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My Own Manga! Is It A Good Idea?

Guest PugznRoku

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Guest PugznRoku
My idea is! (that's based on an RP i did with some friends)
Pugz (aged 16), a fighter from a distant planet comes to Earth on a journey to find out more about herself. On Earth she arrives at an Inn where she meets Clouku a Totun from the planet Totun, his sons Clouken and Kain, daughter Clover, his Wife Solar from the planet Solan, and various other characters.

Pugz's childhood wasn't a very happy one. Her mother died when she was 5 and she had trouble being able to defend herself at such a young age. She lived with a family but they mistreated her so she left. She traveled around the universe all alone although she had a guardian angel, an evil spirit that lives inside of her developed a soft spot for Pugz but as time grew by the spirit became jelous of her having a body and wants out.

Pugz is an easy going teenager but can be nervous around new people because she doesn't trust them. She has many adventures, some involving herself, some involving Clouku's past and some that are there because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Everyday is different and the people they fight are no pushovers.

What do ya think? Dumb right?
Thank You,
and Christine for the idea!
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[FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]I'm having a hard time understanding the universe and the main character's occupation. Besides that, it seems pretty nice. Does the character have two spirits (guardian angel and evil spirit), or just one that was good originally and became bad? Also, is fighting like some popular universal sport that the main character just has a knack for and can bring in the money?

From what I've read here, I think the biggest uncertainty is "Why is the main character fighting?" Aside from that, it sounds pretty nice.

Hope that helps.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Guest PugznRoku
[QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]I'm having a hard time understanding the universe and the main character's occupation. Besides that, it seems pretty nice. Does the character have two spirits (guardian angel and evil spirit), or just one that was good originally and became bad? Also, is fighting like some popular universal sport that the main character just has a knack for and can bring in the money?

From what I've read here, I think the biggest uncertainty is "Why is the main character fighting?" Aside from that, it sounds pretty nice.

Hope that helps.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

She fights because she needs to defend herself. As she travels around the universe she gets into all types of danger and fighting becomes all she knows.

As for the spirit, its just one. She was origonaly good but becomes so jelous of the character she begins to hate her.

Is it easier to understand now?

thanks for replying ppl ^_^
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  • 4 weeks later...
However cool it may sound or be, making a manga off of an RP is too demanding and a really bad idea. Unless the details of the character interaction is not solely based off of your experiences playing the RP.

What I'm trying to say is that you don't want to copy your experiences of the RP into the comic itself. Try to MAKE UP specific scenes and personalities, because trying to be true to someone else's character's personality(dot for dot) is hazardous.

For example:
If (somehow) you screwed up on a character's action or re-action, it could change the entire scene to something that you did not intend it to turn into. Thus the order of scenes that would have normally taken place in the future could seem out of place when you get to it, because of the fact that you screwed up on an action in a previous scene.

However, using an RP as practice(not a long term commitment) is an excellent idea!!

If you were just saying that you were going to use only the actual idea and major plot as a reference to your comic, than I apologize for any confusion earlier and I will shut up now.
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Guest PugznRoku
[QUOTE=Xy GGu]However cool it may sound or be, making a manga off of an RP is too demanding and a really bad idea. Unless the details of the character interaction is not solely based off of your experiences playing the RP.

What I'm trying to say is that you don't want to copy your experiences of the RP into the comic itself. Try to MAKE UP specific scenes and personalities, because trying to be true to someone else's character's personality(dot for dot) is hazardous.

For example:
If (somehow) you screwed up on a character's action or re-action, it could change the entire scene to something that you did not intend it to turn into. Thus the order of scenes that would have normally taken place in the future could seem out of place when you get to it, because of the fact that you screwed up on an action in a previous scene.

However, using an RP as practice(not a long term commitment) is an excellent idea!!

If you were just saying that you were going to use only the actual idea and major plot as a reference to your comic, than I apologize for any confusion earlier and I will shut up now.[/QUOTE]

No it's not soley based on th RP of course i'll change a few things, like storylines and where it's set (we set it near west city) but the only thing i WON'T change is the characters personalities. The characters were probably based on my m8s personalities, hell i think they were my m8s personalities so i won't change their creations.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote name='PugznRoku']...a fighter from a distant planet comes to Earth on a journey to find out more about herself...[/quote]
[size=1][color=DarkGreen]Hmm... that's the main bit that seems to jar for me. I think she needs a more concrete reason to be on Earth, even if it's something as overused as 'she wakes up there one day with no idea how she got there...' Maybe she heard she had family on Earth or something? Or, if the majority of the characters are Totun, maybe it doesn't have to be on Earth at all? That would certainly allow you more scope to create new and interesting people and places for the party to go to.

My main advice would be to make sure you have a deeper agenda running through the story, rather than just having the characters accidentally stumble into situations and battles. I like the spirit living inside her, that sounds like it has potential.

There's my two pence. (I'm English.) Hope it's helpful.
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I can't seem to get the plot i mean what genre is it, i don't mean to be harsh but i don't get it, is it a mecha?, or a comedy?, or an action adventure?. Just beacuse one person has started this off now everyone wants help. i can understand if you are have trouble with wirtting storylines, but a manga should be what you want it to be and how you should believe it should be told. i am trying my hardest to make a manga of my own, i have even just bought the getting started book on how to draw manga.
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