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The Changers [M-VL and Possible S]


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Vaxla woke up early. She knew that Tala was usually up early to cook, and Vaxla needed to talk to her, preferably without anyone else hearing.

Vaxla found her in the kitchen. "We need to talk," she said.

Tala looked up. "Good morning, Vaxla. What's up?"

Vaxla chuckled. "What are you laughing about?" tala asked.

"The person I need to talk to you about is frequently 'up'," Vaxla explained. "I'm worried about Avian. I think she might be trouble."

"Why am I not surprised?"

It was a retorical(sp?) question, but Vaxla answered it anyways. "Because it make sense when you think about it.'

"Avian being an enemy?"

"Avian being a demon."

Tala didn't expect that, not even from Vaxla. "A demon?"

Vaxla nodded. "A demon."

"And just what makes you think this?"

"It's pretty simple when you think about it," Vaxla told her. "Nuria's parents were demons, which explains why she changes into a demon, right?"

"You don't think so, do you?"

"Correct. I don't think Nuria has a demon form. I think she's a demon, one with a human form. Of course, that makes her sister avian a demon, too."

"But Tala changes into a hawk."

"She does," Vaxla agreed. "Which means that if I'm right and she is a demon, then she has more than one other form. A demon Multi-Changer. But even that's not the worst part. The other Changers trust avian. I'm sure that you do, too, but I don't anymore. Not when I'm convinced that she's a demon. Anyways, none of the others will suspect her of being an enemy. I'll tell them what I just told you-excluding Avian , of course, and without her hearing-probably one at a time, but I doubt that they'll believe me. One or two might, however, and even if nobody believes me, at least we're all aware of the possibillity."
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[color=red][i]Tala put some herbs into a large bowl and began to crush them.[/i] "Ill tell you something... Vaxla... I already knew they were demons... They are twins... Their parents were demons and thats just a small detail. I trust Avian because she was one of the ones to finish of their parents... I doubt shes a threat. You worry to much..."[/color]
[i][color=red]Tala finished up an assortment of items for breakfast. A stew with small chunks of meat, some strange veggies, and the herbs she crushed. There was even some kind of bread. Cooking was the only thing she could do to keep her mind off of the past. She stared at Vaxla for a moment who looked a bit shocked.[/color][/i]
[color=red]"You knew?"[/color]
[color=red]"Im suprised the others dont... If your parents are both demons that means your gonna be a demon too... A wolf doesnt give birth to bear cubs.... A bear doesnt give birth to chicks... Demons dont give birth to humans. The twins were changers like the rest of us... Demon or not they belonged here... Being a demon does not make one bad... It is the soul that does that... Not the stone mind you. Now stop being such a worry wort."[/color]
[i][color=red]Tala finished up the last touches of the meal and looked around. Her smile faded and she looked around. With a sigh she turned around to face the girl named fawn.[/color][/i]
[i][color=red]Now that tala had a chance to look at her closer... She had very tight blonde curls and fair skin. Her green eyes were the color of moss. She was wearing a short simple red dress and a matching red bow in her hair. Freakles were spread across her nose and cheeks.[/color][/i]
[color=red]"Fawn... When the NewChangers awake have all this stuff on the table in the meal chamber... Vaxla... Im going back to my chamber to sleep... After I drop off Meteo's breakfast." [i]Tala took a large goblet and headed down to Meteo's chamber. She sat the goblet quietly on his table and looked at him.... It was some what hard to have a vampire on the team due to certin things but he was quite handy to have around.[/i][/color]
[i][color=red]Talal returned to her chambers. Once in Wolf Form she layed back down. She sighed once and closed her eyes. With the small amount of sleep she was getting each night she slept through breakfast... She yawned silently and flipped her tail over her nose.[/color][/i]
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Meteo looks at the table. Meteo reaches over and picks the goblet up and drinks the blood in the goblet. "Ah nothing beats having a nice meal before a rest... besides I had to guard them last night..." Meteo says sipping on the goblet. "Ahhh. that hits the spot." Meteo continues as a huge grin appears on his face.

Meteo then finishes his meal of blood and then falls asleep so for his wait for the mission.
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[font=Verdana][size=2]Bakuryu didnt go to sleep at first. Although his boky wanted him to he still had to think about Earth. [i]I wonder if time is faster here or that Earth is still on the same second. I hope it is, because I dont want anyone to worry about me. Not that many people will, but some people have hearts. Still though, how long could this take. I mean Im not exactly all that sure of this, but Im still going to help them. Besides, what if I dont and they dont let me back. Then again I kinda like it here. Its all nice and cozy so far. Except that vampire dude, he scares me. I wonder... ah nevermind. [/i][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]Then Bakuryu fell asleep. He didnt exactly have any nice dreams, but not many people would dream about the perfect world after what he went through. Accepting the fact that you are in a differnet world with dragons and stuff isnt all that easy. [/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]When he woke up he walked outside and tried to find his way to the dinning hall. He didnt pay that much attention to what happened after he transformed. He did try and 'smell' his way there. He found his nose into a wall, and his back on the floor. [/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"Oww! Oh. Maybe not everyones awake yet. I need to be more careful." Bakuryu said to himself. He got up and started to walk again. He eventualy found his way to the dinning hall. He saw a girl in a red dress, and went over to her.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"Hey. Uhh, this is the meal chamber isnt it?" Bakuryu asked.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]"Yes it is. Please take a seat. Anyware is fine." the girl replied. Bakuryu then choose a seat and sat down. He wondered when everyone would get there beacause he didnt realy like eating alone in a place hes not comforterable in. [/size][/font]
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[COLOR=Navy]Sakura was exhausted from the work that she'd done on Earth and of the new surprises, so she fell asleep right away, discovering that Tala had told the truth about the beds, as she felt it mould to her body.

She woke up a few hours later and noticed it was still before breakfast and decided to practise her gymnastics. Sakura noticed that there was quite a lot of room and did a few series of flips. Finally she did a handstand and held it, she noticed the time and flipped back to her feet. She fixed up her hair and left her room, walking down the corridors in search of the meal chamber.

Sakura twitched and she fell against one of the walls, holding onto it. When she looked up, she had the emerald eyes of her other form, she groaned and held her head, then when she looked up again her eyes were normal. It looked like the side effects weren't done yet. She hoped to learn control of her other form soon.

Sakura just wandered around and soon arrived at the meal chamber, sighing that she's finally found it. There were two people in the room, a girl in a red dress and Bakuryu. She walked over to the table and took a seat next to him.

[B]"Good morning."[/B] she greeted.[/COLOR]
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[color=red][i]Kaida the raptor girl and Kaikura the pegasus brought in large bouls and placed them all around the solid stone table. Roc brought in a large pot of stew and Fawn went away and returned quickly with a large stone platter of bread... some was big and puffy other was flakey and flat. Once it was all sat down on the table the changers went away. They all decided thatfor today they wouldnt disturb the new comers... They did not want to make them nervous.[/i][/color]
[color=red][i]Roc looked into Tala's chamber and saw her sleeping in her animal form. She always slept in her animal form and no one knew why. It was a personal thing and she spoke of it to no one... And no one ever asked. Roc stood outside her room as if to keep guard.[/i][/color]
[color=red]"That isnt needed Roc." [i]Tala said quietly... She was far more alert and her hearing and sense of smell was much stronger so she could tell he was there.[/i][/color]
[color=red]"As you wish..." [i]Roc said and walked away some what dissapointed... He wished to protect her even if it wasnt needed at the moment... just guarding her made him feel needed.[/i][/color]
[color=red][i]Fawn smiled, "[/i]Ooo... Werewolf man like leader? Werewolf man be kinder to fawn girl?"[/color]
[color=red][i]Fawn's speech wasnt the best due to her age. She was just about 13... She was still very young. She smiled and spun around.[/i][/color]
[color=red]"Dont count on it squirt." [i]Roc said with a grin as he dissapered into his own room.[/i][/color]
[color=red]"Aw..." [i]Fawn smiled and also went into hers.[/i][/color]
[color=red][i]Tala's large wolf like snout form what could have been a smile.[/i] "Kids..."[/color]
[color=red][i]OOC: The changers that arent to important... kaikura...fawn...kaida... they will soon dissapere...(they just wont be in the story line) And the new changers.. like when I say the new changers blah blah blah... Uh Im not just going to say changers because your all now one of the gang![/i][/color]
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Vaxla ate her breakfast quickly and in silence, than left the meal chamber. She walked toward the training area.

[i]Tala's a potential enemy now, too,[/i] Vaxla thought as she walked. [i]Seriously, why did she expect me to believe that line about how being a demon doesn't mean you're evil. Being evil is part of the definition of 'Demon'. I've seen too much from Tala to believe that she's a demon even after hearing that, but she may be working for or with demons. Of course, it's far more likely that she's been manipulated into aiding demons without realizing that she is. Avian's the most likely candidate for manipulator.

I should tell the others, but I don't know who to trust. Any of us could be like Tala. i'll have to be sure of a person before I tell him or her. I can start with the newbies. There hasn't been time for Avian to get to them. I'll start with them, then. I can't believe I'm actually finding a use for them.[/i]

Anticipating that the new Changers would eventually show up in the training area, Vaxla entered it with her poles. As she waited, she practiced.


OOC: I told you she was paranoid, didn't I?
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Hari had a difficult time sleeping. It wasn't the bed; no, that was fine. It wasn't the room; no, that was fine. It wasn't the fact that she was in a different world, surrounded by "changers" and demons and who knows what else; no, even [i]that[/i] was fine.

No. What bothered her was the constant headache, the random moments where she seemed to loose conciousness and wake up with a worse headache and some dents in the wall, and the random moments where she changed conciously.

Finally, when she did get sleep, she awoke with a tail. Startled (who wouldn't be?), she jumped back against the wall of her room, and took a few moments to remember last nights events. The tail disappeared after a several minutes of concentration.

"Damnit.. I'm hungry."

"Then come get something to eat."


The source of the voice disappeared when she opened her curtain. Was anyone there in the first place? Who knew. It was a very odd place, Alteron. Anything could happen. She walked back inside her hole and looked around, finding a rock cabinet containing a few utensils of everyday living.

Hair brushes, combs, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other things. She grabbed the hair brush and brushed out her hair, though she knew she didn't need to. Her hair usually looked the same, brushing or no. But she did it, just to know she had.

Walking out, she stumbled around until she found a room. The smell of food rushed into her nose, giving her a little surprise. She hadn't expected much from a cave. But she sat down across from a guy whose name she had forgotten at the time, and grabbed a bowl, filling it with random things that looked good.

"Hello. Er..." she started. He smiled, swallowed what he had been chewing, and chuckled, "Bakuryu. Good morning.. Hari, was it?" She nodded, placing a forkful of food in her mouth.

She noticed a girl get up and leave quickly after she had sat down. She watched her walk out and disappear behind the wall of the chamber. "Who was that?" "I think her name's Vaxla." "What does she turn into?" He shrugged. "Oh well. Not my place to ask right now," she reasoned, continuing with her meal.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[i][color=red]As tala lay there asleep while the others ate she began to dream.[/color][/i]

[i][color=darkred]It was a dark night back when the Changer Hunts were something that happend all to often. There was only about a hundred of them left.... The dream took place in a small cabin in the forest below the mountains.[/color][/i]
[i][color=darkred]"Hey... Are you feeling alright?" A man with dark eyes and hair asks Tala.[/color][/i]
[i][color=darkred]"Yes... Im fine. Its getting close though..." Tala said rubbing her belly which was the size of a basketball.[/color][/i]
[i][color=darkred]"A few weeks and he will be here!" The man said with a large smile upon his face, "My very on son will be here... And then Ill be able to train him to be strong like his old man!" [/color][/i]
[i][color=darkred]Tala shook her head, "Itll be years for that Husband... You cannot train a baby to change from one for to another...Nor can you train a newborn how to wield a sword..."[/color][/i]
[i][color=darkred]The man laughed loudly that seemed to be thunder, "Oh I knew that... I wasj ust imagining the future. Anyways its late... lets sleep." The man smiled and crawled into bed next to his wife. A few hours after they had fallen asleep things went quickly.[/color][/i]
[i][color=darkred]Her husband got up to get some water.The wind was blowing fiercley outside and tala thought it was just the wind that she heard but she was wrong. She closed her eyes after looking around. She then heard a muffled gasp and the sound of someone trying to breath.[/color][/i]
[i][color=darkred]She leaned up quickly and saw her husband standing in the middle of the room. A woman in black stood next to him with her sword up high. She had spikey blond hair and the longer parts were in a single large braid. Tala realized that this woman had just cut her husbands throat.[/color][/i]
[i][color=darkred]The lightning flashed and the woman in black vanished. Tala got to her husband as he fell to the ground... He died quickly and she didnt know what to do... She wondered why the assisain spared her... Was it because she was with child... or was it something else...[/color][/i]

[color=darkred][i]After a few weeks of mourning her husbands death she lost the child... It was born but didnt last very long... Now with both deaths she was not the same person she was before.[/i][/color]
[i][color=red]Tala opened her eyes and glanced around. She shook her large wolf head and sighed. That was no plain dream... It was one of her worst memories... She never slept in human form because of this... Her husband... Tala beleived he died because he didnt have the grater hearing that his animal form did... They werent alert enough to sense the assissin was near....[/color][/i]
[i][color=#ff0000]Tala now always slept as a wolf so she could hear and smell and sense everything around her... Not for her safty... But for the saftey of the other changers.[/color][/i]
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As Mune walked about kind of absently he smiled to himself he liked the times where he put alot of thought into everything he did, when his mind was clear of porblems usually these moments were only brief but they have been increasing in length lately. "i think it might be my leopard forms instincts making me this calm i dont know how or why but... i like it" mune laughed slightly. "I wonder where the others are" he said looking around slightly "oh well I'll run into one sooner or later" he said closing his eyes and just breathing no complications to life at all just breathing... in... and... out.
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[font=franklin gothic medium][color=indigo][i]Kyo woke up slowly. He shook his head and rubbed his shoulder slowly. He jumped up as he realized he was in...some sort of cave. As he thoughts raced about where he was he heard a bone pop, then another. He began to squeeze his fist in pain, then he realized he had no fist. Instead of a fist there was a paw.

Kyo began to panic, but it only lasted for a second. As his bones continued to snap he began to remember everything that had happened. Flashbacks of Jason's death, of Tala, and of the other changers. One more flashback occured, that of him changing, into what Tala said was a black panther.

His mind was suddenly at ease as he realized this was what was happening. The pain was somewhat lessoned; it wasn't as bad as the first time. Within a few short momments he was in panther form. Kyo let out a low growl of approval. It was a comfortable form, his muscles seemed ready to snap at any moment, but somehow felt relaxed. He could smell things, he could smell [u]everything[/u]. An interesting scent past through Kyo's nostrils. It smelled familiar, really familiar, yet there was something that had changed.

He pondered over the smell for a momment, but he knew he would never be able to place it. Well unless, he found what the source was, and that was his plan. Slowly he stretched out his feline form then walked out of the room, sniffing the air dillegently. He smelled food, or what he thought to be food, but headed the other direction. He was determined to find out what this scent was.

He walked silently against the wall, keeping to the shadows. He didn't know why his buddy insisted on hugging the shadows, but he knew he felt most comfortable in them. Kyo tried to take everything in, he was enjoying this; some how this felt so right. He knew he was human, but at that moment he felt at peace, he felt alert, he felt complete.

The black panther sleaked through the halls following the scent, untill it lead to a kind of door way. Kyo stepped through the curtain carefully trying not to cause any un-needed attention when he finally saw what had created the smell. It was a wolf. This wasn't any ordinary wolf though, this wolf was [b]huge[/b].

Something in Kyo told him to stop, and just go towards the others but his curiousity lead him on. He had to find why this wolf smelled so familiar. The black panther crept quietly towards the wolf and bent down to sniff the wolf. The smell was amazing; so pleasant, it was a warm smell. Warm..something he never thought possible in a smell, yet not only was it warm, but it was friendly. The wolf smelled of loyalty, but something was different, there was a part of the scent Kyo didn't understand, was it sorrow?

He knew he couldn't rely on his own guesses, after all he had just became a panther. Kyo nudged the wolf softly wishing to find out what it really was. Kyo wasn't afraid, after all there were tons of people around here that would stop anything evil, besides he had already lost the one thing in his life that mattered, if this wolf got up and killed him, he would have lost nothing in the process.

Again Kyo brought his mouth against the side of the wolf's face and nudged it. Kyo was curiouse as a panther he knew that, but for some reason he didn't care. All the worries Kyo had had that night disappeared when he was a panther.[/i][/color][/font]
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[color=red][i]Tala was seeing flashes of the assassin... Her husband... And felt like she was being touched somehow.... She then realized something was really nudging her face. Her eyes opened and glance at what was touching her and suddenly they were open wide. Animal... In her room.[/i][/color]

[color=red][i]She leapt up and was much taller than the panther she saw but it didnt matter. She looked around still not quite awake. [/i][/color]

[color=red]"Wha? Assassin? No get out! Or Ill... Uh... Wait a minute... You are no Assassin... Your..." [i]Tala said solowly as she was trying to figure out what was going on. She shrank down quickly into human form. She again had long long black hair that reached her knees... Wearing a white dress and simple shoes.[/i] [/color]

[color=red][i]She stared at the familliar form... The form she had see all to often... Her mind was spinning... Was she in her dream still or... was this reality with an impossible twist...[/i][/color]

[color=red][i]She held a hand out to the sleek black creature... Her heart was racing.[/i][/color]

[color=red]"M-... M-m-... Marxius... Is... It you?" [i]She said slowly. She then remembered the day before. Kyo had the form of the Black Panther... She shook her head.[/i][/color]

[color=red]"Im sorry... Kyo... You startled me. Having a bit of trouble with your form?"[/color]

[color=red][i]The BlackPanther was silent.[/i][/color]

[color=red]"You can speak english in that form." [i]Tala said... Her heart finally slowing down... And a great hurt flowing through it.[/i][/color]
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[font=franklin gothic medium][color=purple][i]Kyo stepped back slowly. Marxius who was that? He shifted his gaze around and stared at Tala. WHat was she talking about? Why did she call him Marxius?[/i]

"It's ok you can speak English..."

[i]Kyo stared at her and then closed his eyes.[/i]

"I'm....I....I'm sorry....for waking you up."

[i]Kyo turned around and stepped through the door before Tala had time to respond. He was furiouse with himself. What had gotten into him? Why did he just go into the room? He let out a low growl and began to walk towards his room. He smelled the food, but wanted no part of it. Instead he wanted something else. The cave suddenly felt like it was closing in on him.

He hated this; he needed some fresh air. He began following the scent that he assumed was the scent of outside. His muscles flexed as he began running towards it, quickly going by the mess hall, and continuing through the maze of a cave.

The light assaulted Kyo's eyes as it gew brigtherand brighter. He knew he was getting close to the entrance. Suddenly a bone snapped, then another. Kyo went sprawling into the wall. His bones continued to snap, unrelenting untill they were satisfied with a product. The product of being human.

Kyo stood up and groaned. His bones ached and so did his entire body. He still had to get outside, he slowly walked the rest of the way to the entrance. Warmth. That was the first thing that Kyo noticed, it was perfectly warm. He sighed once more and laid down in the grass beside the cave entrance.[/i]

"Whats going on?"

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[color=red][i] Tala shook her head again trying to get her brain back in reality. She thought for a bit and was instantly a Wolf again. The emotions that flowed through her earlier changed her to human. Now wolf again she went after Kyo. If seen outside or anywhere but inside the caves he could be in danger. She figured he could take care of himself but she still had one thing that was her main goal. Keep all the changers safe.[/i][/color]
[color=red][i]She was soon standing behind Kyo. He lay in the grass next to the caves mouth. She glanced down at the forest... Then to the desert. Last she looked up at the sun. It wasnt very high but it was climbing. A few bones cracked and snapped and she was human again. She sat down next to Kyo.[/i][/color]
[color=red]"You Its not wise to be outside... You never know what might be out here... Waiting to feed on your soul." [i]Tala said as she stared out at the land around her.[/i][/color]
[color=red][i]Kyo looked up at her... startled as he had not heard her approch.[/i] "I... Im sorry for waking you..."[/color]
[color=red]"No no... Its quite alright. I needed to be waken up. I cant lay there all morning with people to train... Plus... Eh... Beautiful isnt it?" [i]Tala suddenly went from saying one thing to saying another.[/i][/color]
[color=red]"What? Oh the view... Yeah...." Kyo said. He then looked at Tala, "I need to ask you something..."[/color]
[color=red]"Why I called you Marxius...?" [i]Tala predicted.[/i][/color]
[color=red]"Yeah... Who is Marxius?"[/color]
[color=red][i]Tala let out a sigh, "[/i]He was my husband. He was killed a long time ago by an assissin trained to hunt changers. Shes long dead. But The reason i called you Marxius was because... Well first ill say this. Changers can only haveo ne form and no one can have the same form... So I saw you as a black pantherand called you Marxius as I woke up from a dream... because Marxius had the Black Panther form..."[/color]
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[font=franklin gothic medium][color=purple][i]Kyo sat still for a momment. This planet; a planet that invariably seemed to be a paradise compared to Kyo's home; had it's own secrets. He let his mind wonder away from everything, to the sky above, but quickly brought it back down and closed his eyes.

Tala had just said that her husband, Marxius, had the panther form. Yet, she had just said that only one person could have this form. This didn't make sense to Kyo, something was missing.[/i]

"..How...how am I a panther then?"

[i]Kyo looked over to Tala. He didn't want to ask this questoin, for some reason he knew that it wasn't going to be a happy answer, but he had to know. Kyo needed information about this new world, everything and anything he could find out. More so though, he felt attached to Tala. Something was buggin her, and he wanted to help.

Tala closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh.[/i]

"There is a tale about the stone I used on you. I never really believed it; but I now know it's true. The Soul, as we call it, is what gave you the ability to change. It gave every person that came from Earth the ability to change. Using the Soul was outlawed for several decades, in fact, it still is..."

[i]Kyo listened, but frowned in frustration. Something wasn't fititng it; it didn't make sense. Why would she do this if it was illegal? Why was it illegal? How did it make Kyo become a changer. What in the world was going on?[/i]

"I don't mean to be...obtrusive...but...why is it outlawed."

[i]Tala looked at Kyo and forced a smile. She cared for this changer, she cared for all the changers, but she missed her husband so much; she missed Marxius. She closed her eyes then continued.[/i]

"The Soul is actually a safe haven for all of the changers. While the souls of this world are normally destroyed by the demons that lurke out here that stone enables the souls of the changers to be safe. Thus the name, Soul. These souls are what give you the ability to change into a specific animal. In your case Marxius's soul was put into you; that is why you are able to transform into a black panther; just like he was able to do.

This practice has been outlawed because many of the changers felt that they were losing their loved ones to other people; they felt that by doing this we were forgetting the ones who died for us."

[i]Tala looked at Kyo and smiled slightly.[/i]

"I'm sure you can understand why many people would not want that to happen...."

[i]Kyo knew she was talking about Jason. His fist clenched slightly as the events played over in his mind one more time. He was right there....why didn't he save Jason? Jason trusted him, and he let Jason down....[/i]

"It should've been me...."

[i]Kyo whispered then closed his eyes.[/i]

"I'm sorry...I promise that Marxius will never be forgotten, and I will do my best...to honor his form...."

[i]Kyo's voice cracked as he continued to think about Jason; Jason and Marxius. Why was everything about death right now? Why was everyone being torn apart from the ones they loved? Kyo bit his lip and looked up at the sky.[/i]

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[color=red][i]There was some silence and a bit of a tense moment but Tala decided it needed to end.[/i][/color]
[color=red][i]"Now... Why not get something to eat. The sooner we eat The sooner you can gain a little more control on that form of yours. And... Plus you cant go for long without eating." Tala said standing up. Kyo followed.[/i][/color]
[color=red][i]"No I would like to say that the caves with blue walls are paths to the sleeping chambers and meal room. Green walls lead to My room and the weapons training place. Im sure my sister is there now..."[/i][/color]
[color=red][i]"Your ...sisteR?" Kyo asked suddenly.[/i][/color]
[color=red][i]"Yeah.. Vaxla. We dont talk about it much... No need to. And the Orange walled caves are just corridors that lead to our supply rooms. Nothing in the orange corridors." Tala said leading Kyo straight to the meal room. They entered to see a few of the others eating.[/i][/color]
[color=red]"Good morning everyone... I hope you like the meal. Its the best i can do for now. After you eat we shall train you in the basics of fighting with a weapon. Yes your forms are mighty and strong but... Im afraid sometimes swords and weapos of that sort are better." [i]Tala paused,[/i] "Just eat and enjoy. Hopefully the others wont sleep to long."[/color]
[color=red][i]Tala took a fluffy pice of brad and bit into it. After swallowing all of the bite she had.[/i] "I need to go meditate before we begin. I will be in my room. If any of you need me I will be in the room at the end of the green hallways. Green is my room and training rooms. Orange is nothing but supplie rooms. Blue is your rooms and the exit and entrance of the cave and to here... Just so you guys dont get lost."[/color]
[color=red][i]With that tala headed slowly down a green hallway... She went into her room and sat on the cold hard floor. She sat silently and closed her eyes... She began to concintrate on clearing her mind.[/i][/color]
[color=red]"Haa..." [i]She would say with each exhale. Her montra was Haa and she said it with each exhale unless she heard someone coming near. She didnt want the others to think she was loopy.[/i][/color]
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[size=1][color=darkgreen]OOC: Sorry I havn't been posting much, my computer died and we just now got it back up.

IC: Aaron leaped out of the brush on the edge of the forest, inhaling the sent of the leaves, flowers, and even the air. He roared up at the sun as if saying "Good Morning!". He loved all nighters, when he would leave and not return till the next day. He would run across the acres of forest that seemed to stretch forever, he even ran for most of the night until he became weary, he would catch a small meal and then find a nice spot in a tree to sleep. Of course he was awoken with stupidity when he remembered the new changers were coming. He sprinted all the way back to the cave hoping that Tala had forgotten about him for a day.

Aaron leaped up to the cave entrace and inhaled, yep, there were new changers. He troted off down the hall ways until he came to the meal room, he decided to get a bite to eat before doing anything else. He stopped when he entered, seeing 5 unfamiliar faces siting at the table. They all looked up at him, staring for a few moments. He smiled (well, if you can imagine a giant white tiger smiling then you can guess it can be a bit creepy), then decided it would look better in human form. His bones poped and rearanged them selves and the snow white fur sunk back becomeing skin and his teeth became flat and dull.

"Hey there." Aaron smiled as he greeted the new changers. He took a seat next to one of the girls who seemed to be only a few years younger than himself. She smiled at him and took a bite of her food, "I'm Aaron, the white tiger changer. You all must be the new ones, sorry I wasn't here when you all arrived." He explained. Fawn rolled her eyes at the red head and walked out of the meal room to go get something. Aaron got up and swiped a bowl of something from the counter.

"So, names, changes, I'd like to know you all before I train you." Aaron said, siping the warm juices from his bowl. He smiled at the girl next to him and she smiled back.

"I'm Sakura. I change into a Griffon." She said with no hesitation. the rest of them went along after her. There was Kyo the black panther, Hari the Dragon changer, Mune the Leapard changer, Baykura the mole changer, and then the Griffon changer Sakura. Aaron smiled and stood up from the table.

"Well, I guess I'll see you in a few minets. If you'll excuse me I have to explain to the other why i'm late." He then left the rooming flashing a quick smile back to Sakura.[/size][/color]
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[size=1][color=red]Tala was still in deep meditation when she realized she could smell Aaron. She leapt up and left her room. She found him in no time.[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=red]"Aaron... What on earth has taken you this long to return? I know you like to run and spend the night in the forest an all but... We had to work with our new members!" Tala said instantly before he could react to her appearance.[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=red]"Eh.. Im sorry I forgot! Plus it was just one night..." Aaron protested.[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=red]"I know but its dangerous... No one should sleep outside during this time... Anyways head to the training room... Im gathering everyone there." Tala instructed and left before Aaron could say another word.[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=red]Tala made it to the meal room. All five newcomers were there... Tala looked at kyo, hari, sakura, mune, and Baykura... She smiled and cleared her throat, "When you all are done eating please go to the training room... Everyone will be there. Its important."[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=red]Tala in fifteen minutes had spread the word to everyone. She heard wings come up behind her. She turned aroudn to see a preying mantis the size of a horse. It quickly changed into a blonde girl with tan skin. She wa carrying a large sword.[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=red]"Oh good Lyn... What did you find?" Tala asked the bug girl.[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=red]"The stone we are looking for... The upgrade stone... Its in a temple near the wastelands... Apparently the royals forgot it during the war... "[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=red]Tala looked pleased, "Good the ne comers have been changed from mortals to one of us and such... We can make that our first mission."[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=red]"I am not so sure... Its heavily guarded by SoulSnatchers and LowerDemons... About fifteen of each outside... Not sure about how many are on the inside." [/color][/size]

[size=1][color=red]"Thank you lyn... Go to the training room please." Tala let out a sigh and thought deeply on this. The stone was something they needed... It would make it where they could be partly human and partly animal... So when in animal form they could wield their weapons... and such... Tala knew without this they might not ever suceed. She wondered what she would do... Risk the newcomers... or send the older members to do it...[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=#ff0000]She then wandered into the training room where Lyn had just arived. She was swilring her sword around keeping herself active. Vaxla was standing there with her poles. Vaxla had the look on her face as if she needed to talk to Tala... or perhaps... talk about tala.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=#ff0000]Tala looked at lyn , "Lyn can you give me and vaxla a moment?" [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=#ff0000]Lyn nodded silently and left the room.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=#ff0000]Tala turned to her sister, "Whats on your mind?"[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=darkgreen]Aaron just shrugged and smiled as Tala turned around and walked away towards the meal area. He then walked down a few hallways before he came to his room, the curtain on the outside of the door was an amazing golden yellow. Aaron walked in and gazed at the many weapons he had hanging on the walls. There were axes, broad swords, daggers, dirks, bows and arrows, quivers, short swords, staffs, and glaives. Aaron had so much stuff hanging from his walls it was hard to tell that the walls were made of stone. Above his stone bed was a uniform of leather armor that his father had givin him when he had passed on.

Aaron scanned the walls until he found a 5 ft long bone glaive. The staff part had been carved from some kind of bone, the man Aaron had bought it from told him it had been from a dragon. The blade was about 18 inches long and had a slight zig zag patter in the middle. Aaron smiled and pulled it off the wall. It was not only his favorite weapon, but the one he was best with as well. He had nearly mastered all weapons, but he always remained best with the glaive.

He started to swing the glaive around his head and stabed out at invisable enemies. He made large sweeps and worked on his foot, manuvering through the invisable opponant who he had practiced these moves with over the years. He did different flips and turns, using the long bladed staff as a lever. He ended the battle with an over head sweep. He stood in the mosition for a minet before putting the glaive on his back and leaving the room.[/size][/color]
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EDIT: OOC: Blanko, I think everyone's waiting for you to post.


Vaxla's training had been interrupted by Lyn's arrival. Soon after her arrival, Tala entered the training room. After Lyn was gone, Tala turned toward Vaxla. "What's on your mind?" she asked.

"I'll be honest with you," Vaxla said. "Either you had no idea what you were saying earlier, or you've been decieved big-time."

"Oh? In what way?"

"Some of the things you said don't match reality," Vaxla explained. "For example, that line about how demons aren't necessarily evil, when that evilness is a big part of what defines a demon. Also, when Nuria's parents were defeated, the common oppinion was that the demons were pretending to be her and Avian's parents. You yourself came up with the theroy. But you told me earlier today that you knew from the start that those were Nuria's real parents, making Nuria and her sister demons as well. If you'd figured that out, then why tell everyone otherwise?"

"You don't actually think I'm with Nuria, do you?" Tala asked.

"I think that you're being decieved, manipulated. Someone's trying to use you, Tala. And that someone is probably Avian. Even you have to admit that, out of all of us, she's the most likely to be a traitor. After all, she is Nuria's sister. I know that you probably don't believe me, but at least I've warned you."
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[color=red]ooc: Dont be so pushy... I have personal problems going on right now and one of them is Three huge projects for school. A career reserch paper... A bill (like LAW) for civics... a cartoon (like comic) for civics and such... so i have been busy.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Tala glanced at her sister. She was kind of expecting a worse talking to but that was fine. Tala shook her head and smiled.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Quit being so extreamly paranoid... You need to beleive in something you dont see yet... Im Not being misled... If you wish to think that I beleive you can just wait and see."[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Just then Lyn, Kaikura, Kaida, Fawn, Roc, and Avian entered the room.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Avian glanced at Vaxla and then at Tala, "Did we interupt something?"[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"No... What is it?" Tala asked.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Actually we should be asking that... Due to the fact that you had a mission for us..."[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Oh yeah I need you guys to go to the Temple Lyn checked out earlier. You have to retrieve the stone from inside. I figured with as many creatures there it wouldnt be a starter for the newcomers... So if you call could go and get it id be greatful." Tala intrucked.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Lyn smiled, "Yo.. I know where to go Follow me." Suddenly an oversized preying mantis was in front of them. A hawk, a Raptor, a pegasus, a small young deer, and Roc were leaving the room. Roc stoped a bit but turned around and went up to tala. She nodded and he went into the back weapons room and came back in with two laser swords. He winked at tala and smiled.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"We shall be back before dinner!"[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Tala turned to vaxla, "Im ordering you to go with them. You know... the eyes of a ... hawk..."[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Tala said this once avian was out of the room. Tala knew vaxla might take that as tala was wanting her to check out the surroundings and keep an EYE on the Hawk... Vaxla nodded and left ... catching up with the others.[/color]
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[size=1][color=royalblue]Aaron walked into the training just as the others started to leave he gave them all a smile or a nod and then looked to Tala with a confused expresion.

"Arn't we supposed to train the new guys?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Tala laughed at his expression.

"I don't think we're going to need everyone here to train them. It won't be [i]that[/i] difficult." She said pating the red headed changer on the shoulder. "The others are retrieving something very useful for us to use. They'll be back later."

Just then the new changers walked in through the stone arch way. Aaron turned and waved to them with a huge grin. Some of them looked excited as they peeked into the weapons room, while a couple looked nervous, but prepared for what was ahead. Tala gave him a nudge in the leg to go on and start the training. Aaron gave her a playful glare and then walked over to the chagers, spining his glaive as he went and tossing it from one hand to another. He then layed the glaive up against the side of the wall and faced the small group.

"Welcome new changers to the training room." Aaron announced as he paced back in forth, "For the next few days (possibly longer) you will learn to control your ability to transform into your animal form. We will train in animal form and your normal human form as well. You will learn how to use weapons and your own body as a weapon." He looked around at there faces, they seemed serious about this. Aaron then pealed off his shirt, throwing it to the side and poped his knuckles. "Ok, let the fun begin. Let's start out by learning to control your morphing ability. We don't want you suddenly turning into a weaponless human when you're fighting giant alligator now do we." he joked with a booming laugh. [/size][/color]
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Vaxla followed the others outside before changeing. Her phoenix was much too large to fit inside, so she waited until she was outside to change. While Lyn led the way, Vaxla and Avian circled around in the air, the two of them being faster than the others on the ground. Kaikura remained on the ground, as Roc was riding her. The added weight made it hard for her to reman in the air. She was just as fast as the other land animals on the ground, however, and had no trouble keeping up.

While she flew, Vaxla thought about what Tala said. [i]Tala said 'eyes of a hawk'. If I had said that, I would have wanted the person I said it to to keep an eye on Avian. But I doubt Tala believs Avian to be a threat. She might have been referring to the fact that the phoenix, like most birds, has very good vision, but again, I doubt it. The bottom line is that I don't have a clue what she meant. Of course, I am certainly going to keep an eye on Avian, so if that was what Tala meant, then she didn't need to say anything.[/i]

They had arrived at the cave where the stone was located, and were hidden in the bushes outside, all of them in human form. It was easy to confirm what Lyn had reported about the demons. If anything, his estimate of their numbers had been conservative. He was definatly correct about the types, though.

"It's a good thing we have a lot of experiance with those classes of demons," Vaxla whispered to the others. "Remember, the Soul-Snatchers are too much stronger than us to make weapon combat a good idea, so take them out in animal form. The Lower Demons are much easier to take out with weapons, which is good, because Roc needs something to do. And I can't fit inside in phoenix form. Oh, and Fawn's deer form and Avian's hawk aren't that good for fighting. Now, let's do this."

They had killed most of the demons, and were nearing the stone they had come for. Kaida and Lyn, in animal form, were in the lead. The others were behind them, with Vaxla bringing up the rear. There were bound to be a few demons in the room with the stone, but surely nothing that the Changers couldn't handle.

It happened almost instantly. They were about to enter the stone chamber when a white light appeared out of nowhere. It seemed to have a form, but its brightness made the form virtually impossible to make out. Assuming that it was guarding the stone, Avian stepped forward. "We are the Changers," she told it, "and we require that stone to defeat an enemy that threatens the world. Please, allow us to pass."

As soon as the phoenix was spoted, Tala and everyone else (except the vampire Meteo), including the new changers, ran outside. The reason? Vaxla was returning alone. As she came in for a landing, they cleared a space for her. She landed, changed back to human form, and promptly fell to the ground. She looked like hell (which wasn't easy for someone as good-looking as her), and she was clearly exhausted.

Tala knelt down beside Vaxla. "What happened?" she asked. "Did you get the stone? Where are the others?"

"Others... dead. All... dead," Vaxla answered. She was almost too exhausted to speak at all. "Something... don't know... light. Killed... everyone. I... barely escaped... came... back... here." And then Vaxla passed out.


OOC: Take it from here, Blanko.
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[color=red]Tala couldnt help but stare in shock... All of the most skilled changers... dead... Without physical proof she would normaly not beleive it but somewhere deep inside her heard she realized... It was true... She needed no proof.[/color]
[color=red]Tala became a wolf quickly and with her large wolf teeth she grabbed Vaxla carefully by the clothes and pulled her up onto her back. She then walked silently into vaxla's room and set her carefully on her rock bed. Tala returned to human form and sat down for a moment.[/color]
[color=red]Aaron and the changers (Ill be saying changers from now on because the newcomers are all thats left) returned to the training room silently. Aaron knew tala would tell him to continue with the training.[/color]
[color=red]Tala wasnt sure what to do but she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.[/color]
[color=red]"Bo Nee Wai..." She growled to herself in some odd language if anyone heard they wouldnt understand... She then shook her head and went into the training room.[/color]
[color=red]Aaron had them working with normal straight sticks... Tala shook her head.[/color]
[color=red]Tala cleared her throat, "Let us work on our morphing skills first Aaron... Those will be needed most."[/color]
[color=red]Tala watched Aaron and the others put their sticks away. Tala stepped towards them all.[/color]
[color=red]"This loss is bad but these arent the times to be mourning... We need to train you all up now... With no others except for us... You need every bit of skill you can get... There arent many of us to protect you if you get into trouble."[/color]
[color=red]Tala got even closer to them, "Now what you first must do is picture your inner beast... Your inner animal... You must see your forms in your mind... Then you must concintrate on becoming that... It may take a few minutes but... Once your used to it... You will soon be able to do it within a few seconds. Aaron here will help you..."[/color]
[color=red]Tala left the room and went outside... As she watched the horizon she saw several bright lights flying at her. She stepped out of the way just intime to see them fly down a corridor. She followed. They went right into her room... Where the soul was kept.[/color]
[color=red]Each little glowing orb of light was then absorbed by the Soul. Tala picked it up and looked at the crystal.[/color]
[color=red]She saw Kaikura and Kaida's faces... Then Lyn... Fawn... Avian... and last was Roc... He was walking in the mist as the others were... Walking towards the core of the crystal. Roc turned around and looked right at Tala. He lifted a hand and waved slowly at her... Then the fallen... were shrouded in mist... The crystal returned to what it looked like before.[/color]
[color=red]Tala realized that... those orbs were the fallen changers souls... Entering the Soul... as she had been told in ledgends... She sighed and sat down in her chair... What was she to do...[/color]
[color=red]ooc: I know not much action yet but if EVERYONE posts their training themselves to chainge then we can get on with this and get our characters into the temple.[/color]
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When Vaxla woke up, she was in her room. She was still tired, but she could stand and walk. She was sore as hell, though, and had several bruses, as well as more than a few scratches. She changed into some clothes that weren't ripped in dozens of places, then went looking for Tala.

Vaxla when to Tala's room. Tala was there, looking at the Soul. She looked up when she heard vaxla come in. "Vaxla! Are you all right?"

"No," Vaxla said. "I feel like shit."

"You look like it, too. What happened?"

Vaxla sat on the floor. "That's a very good question. I don't know what happened. We were fighting our way through the demons, and we were about to enter the chamber where the stone is. then this light appears. It seemed like there was some sort of form to it, but the light made it impossible to make out. I don't know what it was.

"We thought it was guarding the stone, so Avian stepped forward, told it why we wanted the stone, and asked it to let us pass. two seconds later, she was dead. Kaida and Lyn were next, followed by Roc. Kaikura and Fawn changed to animal form and ran. I pulled myself onto Kaikura's back. It was a good choice, because Fawn was next. I knew that Kaikura would never make it out, I jumped off. I was just in time, because she was killed right afterwards. We were near the entrance, and I got outside and changed form. I thought it would catch me, but it didn't. I got back here as quickly as I could."

"You don't have any idea what it was?"

"No," Vaxla said. "All I know is that with with that thing there, there's no way in hell we're going to get that stone.
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