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What made you cry?


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What I found made me cry is when [spoiler] Toboe died at the close to end of wolf?s rain. It not only ****** me off I had an emotional episode. After Toboe died and the commercials came I went to get a tissue. It was quite the episode. I love Toboe. [/spoiler]
Another thing is in Cowboy Beebop [spoiler] when Spike died it made me feel emotionally torn inside. He fought for his girlfriend for one. She died as well. I feel real sorry for the guy. I just really wish I could do something for him other than give him money.[/spoiler]
This is all I feel for. I think also some that did [spoiler]die[/spoiler] in anime episodes had it coming to them.
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Guest KerosineSamurai
One of the Ova's for Samurai X called Reflection made a tear come to my eye, when [spoiler]Kaoru and Kenshin died in each others arms[/spoiler] it was sad thing.

Also in the episode with Vegeta in Dragonballz when [spoiler]he blew himself to smithereens but to not avail[/spoiler] I cried as well.

[color=#503f86][size=1][b]Added spoiler tags. Please be aware of what you could potentially be revealing to people who've not seen those animes yet. You can hide the text yourself by typing [*spoiler] and [*/spoiler], although excluding the asterisks (*). -Solo[/size][/color][/b]
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Guest xosweetpunkox
:bawl: mine waz the one on wolfs rain and [spoiler]the owner waz about to die and then the dog tryed to save him. but instied the dog waz about to die also so then the dog moved by the owner and rested his head down on to the owners chest and sheded a tear then the owner died and so did the dog.[/spoiler] it made me cry. :bawl:
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wow, this thread has so much black spots. Well, I didn't know you had to block out spoilers,I'm really sorry

[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]That's okay, but please be sure not to post replies that are unrelated to the subject of the thread, heh. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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[QUOTE] [B]Originally Posted by Dagger IX1[/B]

[I]Specifically, episode 8 and the ending arc were what made me cry. Of course the ending is very well done and touching, but I was especially impressed and moved by episode 8, because it made me feel strongly about several characters who had never played a major role in the series before that point. The English voice acting in this episode is insanely good, and lends it a lot of emotional weight.[/I][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype]That is true, I believe that Episode 8 deals with Hattori, no? How sad for him, he must have been very lonely. But Tohru also helps him to understand everything just a little more.

I guess that's why the Sohma's like Tohru (with the exceptions of Hiro and Akito as far as the anime goes). She just has that certain way about her to help people with their problems.

As for the dubbing, John Burgmeier did an amazing job with the script. The dialogue is so flowing and natural, I give him a lot of credit, and he was also very entertaining as Shigure Sohma.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=royalblue][FONT=ComicSansMS][size=4]Well I?m a crier, but I would have to agree with Dagger IX1 on X/1999 The Movie [spoiler]When the movie starts killing off all the members of both side of the fight, I knew it was going to be a hard ending. However, when Kotori is killed by Fuma (her brother) I just couldn?t hold back any more. In addition the ending where Kamui beheads Fuma in the final battle for the future of the earth was just so shocking and intense. I could not believe he had to watch the death of his childhood sweetheart and then have to kill her murder, who was also his childhood friend who he had swore to protect and watch over! [/spoiler]

I also have to agree with KerosineSamurai on Ova's for Samurai X, but all of the series not just Reflection. [spoiler]When Tomoe is killed by Kenshin trying to protect Kenshin, had to be one of the most emotional romantic death scenes I have ever seen. As well as the end of the series when Kenshin comes home to Kaoru and dies in her arms,[/spoiler] I couldn?t help but cry and hope for such a love in my own life.

One other ending of a series would have to be the ending of Pretear! [spoiler]The death of Sasame for his love of Takako and Hayate selfless protection of Himeno, was just such heart wrenching show of love and devotion. [/spoiler]

Many other above me have mentioned many emotional endings/scenes/moments in the animes; Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Trigun, and many others. Which only reinforces my believe that animes are just more then cartoons, as so many non anime lovers like to say! There are well written stories that draw the viewers in with awesome art as well as a great plot![/size][/FONT][/COLOR]
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I don't cry about anime usually, but [spoiler]the entire scene with Wolfwood in "paradise" where he's talking about wanting to go on living, and was his whole life a lie, was he wrong all those years...and then he dies all alone...[/spoiler] That actually made me cry.

Also [spoiler]the scene that opens right after Vash shoots Legato...with him freaking out, and then you just hear him screaming...[/spoiler] That almost made me cry.

But other than that, none have made me cry thus far.
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  • 1 month later...
What made me want to cry....oh god where do i begin?....lesse.

In trigun.....[spoiler]Wolfwood's death....*pays homage, lol*[/spoiler]

In Wolf's Rain....[spoiler]Toboe's death...He was my fave.[/spoiler]
In Witch Hunter Robin...[spoiler]When Amon was shot...when Amon returned...Amon...period.[/spoiler]

Episode 7 Of Full Metal Alchemist...I think it's been said quite a bit.

In cowboy bebop.....

[spoiler]Spike (dying): " Bang."

Me( dropping pillow and remote): " WHAAAATT!!!! NOOOOOOOOOoooooooo :wow: !......*pays homage*[/spoiler]

Another in Bebop: [spoiler]" Hello self...How are you feeling? Did you sleep well? " - young Faye.[/spoiler]
In Ghost in the shell: [spoiler](best episode ever....)" I'd thought I'd pretend I was one of those Meaf-Mutes." [/spoiler]
2nd best: [spoiler]The serial killer...aw crap...I'll edit when I remember.[/spoiler]
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[COLOR=Blue]I never really cried while watching an anime, but I have been moved very much.

In Trigun (*Spoiler) when Vash was forced to kill Delgato. Vash never killed anyone, no matter how evil or vile they are. But Delgado gave Vash little choice, or his freinds would die. It was quite an impact. It also made Vash realize that he can't keep running, and face his psycotic brother Knives once and for all.

In Gundam Seed(*spolier). Kira spotted a ZAFT mobile suit scout while checking the area for enimies while The Archangle resupllied at the bombed out colony. He knew if he didn't stop it, ZAFT would find them, and come down hard on them. He had no choice but to destroy it, and kill the pilot. He slammed his fists into the control panel in fustration. He deeply hated what he had to do.

DBZ when (*spoiler) Goku desided to go on to the afterworld, and leave the others behind. Gohan just beat Cell, and Goku thought that most of the trouble that happened of late is because of him, so it's best that he stays dead. He told Gohan he had complete faith in him, and was very very proud of him too. Wow. What a guy.

I get moved alot by cetain moments in animes. I could list them all, but that would take a couple months.


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[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Oh I cried in the Naruto episodes that show Gaara's past. I think around episodes 70-80ish was it? It was so sad and I just wanted to jump into the T.V. and hug him. I don't want to give it away to people who havent seen it but it was REALLY sad and I don't blame him for ANYTHING he does in the show. I dont even feel very sorry(kind of) to the people he kills. I mean if I had his past and that was supposedly my sole purpose for being alive, I'd be killing people too. Not that people have to worry!!! I don't mean that like it sounds!! :animeswea And everytime they play the slow music in Naruto it just makes me think of depressing things and I get teary. Curse the pretty/sad music!! :animecry: I looooooooooove Gaara...[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Ah, I'm so used to those animes where they make it look like a really important charcter died, but then in the next episode or next few episodes something completely supernatual happened to revive that charcter. (Messing with my mind y'know? =^-.-^=)
So now, whenever something thats supposed to be really sad happens I have to re-watch it or watch the next few episodes to make sure... =^n.n^;=

I found Last Exile's Final episodes really the meaning of bitter sweet. When [spoiler] Sophia gave the command to fire at Maestro Delphine's ship, and she knew Alex was still inside, I reached for the Kleenex. The fact he had killed the Maestro all himself made me feel a little better, but then his final word was heart-wrenching... oi... and then the look on Sophia's face when she was informed Alex had spoken before his death; arg! (Im guessing she thought he was already dead when she ordered the ship to be blown down)
Wolf's Rain- with Toboe's death dragged out for a week I was a little confused. The first week (I watched it first on Adult Swim) They showed Toboe sacraficing his life for Quent, then ended the episode. I knew I should be upset because Toboe was the one who kept the whole pack together, but I wasn't. The following week, however, when Toboe actually got up again, and limped the way he did over to Quent, I couldn't stop crying because I knew with his breathing hard like that, and the blood oozing from his chest he wouldn't be alive very much longer. Then the old man went and died, and the look on Blue's face brought a second wave of tears to my face. The way the charcters reacted, (especially Tsume) and the song they played while showing Toboe with his grandmother in Paradise/Heaven... Ahck! Whever I hear that song on my soundtrack I just... =^v_v^= [/spoiler]

Maybe I'm just a big softie, but if Fullmetal Alchemist compells so many people to be upset as well, I may be in for buying another box of tissues.
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Guest vasheschic_15
what made me cry was on full metal allchemist when the little girls father had joined her and her dog to create this thing only for money and that at the end the guy with the scar on his face had :blowup: the girl and dog joined together and was on the wall with blood everywhere. if only the father wouldnt have done that :bawl:
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When Asahina Hiroko was Used Bye the Mu for the dolem Vibrato and Ayato Killed the Dolem to protect Asahina not knowing he had Killed her I was Stunned and thrown to the Floor. That was the most Emotional Episode of andy anime or manga i have ever read or watched.
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I'm terrible. I cry at everything from Oprah Winfrey to Ben Hur. :animecry: :animecry:

Urm, but I guess the animes that I particularly remember for inducing tear glands are Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (I cried out of rage. I HATE that boyfriend-stealing blue haired girl. I was so sorry for Haruka!) and... strangely enough, Gravitation. The way Yuki treated Shindou sometimes was so much like an old boyfriend of mine... I was crazy about him but he turned out to be a big jerk. I too remember being distracted the whole day because of the cold way he treated me, and sadly, falling asleep outside his door after pleading with him to let me in!

THANKFULLY those days are over. The difference is that of course Yuki treated Shindou so erratically because he had such a troubled past himself that he couldn't deal with it even though he really loves SHindou. In my case, MY ex-boyfriend was just a huge jerk!!
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I don't usually cry over anything, but the funeral in Yu-Yu-Hakusho hit a little to close to home, reminded me of my brother's funeral. *he was only twenty when he died*

I also cried at the last episode of season one of Fushigi Yugi - The Mysterious Play when [spoiler] Tamahome returns home and finds his entire family has been murdered [/spoiler]

Other series have had me feeling a little mysty eyed but nothing like Yu-Yu Hakusho and Fushigi Yugi - The Mysterious Play did.
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Guest BakuraShindou
what made me cry was episode 25 of full metal alchemist when [spoiler]hughes dies and he was being barried[/spoiler]...it was so sad
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Guest Animehanyou13
I cried for the last few episodes of Wolf's Rain, and I cried from one of the episodes of Full Metal Alchemist just from being EXTREMELY nervous, lets see and then there was Princess Mononoke, and also there was Gundam Seed. That's all I can think about right now but there is probably more.
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I cried out of sadness during that same episode of full metal alchemist somebody else mentioned during which the girl that had been combined with her dog through alchemy by her father was cruely murdered by scar. I also cried at the end of cowboy bebop but these were tears of joy at how beautifully and perfectly the series had ended although the ending wasnt entirely a happy one everything felt like it ended the way it had to the way it was meant to.
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Almost forgot until i saw my icon of samurai X upon exiting the thread Samurai X: Reflection was among the saddest stories I have seen I shed a tear or 2 at quite a few parts and found myselves covered in them at the end (but i wont ruin the ending for those of u who have yet to see it and plan on doing so)
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Guest Hieifan13
I cried through basicly the last two episodes of the Three Kingdoms dvd and when [spoiler]Yusuke[/spoiler] died for the second time he was just getting to be really cool. I also think the moment you mentioned in cowboy Bebop is sad it was a cool episode so were all the ones on the Three Kingdom's dvd I hope I'm not spoiling those episodes or anyhting by saying I cried :animeswea
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Okay, I have a LONG list on what made me cry, meh, but some of this stuff may spoil things to a few people:

When [spoiler]Wolfwood[/spoiler] died in Trigun.

When [spoiler]Spike[/spoiler] died in Cowboy Bepop.

When the [spoiler]android chica[/spoiler] dies in Kikaider.

When Kenshin [spoiler]leaves to Kyoto[/spoiler] in Rurouni Kenshin.

When [spoiler]Shia[/spoiler] died in Pita-Ten.

When [spoiler]everyone died[/spoiler] in Wolf's Rain.

When [spoiler]Haku[/spoiler] died in Naruto.

When [spoiler]Yoh[/spoiler] died in Shaman King.

When [spoiler]Tomoe[/spoiler] died in Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal

There's alot more but I can't think of any..my brain go splat right now..x.x
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