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Favorite OB Member


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Okay, there have been a few threads about members and whatnot, but I would like to know who is your favorite member on OB(please, no one you know in real life). My favorite is definately Lore. Sara seems to post what I would of said before I can say it plus something extra, and seems to poke fun at people whenever she can. I didn't choose her because she is a mod, but it helps that she doesn't explode on people when they break the rules(unlike some of the guys). And when people ask for things(including a recent banning), she does her best to help. That's why Lore is my favorite member.
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[size=1]I honestly could not narrow it down to one person. There are so many things you could look at, from humour, to quality, to post count, to thread ideas, to general cool-ness. I think we should just wait until the Otaku Awards [or whatever they're called now] rock around.[/size]
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[quote]I didn't choose her because she is a mod, but it helps that she doesn't explode on people when they break the rules(unlike some of the guys).[/quote]
Morpheus knows why I explode on people when they break the rules...


:bawl:[/inside joke]

[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1]I think we should just wait until the Otaku Awards [or whatever they're called now'] rock around.[/size][/quote]Good idea. In addition to that, the "Which OtakuBoards Member Would You Like to Meet in Real Life" thread essentially serves a similar purpose to this popularity contest.
So, there you have it. My favorite member is Charles because he closed this thread before one-thousand inane responses rolled in, insisting on meeting James and riding kangaroos. For that reason, and that reason only, Charles should be your favorite member too. I'll accept everyone's thanks via the private messaging system.
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