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n00b Sabers


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What does everyone think? For what I wanted to do with it, I think it turned out pretty well. It's not supposed to look like a work of art that you'd find in the Gugenheim or anything...it's pretty much just a fun and goofy little thing, and I think the art style reflects that. I do like the message of the piece, lol.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]I love the way you done this! No hidden messages, no inside jokes, just one clear message to ward off n00bs, wonderful.

I must say, that n00b design is wonderful, I really wanna pull that tooth out...but that would involve touching him...which is a bad thing, me thinks.

I like the way you used the Star Wars text for the message at the bottom, it's probably a really obvious thing, but it adds a touch more...reality to it.

Very nice job overall, you should do a series.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Wow. That was funny. But not all n00bs are like the ones in your comic. I mean, weren't we all n00bs at one time or another?

Anyway, I love the way the l33t was thrown in there. I actually had to re-read the part where the n00b said "That's totally dark side," mainly because of the mispelling of 'side.'

I'll give it an ... [B]8.5/10[/B]
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[quote name='Altron']But not all n00bs are like the ones in your comic. I mean, weren't we all n00bs at one time or another?[/quote][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]Well, from what I can tell, most people make a distinction with newcomers. There are n00bs, and then there are newbs. n00bs are the humorous stereotypes, while newb (newbie) is just a sane, coherent person who is new to the scene.

As for the comic, I think the whole look of the n00b and his comment about being on the Dark Side is what makes the whole work shine. It's very true, and yet stereotypical at the same time, and the execution is clever.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[i]tat is soo keeewl!!!1
me da farce be wif u,[/i]


Nice work Alex, both episodes are really great. Both he humor and the art are top-notch.
I find it rather interesting that you made the Jedi and light-sided characters the n00bs.

May the force be with you. :smirk:
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[size=1]Everyone knows that Siren is Sith, right?

Anyway, I liked both of those, but I thought the message in the first one was better, as well as the...'plot' if you will. It made me laugh, whereas the second one made me smile. The first comic's humour was more subtle, and had more finesse than the second one. But they're both good.
I demand a regular series.[/size]
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#3. I had a lot of fun with this one, because it's something I always felt might happen if everyone could understand R2D2, because that would make C3PO pretty much useless, and most excellent airlock fodder...
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[size=1]Haha. As you said, C3PO does look pretty funky, but by no means did you do a shocking job of it. It's quite good in fact. As with the second one, I found the first one to be my favourite, just because of the style of humour in it. It's good, but you have yet to top the first one ;)[/size]
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