams on the night of the fire. When he ran out of the Archives, he knew instantly what had happened: his parents had burned to death. A rogue Red Mage, obviously pissed off about something, had tried to attack the Elder Elves and his parents had stepped in to save them. Save them they did, but they died doing so. Valandil was overwhelmed with grief, and disappeared into the forest surrounding Rivera. Many searched for him --- to help him, to bring him back --- but he took much precaution into what and who he let know where he was. He meditated often, going deeper and deeper into the mind of Mother Nature. He learned several spells, but he perfected three very easily; he could control wind and he could stun, put to sleep, and heal. But there was one spell, one spell that he suddenly knew without any meditating: [i]Lúthien Anwamanë. [/i]When he chanted this spell, nothing happened. Deciding the spell was useless, he tried to remove it from his mind. But no matter what he did, it kept presenting itself to him. Under the full moon, while he meditated, he uttered the words. When he opened his eyes, a red material had bound itself around Valandil's right wrist. He uttered the spell once more, and found whenever he did, the material did as he wanted it to. He called it Anarion, and found that it was almost infinite in length. Finally feeling that he could return to River after ten years, he was instantly greeted with cheer, even though the forest had transformed him into a mellow fighter. He took the job as record keeper, and now he lives there minding his own business. [/size][/font][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted January 3, 2005 Share Posted January 3, 2005 [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Vralla Norhangare (Vur-rall-a : Nor-han-gir) [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Race:[/B] Draconian [B]Location:[/B] Lerion [B]Appearance:[/B] :.-Her wings are now a deep metallic blue-.: [B]Spells/Weapons:[/B] Vralla carries a broad sword, with a handle of gold . On the blade, translated from [whatever language the Draconians write in], "Hail Lerion, Daughter of Grakythe" is engraved. Regnum Lanma - Vralla's blade turns a bright white, and can channel healing energy to cast a quick fixer-uper spell on allies or herself. Fortis Volaticus - Vralla's blade erupts into a barrage of fireballs, all firing in every direction. Citatus Irruo - With the chanting of the two words, Vralla's blade guides her into rapid and vicious blows and slashs at the enemies surrounding her. [B]Biography:[/B] Born into a middle class family in the realm of Lerion, Vralla lived a simple life. Her father, Grakythe, was the blacksmith for the Royal Guard. Of course, this job was less respected, but it was still just as important. Grakythe supplied many Draconians, along with other creatures, with blades of steel, and arrows of Foro [a metal Draconians use to make arrowheads because it can pierce almost any armor]. He was praised by many a fellow in the Guard. Vralla, being too young at the time to understand, always wondered what he was doing. Her mother, Phinnra, never allowed her too close to the Shop in fear that she might get branded or stabbed by the many weapons inside. Her father had a small trademark to show that his work was authentically [i]his[/i] work. It was very simple. A small circle with the outline of Lerion, and the letter "I" engraved inside. Why it was an "I" puzzled Vralla to no end. She would have thought to put an "L", for Lerion. Or "D" for the magnificant race of the Draconians. But no. It was an "I", and everytime she asked her father why it was an "I" instead of an "L" or a "D" he would reply, "The 'I' stands for something far more important than the Draconians and even Lerion it[i]self[/i]. Do you understand now?" She would shake her head, disappointed in herself for not understanding something so simple. Then Grakythe would comfort her, bouncing her on his leg, making her forget all about it for the rest of the day. Then she would return soon and ask again. At the age of 7, Vralla's brother was born. He was dawned "Ithris", after their grandfather Ithris, and he was to grow to be the next blacksmith for the Guard of Lerion. Vralla was not angry or jealous of her new baby brother. In fact, she was quite joyous that she would not be drawn into, what she thought was, the boring and pointless path of a blacksmith. No, she wanted to be something much more extravagant and exciting. She wanted to become part of the Guard that the blacksmiths worked for. Of course, this was looked down upon, not only by her mother, but by boys and young men around town. By now, she was at the tender age of 12, and believed that she, too, could become a part of the Royal Guardsmen. And, what most people didn't know, was that her mother, at one point, had been a member of the Royal Guardsmen. Out of respect for her mother, she did not brag about this to anyone, or to use as evidence that she had right to join. But one day, a group of boys, some only 10 and others above 15, were ridiculing her about her "unreachable" dream. Like most Draconians, Vralla was a good fighter; strong, proud, and determined. And that day, she was determined to prove herself worthy; or at least, that's what she thought. She fought the entire group, leaving them all bruised, battered, and crying. And she even ripped off half of one boy's wing. Her parents, sure that she would be de-winged and bannished, as was the custom for such a crime as ruining a Draconian's sacred wings, brought her to the edge of the city and tried to convince her to run away. Stubborn as always, she stayed with them until the Elites found her, bringing her before the High Court. But instead of a traditional sentence, she was instructed to see the Elders. Now, it was not very surprising to her; afterall, she wasn't quite sure who the elders were, anyway. Her father, having brought her alone because her mother couldn't stand to see her punished, was aghast. Few ever saw the Elders, and [i]none[/i] of them were children. When before the Elders, the Elite who had taken her before them instructed Vralla to bow. She obeyed (reluctantly), and was then asked what her dream was. To this she replied happily, "I want to be a Royal Guardsman! I want to protect the Great Kingdom of Lerion with my own bare hands." The Elders laughed at her eagerness, then promised that, when she came of age, she would be guaranteed a position as one of the Head Royal Guardsman. She leapt up in glee, running around in happy little circles. Vralla was flown out of the Hall of Elders by the same Elite, and was brought to her father. He asked her what had happened, and she happily told him. Astonished at the story, he rushed her home and told her mother, who embraced her daughter in tears, fluffing her feathers to make sure they were still there. Over the next six years, Vralla trained and studied to become what she was (thought to have been) destined to become. She knew everything about the Guard; every Draconian to have been a member, every route they took for every mission, and every great deed that she was to live up to. The Guard was her destiny, and she excitedly awaited the day she would have her wings dyed the traditional color, and she would become the next "Orix Unecthe" [famous for his self-sacrifice to protect the Elders of Lerion from an army of rogues in 1518]. When the day finally arrived, she was the first in the ceremony to have her wings dyed the Royal crimson red. As she served, she did great deeds, as she had promised herself. Vralla became famous and well-known throughout the land of Lerion in her first three years. At the young age of 21, she was given a higher rank; 3rd General of Lerion's army. She served under two male Draconians, both of whom looked down their noses at her. She soon surpassed both of them. It only took her a year. When she was 22, she was the first female Head General in Lerion. Her wings were dawned a silver color, showing her new rank. And in honor of her new position, she was given a new sword (since she was never very fond of the bow and arrow). She found herself examining it carefully in her quarters one evening. She soon noticed a small symbol on the bottom of the handle. It was the Crest of Lerion. Her father's work. She once again examined the blade, an old Draconian language engraved on it. Concentrating, she whispered, "Hail Lerion, Daughter of Grakythe." Never having studied the old languages, she was surprised at her easy translation of the engraving. She sent word that she wanted to visit her father, but was soon told he had passed away. Grief stricken, she ordered no one come see her. For two weeks, she went without contact to anyone. But when her mother and brother came by, she let them in. Phinnra handed her a small chain with a locket attached, and Ithril handed her another chain, but this one had a small copy of Grakythe's trademarking emblem. She thanked them, and they left soon after. She returned to the battlefield, and recieved many rank ups. She now stands as High Chief of the Lerion Army. A position where her wings are dyed a deep metallic blue. She still wears the two chains round her neck, and never takes them off. - EDIT: Thanks, Arcadia. =D - [/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vicky Posted January 3, 2005 Share Posted January 3, 2005 [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Darius Aphosis Khafra [B]Age:[/B] 30 [B]Race:[/B] Draconian [B]Location:[/B] Memoria [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG][/IMG] Sorry for the slight blurriness and all. Also, you'll have to use your imagination and imagine his wings, because I couldn't find a good picture with feathered wings. Basically, his wings are large and black, but the right wing has four thick red stripes on it (note: this is not rank, it's a family honour. Please see the bio), whereas the left wing is simply black. [B]Spells/Weapons:[/B] [URL=][U]Weapon[/U][/URL] - Snake Bow (Second) [U]Magic[/U] - [I]Olthori Faidge (Arrow Maker) -[/I] This is a spell Darius learnt in his last year (up until now) with S'Korra. It allows Darious to create three types of arrows, one of fire, ice and thunder. Depending on the type of arrow it has different effects, fire burning through most objects, ice freezing a few things up and thunder travelling as fast as light. This magic is rarely used by Darius outside of battle. Though these arrows are from three elements they aren't made out of these elements. The arrow is still wood but when it hits/penatrates something the arrow would set that object alit, shock it or freeze it. For example, if a flame arrow stuck into a wooden house and wood and anything else that could catch fire would be burnt until the fire is put out. This goes for all the other arrows only depending on which one they are. To use this magic, Darius simply says silent and chants the words in his mind. He then loads something into the bow (nothing is there, it's like the arrow is invisible) and then thunder/fire/ice in a misty form would drift from his hand and create the shape of an arrow (at first it would by a sort of misty arrow, later going solid). [I]Khafra's Arrow -[/I] An attack magic used by the started of the Khafra family. Darius found this when he looked up this history and has only recently mastered this. The tip of the arrow becomes unbreakly and can pierce through atleast three layers even if the arrow is slung weakly. The arrow becomes silent and swift, almost impossible to dodge. Darius rarely uses this magic in battles. It is more of a "sneaky" tactic than one to be used when fighting, this magic is espeically good when hidding. Its distant is the same as normal arrows, and like normal it depends on what type of bow is used or how it is shot. For this type of magic to work the user takes the arrow out and a light amount of mist will twist around the arrow to the tip from the user's hand. Most people say the mist blesses the arrow. [B]Biography:[/B] He started off in Aereon, Memoria. Darius is nothing special. In family he wasn't. No one actually knows his real parents; he was adopted into a well-off and well-known Draconian family, famed mostly around small parts of Memoria. Though the family weren't born in Memoria they did move there because most of the family started off as guards, mercenaries, strike forces, warriors and whatnot for Memoria so the entire family lived over in Memoria after awhile and found Darius as a child. Darius had a wristband when he was first found, with the name "Aphosis Khafra" engraved in it. He was later renamed "Darius Aphosis Khafra", and being the first child of that family to have the family name first. Like most Draconians Darius was a good fighter, especially in battle. His father (adopted father, of course) was a striker, a retired one, but he still had his wings dyed black. He encouraged Darius to take on this career in Memoria like the rest of the family, but Darius declined and said he wanted to be what he wanted to be and not someone else?s dream. It was then known that Darius was the oddball of the family. He didn't want to be a fighter for Memoria, instead he wanted to be one for himself. Not because he was selfish, but because he didn't want his life controlling nor did he want to follow anyone else?s footsteps. He wanted to follow his own life, and didn't agree with his family. Over the years, this got worse. He began to decline everything, support, encouragement, anything that was from his family. For some time the young Draconian had known that he wasn't really a part of his known family and that he wasn't like them in anyway, the only thing they had in common were the wings. At this his father grew concerned and decided that he needed to know the family business, and then he tried to teach Darius everything about striking and working for a region, but once again Darius declined to ever follow in his family's footsteps. He said that they had forced their own life upon him so much that he just didn't want to be like them; therefore he didn't want to have the same life as them. At the age of 16, Darius ran away. For some reason he didn't run out of Memoria, he stayed. He travelled to Vera, and it was a good job, too, because in Memoria he met a Draconian historian named S'Korra. Still wondering about his family and way he was so different, Darius asked S'Korra to research about the names "Aphosis Khafra", and she did. Under the name "Khafra" was an entire history of a Draconian family that lived in Victoria. The shocking thing to Darius was that his family was they were very loyal, they listened (one of the text describing them in the words "the fighters who heard voices other than their own") and they were a striking force hired by most regions in the air. Darius was shocked by this, knowing he had let down the family he never knew by being unruly to his adopted parents and denying the ranks of a strike force. His friend S'Korra later reassured Darius by telling him to travel back to Victoria and find the graves of his parents, so maybe then he could learn more about his family. At the age of 19 Darius came to Victoria, the Kingdom of privacy, and he was brought to Elroy. A stranger, perhaps a Mage, he wasn't sure, came up to him and asked for his second name. Darius replied with his full name, and the stranger asked him why he wasn't following the paths of his family. Darius later replied that he didn't know his real family and that he didn't like people controlling his life. After awhile of talking the stranger led Darius to his parent's graves, but Darius learns nothing. All he saw were boring headstones, with nothing on them but the names of his parents, their family, and a few famed words. Darius didn't even have his name on it. He asked the stranger if he knew why his name wasn't on his parent?s grave when he was only left at the age of the 3, but Darius never got his answer. Instead, the stranger told him to visit to Draconian elders and retrieve the bow of his family, passed down from father to son (and on the women's side, which is the bow on the left). Since Darius was still lost in mystery of his family, he did as the stranger instructed, only later he remembered he never got the stranger's name. The Elder Draconians didn't hesitate to give Darius his family bow, which was a relief for him, not being riddled in mysterious questions and answers for once. When Darius was 20 he finally returned to Memoria, and for the second time he requested a history search from S'Korra. She did this again, this time under the name of "Darius" (the family who adopted him) and the words craved carefully into his bow, "En-Sabah Hènëludn Dôr Ilthilmiri". Shocking findings hit Darius harder than the last history search. The Darius family were rivals of the Khafra family, strong rivals. The Khafra family were proud, but very unruly and annoying. The frequently shamed the Darius family for no reason, taking their glory and having their names put into the wrong kind of history. Fed up of this, the Darius family tried to became allies with the Khafra, but they would not have it. The Khafra were too rolled up in their famous acts (which were never their doing, it turns out that all their pride and loyal words were just false facts in history) that they wanted to keep it like that, so the Khafra family was killed by the Darius family. The Darius family did this so they could take the only child, and then pass it on to a relative of the Darius family to mold the child into a Khafra and Darius boy to stop the battle between both clans forever, even though the Khafra were dead. Darius knew instantly that he had shamed his own name, and he had stopped a healing of generations of blood and battle. The words on his bow were an ancient tongue of Draconian, meaning something like "May your family be your strength", so Darius felt weak, even though he was a talented Draconian growing up with warriors. He wanted to heal everything once and for all, therefore he went back to the Darius family and asked for their forgiveness, but they just turned away and sneered back at him bitterly. Darius dropped all his pride and begged them to heal the immortal wounds of their families, but we was still swept aside. His adopted father said a few words that reminded in Darius' mind forever: "We thought that a boy who never grew up as a Khafra would grow up as a Darius and heal everything forever. Even in their resting place your family still fights with ours, we knew only a child of both families could stop this. But now I see the arrogance and unruly brutality runs deep in the blood of your family. You can never be one of us. You family with never have pride, and neither will you." From that day forward, Darius vowed that he would be the only boy of his family to take glory his own way and not steal it. He vowed to earn everything he had, to be good, aid others instead of himself, no matter how hard it would hurt him. Though he was bitter to most, emotional in anger and negative ways, he was going to try and be something good. His final vow to his family, both of them, was that he wouldn't stop at anything to heal the wounds of ancient rivals, and he would make both sides proud of him. For the rest of his years, Darius lived with S'Korra, travelling around Memoria looking for old history with her (mostly in Rue), and learning what he could on the way, both in fighting, magic, and honour. To show his respect and try to earn it to the Darius family he dyed his wings black and was told that the Khafra family dyed their wings with red stripes, so he now has his right winged dyed with four thick stripes, only his right so that no one would be confused with the rank, and with this he hoped that he could earn the respect of both families by doing good and having his name in history, with the description beside his name "Darius Aphosis Khafra, a warrior of Khafra and a son of Darius , forever sheading pride upon both families." (Due to the fact I wrote the bio without knowing about Draconian magic, it's hard to edit it now and add magic in it somewhere, so if it's alright with Patronus and Acardia, can I just keep it as Darius learnt his spells during his time with S'Korra at the end of the biography?)[/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokopoko Posted January 3, 2005 Share Posted January 3, 2005 [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Azurel Firmalent. [B]Age:[/B] 32. [B]Race:[/B] Blue Mage. [B]Location:[/B] Victoria. [B]Appearance: [URL=]Click here[/URL][/B] [Ignore the blue-fire]. [B]Spells/Weapons:[/B] [LIST] [*][I]Weapon:[/I] Azurel carries with him the sapphire sword known as Celeg Elu. The sword can generate a powerful blast of magic, it?s strength depends on what state Azurel is currently in. While in a normal state the blade glows a pale blue and is able to light the way during the long dark. [*][I]Animal 1, Great Bear Sokhan:[/I] Azurel met Sokhan early in his journeys as a young Mage, he came across the huge Bear while it was caught in a trapper net and a grizzly fate awaited him. Azurel took pity on the Bear, not just because he was a Blue Mage, and released him and Sokhan showed his appreciation by binding himself to Azurel and his Magic. Sokhan has amazing strength; he can tackle most any enemy and remove many barriers blocking the path. [*][I]Animal 2, Phoenix Renath:[/I] Renath was a gift from one of the Red Mages Azurel has met along his travels for services he gave to the Mage during his quest. At first Renath was aloof and rarely did what was asked of him but with time and patience Renath and Azurel have become friends and allies. Renath can serve as a scout and blight Azurel?s foes from above with storms of fire from his wings and beak. [*][I]Animal 3, Hippogryph Brenor:[/I] Azurel met Brenor when he was just a hatchling for Azurel and Brenor?s father had been friends for a long while before Brenor had been born. While Azurel was with Brenor and his family several wolves attacked while they were out in the forest and Brenor watched as Azurel fought valiantly to save his father [Who was not as young as he used to be], once he was sure his father was safe and well Brenor set out to follow Azurel and bound himself to him and has been with him since. Azurel can ride Brenor over great distances and into battle; Brenor fights with break, claw and hoof, he will fight to the end to ensure Azurel?s safety. [/LIST] [B]Biography:[/B] Azurel began life in a small village in a quiet corner of Victoria with his mother, father and two sisters. Early in his life he showed an affinity with the forest and the animals which lived there for he was always wandering off on his own to play with the birds and watch the bear cubs with their parents. His sisters, Cerulan and Lavender, were both older than him [Cerulan two years and Lavender four] and they were always running around trying to find him when he went off by himself. His farther, Kabalt, was a Blacksmith and crafted some of the finest weapons in the village for the militia and the hunting parties that went out to catch food. Where as his mother, Esmeralda was a student of Red Magic with her power she usually aided the farmers to get the crops to grow at a faster rate as well as yield more food for the village and out laying settlements. All in all Azurel had a seemingly quiet life in his village, his family was well respected, his sisters loved him dearly and his parents were always there to care for him. Early one morning in Azurel?s thirteenth year several Golem?s who had turned into degenerate monsters because of the lack of skill on the part of a Red Mage came to the village and destroyed everything in their path. His mother was able to stave off the Golems to allow some of the villagers to escape, including Azurel and the rest of the family but she herself was lost to the creatures. After a month or two of wandering the refugees arrived at the town of Allance and they tried to recover what was left of their lives. Out of his family Azurel was most affected because he was the youngest and he would often hide away in his room. His sisters became worried about him and felt he should focus his obvious talents to study the craft of Magic [All three had inherited their mothers skills] and they encouraged him to come with them to the Mage Academy that was located in Allance. His father was always engrossed with his work, it being how he coped with the loss of Esmeralda, and he was too busy to object to this so the three of them enrolled at the Academy. It was long supposed that Azurel?s talent of Magic would place him in the field of Black Mages due to the anger and rage he had inside of him as well as the hatred toward the Nexus. But as the months turned into years it was obvious he was meant for the Blue Mage order and he had a mastery over all the animals he meet during his tutorage at the Academy. His sisters left before him, Cerulan being one of the White Mages and Lavender being a Red Mage like their mother. By the time he was ready to leave Azurel was no longer a brooding teenager but a tall and confident young man. He bade farewell to his tutors and left the city, and he returned only once. Along his quest he fought many evils, gained many friends and improved his mastery of Blue Magic. At times he could summon a whole flock of Ravens to descend upon his foes should he have need. He was rarely able to call these creatures a second time but there were three that stuck with him always. These three were Sokhan the Great Bear, Renath the Phoenix and Brenor the Hippogryph and they were with him always in spirit and mind for they had bound themselves to him and were subject to his call whenever he required their service. By his thirtieth year Azurel was highly skilled in the arts of the Blue Mages, and he still roamed the wilds of Victoria yet a messenger was able to contact him and told him his father wished to see him in Allance before he died. Azurel called upon Brenor to fly him swiftly to Allance and to his father. Upon arriving he found his father on his death bed, they talked for a long while about all of Azurel?s doings in Gaia and he was glad to see his father smile and tell him he was proud of him. Before he died Kabalt told Azurel that he had made a weapon just for him when he had learned he was a Blue Mage. After his fathers funeral Azurel went back home and found the blade. It shone pale blue once his hand touched it and he named it Celeg Elu. The blade could direct him if he ever became lost and was a wondrous weapon in combat and it was stuck by him ever since to took it up from his fathers work shop.[/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KKC Posted January 3, 2005 Share Posted January 3, 2005 [size=1][color=royalblue] [b]Name[/b]: Kladerin Huffonin Nexvurnin - He is called "Kladerin the Quick" [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Race[/b]: Sorcerer [b]Location[/b]: Lerion [b]Appearance[/b]: [URL=]Here[/URL], [URL=]Here[/URL], and [URL=]here[/URL] [b]Spells/Weapons[/b]: The wooden staff in the pictures. Named [i]"Labores."[/i] Spells: [i]Mactabilis Maculo[/i] - [i]Nauseam Solis[/i] - [i]Vacuus Terra[/i] - [b]Biography[/b]: I'll have to this later as well. I don't have much time tonight, but i'll be sure to finish tomarrow.[/size][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doukeshi Posted January 3, 2005 Share Posted January 3, 2005 [SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray][B]Name:[/B] Asher Fenix Ulfcur [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Race:[/B] Shifter [B]Location:[/B] Lerion [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=][U]Here[/U][/url] and [url=][U]Here[/U][/url] [B]Spells/Weapons:[/B] Asher appears to prefer the use of the common spear. Sturdy and mercilessly effective, the blade is made from folded steel and the haft from solid oak. Powerful runes are carved upon both the blade and the haft and feathered beads decorated the place where wood meets cold metal. [B]Shifters:[/B] Phoenix - Special abilities include: Healing of fallen allies and personal revitalisation, though these both take considerable effort. This healing ability can also be slightly transfered into his human form. The fiery appearance of the phoenix is also an intimidating, if not astonishingly beautiful sight and can enhance hope in friends and instill fear in enemies. [B]Biography:[/B] [i]A deep russet shade blanketed the sky as the fiery orb of the sun dipped lower behind the bleeding hills. The fading light cast itself defiantly upon the face of a young figure, seated cross-legged, silently upon the bare and dust strewn ground. Glancing up he smiled as he watched the sun bid farewell to the earth, saluting the great one silently. Like all living things, he knew it would return the next day, as bright and as hot as ever. Death and re-birth symbolised at the end of every day and at the end of every night. Though, despite the warming presence of the sun and the rising majesty of the moon the figure felt a small twinge in his heart, a small imeasurable fear that maybe tomorrow the sun would not rise again. He could sense a darkness approaching. A subtle, flowing shadow that would soon begin to permiate all around it. The figure shuddered and wrapped his cloak tightly around his shoulders. A soft rustle alerted the young boy to the presence of another man, exiting from the tent outside which he sat. "Asher?" The new arrival stood next to the youngster, revealing himself to be a greying man of considerable age, his weather beaten face catching a multitude of shadows from the setting sun. "Aye Cobal sir?" Asher answered quietly. "It's getting cold, why don't you come inside?" Rising to his feet Asher headed for the entrance to the tent, glancing back at the fading sunlight, a slight glisten touching his eyes before ducking his head as he stepped inside.[/i] Asher was born into a tribal society of wandering nomads who travelled the length and breadth of Gaia in search of resources. Frowned upon by other, more stable societies, the tribal Shifters often found it difficult to settle in one single area for very long. They were both feared and revered by others for their mythical shape-changing ability. They soon learned that, in order to keep a low profile as travellers keeping their more normal, humanid guise was the wiser of the two. Of the tribe of Ulfcur family of the Phoenix, Asher soon learned the ways of healing, tutored by his mother to recognise the various plants and their properties. It was in this aspect that he excelled and soon he came under the notice of the tribal healer/shaman. Though he regularly joined his father and the other men within the hunting parties and battle simulations, Asher knew that his heart lay within the more peaceful aspects of life. Therefore throughout his youth until his 18th birthday he lived and worked as an apprentice to Cobal Lycan Ulfcur the aging healer and cherished every moment of it. At his coming of age he underwent the traditional marking ceremony. It was at this time that his true form, though known, finally showed itself in a great shower of flame and feathers. The transformation was agonising and lesser youths before him had even perished, half twisted forms of broken bone and seared flesh. His survival forever branded him as a Phoenix and a true man of the tribe. The tattoos he bears symbolise his tribal heritage and also that of his status as a healer and beginnings as a wise man. An unchallenging and wistful individual, Asher looks towards the more poetic aspects of life, prefering joviality and kinship over war and battle. In attempts to further understand and embrace his mythical side Asher often sought the aid of meditation and contemplation, stilling his soul to reach enlightening serenity. Affection did many times look Asher's way in the forms of the young women of the tribe, but it seemed that matrimony was not what fate had planned for the healer. Unlucky in love Asher shyed away from his flirtations, finding solace in the earth and guidance in the heavens. Uneventful though his early life was, Asher could feel in the very soil beneath him that much was about to change.[/COLOR][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcadia Posted January 3, 2005 Author Share Posted January 3, 2005 Sorry about some of the mishaps with the information, but I've edited the first post so you should find most of the information you're looking for. As for ages, witches and mages are generally thought of as the youngest of the races because they have the shortest life spans. The next group, consisting of Sorcerers, Shifters, Succubi, and Anima, live about fifty to seventy-five years longer than the average witch or mage. Elves and Draconians have approximately the same life span, and can live for a couple hundred years (in this RPG, anyway). Nymphs and Golem have the longest life spans, mostly because they are made of and connected to the very elements themselves. They tend to last a very, very long time. ^_~ Now, here's my sign-up, for those that are curious. [b]Name:[/b] Iara Iolanthe [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Race:[/b] Red Mage [b]Location:[/b] Lerion [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Spells/Weapons:[/b] Iara doesn?t carry the kinds of weapons that people generally think of. She relies mostly on her own sharp wit and excellent magic to come out on top, but there are exceptions to every rule. For these, Iara has on her person a decent length of thin but very study wire, coiled in a small, circular blue case at her hip. Another sort of ?weapon? is the blue stone around her neck. Made by a witch (her uncle?s wife, to be exact), the stone has a special charm that cancels out the lure from your average incubi/succubi/siren. She is notorious among the Succubi because of it and is something of a challenge. Iara is largely known for her spells, however, and she has worked very, very hard to make them as powerful as she can. [i]Exussum:[/i] Gives her the ability to manipulate fire in a variety of different ways, but in its true form it?s a very powerful spell that allows Iara to call forth fire from either the earth or the sky to trap or to kill. [i]Viridis:[/i] Allows her to manipulate the earth. At full power, she can cause earthquakes and mudslides and can even control and manipulate vines and other various green things. [i]Letum:[/i] A secret spell of hers and a form of black magic, it allows her to use shadows to hide and to kill. Those souls destroyed by this spell become bound to it and can be called upon to work for her when she wills it. [b]Biography:[/b] Iara?s bloodline has always produced its share of remarkable men and women, mostly red mages. The family has a history of being strongly independent, even when it was not entirely decent to be so. But they are also known for their vigorous lifestyles and mischievous antics. There are tales passed down about certain devious family members working to uncover buried talismans in distant lands, secret missions to the other kingdoms for wealth of all kinds, and plots of theft and murder. (Iara?s favorite story had always been the one about her great-great grandfather and his brothers stealing cattle from their stuffy aristocratic neighbor.) Her mother had been a gentleman?s daughter, born and bred in society?s eye. She had been a headstrong young girl, the youngest of three. Whereas the eldest sister was quiet, compassionate, and responsible, Iara?s mother tended to be very willful and outspoken. The oldest, the only son, was already engaged and living in Victoria with his new witch bride (which had of course caused quite a stir in other circles). The family lived in Lerion, but often visited Memoria to stay with old friends. Upon one of these later visits, Iara?s mother was introduced to a reclusive Black Mage with a hidden wild side. Being the young and spirited lady she was, she immediately took to poking at that calm exterior to get to the chaos within, and the Mage gave her every opportunity to. Needless to say, things progressed to a boiling point and the two ultimately decided upon a secret engagement, based on an ancient tradition from her father?s family. The secret marriage caused a huge fuss, but that was nothing compared to the sudden birth of Iara some few months later. Iara?s mother and father eventually decided that it would be best to raise the girl somewhere far away from the ridiculous chaos that enshrouded the incredibly affluent. The small family lived quietly in Memoria for a couple years, and the few memories that Iara has of them she cherishes. Because her mother?s curious nature and her father?s dark magic, the beginning of Iara?s education ranged among a number of remarkable things. However the peace there did not last and Iara?s mother grew ill, and eventually passed on. Nothing is really known about what happened to the woman, and even to this day Iara does not speak of it. Her father fell into a depression after his wife passed on and sent his only child back to Lerion soon after with a letter for her aunt, and then he too disappeared from her life. Her aunt, now well married and with children of her own, immediately took Iara in and gave her a proper education, as well as schooling in the arts of magic, as had been requested within the letter. Eventually it was quite obvious that Iara had adopted more from her father than just his looks, and she was enrolled full time into one of the local magical academies in Lerion. She excelled in her studies and proved herself to be a very capable young lady with an aptitude for both red and black magic. Officially she became a student of red magic, but she spent many late nights in the academy pouring over black magic texts. However, she never got along well with other students and preferred solitude to company. Now, in her early twenties, Iara works in one of the more bustling cities in Lerion, using her talents as a mage (both red and black, though the latter is used a little more discreetly) to earn a living. Iara trusts no one but herself, and maybe her aunt, and holds a very scornful view of the upper crust of society. Like her mother before her, Iara is a very proud and independent woman and eventually took her father?s family name. This raised some eyebrows and long held beliefs about her family, but Iara mostly ignores them. She?s worked hard to prove herself and her honor, and though she will always stand up for the reputation of her family, Iara has a lot of buried grief about the death of her mother and her father?s immediate departure. Recently she?s made quiet attempts to learn more about him and his past, but so far not much has come up. 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Pumpkin Posted January 3, 2005 Share Posted January 3, 2005 [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen] [B]Name:[/B] Y'avela Dul'brene (Yah-vail-ah) (Dull-breen) [B]Age:[/B] 105 [B]Race:[/B] Nymph [B]Location:[/B] Victoria [B]Appearance:[/B] [url][/url] [B]Spells/Weapons:[/B] Carries a white crystalized diamond on a silver pendant that hangs from her neck to cast healing and other spells. [B]Abilities[/B] Y'avela is a winter nymph and draws power from the season. . [B]Shadowmeld[/B] - Appears so that you are invisible, blending in with the background. This comes in useful when trying to make a quick escape or simply avoiding attention. Camoflauge/Stealth Affect. . [B]Healing Touch[/B] - Can easily cure a sickness or heal a person's wound, takes a certain amount of time. The more damage the more time it takes to heal. . [B]Icefire Glaze[/B] - A icy light falls from the sky freezing its victim in a frozen state so that they can no longer move. Cure is only to heat one'self or use fire magic. [B]Biography:[/B] Y'avela's mother, Zydrelle Dulb'rene was a well-known water nymph of the village in Lorien, and was known for her beauty and kindness. Her mother often helped others in need, and studied herbalism so she could learn about cures to deadly diseases. On her search for a cure for a particular disease, she came across a blue mage by the name of Kalador Albagorn. She decided to agree to travel with him on his journey since he knew about the other lands and she did not. She figured she could find the herbs along the way. She soon found herself falling in love with him. Hence Y'avela was born three years later in the village of Kuria. Her relationship with the blue mage did not settle well with her ancestors and family, for it was considered somewhat taboo to love outside your own kind. Half of her family disgusted by the incident and convinced that she had told family secrets to the Blue Mage, sent out a mysterious elf assasin to track them down. Kalador and Zydrelle were on the run before they knew it, and worried about their newborn daughter, left her in the care of her grandmother Al'vara Dul'brene, an older wood nymph in a old wooden cabin in Victoria. Unfortunately, they never lived to come back, and were killed three months later. Y'avela learned alot about healing and spells from her wise grandma who raised her, but by losing her parents she has lost her faith in depending on others. She doesn't have contact with any of her other family, for half of them in Lerion believes her to be dead. She developed her love of herbs and nature from her mother, but something about her grew different. Although many expected her to become a wood or water nymph, she found that she enjoyed prancing in the snow and became accustomed to Winter. She grew fond of Winter, and found it to be the season that gave her most strength. She soon was dubbed the "Ice Nymph" for her emotionless stature. She tends to be shy, and hides behind trees to peer at onlookers. Her curious nature has lead her to spy on others, but has never been caught doing so. Y'avela soon became friends with few spring nympths of Victoria, running through the forests, and changing the season. But she was different from them, and began to feel more isolated from the nymph-folk. Her attitude changed as she became friendly with many Draconians and admired them for their loyalty and strong nature. One day she hoped she could be strong and admirable too. Her grandmother Al'vara soon fell ill on her 105th birthday. Her sadness grew as each day grew by, as she watched her grandmother pass away. Her last words were for her to find her own destiny and reclaim her family's name. Y'avela's determination grew to prove that she wasn't a worthless nymph, and could do more then just change the seasons as time went on. Her journey, her destiny, relied on making a difference somehow like her mother, if only she knew what. She had grown fond of living in Victoria, but it was time she set out and find her own destiny. Y'avela left her small cabin, to find out more about her past, her future, her parents murder, and her family's mysterious secrets. Something in the back of her mind told her that the Nexius was involved, and she knew only one way to find out the truth. To track down her roots, and confront her family, but what layed ahead of her was yet to be revealed. She had to make a name for herself. For her mother's sake and her own. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brooklyn Posted January 3, 2005 Share Posted January 3, 2005 Name: Loki Kerwyn Age: 22 Race: shifter Location: Lerion Appearance:[IMG][/IMG] and in animal form.... [IMG][/IMG] (Small enough to fit in palm of a normal hand) Spells/Weapons: A long bow with a quiver of 50 arrows, along with two 16 inch blades(6 inch of handle 10 inches of blade). These blades are useful for throwing as well as stabbing and slicing. Shifter-A rabbit it has only 3 abilities -Jump- when in animal form he may jump several feet in the air and land very quietly. -Speed- when in animal form he can run up to 20 miles per hour -Sneak/Hide- when in animal form he can move silently, he is also undetectable accept by a blue mage. Biography: Ever since his parents had lost there home in the city he has been in the society of nomads. During his first few years he learned to change in to his Rabbit form. At the age of 5 his life turned upside down. During an attack on the society of nomads his father, a brave warrior, died in battle with a red mage, his mother devastated by the lost soon became a drunk and lost care for all else. Some of the other mothers in the society were concerned. None as much as Ashers mother, and one night she toke him and raised him as her own. She tried to teach him the way of healing but he would not learn it the same way Asher did. He preferred life out with the men hunting. He soon realized that his other animal form was weak and pathetic. He began to strengthen it and his human form. He learned a few small spells and mastered on them. He learned how to wield his father?s swords, given to him by his father, and become a master of the bow and arrow. The more he grew physically and mentally he grew angry with him self that he could not be able to get his mother (real one) out of her shattered mind set and got mad that he could not have saved his father. Soon he killed animals just for fun, the rest of the shifters were worried epically Asher, who had become best of friends with Loki, tried to eras the darkness from his heart but only angered him further. At the age of 17 almost 18 his mother hit a breaking point and began hiring people to have sex with her. Soon she was pregnant again just as they reached a port town. At the dock Loki?s mother went to bid her babies father when a group of humans attacked her saying that her kind was all scum. Loki and Asher had just arriver when his mothers stomach was cut open and the 8 month baby pulled out and was drowned. Loki then lost control and Asher did not stop him. Loki killed the original 7 killers then went on a rampage killing half the dock. He was now wanted for murder and the family members of the one he killed went out to search for him and kill him. By the time the elders calmed him they told Asher to go get become an apprentice Cobal Lycan Ulfcur. They told him to take Loki in his animal form and placed a spell on Loki that changed him into a rabbit. He could only change back when he regained his right mind. He and Asher left the nomad society for good that day. 5 years later He has regained his right mind, yet many still search for him and he stays in animal form mind however. So he stays as a rabbit and lives off of Asher?s income. Asher being able to under stand him in animal form has helped him, and Loki has helped Asher. Yet again they are the best of friends living in Lerion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Posted January 3, 2005 Share Posted January 3, 2005 [size=2][b]Name:[/b] Aetheran Mandrashee [b]Age:[/b] 99 [b]Race:[/b] Nymph [b]Location:[/b] Victoria (Could we get some more detailed explanations on locations? It'd be cool to have a better idea of Gaia's form, so that we have a better knowledge of what we're referring to -- the place I've chosen is pretty random, I have no idea what the region is like). [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Spells/Weapons:[/b] Nymphs are carefree creatures, unconcerned with politics and battles -- it is said that a Nymph only needs his fishing rod, his pipe and a song in his heart. Nonetheless, Nymphs are mysterious creatures. As guardians of the seasons, these mystical beings bear unique powers that fall just beyond the realm of the four elements of mages and the forged weaponry of elves and others. A Nymph's power is always based upon his friendship and connection to Mother Gaia; the variable strength of this relationship at any given time is what ultimately dictates a Nymph's capabilities. Most Nymphs are particularly aligned to specific seasons: if a Nymph is born in summer, he or she will be especially aligned to summer, with lesser powers revolving around the seasons that come [b]directly before[/b] or [b]directly after[/b] the season of birth (ie: a Summer Nymph will be most powerful during Summer and will also have special abilities in both Spring and Autumn). Aetheran is an Autumn Nymph, with abilities aligned to the seasons of [i]summer[/i] and [i]winter[/i] additionally. [b][i]Autumn (Friend of the Forest):[/i][/b] Aetheran is able to seek assistance from the majestic beings of the forest -- trees and vines in particular. This is why it is impossible to chase an Autumn Nymph through the forest, as he is able to open paths in front of him and close them in his wake. This ability is often intangible and wonderous -- at times, Aetheran can change the colour of the leaves all around him, or even cause them to fall in a veil of orange and red. At other times, he can command vines and creepers to create stairways and ladders - a particularly useful trait for a cheeky Nymph. [b][i]Summer (Friend of the Sun):[/i][/b] Aetheran's second (and less powerful) ability relates to the sun, the element that brings light and heat into the world of Gaia. The days are longer during the summer months and the Nymphs make it so. If you are in a very dark place, it is always wise to have a Friend of the Sun with you. He can bring the sun's light to the darkest corners of the globe. Of course, a Nymph with this ability is mostly interested in it for one reason: to light his pipe. [b][i]Winter (Friend of the Mountain):[/i][/b] Aetheran's third ability relates to the freezing mountain peaks, which are forever encased in snow and ice. In the world of Gaia, winter is often associated with death and isolation. In many parts, it is the most feared season. However, the wise Nymph knows that winter is a necessary part of Mother Gaia's cycle. Cooler temperatures provide welcome relief for the hottest corners of Gaia, while the blanket of snow provides cover and protection for some of Gaia's most precious winter-oriented creatures. The Friend of the Mountain can freeze water so that it can be walked upon. He can also create cool mists, which are especially useful in volcanic caverns and arid deserts (should one wish to visit such ghastly places). For a Nymph, being a Friend of the Mountain always comes in handy, especially when he wishes to cool his ale with an ice cube or two. [b]Biography:[/b] The little wooden tavern sat high among the oak's branches, overlooking the glistening sapphire bay. It was entirely empty, with one noteable exception. The Nymph known as Mandrashee had propped himself up at the bar and ordered the tallest mug of ale in the place. It was the day of the Summer Solstice and the town square was brimming with excited Nymph-folk; except for Aetheran Mandrashee. He was not feeling particularly festive. The bartender (and odd, plump fellow with two peg-legs) ambled over to Aetheran and eyed him curiously. "I say, ol' fellow, what in the name of Gaia are you doing here at this time? This is the most joyous day of the year for Nymph-folk. Even I, the most dedicated bartender in the cove, will be shutting shop early tonight. I wouldn't want to miss out on the festivities." Aetheran glanced up from his mug. A trail of froth had appeared on his moustache. "I'm afraid that I'm definitely [i]not[/i] feeling joyous," he said. "Do you know that I am exactly ninety-nine years old today?" "Oh, [i]I say![/i]" exclaimed the bartender excitedly. He frantically hobbled around the bar and gave Aetheran a hearty slap on the back. "What could possibly be depressing about that, ol' chap? Why, at the tender young age of ninety-nine, you are truly in the prime of your life! Now you can leave the cove and help with the Season Flow." Aetheran shook his head slowly. "I'm afraid not," he said. "You see...I...I..." "Yes?" "I..." "C'mon, out with it, ol' bean! While we're young!" "I failed the Flow Test." The tavern fell completely silent. So silent, in fact, that Aetheran was [i]certain[/i] he could hear the trees laughing amongst themselves. The bartender was clearly lost for words. He had never heard of a Nymph failing the Flow Test. All Nymph-folk were required to undertake the test upon reaching their ninety-ninth birthday. It took this long for Nymph to become attuned with Mother Gaia to a point where they could carry out the Season Flow. For many years, it had been assumed that the Flow Test was merely a formality, that nobody could [i]possibly[/i] fail it. The bartender simply wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. "Well, er...there's always next time, I suppose," said the bartender quietly. Aetheran took another swig of his ale. "Nymph-folk are only given one opportunity," he said, "if I am not ready for the Season Flow now, I will never be ready." "Perhaps," the bartender began thoughtfully, "perhaps it is because you have ventured so far from this place in the past. You know that they advise against much discussion with the other folk of this world. Many of those folk have lost their way, many of them have forgotten Mother Gaia. These days, their ways involve all manner of black magic and forgery." The bartender shook his head at the thought. "But I have always been careful," Aetheran replied, "few have seen me, except for some children. But children can always see what their parents cannot; they have yet to lose their purity and innocence." "Children are still outsiders," said the bartender, striking a cautious tone. "If they knew the right paths, if they remembered which forks lead where, they would be able to see the cove and the rest of us. I do not think we have anything to fear from them," said Aetheran. The bartender shrugged. "Perhaps you're right, ol' fellow. If you cannot participate in each of the Season Flows, what ever will you do?" Aetheran stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Maybe I should travel away from the cove for a time. I have so much more to learn from Mother Gaia." Aetheran's unfortunate uniqueness was with him since his birth. From the moment he was able to walk, he became known as the most clumsy boy in the cove. It was one of several dubious honors bestowed upon him by his peers. His only refuge was in the forest surrounding the cove; it was truly a Nymph's playground. Despite Aetheran's awkwardness, he enjoyed spending time in the forest, where the hours would melt away as he discussed all manner of subjects with the forest natives (particularly the wise old trees, who were far older than the most senior of Nymphs). Despite his apparent connection to the natural world, Aetheran still managed to fail the sacred Flow Test. It was a test that signified many things for the Nymph-folk. For one, it represented the evolution of a Young Nymph into an Adult Nymph, which in turn allowed new Adult Nymphs into the world, to assist with the flow of seasons each year. As guardians of nature - particularly the sacred and delicate shift of seasons - Adult Nymphs had tremendous responsibility on their shoulders. The Flow Test was a way of ensuring that a Nymph had truly attained the strongest possible connection to Mother Gaia. Aetheran was at a complete loss to explain his failure of the test. He had [i]expected[/i] to succeed, especially considering that he had spent far more time in the forest than many of his peers. Upon failing the test (and being one of the very few Nymph-folk to ever do so), Aetheran decided to pack his supplies (a fishing rod, a pipe and a book of songs) and travel across the broad region of Victoria. [/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revelation Posted January 3, 2005 Share Posted January 3, 2005 [B]Name:[/B] Mauro de Waltz [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Race:[/B] Black Mage [B]Location:[/B] Memoria [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Mauro[/URL] ; [URL=]Mauro's Disguise[/URL] - Walking around with a hidden face, Mauro wears a black cloak over a black robe... [B]Spells/Weapons:[/B] Mauro carries a [URL=]staff[/URL] that has an odd stone at the top with a blade at the bottom. This staff was passed down from the men of the Waltz family. Mauro was the last to recieve this staff. They call it Nocturne because of its unknown powers and mysterious aura. He also carries with him a black flute that carries a tune in the wind and calls out the creatures of the dark, as well as [URL=]two bladed rings[/URL] that can be thrown at an enemy. Along with his weapons, Mauro has his spells. Being a rare black mage of the Waltz family, their spells are widely known and feared. [U]voco Obscurum[/U] (To Call Darkness) - [U]Perussi Umbra[/u] (Consuming Shadows) - [U]Signum Obscurum[/u] (Seal Darkness) - [B]Biography:[/B] I've gotten most of it ^_^;;; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bio Posted January 4, 2005 Share Posted January 4, 2005 [font=Trebuchet MS][size=2] [font=trebuchet ms][size=2][color=#333333][b]Name:[/b] Remerant Emrael [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Race:[/b] Shifter [b]Location:[/b] Lerion [b]Appearance: [center][img][/img][/center] [/b] [b]Spells/Weapons:[/b] Due to the abilities of the shifter, weapons are more of a formality for Remerant. What he does use if he is either too tired (lazy) to shapeshift is a leather glove reinforced by iron plating. What makes the glove more offensive than defensive are the short metal spikes affixed to the knuckles. Though Remerant is right-handed, the glove is used on the left hand, so that the right arm is free to use the nearest suitable object as a weapon, if necessary. He relies heavily on his ability to shapeshift, which is obvious due to his lack of practical weaponry. The form Remerant takes when shapeshifted is of the mythical demonic wolf Fenrir. The human form of this shifter is no comparison to his potential; a gray wolf the size of a small car, with long barbs attached to the Achilles tendon of each leg and to the skull behind each ear. These barbs are capable of both cutting an opponent and transferring dangerous currents of electricity through their body. The other, more obvious function of the form are the fangs and claws of the wolf, the purpose of which don't really need to be explained in great depth. [b]Biography: [/b] ?You?re a child, Rem. A child. Now please, get some wood, okay?? The tone was commanding and firm, but there was some amusement underneath the harsh order, which Remerant had learned to draw out from this woman?s iron ego over the years. He smirked and leaned against the doorframe, glancing at her back and then averting his gaze when she turned her head to look at him. ?How am I supposed to make you the food you eat so greedily if I don?t have any heat to cook it with?? ?Aw, don?t be mad, Cel. You?re just angry because I?m turning you on.? She shot an icy glare back at him, but could barely contain a chuckle. She turned back to her work, chopping an onion over a skillet, which would react by hissing as soon as it could be heated. ?Don?t be a smartass, Remerant. Get the wood.? ?Oh, I?ve already got ?? Cel spun around faster than Remerant would have believed, and knocked him over the head with the onion-laden pan. She knew she had walked right into it, but that didn?t stop her from wanting to hurt this housemate who was trying to be funny, and sort of was. He didn?t need to know that, though. ?Just stop it, okay? If you don?t get the firewood I?ll be forced to make you sleep with the horses ? Rem, stop smiling, you pervert!? She threw her hands into the air, showing her surrender, and went back to chopping onions. Whether or not they would be cooked in anything would be up to Remerant and whether or not he could get his mind out of the gutter long enough to get some supplies. If not, she could always lock him in the stable, which was the usual punishment for him. Remerant strolled slowly through the woods, occasionally plucking a stick from the ground that wasn?t quite as soaked as the others from last night?s rainfall. The air was clean, fresh; he liked the forest after a rainstorm, and as much as he enjoyed terrorizing Cel, it pained him to be indoors, and he suspected she knew this. He bent down and picked up a suspiciously dry log from the ground. It was the perfect kind for a stove. In fact, he had seen firewood just like this in the market? An obnoxiously loud yell came from his left, just from behind a tree, and he saw a shifter boy that could not have been more than twelve run out into the clearing, brandishing a flamberge that was at least as tall as the attacker himself, making the entire scene rather comical to anyone who would have happened to be watching. Remerant missed the humor, however, surprised as he was by the sudden attack, and barely dodged the blade as it came tearing down upon him. He rolled quickly to the side and lifted his left arm, to which his only weapon other than his shifted form was affixed. The child came tearing back at him, swinging wildly and carelessly, almost taking off his own head with each slash. When the attacker finally decided to thrust, Remerant let the sword move against his gauntleted hand, and cuffed the boy roughly in the temple when he was close enough. The child dropped his weapon and fell to the ground, confused and slightly disoriented. ?Muggers, at this age? What?s the world coming to??? he asked himself quietly, breathing heavily, not from physical exhaustion but from shock; a tiny little man had run out from the trees and tried to end him. He shook his head violently and composed himself. ?Y?know, you might want a better plan next time? thanks for the wood though, kid.? [/size][/color][/font] [/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Sean Posted January 4, 2005 Share Posted January 4, 2005 [B]Name[/B]: Cloud Nymphonus [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Race[/B]: White Mage [B]Location[/B]: Lerion [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=]Cloud[/URL] [b]Spells/Weapons[/b]: Cloud doesn?t push herself down to a darker level by digging into the term called insulting the weak. She keeps her feelings and her thoughts exactly where they should be. In her head. This gives her huge mental capability, she can hold a thought, and remember it for years to come. This powers her spells, old memories from her times as a child power her more. She never thought she was good enough for anything. But her powers can prove that wrong, her hidden power is there aswell. Still waiting to be unlocked by hidden memory. For her spells? [list] [*][u]Curaga Maxima[/u] - A Major Healing Spell. This will heal all allied members in given party. It will put there health to Full and there Magic Power to full. But this drains Half of her own Magic Power. She should only need to use this in extreme cases because her simpler spells can heal enough. [*][u]Protectra[/u] -A spell weakening the Physical Damage caused by the opponent or the Magical Damage caused by the opponent. Or both but it is slightly stronger on both because the spell is weaker on both fronts. Takes up ¼ of her Magic Power. [*][u]Holy[/u] - Causes Divine Damage to an opponent. Extremely powerful attack. ½ of Magic Power reduced [/list] [B]Biography[/B]: Cloud was born into Magical Bondage. She was born into learning what she has perfected, she was born into healing. This may sound good to some, and horrible to others. But it?s horrible. Getting made to recite lines and lines of spell incantations ever since you can talk. Healing rabbit, over rabbit, over rabbit with a wounded leg. This happened on a day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute basis. You only ever goto sleep when you had done the precise of amount of work they wanted you to do. And well, that was a hell of a load to do. The mages were trained vigorously, and trained hard. They were forced to have bullet fast magic timing, and be able to heal as soon as a cry for help began. It was horrible for all of them, some failed. The ones that failed were sent to different locations of Memoria to fill out a duty on which they could do. Usually mending broken tiles, and shattered windows. The simplest of jobs?, but they were degraded and abused. Lucky enough, Cloud passed her initiates test of completion and magical capability. They got this when they were 10. Another way of pushing down against us, to make us NEED to learn, if we didn?t learn and pass then we would be stuck in some old temple doing someone?s DIY whilst they sat back and did but nothing. But Cloud with one mark. She was still slow and she got ridiculed for it. Even her friends abandoned her for all the ?popular? kids. She was left learning on her own. Another thing what made her what she is today, it also made her work faster and harder with no distractions. She was left, but it wouldn?t matter, she knew her duty lied somewhere, and it wasn?t handling someone?s DIY for them. She had a much bigger job to do in her time here on Gaia. And she never knew how big it was, especially at that age when nothing else mattered. Nothing else at all. When she turned 14 she got let off. Ever 14 year old did. Because they were sent to work in infirmary?s and to hospitalise the other coloured mages. The mages f war also needed help so some got sent to far and distant lands to heal those in need. Cloud was lucky enough to be sent to her black-sheep cousins of the Black Mages. Not that she had anything against them; it?s just there dark ways were so opposite to hers. But she did what she did and helped whomever needed it. Still in her Magical Bondage, White Mages still were ?learning? until they were 21 or they went on a quest of righteousness. Exactly what happened to Cloud, she went through 3 years of Black Mage healing before she heard of the Nexus, and how it had finally returned. She knew what she had to do. She abandoned her life in the Black Mage area of Lerion, and went to see the Council first. They reluctantly allowed her to go and fight for the White Elves. Fight for what was happening in the world of Gaia. Fight for her people. And through all of the years of learning, she had finally realised she knew more than she could have imagined. The power she felt soaring at her finger tips. Before she left the Memoria Plains to meet up with her comrades, she visited the library. A massive hall, full of every spell made by a race. It is this where she learned the Holy spell. One of the most powerful spells known to White Made race. And it is with the power at her finger tips that she will help her comrades fight, and destroy the shadows of the Nexus. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ben Posted January 4, 2005 Share Posted January 4, 2005 [B]Name:[/B] Macros Drairthrak [B]Age:[/B] 44 [B]Race:[/B] Black Mage [B]Location:[/B] Victoria [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Macros Drairthrak[/URL] [B]Spells/Weapons:[/B] [IMG][/IMG] The staff is slightly taller the Macros himself, and has a slim blade concealed within it. The place of separation is roughly a third from the top of the staff, with the blade continuing down almost the length of another third. [COLOR=Purple][I]Factus Umbra[/I] (To become shadow):[/COLOR] Macros melts into his shadow, making him immune to all physical harm and all but the most potent light magic. His speed and agility also are greatly increased; he can dart and flow through the darkness he is part of. Lesser degrees of this spell may be used, to provide that critical burst of speed that determines life or death, or to add a temporary aura of shadowy concealment. [COLOR=Purple][I]Levo Inferi[/I] (Raise Dead):[/COLOR] Macros can call forth the dead beings of an area to serve him. This can either be in the form of physical remains or past spirits. This spell requires him to focus intently upon it, or he will lose control of the summoned thing(s). Macros can also set up a ritual with which to summon. The ritual takes longer, but allows for greater control and requires less magical effort cast and to maintain. [COLOR=Purple][I]Paciscor Periclitatus[/I] (Perilous Compact):[/COLOR] At the risk of tainting his soul, Macros can allow himself to be possessed by an unnamed creature of darkness. The beast's spirit is transferred into Macros, and temporarily transforms him into a demonic figure of immense power. Macros has only cast the spell once, and the power drove him nearly mad with desire once the spell wore off. It was a high, a rush; an incredible sensation. He wants to feel that power again, but fears the endangerment to his soul. [B]Biography:[/B] (Sorry, I am such a procrastinator. >_>) "Give in, Macros." Macros was panting heavily, and was soaked to the bone with sweat, blood, and the rain. His cloak was singed and burned, despite its obvious wetness. The fire that caused the damage was of the sort that water had no effect on. He was leaning heavily upon his staff, which alone remained undamaged of all of his possessions. "I [I]will[/I] beat you." Macros replied, and with a groan dragged himself forward. His opponent nonchalantly said two words in the language of power, and Macros found himself knocked off his feet once again. Had he not already been injured and completely worn out, he might have been able to stop the flippantly cast attack. As it were, though, he [I]was[/I] tired and worn out. And he knew it. Macros knew that there was no way he could beat Orcalaph. "You may have years more of scholarly study than me." gasped Macros. "But I've more knowledge of the ways of the world. And the secrets of its people." Macros fell out of the way of another arrogant attack, laying full out on his side. Orcalaph was playing with him, as he always would. Macros never could seem to overcome him, or even equal him. It was that which drove him into the studies of darkness. Orcalaph was nearly the epitome of light; a diplomat, a magical scholar, and a warrior. A paladin, one might venture to say. But he knew nothing, [I]nothing[/I], of the people. Macros was the one who went to the people. He shared their pains, and their sorrows. Then he grew bitter. That Orcalaph should be the heralded one, and not him, was a mix-up. Some sort of cruel joke played by higher powers. Macros was pouring out his soul to the people, while Orcalaph lived the high life with grandeur. Even as he did pour his soul into the people, so did they pour their bitter and weary souls back into him. He grew to learn their different skills, their little tricks of the trades. And frequently, he would come upon some family, or some old crone or some hermit who, somehow or another, had stumbled upon power or had learned it elsewhere. All were willing to share their knowledge with Macros. So, with little formal tutelage, was Macros taught the powers of darkness. His strength and his power came from the people, and they worked for the people. "So why......why can I not beat him?!" Macros shouted through tears and gritted teeth. "I stand for the right! I stand for the lowly! Why am I not the mighty one?!" Orcalaph raised his eyebrow as he misheard the shout. He then nonchalantly buffed his nails on his tunic, and laughed haughtily. "You, a defender of the [B]light?[/B] That's absurd, considering you're an informal student of the [B]dark.[/B]" "The right...and the light...are not always the same." murmured Macros quietly. And he then resolved to do the unthinkable. [I]"I cast my soul unto the darkness...."[/I] Orcalaph raised his hands again, as if to strike. [I]"Creature of darkness....come unto to me."[/I] Orcalaph's palms glowed with the energy of his holy magic. [I]"[B]PACISCOR PERICLITATUS![/B]"[/I] The sky darkened overhead, and the wind billowed through the grass. The earth rumbled, and the air itself was alive with power. Orcalaph's attack disappeared before he cast it, sucked into an invisible vortex. Alarmed, he surrounded himself in a nimbus of golden light and levitated himself above the chaos. "That [I]fool[/I]. What is he doing?" Orcalaph knew much about dark magic, but he had never heard of anything such as this. Macros fell to the ground for the third time, his magic-seared cloak falling over him, covering him. The wind continued to storm and to blow, and yet the cloak did not move away from the writhing form of Orcalaph's foe, as if it were suddenly a cocoon, sheltering the being inside as it grew stronger. An intense shriek of torment and pain rang out through the storm, and then all was still. The wind stopped, the sky lightened, and nothing moved. Orcalaph lowered himself over the still form of the fallen Macros. With a quick and cautious spell, he tossed aside the cloak obscuring his foe. There was no change whatsoever. It was the same old Macros. Still bruised. Still broken. Dead, it seemed. "Good-bye, cousin." Orcalaph shed a tear at Macros's passing, but said and did nothing more in regards to it. He slowly lowered himself to the earth. [B][I][COLOR=DarkGreen]"Good-bye, cousin."[/COLOR][/I][/B] Macros's still form was instantly upright, his eyes burning in shades of cascading crimson, violet, and green. Orcalaph instinctively leapt back, casting a holy shield into place. Macros obliterated the shield with a single word, spoken in an unknown tongue. Orcalaph fell to the ground, scrambling to reach his sword. But, it was far, far too late. The moment his body touched the ground, hundreds of skeletal arms burst from it, and constricted about him, instantly robbing him of breath and of movement. "The arms of the people you worked so hard to help." Macros said with a cruel irony. He drew in a deep breath, and produced his staff from behind his back, where it had not been a moment before. Orcalaph noticed this, and his eyes darted about frantically. "You have no idea the power I have right now, Orcalaph." Macros's eyes fluttered ecstatically. "You cannot even imagine." Drawing his staff apart, and revealing the blade inside, Macros plunged the weapon through his cousin's forehead, and then permitted the skeletal arms to tear him apart. Finally, having completed his lifelong goal, Macros set off from that place. But within ten steps of his moving, the dark presence left Macros, and he fell to the ground. He felt again the pain of his battle with Orcalaph, and he felt the pain of his soul's struggle just beginning. 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StrikeGundam Posted January 4, 2005 Share Posted January 4, 2005 [font=book antigua][size=2][color=#cccccc][font=Book Antiqua][u]Name[/u]: Onyx [u]Age[/u]: Born into existence around 400 ago, although only truly aware for 80 [u]Race[/u]: Golem [u]Location[/u]: Lerion [u]Appearance[/u]: [url=""]Onyx[/url] [u]Spells/Weapons[/u]: [u]Golem (Shadow)[/u]: Onyx can manipulate shadow in ways limited only by his imagination but he only has used his power in a few ways. There have been stories of other shadow golem being born, but Onyx is the only one known to have survived any contact with, and be unaffected by, any light source. [u]Raven Shift[/u]- Using Shadows as a medium, Onyx can travel very rapidly through anywhere that there is shade. [u]Ebony Accession[/u]- While in a shadow, Onyx can use said shadow to increase his size/strength or heal his wounds. [u]Obsidian Construct[/u]- Onyx can use shadows to create objects, as small as a pin or as big as a house, depending on what he needs and on the volume of the surrounding shadows. These creations are very tough and solid, despite their appearance. [u]Biography[/u]: It rolled on ceaselessly, only interested in its one goal. [i]"Destroy."[/i] This single word was its life, its business, its obsession. [i]"Destroy."[/i] This one word was its only interest, repeated over and over in its mind until it became a deafening roar rumbling throughout the ether. It brought this word to the masses for centuries, unrivaled save for one. He beat back the herald of destruction, forcing it to shrink and skulk away from an Idea that it had never thought of; it's own destruction. This simple idea was foreign to it, and was soon forgotten in the rush to heal and redouble its efforts. Years passed, and the herald returned, once again interested in its single idea, and again it met with defeat. Despite its vast knowledge, the herald still could not understand this notion, and again it was cast aside for more pressing matters. It recuperated for several centuries more. [i]"Destroy,"[/i] it repeated again and again. [size=1][i] "Why?"[/i][/size] a small voice asked. The heralds mind was silent for the first time since its creation. [i]"What?"[/i] it asked back. [i] "Why?"[/i] it asked again, stronger this time. [i]"Why must we destroy?" [/i] The herald responded, [i]"Because it exists,"[/i] and cast the offender from its body. The herald felt that the question was a sign of weakness, and could not be burdened by it. [i] "Worthless refuse. I would destroy you if you were not once a part of me. If you wish to one day return, grow stronger, and one day I may consider returning you to the whole. Otherwise, die in the street with the rest of the rubbish."[/i] [/font] [font=Book Antiqua]* * *[/font][font=Book Antiqua] Aurora was tired. He had existed for years as a close friend to the Red Mage Solaris, and countless more as a golem of light. Together, they had brought great honor to Lerion, as Aurora's ancestors had before him. When Solaris died in battle, Aurora wandered lost throughout the kingdom, unsure of his reason for continued existence. Aurora finally came to the decision that he had nothing left to do in his life but die. He chose the spot where he had first begun his adventure with his friend all those years ago, a road at the limits of Lerion to be his final resting place. He noticed a strange little puddle on the otherwise dry road, a thing that many others had passed without notice several times. "Funny little puddle, I wish I had the strength that you do to continue on," and he died in a brilliant flash of light. The great power that Aurora released upon his death was captured by the "puddle", and in that moment Onyx was born. It seemed that despite the great brilliance that Aurora had held, it still was not enough to cleanse Onyx of the darkness that he was born of, and he became a golem of shadow. He wandered the kingdom for years, shunned by other golem because of his strange element, and sought after by upstart Red Mage for his rarity. Despite all his travels, Onyx ended up finally living in a system of caves with a group of abandoned Golems outside of Lerion. They had all been drawn there, presumably because of all of the magic in the air outside of the city. Onyx finally found a home on top of a cliff overlooking the entrance to the cave. He created a little home for himself using his powers, and he insists on always having a single lit candle burn inside his house; a single light contained within the darkness. [/font] [/color][/size][/font] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Patronus Posted January 4, 2005 Share Posted January 4, 2005 I've created some descriptions of the four kingdoms, and created some minor villages within the ruling of those kingdoms. Here they are. [b][u]Memoria[/u][/b]: the Kingdom of the South. Also known as "The Industrial Kingdom." This Kingom holds great knowledge within the walls of the industries that reside there. If any beings of Gaia want to have economic success, they come here. Filled with scyscrapers and shops. [b][u]Villages of Memoria[/u][/b]: Rue, Vera, Aereon [b][u]Lerion[/u][/b]: a Kingdom to the East. Quiet, calm, peaceful. It lies on the shore of Nautica, the Great Sea. The buildings and homes are made of white neferti, a stone found at the bottom of Nautica (retrieved by Red Mages, Shifters, and Anima). [b][u]Villages of Lerion[/u][/b]: Kuria, Fartree, Cesta [b][u]Victoria[/u][/b]: the Western Kingdom. Surrounded by a great wall, the inhabitants like their privacy. Their homes and buildings are made with hard work and determination. Nymphs are well known to spice things up from time to time. [b][u]Villages of Victoria[/u][/b]: Hera, Riene, Elroy [b][u]Rivera[/u][/b]: the Elvin Kingdom to the North. Everything within this Kingdom is tied to the planet and its nature; everything comes to an end and every end is a new beginning. [b][u]Villages of Rivera[/u][/b]: None. The villages are just small parts of the Kingdoms outside the actual kingdoms themselves. I hope this is enough detail for you guys. Also, you may make up your own places, but keep that to a minimum. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Domon Posted January 5, 2005 Share Posted January 5, 2005 [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Zoltin [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Race:[/B] Sorcerer [B]Location:[/B] Lerion [B]Appearence:[/B] [url=]Zoltin[/url] [B]Spells/Weapons[/B] -[B]Ardeo Ancile (Fire Shield):[/B] A massive wall of flames erupts from the ground and will protect Zoltin until he has dispelled it. The shield also will cause burn anyone who is an enemy of Zoltin whereas he can walk through it as if it were air. -[B]Fulguralis Appugno (Lightning Assault):[/B] Thousands of tiny lightning bolts will appear around Zoltin's body and then strike down his opponent. The bolts will continue to appear until the oppnent is dead or stunned. -[B]Nefastus Deflagratio (Unholy Destruction):[/B] This spell require's Zoltin to concentrate for at least a full minute, as soon as that is comepleted a large dome of white flames will erupt around him and expand outwards and wipe out his attackers. Zoltin only tried this spell once and the exhaustion from it nearly killed him, but he believes he can do it and not become weak this time. -[B]Weapon:[/B] Zoltin's weapon of choice is the staff he carries around (in the picture as well.) The green claws that hold the blue crystal in the center have several old runes in them stating that Zoltin is the only wielder of the staff and anyone else who tries will suffer extreme consequences. [B]Biography:[/B] Zoltin started his life in a school for the magically gifted (basically a school where the really good kids with magic powers go.) Though the school had a wonderful and happy demeanor on the outside, it was a living hell on the inside. The teachers were relentless and sometimes just flat out cruel. The headmaster was a vile and wretched old man whom Zoltin hated with a firey passion. Sometimes at dinner the headmaster would rise from his seat and select a student to perform a spell which was far beyond the student's capability. As soon as the student tried and failed the headmaster would walk down to that student and turn him/her into a statue for the rest of the meal. When it came to Zoltin one night the boy stood up, looked the man in the face and was given the spell to accomplish which was a spell he is now familiar with, he accomplished it with finesse and the headmaster was in comeplete awe. From then on Zoltin was supposed to know every single spell known to sorcerers and this angered him further towards the school. Finally one day he snapped and blasted one of his teachers with his Fulguralis Appugno spell; of course the teacher had provoked the whole thing by saying Zoltin was a despicable child and he should have been disposed of earlier. In the end the headmaster told Zoltin that if he were ever to do that again. A little shocked at the headmaster's personality change Zoltin agreed and didn't attack another teacher. When his last year at the academy arrived the King and Queen of Lerion came to select a sorcerer for their kingdom. The headmaster had the last year students approach before them and cast complicated spells and such, the king and queen were delighted but not seeing any of interest until Zoltin stepped foward. He, unlike the others was not going to simply show off parlor tricks to the King and Queen. Calling upon his knowledge he had some of the other students sent levitating weapons towards him and he displayed his defensive and offensive magic capabilities for them. As soon as the last student finished her demonstration the King and Queen walked down the line the students had formed and they picked Zoltin from all of them. A few weeks later Zoltin was a full fleged sorcerer of the Lerion royal court. He of course was allowed to have a house near the castle but declined the offer and instead took up residence in a house near the shore in the village of Cesta.[/SIZE][/COLOR] *I hope this is okay, just let me know what I need to fix ^_^;;* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezekiel Posted January 6, 2005 Share Posted January 6, 2005 [B]Name:[/B] Alkai Mezcheth [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Race:[/B] White Mage [B]Location:[/B] Memoria [B]Weapon/Spells:[/B] [U]Weapon-[/U] The [URL=][U]Icingdeath[/U][/URL] Axe- A weapon enhanced with the element of ice that has been passed down through the generation of Archen Mages who were keen on the art of White magic and Alchemy. There is a simple jewel approx. 3 inches in diameter at the tip of the axe, just above the blade. It glows white when Alkai uses magic. [U]Spells[/U] [I]Prayer[/I]- This is a powerful healing spell in which Alkai chants to the Gods, asking them for help. It is strong enough to pull a person back form near death but drains Alkai tremendously. Cannot be used on the likes of disease (eg. Flu or the common cold), can only be used on wounds. [I]Holy Light[/I]- Alkai uses this to help him slip away from a battle or as a strong defence. He can summon a great flash of light that ?explodes? from the tip of his axe where the jewel is embedded. The flash only lasts for 2 seconds but is strong enough to temporarily blind an enemy. [I]Devine Protection[/I]- A simple shield that can deflect simple weapons, those with magic powers, however, find it easier to break down the shield. This is particularly effective against Black Magic spells, it lasts for approx. 15 minutes depending on the power of the attack/spell directed at it and how tired Alkai is. At best, he can keep the shield up for 30 minutes, but it leaves him critically low on energy. [B]Appearance:[/B] Alkai stands at 6' exactly and always tries to make himself look presentable. He has excellent posture and always makes sure that he looks his best for whatever occasion, his excuse is that if he would die, he'd want to die looking good. Alkai always wears his robes, no matter what the weather is. They are long and a light gold colour, reaching down to his ankles. On the front there is a white cross and the hems are white. He wears white gloves and white pants that cover most of his white (getting progressively dirty), suede boots. His eyes are warm and emerald green, eyes that many people say make them trust the young Priest. He always keeps a smile on his face, which lights up his features even more. His hair is black with dashes of silver, Alkai keeps it at shoulder length and usually ties it up in a short ponytail. Alkai usually wears a large silver cross around his neck, it hangs on a long silver chain to his waist and if need be, Alkai can use it as a weapon. [B]Personality:[/B] Alkai is very proper and polite and always tries to please people as best he can, even if he doesn't have the time to do so. Coming from a poor background, Alkai has learned how to share and make the most of what one has and he tries to teach this to the people he meets on his travels. The young man would be thought of as level headed and calm, a natural leader who knows how to assess a situation when the time arises. People often turn to Alkai for advice and he was always thought very highly of in his hometown and in his clan despite the fact that he is still very young. Even though the Mage is kind, he tries to keep a poker face most of the time, he thinks it?s best if he doesn't show any extreme emotions, even if he feels it inside. [B]Biography:[/B] A township, on the outskirts of the village of Rue, woke early in summer to the sounds of a newborn baby's cries. A mother lay on her bed, chest heaving with the efforts of the previous night, smiling down at a white and red bundle now held in her arms. A man, his eyes bagged from lack of sleep broke down into tears of joy, watching as his son stretched and gurgled, testing out his lungs. It was a happy time for the village as not many women were at child-bearing age any more. It had been a good few years since a child was seen playing in the dusty streets, chasing after the chickens and dogs. Yes, there would have to be a celebration. But, peace must come to an end at sometime and this unfortunate day that had started so perfectly...would end in bloodshed. As the morning wore on and afternoon approached, the new parents bathed their child and dressed him in his new pristine white clothing, crisp and fresh and ready to be worn in. The boy smiled and giggled as his father tickled him lightly, his proud wife sitting by the window and gazing out wistfully to the cornfields. That was when the horror and realisation struck. A large dust cloud was rising in the east, at the far end of the fields. The warning bell was rung as the village set in to panic. They were under attack for the first time in 20 years and no one was prepared for something like this. A horde of robbers entered the village on horseback, burning houses and killing men as they went. Taking the women and children as slaves. The baby cried as his mother cradled him in her still weak arms, sobbing as her husband rushed outside, bellowing for her to flee and save their child. She turned only to see the blood of her beloved splattered across the street. In shock, the woman screamed and fled, running as fast as she could into the forest near the village. She stopped only when her feet could carry her no more, settling under a large tree, resting her child in the shade. He was asleep, peaceful and at ease, smiling lightly. The woman laughed and kissed the child on the forehead, [B]"And you shall be Alkai, your father would be proud, my brave son...."[/B] The baby didn't stir and the woman sighed, falling asleep in the shade of the evening sun. 21 years later brings us to the present day in Alkai?s life. He has just finished packing his bags for his next journey to a distant town, hoping to find new knowledge and spells there. Recently, he has been named a true Priest after training for 3 years. He walks into a small room at the back of the church that he runs and spots his mother on the bed, asleep, dreaming of a better land. Her greying hair lies in tassels on the goose down pillow as her son sweeps it to one side. He bends down and whispers that he loves his in her ear and kisses her cheek softly, hoping that she will not wake. After making sure that all is clear, the young Mage leaves, only a small leather bag slung over his shoulder containing all his worldly possessions. He will travel to a distant town, about 4 days on horseback from where he is now in hopes of finding more information on the ancient book of spells. The young man knows precious little about the rest of the world outside his home and yearns to know more, his thirst for knowledge never ending. He adjusts his axe, the one passed down through his clan, and smiles at the horizon. [B]"Yes, today will be a beautiful day for travelling." ****[/B] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doukeshi Posted January 9, 2005 Share Posted January 9, 2005 [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Is this RP going to get started at all? Just curious and that ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Patronus Posted January 9, 2005 Share Posted January 9, 2005 [quote name='doukeshi03][color=dimgray][size=1]Is this RP going to get started at all? Just curious and that ^_~[/size'][/color][/quote] I'd like to get it started within a day or so, depending on Arcadia's availibility. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcadia Posted January 9, 2005 Author Share Posted January 9, 2005 [quote name='doukeshi03][COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Is this RP going to get started at all? Just curious and that ^_~[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [size=1]Patience, my darling. ^_~ Ladies and Gentlemen, it's about time to begin wrapping things up. If you have not yet finished your sign-ups or there's a few things you'd still like to tweak, then now is the time to do it. You have until Wednesday, Jan. 12, and then Patronus and I will close the sign-ups and begin the horrendous job of deciding who to accept. o_O; Remember, if you have any questions or anything, contact me or Patronus through PM or on AIM and we'll figure things out. ^_^[/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandemonium Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Sabylleria, Sabyll (prounounced Sable) for short. [B]Age:[/B] She looks to be in her mid-twenties... [B]Race:[/B] Succubus/Nymph (Will be fully explained in her Bio, lemme know if it needs to be changed.) [B]Location:[/B] Victoria [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Sabyll (clicky!)[/URL] is about 5'7''. She dresses a bit more conservatively (sometimes) when she is to go into highly populated areas. [B]Weapons/Skills:[/B] Never being much for brutish strength, Sabyll?s weapon of choice other than her own body is a collection of throwing knives. Made from a dark metal infused with shadow ? she acquired them in a short tryst from a Draconian metalworker designed them for her after he ?fell in love? with her during his travels through Victoria. In exchange she spared his life when she felt the need to move on to other... exploits. She has ten 6?? blades and four 4?? blades, all of which are beautifully curved and formed with a ring on the top. Using this ring, she can string them together to make a kind of blade whip. They also, of course, can be thrown, or held for close combat. Poison can be applied to the edges, which remain unnaturally sharp, if she chooses. Shadowborne ? She becomes one with the darkness she was born from, and through it can travel through places that may have been harder or impossible to travel through otherwise, and can also affect some small inanimate objects through their shadows. She has yet to master the ability to touch larger objects or others through their shadows. Illusionary ? Besides her Succubus race?s abilities of seductive allure and persuasion, and the Nymph?s curious and mysterious appeal, Sabyll also possesses the ability to weave illusions that ranges outside the normal skills of those who hunt or those who play. Images so sharp and real that they appeal to all the senses, she can create almost anything she can think of, including disguises for herself. Usually this takes much time and energy to weave as changing one?s appearance, even if only an illusion, takes extreme precision and delicacy. Even the smallest flaw can reveal the truth to another?s sight. Smaller changes, such as clothes or the color of her eyes takes far less energy, but the more complex any illusion is, the longer and harder it is to complete and maintain, though it is a skill that she prizes as her longest practiced and best learned. EbonSoul ? Allows her to create darkness and form it to her will. She uses this at times when she links her daggers together or even at times to ?poison? her daggers, as the darkness works like a drug in most being?s systems. It can also be used in a defensive manner to create a complete darkness over an area that most torches are hard pressed to light. In its purest form it is a thing so dark and frigid it is said to burn the soul: Pure Darkness. It allows her to manipulate the darkness as a tangible substance. It can be used in tandem with her Illusions spell to give true weight and mass to what she creates. It slows and sometimes paralyzes, and some creatures have very violent reactions. Almost verging on Black Magic, it is her most powerful ability, and can be very draining and dangerous if she uses it for too long, or tries to extend it to purpose outside her control ? for the Darkness seems to have a mind of its own, and not even she can always tell what it may do. She does not use it often for this reason, and when she does, if forced to use a caution and discretion she loathes. This is the one thing she strives for complete power over, though she knows that such an endeavor may prove not only impossible, but fatal. [B]Biography:[/B] Sabyll?s conception was one of both mystery and tragedy. Often such a tale is told to frighten the younger Nymphs in their rebellious years from leaving the cove or to venture out into the dangerous world around them ? a world no longer safe for the children of the earth. Her mother, Alywine Brimorne, was a bright Nymph of the Summer, born in the time of the Summer Solstice. Great talent was expected from her, and she was full of the mischievous mirth her race was fabled for. Ever-curious, kind, but with a taste for trouble perhaps a bit more than was considered health, Alywine often ventured out from the sanctuary of her people and into the surrounding forests, and then villages. Always thinking herself careful, she sometimes made brief contact with the inhabitants of the villages. Of course, none ever recognized her (she believed) for what she truly was, and she much enjoyed the conversations she had, the tales she heard, and wondrous information she was given. Strange things of distant lands, and beings, and creatures that she would never have even been able to dream of... Then one night, she was making her way out of the village of Hera and heard a strange noise coming from behind the tavern she just was in. Oh, what a time she had there, a nice lady had taught her some strange dance. She couldn?t wait to share it with some of the others. They would wonder for days where she had picked it up! She could even see the face of ? but there was that sound, and something else, that pulled at her mind. There was a woman, pressed up against the building?s wall, and a man pressed up against her... but it wasn?t really a man. The woman was making soft sounds in the back of her throat as the man kissed along her neck. But something was wrong. The sounds were strange. Alywine couldn?t understand, but being a child of the earth, a creature of magic, she could see the strange aura around the man, the inhuman traits that gave him away as being something very far from human. The ground around him seemed cold, and the woman arching against him seemed to be slowly growing colder and colder... The man was an Incubus, only known of as Raven. He turned, sensing the Nymph as he too was a creature of greater power than mere humans could possess. The two gazes met, and he stepped back from the woman, who only reached after him, whimpering at the sudden lack of his touch. Pulling his cloak around him slightly, he stepped towards the Nymph, who stood confused as to whether she should be captivated with awe, or fear. From there, the Nymph stories go on to tell of the poor Nymph Alywine?s fate: her falling into the devious and malicious clutches of the Incubus and stripped of her innocence. How she was forced to return to him by his power, and to bare his child, a black mark on the pure race. A child born in the dead of winter, on a pitch black night where the moon became dark in a great eclipse. A child born without innocence. The Nymph?s tried to hold tolerance for the child and distraught mother, trying to bring the child up as a full Nymph. But it was not to be. The father would kill the child out of cruel amusement, and the mother would die from shame and sorrow. Thus was the fate to Nymphs who tried to go out into the world. Sabyll, however, believed in a quite different story. She swore that her mother and father fell in love, however odd that might sound. (?A Nymph and an Incubus, in love?? Preposterous!? the Nymphs would say before carrying on in their carefree ways.) Her mother gave birth to her, an abomination in the eyes of the ?innocent? Nymphs. Her father was forbidden to see either his child or the mother, and the mother was locked away within the ?safety? of the cove. The child was to be raised that she was the result of what the world had become: tainted. Her father ventured out to another land to somehow find a way to gain the freedom of his child. Her father never returned, and soon her mother died from the sorrow. Sabyll ran away soon after that. It was not until she heard the rumors of the Incubus Raven being murdered at the hands of a heartless Mage in the east that she truly began to believe what she holds in her heart as Truth (along with her vow of vengeance for her father?s death), about the world, about everything. [B]?No one is born Innocent.?[/B] She wandered and traveled throughout Victoria, staying in the countryside and in the villages. None bothered her or questioned her identity ? she had come into quite the talent when it came to blending in with the ?normal people?. Her illusion weaving abilities were one of the first she discovered and she concentrated on them to keep her alive in the beginning. She found that she had inherited most of her father?s abilities of persuasion and seduction, as well as part of his need. She can survive on food and water of the earth, but the need, the urge to feed on the energies of the flesh as those of the night do sometimes takes her, and she can do nothing but obey. She would seem to hate her Succubus nature completely, but one might have their doubts when they observe how candidly she uses its powers. Shortly after her development of her father?s nature did she find that her mother too had left her with that which she would need to survive... and perhaps have a bit of fun. Despite her rather grim outlook of the world, her Nymph-like disposition remains a large part of her personality, making for somewhat of a volatile mix at times. Her shadow skills developed quite quickly; those dealing in darkness came to her not as fast but just as readily ? sometimes a bit too much. She possessed none of the attributes of autumn or spring, or even much of those of winter. Only that of night and darkness. She learned and developed as she continued on, sometimes taking the liberty of testing her limits upon others. (Most of them deserved it anyway, of course.) She never lingered too long in a place, like a shadow herself: gone by first light. Lately, however, Sabyll has been feeling... strange. Her dreams are clouded and dark, and her thoughts are filled with shadows thicker than those she has ever traveled through. She remains along the borders or Victoria, sometimes venturing into Memoria, or skirting along the edge of Rivera. Something to clear her mind, to occupy her thoughts away from... whatever it is she feels, pulling at her. She has heard some people speak of this Nexus thing, but gives it little of her concern. After all, what care should she have for this world of empty hopes, this place of shattered dreams and tainted innocence? [I]Hope that's alright. ^_^ Let me know if anything needs to be changed, or if you need an rp sample. Thanks![/I][/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Patronus Posted January 12, 2005 Share Posted January 12, 2005 If Arcadia isn't on by eight o'clock tonight, I'll go ahead and release who has made it in the RPG and make the actual thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcadia Posted January 13, 2005 Author Share Posted January 13, 2005 [size=1][b]Sign-ups are now closed[/b]. First and foremost, we'd like to thank all of you who took the time to sign up for our little adventure here. All of you put a lot of effort into your characters and it shows. It made choosing who got in really, [i]really[/i] difficult, so you should all be proud of that. On that note, here is the list of who will be participating in [b]Paranoia[/b]: [b]Vralla Norhangare[/b] - Kitty [b]Darius Aphosis Khafra[/b] - vicky [b]Asher Fenix Ulfcur[/b] - doukeshi03 [b]Aetheran Mandrashee[/b] - James [b]Remerant Emrael[/b] - Bio [b]Cloud Nymphonus[/b] - Reise [b]Macros Drairthrak[/b] - Ben [b]Onyx[/b] - StrikeGundam [b]Alkai Mezcheth[/b] - Methuselah [b]Sabylleria[/b] - Pandemonium If you didn't make it in and you have questions as to why or would like advice for future sign-ups, we'd be more than happy to discuss the matter with you. For those that have been accepted, I'd like to remind you that in joining this RPG, you're making a commitment to it. If for some reason or another you feel that you will not be able to participate, [i]please[/i] let us know as soon as possible. PMs will be sent out shortly to notify you all about the first chapter. Again, thank you all for your interest, and stay tuned for the beginning. ^_~[/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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