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Favorite quotes, sayings and lines


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Alright I compiled a list of Quotes I found amusing.

[B]What if you're a really good person, but you get into a really, really bad fight and your leg gets gangrene and it has to be amputated. Will it be waiting for you in heaven?" - Bart Simpson from The Simpsons [/B]
Not sure If everyone has heard this one already, but it really kinda makes you think. If Heaven is paradise, if your paralized, or have lost a leg, and die, do you still get it back when you go up to heaven? the posibilities are endless.

[B]Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. -Einstein [/B]
Hey the genious said it himself. 'Nuff said.

[B]It's a wonder we don't dissolve in our own bath water. - Pablo Picasso[/B]
For those who don't get this one, I don't blame you. Just stating how we humans love to use up all our natural resources ;)

[B]"Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them."
- Dr Seuss[/B]
We are all children at heart. Atleast, I am....or maybe thats just my upset stomache.

[B]Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the back and, instead of bleeding, he sings.
- Ed Gardner[/B]
I don't know about you, but I hate Opera music. It so sounds like someone dying to me, or choking on a chicken bone. No Phantom of Opera for me thank you.

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[color=teal][b]Me, I'm dishonest, and you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for, 'cause you can never predict if they're going to do something incredibly stupid. - Capt. Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp).[/b] Well said, well thought out. I'm an honest man, as honest as I can be, anyway, and at the most unexpected times do I do something incredibly stupid. Like standing up for a friend against a guy twice my size.

[b]If you keep moving forward, you can always find radiance. - Deedlit the High-Elf.[/b] Something I take to heart when I'm emotionally sober. If you keep looking backwards, you'll never be abnle to find the light at the end of the tunnel. Backtracking doesn't undo what's already happened.

[b]Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes. - Oscar Wilde.[/b] Too true. You make a mistake, you learn how not to make it again. You continue on in the great trial-and-error game we all call life.

[b]A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he's finished. - Zsa Zsa Gabor.[/b] This is memorable to me because it makes me think how "finished" I'd be when I get married. Kids, a loving wife, a beautiful home...and I hear some men call it a ball and chain. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

[b]What the superior man seeks is in himself. What the foolish man seeks is in others. - Confucius.[/b] Introspection is the key to advancement. If you refuse to focus on what you admire and better yourself to your own standards, you will never be redeemed in the eyes of those whom you watch. You must always live up to YOUR standards, not the standards of others.

[b]I aspire to be the best daddy I can be. I want my children to be happy, to be loved, and above all, to know how to love. After all, kids are our future, why not take care of it? - J. Schock.[/b] I live by my own quote. I am the only guy I know who actually intends to be a good daddy. Yes, daddy. A father and a daddy are seperate in my mind: a father is merely a man who impregnated a woman and does the minimum effort necessary to keep the kids alive. A daddy, however, places his children before himself, gives of himself to make his children happy. A daddy is a man whose worst day is turned to the best day when his child whispers "I love you" to him. THAT is what I want to be, and I believe all men should aspire to it.[/color]
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"To resist despair in this world is what it is to be free" -Operation Ivy-
The worst possible prison in this world is the prison we create for ourselves within our own hearts and minds- our attitudes shape our realities.

"There must be less to life than this" This is a good mantra for the overwhelmed...
"This guy makes the term 'arsehole' seem redundant"- Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting)- This sums up so many people...

"WHO'S LAUGHING NOW!?!"(while lopping off his own "bad" hand with a chainsaw)
-Ash, Evil Dead series
"Horse-faced space dog"
"I'm a mog- half man, half dog- I'm my own best friend!" -Spaceballs -
These quotes are just uniquely silly and make me smile...

"Life is pain, your highness- & anyone that says otherwise is trying to sell you something" -The Princess Bride -
You can't escape the glaring truth...

C3PO: (To bounty hunter)The illustrious Jabba wishes to know why he should pay the sum of fifty thousand?
Bounty hunter: Eechoto...
C3PO:(To Jabba)Because he's holding a thermal detonator!
Jabba:Ah ha ha ha...this bounty hunter is my kind of scum!
-if you don't know, that's sad...

Just my kind of scum, as well...direct and to the point...

"Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist- keep loving/keep fighting" -EK
If it's worth loving, then it's worth fighting for...
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[quote name='"Legacy"']I aspire to be the best daddy I can be. I want my children to be happy, to be loved, and above all, to know how to love. After all, kids are our future, why not take care of it? - J. Schock. I live by my own quote. I am the only guy I know who actually intends to be a good daddy. Yes, daddy. A father and a daddy are seperate in my mind: a father is merely a man who impregnated a woman and does the minimum effort necessary to keep the kids alive. A daddy, however, places his children before himself, gives of himself to make his children happy. A daddy is a man whose worst day is turned to the best day when his child whispers "I love you" to him. THAT is what I want to be, and I believe all men should aspire to it.[/quote]

You should meet Ranger he feels the same way.

[b]Where did I fail?[/b] Every parents lament when one child seems to have gone wrong somewhere despite everything you have done. In my home it's Mu the youngest of two girls. Not one of my favorites but certainly applicable.

[B] When you are walking about in the desert make sure you watch where you put your hands, fingers, feet and toes since everything in the desert sticks stinks bites or stings.[/b] Said to every tourist group for the last 10 years. This quote from Ranger is so popular he had to copyright it. It is a true statement and is meant to warn tourists to keep their hands in their pockets and don't touch anything.

Another of Rangers favorites is what he considers the secret to gun control, [b]The fall of the hammer should come as a complete surprise.[/b] Ranger mandates firearms training for everyone starting at age ten. His logic is that if you know about firearms you won't get hurt. There hasn't been a shooting accident here in years. Most kids here learn gun safety in the scouts, 4H or at summer camp starting around age 10. The newer city-zen children are afraid of guns... and knives.
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family guy:

peter-brain! look theres a messege in my alphabets, it says "OOOOOOOOOOOO"

brian- peter those are cherio's

[COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: Be sure to state why they mean something to you. We don't want this thread turning into a "copy/paste" fest. Please use the edit button and add in your reasons for why you picked this particular quote. Thank you. ~Panda[/COLOR]
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[size=1][color=#696969]Some of these are quite hilarious. Well then, favourite quotes, saying, or such...

[B]All that glitters isn't always gold, it can be silver, copper, diamonds, sapphires, and hey! Rhinestones![/B] - Said by a friend of mine.

[B]"Mini-me, you complete me."[/B] - Dr. Evil of [i]Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me[/i]

[B]Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.[/B] - Abraham Lincoln

[B]"Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial."[/B] - It was a bible verse.

[B]"You Fockerized him, didn't you?"[/B] - [i]The Fockers[/i]

[B]"Blue Power mother******!"[/B] Mike Lowery - [i]Bady Boys 2[[/i]

[B]"Dude, what does my tattoo say?"

"DUDE! What does mine say?"

"SWEET! What about mine?"

"DUDE!"[/B] - [i]Dude, where's my car?[/i]

[B]"What are you going to do, Napoleon?"

"I'll do whatever the hell I want, gosh."[/B] - [i]Napoleon Dynamite[/i]

[B]"What you doin'?"

"Nothin', chillin' at KMC."

"Who you with?"

"Me and my peeps. Won't you bring four of your friends?"

"What are we going to do?"

"Sit and listen and talk, let the party begin."[/B] - Said by myself and a friend from church.[/size][/color]
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[B]"Why is there a foot of snow in my front yard?[/B] Said by Lady Rin on 21 Nov 04. We actually got 2.5 ft of snow in a place that hasn't seen 3 inches of snow in 10 years.

[b]There is no such thing as having enough water in the desert.[/b] - From the: Quick and Alive Tourist Guide to the Desert - Survival for Begginers. Fact: An average person trying to do a normal days work outside during the summer and drinking from 3-5 gallons of water can dehydrate. The amazing thing is people will pay $250US for my trail safety course then when you run into them on a trail they don't have any.
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My personal quote that I live by is:

"Live is what you put into it."
I believe this because the more you put into your life, then the more you will get out of it.

Some other quotes are:

"Live life while you have it, because there is plenty of time to be dead." Unknown
I believe that everyone should live their lives to the fullest, because you don't want to regret doing something you wanted to do.

"I'm Rick James, *****!" -Dave Chapelle as Rick James
I just love the skit the Rick James skit, and how Dave Chapelle says it. PRICELESS!

"Angels that fall from heaven, are forced to become devils." Vicious, Cowboy Bebop
One of my favorite quotes from Vicious, it just sounds cool.
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" We know what we are, yet know not what we shall become"- I think this came from Hamlet. This is the gist of what this quote means although I may have gotten them the wrong way around. This means that you know who you are at the moment and in the past but you don't know what you will be.

"When a lie is not found out, It becomes the truth"- Suikoden 2, Spoken by Captian Rowd after he explains the false explanation about the betrayl to the hero. I find this very true, This would be used by someone in the Goverment.

" I can fight just like a *snores*" From Warcraft 3, I use because of the fact that I look half tired most of the time. So when I pretend to get pissed of at a friend and use that quote.

" Welcome to *****-Whuppins 'R Us" Evil Dead games. I also use this when i'm threatening someone.

"I would just like to have an IQ just north of the negatives" I use this to insult this guy at school, Bit of a bastard.

" As a rule, You generally don''t turn your back on a gun weilding maniac" Used by me in Internet Deathmatches. I suck up to them then blast them in the back. Also used by me at Laser Skirmishes.

" Why do you fight fire with fire, Thats the only time you should not fight with fire besides water based incidents.- Made by me due to my preference of flamethrowers in a videogame as well as blowing stuff up Oil Barrels.

" Why do people complain about violence in games, Do people go on mass killing sprees everday? Does everyone run around the streets toting a gun?- Used by me and I'm pretty sure that I made it up. And I am aware that nearly every Adult Texan totes a gun.

" Fear the wrath of my many evil things and their sharp pointy teeth"- Used by me, Quoted from when I used to battle my friend on my pokemon game.

"If i didn't kick so much ***, I'd feel a tad akward' Taken from Warcraft 3, I go a bit insane in a videogame so when I finished kicking *** I sometimes use this quote.

" There are no friends in this world, Only potential Rivals" I have no idea who made this upbut I find it to be a good meaning behind it. It means to never trust anyone (Yep i'm paranoid).
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[COLOR=DarkRed]A reminder to everyone again. Everyone please explain why the quote is important to you. Just posting random quotes is not acceptable. If this thread continues to be a copy/paste festival of quotes I will have to close this thread. Be sure when quoting your favorite sayings you explain why it is meaningful or important to you.

If you are one of those who have just quoted without posting your reasons of why it is meaningful to you, please use the edit button on your post to add the missing details. Thanks!

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Guest x mouse x
my excuse for everything stupid i do: DAMN these raging teenage hormones!!!
^^partially stolen from my girl tiffany^^

works every time ^_~
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Whee. Useless video game quotes;

"We must pass our torch and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light." -Solid Snake

That one is from the Japanese version of Metal Gear Solid 2, at the end. It basically means what it says, that all things come full-circle. No matter what we do with our lives, it will be noted, and we pass on both the good and the bad, whether we want to or not.

"Loyalty to the 'end'." -The Boss

From Metal Gear Solid 3, though I have heard of it before. It means be true to yourself. 'End' is not the completetion of something, or dying, it is to yourself. You have to face whatever comes your way, no matter what, and stay strong on your path. It just really strikes me whenever I think hard on it.

"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -Solid Snake

Yet again, the idea that everything comes full-circle, and that fate is awaiting us. We can only hope to better ourselves by understanding this, and preparing for when it is our time. History always repeats itself. It is up to us and our children to decide how to look at it.

I have more, but I have to go right now.

In either case, interesting topic.
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[color=darkviolet]Yeah, I've been out for a few days. But my daughter was in the hospital, so I have an excuse

[b]You should always leave time in your day to poke yourself because you never know when you'll do something stupid.[/b]-This was either said by me or my husband because if one of us does something stupid we always tell the other one to poke themself. And you should have enough time to poke yourself, before someone else does it for you. Because if soemone pokes yourself for you they may poke too hard.

[b]No monkey, that is not candy that is hot lava!-Dexter from Dexter's lab[/b]-I thought this quote was funny because you should always warn people when they are about to eat hot lava instead of candy, because hot lava is not good to eat.

[b]Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go build a shrine to the pill.-Jane Mag[/b] I have to agree on this one because I think we should all go build shrines to the pill...well, maybe not all of us. But who ever is on the pill and has sex without a condom should build a shrine to the pill.

[b]If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her boyfriend?-Me[/b] I always thought that this was a pretty good question because everyone says that Barbie is very popular and everyone likes Barbie and Barbie is so nice. But hey, being nice is obviously not good enough because you have to go out and buy her boyfriend...and now she's breaking up with him. How ungrateful!

[b]There is no darkness like ignorance[/b]-I don't know who said this but it's true. If you walk around not knowing about anything different than what you were taught, it's like walking around in the dark.

[b]If we weren't idiots, we wouldn't be soldiers-Duo Maxwell[/b] Just so you know, my husband agrees with this statement. We know of quite a few idiot soldiers. And when you consider the fact that the people risk their lives and make barely enough to live on, it is kind of idiodic to join up. I'm not knocking what the soldiers do, but I think they should be paid more and given more consideration.

[b]No Grandma, don't eat the kitty!-shaggy from the first Scooby Doo movie[/b]-Kids, don't let your grandma eat kitties!

I'll do more later, I have a crapload of emails in my inbox I haven't checked since Tuesday.

[b]Oh, I thought of one more!

She's Crying! Megan fix her!-Megan Lincoln's cousin about Abby. [/b] This was just funny because it had just been one of those very weird days. I had managed to get a speeding ticket in a town I'd never heard of until that day and we were all being silly. Our waitress at TGIFridays, which was where this quote happened was even Megan and there was an Ashley with us. So well, I don't know why i mentioned that. But it was really funny when Megan wanted me to fix Abby.[/color]
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