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Let ME Tell U What I Think About The Cube!!

Guest steve

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:cool: Well let me say that nintendo is the greatest video game company on the face of the earth!!!!!!! i just got back from the gamecube club here in dallas 20 minutes ago.....i`d have to say the nintendo gamecube is amazing and nothing short of that!!!the controlers to start are a nintendo fans dream come to life.. it just feels like the thing you should of been born with and should have always had in your hand..then the buttons once you play a few rounds you get down the smooth flow of them...then the box it`s self is just mind blowing..i mean this little thing about the third the size of a shoe box is putting out all the power before your eyes and you kind of don`t beleive this thing is real and for the public and not for the government...just to cut away from the cube for a sec...the cube club......well i just have to thank nintendo for giving me a night to remember..see i when to the 21 and up event at the club and MAXIM MAGAZINE was there and there was free beer and smirnof ice for everyone and there was no limit on how much you can drink...and there was also the modols..modols here..modols there...modols everywhere...they where what i call the smirnof ice girls.....anways a nuff with the modols...nintendo people gave away dvd`s, t-shirts and a whole lot of other goodies...sometimes they would come up to the booth where u were playing and say stuff like who ever scores the next touch down or who ever gets first place you d get this or you`d get that....you get the point...so on to the games..

well i didn`t play this much because this game is more of a ,i get home from school ,get of work kind of game...but i do say this that it looks cool and the story seems atleast ok and i can tell it will probly be a little shorter then mario 64 was but good non the less...so from 1 out of 10 i give it a 6 and a half

WAVE RACER BLUE (i think thats the name)
it looks great, the graphic`s look get and the controllablity is fantastic...but the tricks are hard to do and this maybe because i could not figure out how to boost...so i give this a 7

well i won a dvd playing it so i like it for that reason...but i not really a big fan of the game but i will say that it looks better then the old one (witch it should anyways) and it`s more in your face and faster as well.but it doesn`t mean much to me because it just made me wish that soulcaliber 2 was there but that will still be my dream..so i give it a 6

this i would have to say was the most loud game there and not from the game but the people playing it...me and other people as well would be yelling and cheering and i don`t know if it was from the beer or the game but everyone enjoyed the heck out of it!!!the graphic`s where great and the control was just as well..i mean i think it`s the best football game i`ve played even better than nfl2k..so i give this bad boy a 8 and a half

this game looks really good graphic`s wise..it`s feels pretty challeging..i didn`t play it but once but i would say that i will probly buy it...so i can`t say what i score it but for now i`m undecided.

this game is challeging as hel and looks just great...it plays well and has a lot of playablity factors to it...with you flying and running around...this game i will with out a doubt buy!!!but this game i wouldn`t allow myself to play much because i knew it just make me mad because i don`t have it for my own..so i give this 9

this game i didn`t play at all because there was either a line or i got hooked to another game...but from what i watched this is another game that i will buy...so a relitive 7 because i didn`t play it..

This game without doing it injustice is fanominal...in every way this game is just about as perfect as a game like this can be...the graphic`s are just WOW!!! this is one of those i will remember every moment i played of this game kind of games...from the death star to the hoath system this is the best starwars game i have ever seen!!!!!!! with that said i gets a 10 from me!!!

well i hope whoever reads this likes this because i`m tierd and ready to sleep the next week away til i can buy the gamecube...also i would like to thank the fine as hel girls at the gamecube club and say that i give every one of you a 10!:cool:
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modol = a model that is fake :D (just kidding. I know you said you were tired. . )

I would have loved to go to a club, but none were withing a state's traveling distance from me :bawl: so I will just have to wait SEVEN MORE DAYS!! WOOHOO . . seriously, they looked awsome, and maybe it was better that I didn't go, since I am only 20 :bawl: (soon though. . mwahahaha. . wait. . I am not an alchoholic!!. . )

Nice review, though from some of my own personal experiences and views of the games, I would have rated some of your choices a bit higher ^_^

SSBM a 6? :therock: . . wether or not you are not a fan, you have to own up to the fact that this game RULES!! :D . . sorry, I am better now.

Star Wars a 10 . . Awwww yeah!

P.S. I am thinking of making a film record of this day, and making a documentary sort of deal with it. . huh? who thinks it will rule?!?! LOL. . ok, that was all. . shutting up now. ^_^
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by steve [/i]

MADDEN 2002 10/10 hey what can i say im a football freak.



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