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Double Ege Underground [PG]

Albel the Wicked

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Yeah, the basic thread that we talk about Double Edge here. Now just the people that signed up, but for the people who DIDN'T sign up and telling me what was missing. Seeing how that oh let's see EVERYONE didn't sign up for it, I want some answers! You people are breaking my spirit. Tell me, what was missing?! I thought it was quite good myself. If you're thinking that "It didn't include the other characters in it" that is because they come in at a certain order. Please, I must know what was wrong with it to make 31 views on it and not ONE sign up.
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well i was gonna signup to be the mage but because i didn't know much on him i could finish the sign up. its a really good story it would make an awesome RPG but you need the people to let them make their own character. a character that has to follow the rules and is predictable is no fun. you need to let people create their character. you can still use the same name and the same fate for the character but you need to let everyone else build their characters personality and stuff. well i hope that helped. i would really like to join but i still dont know much on the character. RPGs that let you create you character are easier because you created you character and know everything about your character.
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[B][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Ooh... I was gonna sign up, too, but I was kinda busy with other stuff at the time and I totally forgot! Oh, man, I'm such a dunce... Well... I didn't think there was much of anything wrong with it... 'Cept maybe what Shugo said... That's the problem with those kinda things, I suppose. I was going to make an attempt to make a RPG with one of the comix I did, but then I knew I'd make everyone just play out the story and everyone'd be all mad at me an' quit... So I just didn't... I dunno. Maybe if you tweak it a bit it would work? Maybe... Then again, it might not, what do I know? (I'm really not all that stupid, I just have a really bad short-term memory... Or selective memory... Whichever you wish to call it.)

I'm willing to join if it gets some members. I'm kinda busy right now, though, and I'm on a tight schedule.

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