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What game would you play?


Which game would you play?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Which game would you play?

    • The game with the great graphics
    • The game with the great gameplay

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You have to play one game, and only have two choses. One of the games has the best graphics imaginable, but has horrible gameplay, while the other has the best gameplay you've ever seen, but horrible graphics. Which game would you play? (This question might seem quite obvious to some, but everyone looks for certain things in games)
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this ones easy neather as long as its got a great story line. it could be two pixels ong the screen and every time you battle you just press a buttin and win. aslong as it had a good story but good story lines are best with good game play. but if you ever played Xenosaga its got all three rolled in to one jawsome game.
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[color=#811C3A]I doubt that anyone, no matter what they say, will play a game that isn't fun. No matter how good a game looks, if it's not fun...chances are, you won't play it. Simple as that.

If I want great visual effects I can always watch a movie. If I want to play a game, I want to have a fun interactive experience. Nice visuals are a great addition (just like good music and sound), but they aren't what ultimately determine whether or not a game is a fun experience.[/color]
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i dont really think that the graphics matter as much as the gameplay. Any game can have good graphics, but they'll have horrible gameplay, which, me personally can't do. i would hands down pick the game with a good storyline. i dont really need the best graphics in the world to play a good game. as long as it has a good atory ill play it.
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[quote name='James][color=#811C3A']I doubt that anyone, no matter what they say, will play a game that isn't fun. No matter how good a game looks, if it's not fun...chances are, you won't play it. Simple as that.[/color][/quote]

[color=darkred]I guess I'm an exception, then. With Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, I played them purley and solely for the storyline. No lie. I guess I was curious to see how the game played as well, overall, but for the most part, it was definitely the stroyline. It's obvious to tell by the way I played both games, anyway, because instead of taking my time with them and playing through everything that the new systems had to offer, I rather rushed through them very impatiently, only stopping to actually see the cut scenes and whatnot. Man, they're so great.[/color]
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[quote name='Bombu][color=darkred'] I rather rushed through them very impatiently, only stopping to actually see the cut scenes and whatnot. Man, they're so great.[/color][/quote]

As far as MGS2 goes. It was the exact opposite for me. I loved the gameplay, but I wanted to kill myself everytime a cutscene came on. I guess that's just me though, lol.

Anway, it all depends on what you mean by horrible graphics. Most people said retro games, while, they didn't have horrible graphics. They just aren't as newfangled as all the games today. When I think of horrible graphics I mainly think of horribly pixelated/polygonated games. Or, graphics that hinder the gameplay, like framerate issues.

But. Yeah. I'd have to go with the majority of people. Graphics mean nothing to me as long as they don't have issues with framrate/choppyness. Gameplay is all there is.
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[quote name='Blinky']As far as MGS2 goes. It was the exact opposite for me. I loved the gameplay, but I wanted to kill myself everytime a cutscene came on. I guess that's just me though, lol.[/quote]

Well, not just you. There are plenty of people who cringed whenever a cutscene or conversation for MGS2 came up. Not me, really, as I was curious about everything, and willing to sit through it all, but I guess I'm weird like that. lol

I like looking at a particularly beautiful game, but that doesn't make up the entire experience for me. Rather, it's just one part of everything that comes together for a game to make the experience great as a whole. The graphics, the sound, the gameplay, and whatever else you would like to toss in there work together to make the game what it is.

With that said, I see gameplay as the most important part by far. Bad graphics/sound/etc. can make a game bad, but only if they interfere with the gameplay (i.e. horrible slowdown, distracting sound effects).
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Gameplay and storyline beat graphics everytime. It can be annoying when the graphics are crappy, but if the gameplay and storyline is good, then all is well. The proof of this being in FF8. Horrible, horrible graphics, but I love it anyway. Plus, it has cool cutscene graphics, which are really the only ones you need.
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I agree with the majority of poeple, Gameplay's more important, Even if a game was kicking a bucket(theoretically speaking) it could still have some gameplay, like multiplayer kick the bucket whoever kicks the bucket first wins.
Besides it could have a good storyline like someone stole mini-PS2 and put it under a bucket and nailed thousands empty buckets in the cityand you have to kick every bucket until you find your PS2.

Oh and Lord Rannos, FF8 had some of the best graphics of it's time.
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[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Lord Rannos: Final Fantasy 8 didn't have good gameplay. I hardly see the game with the worst battle system of any Final Fantasy game before or after it good. Plus the plot was a half-baked love story and executed very poorly. /endrant

But onto the question at hand, heh.

I've discussed this at length with Shinmaru and Sciros before, and I've come to the conclusion that I play games for the story, then the gameplay then the graphics, heh. Prolly why I'm such an FF7 fanboy, and can bearly play FF6 without yawning. >>

If the story is intriguing and the gameplay is at least half decent, I'll play a game regardless of the quality (or lack thereof) of the graphics, heh. If the graphics are there it certainly makes the experience more enjoyable, but it hardly makes the game in my opinion.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I see absolutely no point in playing a game solely for it's storyline. If I just want a storyline, I'll watch a movie. If I really want the games storyline, I'll look it up on the net. That's one reason I cannot stand ANY final fantasy games. I don't like the gameplay at all, but people said the storyline was great, so I played on. The problem was, I simply don't care for the characters at all. None of them seemed to have any character, and when one died, I couldn't have cared less. Sure, the game was pretty, but if it's not fun, why is it a game at all?

QuincyArcher, I'd like to see a game with photorealistic graphics, but the wow factor would wear off(a la DRIV3R).
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