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Results of Tsunami


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[color=darkslateblue] So, now that the tsunami has come and gone, I just thought I'd bring up the topics of the results of the tsunami. (If this is a bad thread since there's already a topic about the tsunami in general, then by all means do whatever with it)

Recently, most of the things I've heard of are all the homeless people (obviously), thousands of stray dogs wandering the streets, masses of dead bodies, and the rumor that orphans whos parents died in the tsunami are being kidnapped and sold into the slavery/sex trade (how vile and corrupted would you have to be to do that?). I've been watching Andercon Cooper's show for a while now, so I just though I'd make it a thread. >_> Any comments?[/color]
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[SIZE=-3]Whoa, I knew about all that but...they are taking orphans and turning them into sex slaves? Whoa, situation needs to be remedied...like very soon. That's just horrible.

Anyways, so the death count is now over what? 160,000? And still climbing? It's just one bad situation after another over there.[/SIZE]
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well yeah orphans that relief workers dont find are meeting bad fates. dont think uniformed soldiers and red cross are taking kids from shelters and selling them.

and another interesting bit of information for any soccer (or futboll) fans. zinedine zidane was on a beach when the tsunami hit. one of the best players in the world. i dont know if they found him yet or not.
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[COLOR=#B33D79]Yeah, and it might be one of the few options open for those who were left in the wake of the tsunami. *shudder*

Say, didn't Maldives' government say that they were running low on potable water and that communicable diseases were spreading in evacuation centers? Am I right? Was it Maldives?

Love and Peace![/COLOR]
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Guest PunkOtaku
Wow...selling orphans for sex slaves???? It very well could happen, and it's just sad that that's what this world has come to. I mean, really!
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[QUOTE=MehrLicht]well yeah orphans that relief workers dont find are meeting bad fates. dont think uniformed soldiers and red cross are taking kids from shelters and selling them.

and another interesting bit of information for any soccer (or futboll) fans. zinedine zidane was on a beach when the tsunami hit. one of the best players in the world. i dont know if they found him yet or not.[/QUOTE]

[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=SeaGreen] I'm pretty sure if this guy, Zinedine Zidane, you speak of was on the beach he clearly would have died. Probably haven't found the body because most of them got washed away. So far they have only found 12 lieing on the beach. Horrible tragedy that sadly no one saw coming. As for turning Orphans into Sex Slaves, I could see that happening on a lower scale, I doubt they could steal them from the centers though, they'd have to pick them up off the ground themselves I would think ;/ Still really sad though. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Thanking Heaven for small blessings, most of the industrial areas of the victem countries weren't damaged. The humanitarian cost is overwhelming, but aside from the tourism industry, their economy won't suffer inland.

Yeah...that's about the only positive scenario.
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Guest Shadowhawk
Though the tragedy of the Tsunami is bad, there are far worse situations happening in Sudan, amongst other places, that could require more attention. The Tsunami relief will be concluded in a month or so, then people will change their views to a different matter.

An unfotunate turn of the events, the worst Natural Disaster in centuries.
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the thing about kidnaping orphans is true, I saw it on the news. :( They managed to save 20 kids, that's how they knew it wasn't just a rumor.

I think it's great that so many people are getting together and collecting money and so, but it's kinda sad that it takes something as big as this to make them do it

Still keep the money rolling :)

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