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My new (and depressing) art.


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The first one was a scratchboard for my art final. I call it "Blind." I got a 99% on it. Which means that my teacher wasn't a violent drunk that day. She was probably a nice drunk the day she graded them, because if she was a sad drunk, all the finals would have "mysteriously disappeared" like my older sister's did. ^_^

She's got no where to go. She can't tell if the vines are safe, and there's scary shadows behind her. She can't just give up and jump off the cliff, so she'll close her eyes. Then if she falls off, or walks into the vines, she can just let it happen and it won't be her fault. And maybe she'll walk into something good, but she's getting really close to walking off the edge.

The second one goes to the lyrics of Avril Levigne's "My Happy Ending." I drew this today, and it went with my mood of being dumpedness. My now-ex-boyfriend said he loved me, said he no longer cared about his ex, and it was all a lie. I think the song explains my feelings pretty well.

Yes, I meant it to be this scratchy and messy.
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I can see alot of feeling put into the first one, considering the look of pace and strength into the stroke (leave that up to arguement, I havn't touched a scratchboard in my life -_-;;) its has the turmoil of what I could guess how you're treading through this.
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[B]First picture.[/B] I like this one the best, out of your two you presented. In this drawing, all the texture made the page feel like it was 3-d, but the only qualm I have with this one, is the octopus/squid thing down the road. I'm guessing that's supposed to represent the source of her problems, and if so, I think you could've tried something else. At first glance, he looked like a gingerbread man. And an evil one at that. Maybe a weeping willow or something to that effect would've been more indicitive of her feelings?

[B]Second Picture.[/B] This one was rather plain, like you intended it to be, I suppose. The girl's face proportions are a little off, and made her feel somewhat flat. Her right leg felt like it was suspended in space or something.
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[QUOTE=Altron][B]First picture.[/B] I like this one the best, out of your two you presented. In this drawing, all the texture made the page feel like it was 3-d, but the only qualm I have with this one, is the octopus/squid thing down the road. I'm guessing that's supposed to represent the source of her problems, and if so, I think you could've tried something else. At first glance, he looked like a gingerbread man. And an evil one at that. Maybe a weeping willow or something to that effect would've been more indicitive of her feelings?

[B]Second Picture.[/B] This one was rather plain, like you intended it to be, I suppose. The girl's face proportions are a little off, and made her feel somewhat flat. Her right leg felt like it was suspended in space or something.[/QUOTE]

With that monster thing... I hate it. My teacher came to me halfway through and said "You need something in that space. Put a monster there." I just kinda went O_O. And did it, because the thing was for a grade. But I had no idea what to put there, and that's the best (worst) I came up with.

I knew there was something wrong with her leg. I think I'll fix it. ^_^ I'll probably completely redraw the picture eventually.
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[size=1][color=darkslategray]Wow, I really love the first one. The texture of the drawing only adds to the emotion I get from looking over it. I feel every scratch, I am chilled by every shade of darkness. I absolutely love it. [/size][/color]
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[quote name='wiccansamurai']With that monster thing... I hate it. My teacher came to me halfway through and said "You need something in that space. Put a monster there." I just kinda went O_O. And did it, because the thing was for a grade. But I had no idea what to put there, and that's the best (worst) I came up with.[/quote]

I think the teacher told you to put something in that space because it was a pocal point of the picture. The path and grass practically point directly at that space, and it being empty took alot away from the picture. Still, a weeping willow would've done better.
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