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The Changers [M-VL and Possible S]


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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Training? Training for what?" Hari asked herself, strolling through the hallways. She had left the chamber, not really feeling up to it. She had a small headache, but she was used to them by now. Of course, she wasn't used to the whole idea of things lately, but she didn't try to ponder the subject. That would change the dull throbbing into a very painful stinging.

It was quiet. Ever since the others died. Nobody talked about it much, even though they could tell Tala's hope was fading.

Bored out of her skull, Hari decided she might as well poke her head into the training room again. After all, there was nothing much else she could do. Unless she wanted to venture outside. But that would be stupid.

Terribly, terribly stupid.

"Ow.." she whispered, holding her hand to her head. The headache was growing worse. "Maybe.. I should sleep first. Then I can.. train with the others.." she reasoned with herself, stumbling towards her little "cave".

When she reached it, she dove onto her bed, which molded to her cringing body. She moaned a bit, then bit her tongue. She hated being fussed over. It took a good twenty, maybe thirty, minutes until she could stand up again. She walked out, and saw that no one was there.

"Guess they all stayed in training.." Hari began to feel guilty. Of course, she wouldn't have been doing much even if she had stayed. She would have suffered the same thing there as she had where she was. "No point in worrying now," she sighed, heading towards the chamber.

When she entered, she saw the others transforming. Aaron spotted her upon her entrance, and called her over. "Hello Hari! Up for some training now?" He smiled at her. She nodded back, and he walked her over to a spot in the chamber. "Alright. You're going to do exactly what Tala instructed earlier. Do you remember?"

Hari shook her head. "That's okay. Here, I'll go over it again for you."

As Aaron explained her instructions, she began to feel the headache again. [i]"The dragon wants to come out, doesn't it?"[/i] She nodded to Aaron, and signaled that he could go back to watching the others. She concentrated, though it was difficult with the throbbing in her skull.

It took her five minutes, before she felt her body begin to shift. The others around her were quickening their transforming speeds, but Hari would need the most. The large transformation she went through each time put lots of physical, and mental, strain on her. Too much practice, and she could rip herself to shreds.

An hour and five transformations later, Hari felt dead tired. "You look ready for some rest," Aaron chuckled, helping her up. "I think I feel ready for a nice big steak," she laughed back. He walked her out, then she walked down the hall, headed towards the smell of dinner. Kyo, Muna and Sakura stayed behind with Aaron.

"They seem really dedicated," Hari thought aloud. "Yeah, but they can practice more." She spun around to see Bakuryu. "Oh. Hi," she sighed, "Didn't know you were going this way, too."

"I'm just as hungry as you," he laughed. She smiled, then walked down the hall with Bakuryu, talking about how strange their lives had become, and how dangerous they dared to think they were about to become.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[size=1][color=darkgreen]Aaron watched the remaining three practice transforming. Kyo pretty much had his panther form down perfectly, he sometimes had trouble changing back, but he could handle it pretty well. Aaron turned and watched Sakura, she was human except for little bulges of skin poping from her back which were her wings. She was completely tensed up and her back was crouched over. Aaron troted over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Concentrate, but don't tense up and burn yourself out." He spoke to her. "Loosen your muscles slowly, mainly the ones in your back." Sakura nodded and her limbs became loose, the little bumps on her back seemed to soak into her skin. She looked up at Aaron and gave a smile, he smiled back. He didn't want to train right now, but he realized working with Sakura and the others cheered him up in a way.

He felt his stomach growl with hunger and he turned to the others.

"Well, if you all want to take a dinner break go right ahead, you can stay in here though if you wish." Aaron announced and started to leave the chamber.[/size][/color]
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[size=2][color=red]OOC: Just a notice... Ohkami told me earlier she quit... so it be best just to exclue the name sakura from our posts now.... because i cant think of any way to get her character to either return to earth or to die but eh... im not cruel enough to kill her... *shrug*[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=red]Tala had made dinner.... she put even more effort into it when here emotions were going haywire... She made a large meal... Breads, Veggies, Fruits and... a huge platter of different meats. Something that looked like a leg of a reptile or some sort and some chopped up dried meats and jerkey too.[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=red]She made almost twice as much food as she normaly did when the others were alive... It Now looked like she was making food for an army with fifty percent less people... to eat it.[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=red]She grabbed a leg off the meat platter and bit into it... She ripped meat off it like she was killing it though it was already dead. She stripped it clean quickly... her anger was intense. [/color][/size]
[size=2][color=red]"Argh!" She was left with the bone and she threw it across the room with such force it shattered near the doorway which Hari and Bakuryu had just walked through.[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=red]"Oh... Sorry..." Tala said running her fingers through her hair and left the meal room... How on earth could she let this happen....[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=red]She went outside and sat down on the mountain top... In wolf form she watched the sky grow darker... The moon was now high... "I should have been the one to die... I should have been there with them.. Im so weak... Staying in the caves while i send them out to meet their dooms... Argh..." [/color][/size]
[size=2][color=red]The wolf growled to no one... She felt like leaping off the mountain top... The idea swirled around in her brain... but she knew that wouldnt be right.. leaving the rest to manage on their own...[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=red]What good was she to them now though... She felt confused. She threw her hugeh ead backwards and began to Howl.[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=darkgreen]Aaron started to head down to the meal room, but stoped in the middle of a corridor. His stomach growled, but he didn't feel hungry. How could that have happened? They wern't like the new changers, they were trained, some of the best warriors Aaron knew. A part of him believed they were still alive, maybe they just appeared to be dead, but then, would they still be alive now?

Aaron shifted into his tiger form, he could practically smell the emotions. Sadness, anger, guilt... He followed a passage out to the front of the cave, following Tala's scent. He stopped outside the exit and watched her howl in pain up at the sky. It was slow sad howl, and it would quiver slightly every moment or so. Aaron silently walked closer and let out a loud roar at the sky and held it out, his eyes were shut tight. When he was done Tala had stoped howling and looked out across the land into the distance. Aaron padded over and sat on his haunches, trying to follow her gaze.

He suddenly had an urge to run out there, all the way to that cave and see if they truely were dead. He wanted to face this stupid glowing light and rip it to shreads, taking the stone to honor his fallen friends. A low growl grew from his mouth.

"I'm not going to lose you either. So don't even think about leaving." Tala said solemnly. She turned and looked at the white tiger. They were completely eye level, both him and her were the same size in animal form. Aaron looked away at the forest. "Don't think about running off tonight either. I need you here to train the others."

"I wasn't thinking about leaving..." He whispered. He felt his eyes slightly burn as he tried to hold back tears. The changers had been no only his good friends, but also his family. He had been living here with them since he was 9. His mother had died giving birth to him and his father had died in a battle when assisting the changers. Roc had been like a father to him, now he had lost both him and his brothers and sisters. He let out a sigh. "I think I know how to pick up the training and make it go faster..." He said staring at the moon.

"Really? What's your idea?" She asked.

Aaron shifted on his front paws, leaving prints in the dirt below him, "If you go about 15 miles into the forest, and then go East, you'll find small packs of demons... About 8 or 9 in a pack. They arn't large or very dangerous at all. 3 and half feet is probably the tallest they get... I was thinking maybe I could take the changers on a... Servival trip after dinner..." He turned to the large wold next to him and had a large smile, showing all of his sharp white teeth.[/size][/color]
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[color=red]OOC: Phayt quit as well... so mole dude isnt there anymore either... oh well.[/color]

[color=red]Tala nodded, "I think its a good idea... the best way to learn is to experiance... Though... if I lost the changers of today.... as well of the changers of yesterday... Im not sure what I would do... Iv lost so much..." Tala said sadly.[/color]
[color=red]"Your brother... Your husband... Your child... and now we have lost almsot everyone we grew up with..." the large tiger said.[/color]
[color=red]Tala nodded sadly but shook her her head right after that, "Aaron... We need to train them as fast as we can... They can learn to handle their forms as we go... weapons and such are our main goal... So these demons you speak of will be a good starter... You should prepare... Ill be going with you."[/color]
[color=red]Aaron sorto f stopped his thoughts and turned to her, "Are you sure thats a good idea:? You have been under alot of stress lately. Maybe you shouldnt-"[/color]
[color=red]"I will... I am not going to sit here all safe and cozy while you guys go out and risk your necks and souls... If your gonna do it im doing it as well." Tala growled, "Now... You better get something in your belly... And prepare..."[/color]
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Hari and the others were told of their next training "exercise". A trip into the forest as a survival expedition. "You're kidding.." she sighed. She didn't want to go out there; nobody did. Not after what had happened.

And Bakuryu and Sakura had disappeared as well. Nobody knew where they'd gone. Or maybe Tala did. Hari wasn't sure. [i]"Maybe she sent them home. They couldn't take it,"[/i] she suggested to herself. [i]"But.. how could they go home? Unless the changes only work here in Alteron, they'd never be normal again. Or maybe she killed them. Knowing they had nowhere else to go if they couldn't take all the changes."[/i]

But, while thinking this, Hari felt guilty. How could she think such a thing? Tala was being ripped apart inside. And no matter how hard she tried to hide it, the pain seeped through. Everyone felt it.

Hari took a long time to finish her dinner. If Bakuryu and Sakura had gone home, why shouldn't she? But there was the lingering doubt of their even living anymore. Hari bit her lip. "All of this.. Too fast.. More headaches.. Ugh, this sucks," she groaned, with lack of a better way to say it.

She threw her bowl on the ground, whatever was left in it splattering all over the floor. The others looked at her, and she growled back. Storming out of the meal chamber, she ran to the exit of the cave.

It was a beautiful sunset. The sky was perfect, as if it was celebrating something. Or, perhaps, mourning. But Hari's headache did not allow her to admire the beauty much longer. As she leaned against the rock, she heard someone speaking from behind her.

Turning, she saw Tala. She was muttering something. [i]"Jibberish,"[/i] she thought to herself. But as she chanted, Hari's headache began to disappear. When it was all gone, she faltered, not sure what to say.

"Uh.. Thanks.." "You can't keep changing like this. The strain will kill you." Hari was startled by Tala's comment. It was serious, and sullen, and not very subtle at all. "You have to learn to control the dragon." "How do I control a [i]dragon[/i]?!" she asked in a sarcastic tone.

"By not giving in."

Tala transformed into her wolf, then lept away. "Not giving in? How am I supposed to do that?" Hari huffed, leaning back against the rocky wall. But after a few moments, she sighed. Tala was right; she was giving in to the dragon's will. Not that she meant to. It just happened.

But she was happy that Tala had eased away her headache. She wouldn't be changing tonight. At least unintentionally, anyway.

Packing her things, she slipped around the others, not wanting to be seen after her little "episode" back in the chamber. It wasn't that bad, actually. She knew that. But she didn't want to be asked questions or anything. She felt it best to wait until they set off to be seen again.

Grabbing her bag, she decided to explore the large cave until they were to leave for the forest. She didn't see anyone. Except for the occasional glimpse of Tala's tail.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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After getting some food, Vaxla decided to clean herself up. She knew she was quite a sight. Her clothes were ripped all over the place, she had numerous scrapes, scratches, and bruises, and there was dirt all over her, as well as dried blood. She couldn't do anything about the scratches and bruises, but she could certainly wash herself off, which she did. Then she went looking for Tala. She needind to discuss the mission she'd heard mentioned while she was eating.

Vaxla checked Tala's room first. Tala was inside, in human form. She was looking at the Soul again. Vaxla walked up beside her. "They're all in there, aren't they?"

Tala looked up at Vaxla. "Yes. I hope nobody else joins them. Too many have died already."

"And your insane 'training mission' is only going to create more deaths," Vaxla said. "I don't care how weak the demons are. Sending the new Changers against them is insane."

"Aaron and I will be there in case we're needed," Tala replied.

"That won't be enough, Tala. No matter how hard you and Aaron try, you're not going to be able to keep all of them alive. Someone will die, probably more than one. And right now, we need everyone we can get, even if they don't know shit. We should keep them here, give them more training. Make them good enough to stand a chance in actual combat before we send them into actual combat."

"I understand your concern, Vaxla, but we just don't have the time to train them the normal way."

"very well, then." And with that, Vaxla turned and left.
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Tala turned quickly and halted Vaxla, "Sister... The weakest of weak demons couldnt even cause that much damage... Me and Aaron can handle it... Hari seems strong... And Kyo is for sure... He can handle this Im sure... You didnt wee what I did when I retrived him from earth."

Vaxla stared blankly, "UH-huh..."

"Its not an Impossible mission... It is Experiance training... You and I even went through it far before their age.." Tala said calmly.

Vaxla nodded, "Yes but we were born here... We knew the actions of the weapons before we even started training... These newcomers dont."

"They are no longer NEWCOMERS Vaxla!" Tala growled, "They are changers! We are all that is left from an entire kingdom! Our race is slowly becoming exticnt! They shouldnt be treated like the...'NEWCOMERS' anymore... They are now one of us..." Tala was raging mad...

"Being here over one day doesnt make one a true Changer... Its Skill" Vaxla said with a blank stare on her face.

"Its HEART!" Tala yelled with a growl, "And I would advise you to Remember that!"

"Yeah and Heart is something these noobs dont have yet. Heck Hari cant control her headaches and cant seem to find the heart of the dragon to well... To think SHE got mothers form." Vaxla said and walked out.

"Th... She can Handle It!"

Vaxla mummbled from the corridor, "We shall see..."

Tala sighed and sat down. Aaron appeard in her room a few moments later.

"It is time... Though I might inform you that perhaps your arguments should be a bit quieter next time...."

"Its jsut your hearing..."

"No actually... I noticed everyone heard that... But everyone is ready to go. Kyo and the others are waiting."

Tala nodded, "Ill be right there."
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  • 2 weeks later...
[i]I was probably a little too harsh,[/i] Vaxla thought, [i]but the point remains. The new Changers aren't ready for any real fighting. I mean, two of them bailed out before the [/i]training[/i] started. Yes, they were different people than the ones who are still here, but their decision just emphasizes my point. These people aren't ready for even weak demons, and despite what tala thinks, sheer numbers will make it near impossible for her and Aaron to get them all before at least one of the new Changers is killed. with enough training, they might actually be able to contribute something, even if it's just distracting the enemy. Right now, they can't handle even the easy task Tala has for them. They just aren't good enough.[/i]

Vaxla entered the training room. She found her poles and began. She was working on developing new fighting techniqus. She and Nuria had sparred often enough that each knew how the other fought. So Vaxla was changing her style enough to throw Nuria off, just in case the two of them did wind up in weapon combat. If that happened, Vaxla would be ready.
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Whether they meant for it or not, Hari over heard the conversation, or arguement, or whatever it was, between Tala and Vaxla. Mother? They had a mother? Well, of course they did. How else would they be there before her, dragging her out into the wild of Alteron. But.. It was almost impossible to imagine a mother for the changers.

But what nagged at her the most was an obvious question.

"Who was... they're mother?"

And the heart of the dragon. Could she find it? Or was she destined to fail. She knew she'd fail. She knew it..

[i]No.. No! I won't screw up anymore. Damn it! I won't give up again,[/i] Hari screamed to herself in her head. "No more. I'll go into that stupid forest, and I'll come out alive. Even if.. Even if no one else does."

"Oh! Hari!"

"AHH!" She leapt back, holding her hands to her chest and closing her eyes as she screamed.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Aaron soothed, gently and calmly helping her return her arms to her sides. "It's just me. You ready?"

She gave a silent nod to Aaron, who stood scratching his head before her. "Sorry about that. But.. nevermind it. Let's get going." The two of them walked through the halls towards the cave exit. They walked in an awkward silence, the guilt and embarrassment hanging over their heads.

When they finally mustered up the courage to speak to each other, they began at the same time.

"I-- Go ahead! No! You first. Sorry. Heh.."

They stopped and stared at one another.

"I'm sorry... For Vaxla. She-- She doesn't want to trust anyone. Not anymore. Not after what we've all been through.."

Aaron sighed and now glared at the floor. Hari paused. "Are you sure.. I can't change her mind?" "Hmm? What do you mean?"

"I have her.. mother's form. She resents me. But.. I'm sure if I prove myself to her in battle, she won't think of me as such of a burden.." Hari explained. Aaron stared at her. "I don't.. I don't know."

"Nobody knows anything. Don't worry," Hari laughed, feeling her face turn a bit pink. The two of them continued down the hall, now laughing and friendly instead of quiet and gloomy.

"Kyo and Muna are over there. We have to wait for Tala, then we can set off."

Hari bit her lip. "O-okay.." She cautiously approached the other two new changers, and slowly reintroduced herself.

[i]The forest.. I will make it out alive, even if nobody else does.[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[color=red]Tala spent a few minutes walking in circles and she finally came to a conclusion. She shook her head and grabbed two long handles to something. She it the buttons on them and two bright orange lasers came from the ends. They were her Laser Swords... She never used them... She prefered her two metal blades but laser swords would be best for her... less force needed to cut somethings head off and less blood too.[/color]

[color=red]She caught up with Aaron and Hari... "You all ready?" Tala tried to act as if nothing had happend.[/color]
[color=red]Hari spoke up though, "Um... about Vaxla..."[/color]
[color=red]"I... Uh... My sister will come around in due time Im sure..." Tala said with a slight sigh... "Lets go have fun... This shouldnt be about just training and skill building... You should have at least a little bit of fun while your doing it." Tala tried to sound convincing but she wasnt convinced herself and she doubted the others were either.[/color]
[color=red]The others nodded slightly and Tala nodded back, "Ok then lets go."[/color]
[color=red]With that they headed out.[/color]
[color=red]A half hour later (due to their casual pace... they were in no real hurry) they arrived in a covered area in the forest below the mountains. Aaron hushed everyone, "This is the area... See!" He pointed out to a small group of demons... They were of the lowest level tala noticed... Small Imp like creatures that would be more annoying than everying....[/color]
[color=red]A few soul snatchers but their eyes were glowing yellow meaning they were full... They had just recently fed and once their eyes turned yellow they could suck no more souls untill a day or so later... depending on how well they could digest the soul... It also depended on the souls the ate.[/color]

[color=red]"The soul snatchers should be easy... I mean heck they are powerless at the moment except for their claws which wont cause much damage." Aaron said pointing at the larger green creatures.[/color]
[color=red]Tala pointed at the imps "Those are the easy ones... Though I must tell you. They may look like Imps but they are not. If you kill one make sure you either completely remove its head or their tail at least. "[/color]
[color=red]"Their tail?" Hari asked.[/color]
[color=red]"Yes... These creatures... If killed and their head is intact... They can rise again they multiply too... not often but if you dont keep count you might be in a spot of trouble... They dont cause much damage alone but they can cause a bit when theres more of them... The tail has its own brain... Which is why the tail has its own eyes and teeth. Remove the tail and you have removed its ability to come back from the dead or multiply..."[/color]
[color=red]"They are simple creatures... Just behead them and you will do well. Now theres one other type you should try here tonight." Aaron added.[/color]
[color=red]Tala coughed, "Yeah... They are purple... They may look like your avarage house cat but its not... Its a scaley little demon with sharp claws and venomous teeth..."[/color]
[color=red]"The poison cant kill you, unless you have tons in ya, but it can cause blurry vision or dizzyness. I once got bitten by one and it well... My legs stopped up. I was paralyzed for a while. Effects differ." Aaran smiled.[/color]
[color=red]"So what are these three things called officaly?"[/color]
[color=red]Tala smiled fakely, "The Soul Snatchers are called Soul Snatchers ... they steal and snatch souls... creative I know..." She rolled her eyes, "The Imp like creatures... We arent sure waht they really are so we just call them Di-Mos... We used to spell it with an E but... that makes it Demos and that just got confusing."[/color]
[color=red]"Uh... Yeah. And the Cat things. Namir... Its actually a Persian name that means Swift cat... They are pretty swift so heh... there you have it. " Aaron laughed.[/color]
[color=red]"Today class you have learned how noncreative we can be...." Tala finally smiled for real.[/color]
[color=red]"YOu guys have been to earth more than once i take it..."[/color]
[color=red]"We used to go there often... But once the elders of long ago sealed the portals and gave only the soul and the four multichangers the ability to go from one world to the other we stopped our monthly tours as you might put it." Tala shrugged.[/color]
[color=red]"Well loooooki here booyyysssss" A rather strange voice from behind them hissed.[/color]
[color=red]They all turned around to see a small group of Namir and Di-Mos behind them. It was a small group but still... Tala should have been able to smell them... same with Aaron.[/color]
[color=red]Tala and aaron look at each other. They both knew they should have been able to smell them but they had no time to figure that riddle out. Tala got her swords ready.[/color]
[color=red]"Alright Hari... You ready to tame the beast within? Lets go!"[/color]
[color=black]ooc: Di-Mos = Implike creatures with a brain in their tail (come in all colors)[/color]
Namir= Cat like scaley demons that come in all colors and dont have apparent genders.
Soul Snatchers= four foot tall demons that come in reds or purples... Their legs arent legs. Its more like a ghostly body. Their upperbodies however... Have a thin layer of skin over the ribcave which (In this case) is full of swirling souls (when they are hungry chest cavity is empy. When they are full chest cavity is full.) Their skin is transparent and the souls glow...

Mainly cut anythings head off and its down for good. Have your characters slash and such for a while. Ill bring their first real challange soon. (A visit from Nuria...)

(Tala just hates it when Vaxla is right about certin things. This simple mission isnt going to be as harmless as Tala thought.)
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Vaxla trained hard for about fifteen minutes, then stopped to rest, and to think. Demons almost never left their own realm without reason, so why was the group Tala and Aaron had taken the new Changers to there? What were they doing? Did it have something to do with the Changers?

Vaxla walked towards the opening the others had used. She stepped outside and located the general area where Aaron had said the demons were. She couldn't see anything, but knowing the general area where the others were was enough for Vaxla. She knew where to look for them if she had to for some reason.

Vaxla turned around to go back inside. A few steps past the entrance, she stopped. There was a noise behind her. She spun around, coming face-to-face with a lone Soul-Snatcher demon.

"You've wandered into the wrong place, demon," Vaxla said. "perhaps you should explain yourself."

"I have nothing to explain to you, human," The demon replied in its inhuman voice.

[i]His eyes are yellow,[/i] Vaxla noted. [i]That makes things much easier. Not that this will be easy. Damn thing caught me unarmed and inside where I can't change form. Good thing we're near the entrance, because I'll have to force it outside if I want to kill it.[/i]

"You want a fight, demon?" she said aloud.

"You cannot threaten me, human. Your death is assured."

Vaxla laughed. "I don't die easy. If you want to take me on, you're in for a fight. Let's go"


OOC: Hope it's okay if Vaxla has some action, too.
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