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What made you cry?


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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]i was wondering has there ever been a anime/manga episode that has made u cry physicly or emotional or made u think hard
the one that made me cry was 1 episode in cowcoy bebop. a man was dealing drugs i think but he was working with hustlers. he realy wasn't a bad man he was jus tryin to get money for his sister and he tried so hard that he will do anything for her even if it ment taking his life.he was not all that old about 20.after all the trouble he got into for his sister(he wanted to get money for his sister's operation, she is blind) they shoot him cant remember why but while he was dying in spike's arms his last words where something like 'you where my only friend' but he said to him that he was his only friend overall and he didnt get to see his sister have the operation. [/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[COLOR=#503F86]I'm willing to keep this discussion open so long as it remains sensible- no short, spammy replies and [b]spoiler tags must be used[/b] if the moment you're describing includes an important spoiler to a series.

In future shamanluver, please try and add more to a discussion when starting a thread; perhaps explaining what you found a particularly emotional section in an anime series and why it affected you so much. Try and refrain from using abbreviations in posts and thread titles as well, please.[/COLOR]
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[FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]Do you mean something that made you actually physically cry, or just feel torn on the inside?

I would say that I haven't cried at some of the more appropriate times, but I've physically cried at Naruto's Mist Saga ending, just because of how unexpected the whole episode was. And they were pretty convincing with [SPOILER]Sasuke's death, since they didn't focus on him for a few episodes after his supposed death[/SPOILER].

The most recent time I cried (maybe over the summer? can't remember) was over the ending of Gunslinger Girl. It was just so beautiful, haha. It was incredible, and very touching. There was so much there (including good music). Funny enough, my mood turned foul when I saw the GSG thread here. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Guest Numiami
In Inuyasha:The Castle Beyond The Looking Glass (movie #2), the part when [spoiler]Kaguya was changing Inuyasha into a permanent demon and Kagome was trying to save him.[/spoiler] That brought a tear to my eye. :(
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it only brought 'a' tear, Numiami? well, i can slightly agree with you. ...i was wondering when they were going to shut up. i dunno that it literally made me cry, but in full metal alchemist when [spoiler]the little girl and the dog got transmuted into a chimera, and later killed,[/spoiler] that about made me sick. i think it was the next episode, but the [spoiler]butchers mentality also threw me for a loop. i think he said 'because i can' when asked why he killed the women[/spoiler]. fruits basket also had a few sad parts in it. it was mostly funny though
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I'd have to say, a part that made me sad was in one of the animated sonic movies, you know, the cool ones from Japan and such, is when [spoiler]he has to fight his uncle chuck who was robotisized... turned into a robot.[/spoiler] By the way, that is an old, old movie so don't worry about trying to remember it... And yes, that part in the Second Inu-Yasha move was sad...
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In Trigun, [spoiler] When Legato forces Vash to kill him in order to save the girls. I shed a tear, because of how much I admired Legato's loyalness at that point. i mean, to lose your own life to cause another pain. That is truly sick. This in my opinion is what literally broke Vash, giving ultimate victory to Knives, despite what happens in the end of the series.[/spoiler]
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In Bleach, (manga, not the anime) there are several instances that make me almost tear up. First off the "Memories In the Rain" chapters in vol. 3 really hit me, where Ichigo [spoiler]reflects on the death of his mom and how his life and the lives of his family members completely changed after those events and how he blamed himself for it. also the second Memories in the rain chapter later in the series involving Rukia and the death of Vice Capt. Kaien was really impactful. [/spoiler] Though when they did that scene in the anime, it really didn't have the same kick that it did in the manga. Another part that kinda made me tear up was in vol. 13, I pretty much hated Zaraki Kenpachi at first, but after [spoiler] his fight with Ichigo when he was on the verge of dying and it flashbacked to his past and how he was alone and nameless his entire life until he met Yachiru when she was just an orphen, and named her "after the only person he ever loved". my aspects of him completely changed and he's one of my favorites now. [/spoiler] And lastly in vol. 15 when Hinamori [spoiler] practically looses her mind after the murder of Capt. Aizen and forces herself to fight Capt. Hitsugaya until her hands bleed from holding her sword so tightly. [/spoiler] that scene really got me.

theres tons of other great scenes in the series, but i'll just stop there.
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It has been quite a long while since an anime made me cry. Many have made me feel sad or upset, but for crying the only one in recent history to do that is [I]Grave of the Fireflies[/I]. Since it is based on author Akiyuki Nosaka's true life story it really upset me. In 1945 Nosaka's [spoiler]mother was killed during a bombing of their hometown Kobe. Because their father was away fighting the war he had to take care of his little sister the best he could. Eventually she died of malnutrion and Nosaka wrote "Grave of the Fireflies" as atonement for his sister's death.[/spoiler]

As you watch [I]Grave of the Fireflies[/I] it is almost impossible to separate your feelings from the main characters Seita and his little sister Setsuko. Knowing that the story is based on true life events tears your heart up. I just wanted to take both those kids out of that situation and take care of them. Even thinking about that story now makes me sad.

There are so many moments in the story that bring tears to my eyes, but nothing like the moment when [spoiler]Seita brings the watermelon to Setsuko who is laying in bed dying of malnutrion. She is sucking on marbles pretending they are candy. She takes just a tiny bit of the melon before she passes away. Seita tried so hard to care for her but couldn't.[/spoiler] It broke my heart to watch those children go through that difficult time. My hubby watched the movie once and said he can't watch it again since it was too upsetting. Great movie but very, very powerful.
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Full Metal Alchemist, episode 25 T_T

[spoiler] The entire end half of the episode with Hughes dying... It also made me hate Envy ^^; but it was like if just got worse as I kept watching... first Hughes is killed by Envy, then his daughter going "Why are they burrying daddy when he said he had a lot of work to do?" at the funeral, and then Roy crying T_T and saying "It's starting to rain" to hide the fact he's crying >_< [/spoiler]
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[quote name='GTK']Full Metal Alchemist, episode 25 T_T[/quote][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]Haha, episode 25 is etched in my mnd. I didn't even need to read your spoiler to know what you are talking about, as this is both the middle of the series (25 out of 51) and the middle of the story.

This episode is one of the things I was referring to when I said there were more appropriate times I should have cried but I didn't. In this case, the whole event was so unbelieveable that I just sat there in stupor as the credits rolled. I had such a hard time accepting what just happened, until [SPOILER]the casket was being taken to the grave[/SPOILER], and [SPOILER]the Flame Alchemist's crying[/SPOILER] proved that this wasn't some kind of ploy. I watched it over because all the events happened so quickly. Like episode 7, they had a different ending for this episode.

And yeah, I hate him too, haha. He's such a pompous jerk.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Guest Numiami
[COLOR=Black][I][B]Apparently Full Metal Alchemist is a depressing show :p everyone cying over it, never seen it myself maybe i should look into it :rotflmao: [/B][/I][/COLOR]
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Episode 15 of fruits basket made me cry. That was when [spoiler]Momiji was telling Tohru about his mom.[/spoiler]

[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added [spoiler] tags. Please be mindful of what you could be revealing to people who haven't seen the series (much like myself). Also, please try and add more detail to your posts in future- although the quality's okay, this is bordering on being too short. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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Well, I don't really know how to make a spoiler tag thingy, so I won't tell what happened, but only the attributes that made me cry.

Now, I don't really cry when watching animes, but I sort of do without the tears. I was watching 'X', and yes, that is the actual title. It was in the end, when the main character Kamui himself was crying. I was also crying inside because of why he was crying. It was depressing to what made him cry. :bawl: Because it is an older anime, you should check with your nearest movie rental place. They likely will not have it as my blockbuster doesn't..but it is a very good, if it is sad, movie. Thanks!

[color=navy][size=1]To create spoiler tags, just type [spoiler]text[/*spoiler], minus the asterisk. Thanks for being considerate of other members. ^_^

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i cryed to the end of salior moon the fight with queen barll (what ever her name is) [spoiler]when salior moon was shooting the beam of light at her and ther other salior scouts where grabing her hands but they where really there ghost's[/spoiler] and the vary vary ending of sailor moon im talking last one ever made due to it being boot lag i should not say much but [spoiler]have the same ending song and animtion at the end of every show till the last one was said bucase that ment no mor salior moon[/spoiler] ~tear~

naruto [spoiler]the death of Haku that right there made me cry [/spoiler] and i did not want to read naruto for a few days

(((uummm the color thingy ant working i must be doing it wrong)))
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In Trigun, episode 23 when [spoiler]Wolfwood got shot and gave a speech about how he didn't want to die like that, and about his idea about what paridise would be like. and then....he....just DIED![/spoiler]:bawl:
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A couple of things--first of all, please make an effort to explain why the anime you're mentioning made you cry. I just deleted a couple of posts dealing with Wolf's Rain; the members who made said posts are welcome to reply again, so long as they at least say why the show affected them emotionally. Use spoiler tags, of course.

dragonandante, I didn't delete your post because, though brief, it's clear (short posts with good post quality >>> short posts with poor post quality). Elaboration would be appreciated, though--I'm quite curious about which part of Saikano hit you the hardest. Personally, I found [spoiler]Akemi's death[/spoiler] more tragic than the last few episodes of the series. >_>;;

Secondly, I'd like to thank those of you who used spoiler tags. [b]For everyone who doesn't know how to make them, all you have to do is type [spoiler]text[/*spoiler], minus the asterisk.[/b] There's no need to bother with using light font colors or anything, heh. If you make a post and later see that it's been spoiler-tagged, please don't change it back! This means a mod has edited your post--we don't always have time to leave an accompanying note (though we try to do so whenever possible).

@SteelAngle Somi: Try to sprinkle some commas and periods in there next time. Thanks. ^_~

I think that's all. So far almost everyone's been pretty good about implementing spoiler tags and such. Also, the first couple of posts in this thread (basically the entire first page, actually) are excellent examples of the kind of replies we look for in topics like this. If you have no idea what I mean when I say "good post quality," just read over those. Thanks again. ^_^

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I'm not sure what the exact definition of crying is...I've never bawled at any anime, but I have shed a few tears and gotten a lob in my throat upon watching the afforementioned scenes of Full Metal Alchemist as well as when in Wolf's Rain [spoiler]Blue's owner (don't recall his name) from long ago is meets Blue in the alley.[/spoiler]
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You know that spoiler tag code is really helping because now I can say what made me cry from X!

Well, in the end, [spoiler]Kamui was confronted by his former best friend Fuuma. But Fuuma was the dragon of Earth and Kamui was of Heaven. So when Fuuma attacked Kamui, Kamui had to kill his own friend! By cutting off his head! Then the movie ended with Kamui cradling Fuuma's head in his arms and crying his eyes out, for he was more than depressed for having to kill his best friend![/spoiler] Thats why I cried. It was sooo sad. It still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. But...thats really the only anime I've ever cried over.
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Guest Dark Angel103
:( [COLOR=Cyan]undefined[/COLOR][SIZE=2]undefined[/SIZE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]undefined[/FONT] I cried on Full Metal Alchemist, when Al and Ed's mom died T.T I cried the next day too, it would be hard to lose a parentT.T
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There have been many anime that have made me cry - most have been mentioned by others here so I won't repeat them.

The one that stands out in my mind that made me physically cry, and emotianlly drained me, was a Cowboy Bebop episode.

[spoiler] The one where Ed leaves. Faye has just discovered her past, Spike is re-discovering his, Jet can see that everyone is heading in their own direction and the team is breaking up. You can feel the end is near and the happy times are over. [/spoiler]

I think a lot of what made it so emotional is the music. For me there can be something sad happening, but as soon as you add music to enhance it I'm bawling my eyes out!
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