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Ken: Sorry bro but i have to check to see if my mom, dad, and girlfriend are alright... good luck man... *hands him a m16* use it wisely...

Neil: Aight thanks.... lata...

*Ken runs off with his pistols drawn*

*Ken stops and looks to see his house completely demolished.... his mom and dad are on the floor, killed by zombies*

Ken: ..............

*Ken turns around and heads to his gf's house to find her dead as well*


*Ken falls to his knees and a tear rolls down his cheek*

Ken: ....... WHY?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!! DAMN YOU GOD!!!! DAMNNNNNNN YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!

*In total shock,pain, and rage KEn g ets up and blasts his way down the street*

~~~ Time passes, more shots are fired, more zombies die.... ~~~

*Suddenly his watch beeps*

Ken: A transmission from the Computer on Sniper Zero...

Computer: Repairs were completed early sir!

Ken: bring the Mech here....

Computer: Roger...

*The mech flys down*

Ken: Ah computer you did a good job and you outfitted the Sniper Plasma Cannon.....

Computer: Yes sir i did sir...

Ken: Aight... let's evacuate... nothing left for me here....

*Ken holds his girlfriends necklace he found and hangs it in the cockpit of the mech*

Ken: Launch in... 4....3...2....1... Engage Engines....

*The mech flys up and flys to a nearby town...*
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As Neil walks along, he takes out his .45 and his .38 Special.

Neil: Please, don't fail me now...

The town is deadly quiet. All of a sudden, something stumbles out of the rubble. It's humanoid. Neil lifts up his .45, and slowly walks up to it. As is turns out, it's a Commander from the Air Force base. He helps the man up, and talks.

Neil: You ok?
Man: Uhgggg....The base......my family, my friends...
Neil: don't worry... That thing'll pay... Crap......We'd better go.

They both head off into an empty store, and hide.

Neil: You ok? Got any bad wounds?
Man: I think I'm bleedin...
Neil: where?
Man: Internally...
Neil: FU.CK!

A demon thing stubmles into the store, sniffing the ground. Neil hands the man the M-16. Neil takes out his dagger.

Neil: Take care. I'll be back. If I die, I want you to promise me to get out of here.
Man: If you die, I'll kill that thing. Hey, why don't you just shoot it?
Neil: Cuz it'll be too loud. Now, stay down, and keep quiet.

Neil sneaks out, and behind the creature. He runs up silently, and stabs it in the spine. the creature rears up, and rolls all over the ground, Neil still holding on. Neil continues the stab the demon, and the thing slashes him with it's claws. They roll behind some debris(sp?), and soon stop fighting. The man raises the M-16, and tightens his finger on the trigger. Neil stumbles out, bloody and limping.

Man: Wha?! SH.IT!!!!

Another demon jumps straight on the man, and slashed his face open with his claws!

Neil: NOOOOOO!!!!!!

Neil draws .45

Neil: DIIIIEEE!!!!!

*.......BAM, BAM, BAM,........BAM!*

The demon falls over, with almost no body left. Neil limps over, and sees a sight what makes him sick: the man, torn into literal shreads. He grabs the M-16 and makes his way to a hotel, and sits in a room, in the corner. He does something he hasn't done in a long time........he crys...
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Hey. I'm here. (sorry i haven't been here.)

*goes over to Neil.* Don't worry. I saw the whole thing but it was too late for me to help. I'm sorry. It'll be Ok. He would've died anyway. He was bleeding internally. At least he'll (hopefully) go to Heaven. :angel:
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*Ken lands in a abondened town near where the monster is everything is quiet, Ken looks around the place in his mech*

Ken: Camera 4 left pan 4 deegrees... The hell... it's quiet...

*Ken eyes a demon*

Ken: Bah....

*Ken sends a plasma shot thru the demons head*

Ken: Jeez.... nothing here...

*Behind him thousands of demons pop up*

*Ken hears a scream and turns around slowly*

Ken: God.... why the hell do you hafta overlook me when ya bless people.... holy ****.............. engage the ****ing engines!

*Ken flys up with thousands of demons rising up around him*

Ken: Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t.... SH*T!

*Ken turns up his Slipknot CD, Sweat pours off his forehead*

Ken: Engage tatical mode, all engines full... weapons systems on.... beam blade on... plasma cannon charging.....

*Ken flies around*

*Ken eyes the radar... it is empty for a second...*

*The screen fills with red dots all around him*

Ken: 25 meters.... 20 meters.... 15 meters... It's coming from... above? i can see it... 10 meters... 5 meters.... ****!!!

*Ken eyes the demon as it flys around the Mech grinning with a orb of black magic in its hand*

Ken: Fire the bastard...

*Panels flip open and Plasma Shots Fly out at the demon...*
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Man: We do have a good reason for you to stay.

Kevin: Okay we're listening.

Man: We have the weapons but we don't have pilots to pilot it. And we believe we have one of ours out there right now. So are you in?

Siren: You believe?

Man: We're not sure if he's still alive.

Kevin: That's just great.

Man: But are you in?

Kevin: I'm in. But if I die I will be so pissed off.
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[COLOR=red]Hajime and Forte run into the police station[/COLOR]

Hajime: ...No one's here...

Forte: *Goes green* H-Hajime...Look!

Hajime: Oh man...Yuck...

[COLOR=red]To their lefts they see a few bodies all covered in blood, with a few body parts missing...They both walk up to the bodies and take a bit of blood[/COLOR]

Hajime: It's still warm...Which means the monsters can't have gone far, so keep your guard up...

[COLOR=red]Hajime and Forte walk around the abandoned police station, seeing more and more bodies along the way [/COLOR]

Hajime: ...Let me check something.

[COLOR=red]He gets out a radio and check the news...[/COLOR]

[I]"Well folks, we don't know where that giant monster is, but at least it's stopped smashing things. The army are going to conduct a full search of the city, and we will get back to you later with more news.[/I]

Hajime: Damn. It's finding a good spot to lay eggs...

Forte: Ohhh sh*t.

Hajime: My thoughts exactly.
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