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Traditional Rp [m-vls]

0ber0n the Neko

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[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Purple]OOC: Awww...Tanken is scared of a little pussycat. MIAOW!

Namia pressed her spear against Tanken's throat with one hand and clutched a towel around her with the other.
" Do you have any idea what you just did?" Namia hissed.
" Saw you naked and looked at your panties?" Tanken replied quickly, not realising what he was saying. He regretted it the moment he realised. Namia grew more anger and clubbed him one on the head with her spear.

" That's for looking at me naked. Next time, just friggin let me know or something!" Namia said as she strode away to dress herself. Tanken stood there stunned. [I]Let me know if I want to see her naked, was that a joke?[/I]

Namia grumbled all the way back to the stream.
" How dare he do such things to me! I'd skin him alive if he wasn't so important to the Resistance!"
A tiger's growl eminated from her lips.
" Men...always thinking with their second brain.....or is it their first? No matter, the one that only thinks of one thing! Sex."

Still grumbling, Namia put her undergarments back on and then her leather clothing. Wielding her spear, Namia marched the way back to camp, still boiling over the incident with Tanken. Sitting herself near the fire, she rubbed her ears and tail free of water with her towel.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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OOC: O_O I'm not afraid of kitties!! *one walks up, meows* GAH! *hides behind amgoddess*

Tanken stood rubbing his head, wondering what the hell happened.

[i]Did she just say to warn her before I look at her naked? What, so she can find and kill me faster?[/i] he said, walking in the opposite direction.

"Meh. she's probably pissed at me now... No point in talking to her just yet..."


It was later that evening, and Tanken still had yet to retire. He wandered about camp, on his self-imposed guard-duty. He had a lot to think about, and it was better to think while walking, when you can DO something about it.

He walked by Namia's tent. His mind immediately raced through the millions of possibilities. He walked on. He didn't want to get involved. He had made her angry, so he wanted her to be left alone, so she could be less angry when he decided to talk to her. He reached the edge of the encampment. [i]If only there were a way to impress her or something... Make her believe I was worth her time...[/i] He laughed at the thought. [i]No, something tells me that it would be a matter best left to time. Maybe I should try to kill Deus myself... That would be impressive.[/i] He sighed, he knew it wouldn't happen. The only force even comparable to the Paragon was now long gone. The cursed sword, Midelrig, had been destroyed many years ago. They needed either strength in numbers, or just sheer brute force.

Tanken sighed again, getting off deeper matters to think about Namia. "Well, my conscience is clear. I didn't mean to see her that way. She has reason to be angry, though." He sighed again.

Some guards passed by, chattering amongst themselves. One looked at the other, "Hey, the High Officers are going into battle tommorrow?" he asked, obviously continuing a vein of conversation. "Yeah, that's what Jadou said. We're taking an outpost town of the Mantaean Empire. That should slow the bastards down!" the other guard said.

Tanken felt the cold chill of urgency creep down his spine. He called after the guards, "Are you sure? This is Jadou's plan?" he asked, gripping the soldier's arm.

"Chill, sir. Yeah it is. You should get rest, the day ahead will be exhausting!" the guard said. He looked at Tanken in a sympathetic way.

Tanken was gone.


"This is it. I have made my decision." He went to open the flap of Namia's tent when he remembered her warning.

"Namia? Are you awake?" He called so only she could hear.

He heard rustling fron the bed inside. "Yeah, I am now..." she said, irritated. "What do you want, Tanken?"

"We really need to talk, Namia. Can I come in?" Tanken managed.

He heard her sigh with annoyance. "Yes, you may. Don't get any ideas, though." She added sharply.

He lifted the flap of her tent and walked in. "Look, Namia, about today..."

"It's forgiven. I'm just glad you remembered my advice." the way she said advice, it sounded like "threat", "Is that all?"

"No... there's... something else. I needed to talk to you about how... well... how I feel." Tanken was turning so red, he practically glowed. "Look, Namia. I..." He paused, scrambling for words to say. He knew he had to say them. He knew he wanted to say them. "I... love you..."

She sighed, "Tanken, you wake me up n the middle of the-"

He cut her off, " No! Hear me out! I..." the words escaped him yet again. "I... am very happy being just friends with you, but I needed you to know how I felt. I just... feel so happy when you're around. I don't feel like I have to Remember anymore. It's like you..." he stopped. She was obviously not going to listen. "Look, I just want you to know that you are the most beautiful and amazing person I have ever met. You make me happy, and you're someone I feel okay being honest to. I'm going to go and let you sleep. We're going on a big mission tommorrow, and... I'm sorry for waking you." he said exhasperated. He walked out of the tent, feeling much better, but also much more stupid. He wanted to get all of this over with. [i]If she's happy with someone else... I guess I can be happy too. She probably likes that Prince guy... Maybe I should just let this be... why did I wake her up....[/i] the thoughts besieged his mind. There was only one answer to the questions he had. "I love her..." he said aloud to himself.

He heard movement, and Namia was leaning on the fence about a foot away from him. "I don't think we were done talking." she said. Her actual emotion was hard to place.

OOC: I'll leave the resolution of this to amgoddess! ^_^ be nice, now...
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Justice waited by the north gate for the four Mantaean soilders to accompany him on his long journey. Each soilder was dressed in a dark blue uniform just like Justice. The four were equiped with a sword at the side and a handgun the only drawback the soliders were not very experienced.

" Good you four will accompany me, I have decided to travel through the woods to reach a small town, my home town of Vee." Justice said as looked over the four soliders.

" Yes sir , my name is Hall." said the soilder

" My name is Ray."

" I'm Big Jay."

" I'm Pain the strong man."
Justice looked over his soilders and noticed hall was a rather skinny 6'0 person, his uniform looked baggy on him. Ray looked like a young boy and Justice had no clue why a boy would ever want to fight in a war. Big Jay was the same height as Justice which is 5'11. Big Jay was rather chunky to be a Mantaean soilder but Justice knew he was once a drunk in the streets of Vee.

Pain looked to be the tallest he was about 6'6, his hair was black and was about shoulder length. The build of pain looked medium in muscle tone. Pain had a pair of brass knuckles in each hand. Justice walked into the woods with the four men and began the long journey to Justices home town of Vee.

" Sir why are we going to Vee." said Hall

" I have to visit my brother for wisdom that is all." Justice said but he knew maybe at the site of his brother's death. Maybe just maybe he could figuer out if he fights for the right side.
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He opened his eyes. Vincent remembered he was back with the resistance, back with his friends. He leapt out of bed. A huge squelching sound followed.
"Are you alright?" Sabin asked. Vincent realised were the sound was coming from.
"hahaha...its my stomach, im starving!" Vincent said cheerfully, he was already feeling much better.

Vincent grabbed some bread and had a look around the camp.
"hmm.. impressive" Vincent said. He heard someone move up behind him
".. meh..Ive seen better" The person said. Vincent looked round to see it was Terra. "Are you feeling better?" She asked.
"Yeah, that healer guy sure knows his stuff.... without him I probably would?ve needed a wheel chair for the rest of my life!" Vincent boasted.
"Ha....yeah right, it was just a stab!" Terra replied. She got out her pole and shoved it into thr ground so she could lean on it. Vincent smiled.
"Believe what you want to believe, you just can't except im the more powerful one" Vincent said jokingly, and he walked on. Terra shook her head.
"Men!!!" She said. Vincent turned around.
"Oh yeah, and thanks for helping me out earlier!" He said and winked, and continued walking.

He could see Namia and Tanken close to each other in the distance.
"I wonder what those 2 lovebirds are up to....they should be careful..." Vincent thought, this was hardly the situation to fall in love.

Vincent returned to his tent, he lifted up the flap and climbed in. He was still to a little woozy from his wound earlier.... but not enough to really get to sleep. He tossed and turned over and over again, trying to get comfortable; But the tent beds felt like hay. He got up and diced to make an early breakfast....he just needed something to cook.

It wasn't long before Vincent found himself a wild cockatrice to kill. Over the years, Vincent had built up a fantastic knowledge of beats and how to kill them, after all, that was part of his job. He hoisted it onto his back and began to head back to camp. The sun began to rise, it illuminated the sky with a light purple tinge. But the sound of whispers distracted the moment, Vincent kept his ears open.

"Yes....no Marich....im sorry...but don,t threat.....im sorry, ill make it up to you....thank you!" The voice said.

his insticts told him to fiht the person who was on the other side of the bush, but Vincent didn't want a repeat of last time, there was safety in numbers. He used his wind spells to fly back to the camp to warn the others.
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[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Trebuchet MS]OOC: Me? Be mean? Why I'd never be! *rubs hands together evilly and halo slips to her ankles*

Namia's ears twitched slightly as Tanken leant against the fence beside her.

" I don't think you realise the complications of your affection towards me," Namia stated, not trying to sound harsh but she said it firmly anyway. He was going to have to understand how she worked before he could trully commit to her. Or her to him for that matter.

" What do you mean exactly Namia?" Tanken asked.

" For one, we are different races..." Namia voiced.

" I'd don't care that you have a tail or cat ears," Tanken replied firmly. Namia nodded knowingly.

" But the fact is that our races have far different cultures. The Human race for instance doesn't think that females can be warriors or fighters. But the mother's instinct is the strongest, and can be the most lethal, thing in the world. You male humans think that females are ready to be trodden over and that we are soft and are for the indoors."

" My race however is centred entirely on females. We are the ones that build our homes, rule over others and protect our family with our lives. The males of our species are only concerned about spreading their genes around. The females are the stronger gender in our race. We are fiercely independent, battle-like and don't like being treated like inferiors."

" This is why relations between Humans and Murhyrr are so difficult to maintain. Your male leaders refuse to acknowledge that our leaders are females and refuse to talk to them about treaties and the such. I am one of the few that stand your pitful doubt of a female's ability in war and blood."

" If you truly have feelings for me, you will not try and treat me as if I am an inferior and let me be what I truly am, a Murhyrr. Warrior-like and fiercely independent. If you are ready to accept such terms as those, then maybe you might have a chance."

Namia leant off the fence and left Tanken to his own thoughts. Everything she had said to him was true. She didn't want to be treated like most females in other races. She was strong and wanted to be respected for that.

Making her way back to her tent, Namia collapsed into bed and fell asleep, curling up like most cats do when they sleep. She would have rathered slept in the trees but since they had put this tent up for her, Terra and Vaxla, she couldn't refuse.

OOC: Well how about that? What does Tanken do now? *crowd gaspes in anticipation*[/FONT][/COLOR]
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OOC: :sweat: umm.... namia... I'm not human. I'm a kame reincarnated as a murhyrr... ^_^ but oh well, we'll continue on the whole "human" vein.

Namia walked abck to her tent, and Tanken sat and thought about things for awhile longer. He was happy that he was finally able to admit what he had been feeling, and that he had recieved some sort of response. He finally realized that it was best to leave this subject be. He was happy enough to be taken at least semi-seriously, and he was glad she didn't think he was lying.

He left the fencepost, and then looked over the map of the city they would be invading. It had a lot of wide-open spaces, meaning there would be snipers. Also, guns would be the only weapon that could be concievably used to any effect. This would mean Tanken would need a change of weaponry. He made a mental note to visit a small town on the way to the city they were invading. He needed a gun. A damn good one.

OOC:BY THE WAY: The invasion of this city should span at least five posts!! Don't end it all before it starts... It just gets kinda boring that way! Get long range weapons, melee friends!
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[FONT=Times New Roman]Halthan approached Tanken, who was looking at a map.

"That's the city we'll be invading, then?" asked Halthan

Tanken glanced over his shoulder as Halthan joined him in perusing the map. "Yea."

"Bloody lot of open space, eh? There'll be snipers."

"I noticed that, too. We should plan on stopping by Binthas, the trade city, beforehand, so those that need ranged weapons can get them."

"We both do, mate. As impressive as your Crescent Moon fightin' style is, t'won't matter if one sniper gets lucky. My 'and gauntlets won't be enough, either."


"I'd get me sleep if I was you. It'll be a fairly 'ectic fight."

Bidding good night to Tanken, Halthan walked back to his tent.


The next day, the Resistance, numbers swelled with the clans of Meteo and Rhian, broke camp and marched for Binthas.

In Binthas, Halthan accompanied Tanken to the gun store. He was slightly bored, knowing that the regular gun store didn't have what he was looking for. The firepower Halthan needed could only be located in the shadowy underbelly of Binthas. He snapped out of his daydreaming as Tanken's transaction came to a close.

"Any luck?" He queried.

"No," scowled Tanken. "They didn't have what I was looking for. The type of gun I need is-" he lowered his voice conspiratorily. "One that's not strictly [i]legal[/i]."

Halthan's face cracked into a huge grin. "Well, why didn't ya say so, mate? Follow me!"


Halthan led Tanken to a place he knew well: The Binthas Black Market, a place for all those who craved sheer firepower over potential legal implications. As they stepped inside the dingy warehouse, Tanken's red eyes lit up with the wonderment of a fly's in a landfill.

"If you're looking for a custom job, you'll want Nilex, over there. His prices are steep and he's a stingy old bastard, but his work's worth it. Tell 'im I sent you, and 'e'll make you a boomstick so grand it'll kill people you 'aven't even met yet. I'll leave you to it. I've got some old friends to catch up with."

Tanken nodded happily, mouth still agape, and wandered blissfully off in that direction. Halthan made for the weapon stand.

"Jika, you slimy, conniving weasel, 'ow've things been?"

Jika, the proprietor of the gun stand, looked up to see a madly grinning Halthan approach him. "Halthan, you swollen pimple on the ass of society, great to see you again! What're you here for?"

"I am looking for some heavy firepower, mate. A sniper rifle for sure, an' p'raps an automatic rifle."

Jika slyly grinned. "Why settle for just a rifle?"

Halthan was perplexed. "Wot do you mean?"

Jika reached below the counter, struggling with something, and at last set it on the table. "Presenting Reason. Six barrels, each two feet long, rotating at 7500 rpms and firing 125 rounds per second, a magic-driven cooling system-" He reached below the counter again, this time with 4 flat, round, metal canisters, held together with cords, with back straps fixed to one. "20,000 rounds of blessed 14mm ammunition-" He went below again to retrieve a sleek sphere, with a strap to sling across the waist. "And a seperate, 5 lb. magic generator. This thing goes beyond automatic. This thing is kill-you-dead-o-matic. All in all, when Reason talks, people listen. Oh, yea," He reached under the counter once more. "And here's your sniper rifle."

Halthan ecstatically took out his money pouch. "Jika, mate, 'ow can I resist? Wot's it gonna cost?"

Jika winked. "For an old pal, Halthan, the total is 250 gold."

"Pleasure doin' business!"


Sometime later, Halthan rejoined Tanken at the entrance. Tanken gazed wistfully at Halthan's newly aquired firepower, then glanced down at his two pistols.

"Why didn't you tell me I could have bought something like [i]that?[/i]"

OOC: Yes, it is okay for me to have Reason. We're planning on some funny scenarios with it.[/FONT]
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OOC: Um, the battle will undoubtably span a lot more than five posts.


Vaxla followed Halthan and Tanken to the Binthas Black Market. She already had guns, but she needed ammo. And ammo for her guns was expensive. But she had a reputation among criminal-underworld types. Her extreme hatred of Deus Marich was part of it, and the rest was the fact that she had taken care of raiding soldiers on several occasions. So she normally got extremly good deals from the black market.

Vaxla knew this particular black market, as she'd used it several times before. She located a person who she knew would have ammo for her guns. His name was Garon Italcra. Vaxla walked over to his stand. "Hello, Garon."

"Hey ther, Vaxla! It's been awhile."

Vaxla nodded. "It has," she agreed. "I haven't been in the area. Now, let's get down to business, shall we?"

"Let's. I assume you want the regular pakage?"

"Same type of ammo, but I'm making a larger purchase this time. I don't know when the next time I'll be able to buy ammo is, so I'm stocking up. I'd like triple the usual amount, please."

Garon gave a low whistle. "Damn, girl! What the hell are you planning on doing? Storming Marich's palace?"


"Should've known you'd say that." Garon rummaged around for a bit, then put eighteen ammo packs on the counter. They were pretty small, but that was because they didn't contain bullets. Vaxla's weapons of choice were energy-based, and the packs were power packs. Each one was good for about 50 shots.

"You have a good eye for weapons, Vaxla," Garon remarked as Vaxla counted out the required money. "The RME-2 model is a good one. it has a decent rate of fire, a good punch, and the gun is attached to your wrist. They come in pairs, too. They're not exactly super-accurate at any range over about 100 feet, but that's not exactly a major problem for you, now, is it?"

"I don't miss," Vaxla said. She paid Garon, took the power packs, and left.


OOC: I hope Vaxla's guns are okay. If they're not, tell me, and I'll change them.
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Vincent ran into Binthas to tell Tanken about what he heard whilst hunting....but bad memories came flooding back.
"Hey Vincent, do you need to buy a gun, or wil you support us with magic" Tanken asked. Vincent was statrled out of memory lane.

"umm....yeah...I'll do the supporting, but when it comes to the battle, ill be in the front line" Vincent boasted. Tanken laughed, but Halthan didn't look impressed. Vincent frowned at Halthan and looked at some things on display
"Just ignore him, he's used to working alone" Tanken whispered.
"Yeah...its just i dont likes the looks of that guy, ya know, im sure weve met before" Halthan replied. He continued to look at Vincent like an enemy. Tanken approached Vincent.

"You seem uneasy, more pissed off than usual hahaha" Tanken joked. Vincent roared :flaming: he pushed Tanken into a stall on the market. Everywhere fell silent. All eyes were on him.
"Get back to your business" Vincent spat. Everyone sheepishly carried on with what they were doing but paused every now and then to look at the skirmish.

Halthan helped Tanken up, but with mean looks at Vincent. Tanken marched right up to him their eyes locked like steel.
"Hmph" Vincent said. He used a wind spell to catapult himself into the air and fly away.

"That guys got issues" A man on the market said, half eating some produce he had brought.
"yeah....he is going to have to learn" Tanken added.
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OOC: Now, Vincent... that was a bit uncalled for. ^_^

Vincent threw Tanken into a merchandise stand, where upon entry, he was greeted with a round of laughing people, and Vincent smiling in his usual pissed off manner.

"That guy has issues, man..." The storekeeper observed warily.

"Yeah...he's gonna hafta learn." Tanken's eyes narrowed. He walked up to Vincent, fuming, but trying to control himself.

He held out his hand, not as a challenge, but as a gesture of kindness. It looked forced, and Vincent realized just how unwilling Tanken was to confront him.

"Look, we're on the same side. I wasn't trying to start a fight, just a conversation. If I hurt your feelings, then you tell me. You don't just throw your allies wherever they land." Tanken said. He was really holding back at the moment, as he hadn't broken anyone's spine.

"Allies?" Tanken said.

Vincent angrily shook the hand offered to him, and they went their seperate ways.

Halthan looked at Tanken cynically. "What the bloody 'ell was that all about?"

"Just... some demons in the head, I guess." Tanken observed.

OOC: I need to come back to this one! ^_^ Give me three hours and I'll be back!
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OOC~ ok, while you guys sort out your little brawl, I'm going to put in my post, since I have a spare moment because my English class was canceled, yaaay :D
[COLOR=GREEN]When it was agreed when and how they would storm Marich's palace, some of the others had gone into town to stock up on fire power, but Terra felt this was unnessisary for her. Though her prefered weapon was her staff, she did carry on her a standard revolver pistol in case of emergencies. I wasn't that Terra lacked any skill with a fire arm type weapon, her accuracy was actually pretty good. It was just that she felt that a person's combat skills shouldn't be judged on fire power, but rather their personal skills in a one on one fight. Guns, she felt, gave someone too much power; any two-year-old with a gun could kill someone, but it takes at least some skill, if only a little, to kill with a sword or other type of melee weapons.

But of course, Terra knew good and well that the resistance wasn't going to be based on anyone's fighting princaples, least not hers. It was on getting a corrupt person out of power, no matter what the cost.

After making sure her weapons were in good working order, Terra emerged from the tent and began to pace around the encampment. Earlier this morning she had thought she heard Vincent rush by and ask where Tanken was. By the tone of his voice, he seemed worried and anxious about something. But this had happened much earlier when Terra was still half asleep, so she was unsure whether it was real or part of some weird dream. Either way, she was still curious as to where Vincent might be since she hadn't seen him since last night.[/COLOR]
OOC~ At this point, Terra doesn't have any serious feelings for Vincent, so for now don't try to go there. :p
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OOC: Jeez, this Vincent guy seems a bit... complicated! ^_^

Tanken was left in the store by Halthan, alone. He decided to talk to the man behind the counter, whom had been called "Nilex". "Hey, Halthan sent me. I need a gun... no, two. If that's possible, anyway..."

Nilex seemed unaffected, and still leaned in his palm at the counter. "Yeah, sure. Halthan's a pretty popular name around here. Anyways, what do you want?" Nilex pushed a button next to his hand, and the legit weapons on display were replaced by very, very evil looking ones. "Be quick about it, won't you?" Nilex said, irritably. Tanken couldn't help but stare at the massive display of hideous death devices with the awe of a businessman who has just found a new paradigm. He managed a grin, and looked for the least conspicuous of the weapons (a.k.a. the ones that weren't twice his size). He spied two fairly civil looking devices of death.

"How about those?" He asked, pointing at them.

Nilex looked at the weapons as if Tanken had long since lost his mind. "You're not serious, right? HESSLERS?" He scratched his mostly bald head. "Who are you trying to kill? And how many times did he screw your wife?" He muttered. Nilex picked them off the wall. "I'll tell you one thing. I would NOT want to be on the wrong side of one of these bastards. Nor would I want to see someone who has. That'll be..." Nilex looked thoughtfully into the air. "You say Halthan sent you, huh?"
"Well, then I'll give you half off. 2 Hesslers for the price of.... 12,967 gold... approxamately." Nilex added as an afterthought. "Plus ammo."
Now it was Tanken's turn to be completely speechless. "HOW MUCH!?"
"12,967 gs my friend."
Tanken looked at the inside of his wallet. He had barely enough, but it would do.
He handed Nilex the money, and the heavy pistols were placed into his hands.

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.:: A crash was heard. Nim, short for Nimhapo, saw the young man, slam the girl into the stall. He was angry, no doubts, anger. Anger was a weapon she could use against him. It lead all senses down a bad path. Your eyes cant see, you cant smell or hear as well. All you think about is the red-hot veins pumping even more rage into your body. Easy Target. ::.

" Please Nim, Take him, Myself and Rico, we shall cuase the trouble in the courtyard." A tall and Rather brutish looking man with a spear and wings said. ( see link, previous post)

" I understand, let youself have all the fun eh garr?" Replided a snappy young ninja clad girl.

" You have far too much pride. You will die. " muttered a cold dark figure named Rico.

.:: With that there were no more words. The girl jumped to the roof opposite of herself and the other too position. The too men grabed thier spears and readied themselves for a fight. It would be a an easy fight, if they played thier cards right. This vincent character would be dead soon, Nim almost never failed. They could not dissapoint master Citan, nor could they fail lord Dias. ::.

OOC: lets spice it up. ^_^
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[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Purple]OOC: Sorry OberOn! I'm just having one of those weeks. A couple of weeks I should say.

Namia sat at base camp wondering what the hell she should do. The others had left her behind, which made her mad. At least Tanken should have told her or something.

" What am I going to do?" she said to herself as she was sprawled out on the grass.

" Well hello there little cat...."

Namia twisted around. A dark figure, surrounded by many soldiers, advanced upon her. She leapt up with her spear in hand. The dark figure laughed deviously.

" Well this cat had claws....hmm.....no matter....you are easily defeatable...."

Three cords of pure darkness sprang from the figure's hands and wrapped themselves tightly around Namia, despite her best efforts to evade them. The figure walked up to Namia who struggled against her bounds.

" The more you struggle, the tighter they get..." he hissed. Soon, they were so tight that Namia could barely breathe.

" Now, what mark should we leave for your fellow Resistance members?" The soldiers around him sniggered in glee. Her claw spear lay on the ground. The figure picked it up and pressed it into her neck, making blood flow all over the blade.

Namia's vision started to go. Lack of oxygen and the loss of blood was starting to affect her. She shook her head, trying to shake the feeling of darkness away but eventually, it washed over her like a wave on a beach.

OOC: Sorry its short. OberOn, you can choose who Namia's been kidnapped by and where she's been taken. Well that's it for me.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Tanken finished his purchase, and walked into the streets. He continued to browse, and he suddenly got a very sick feeling. He looked around, and another chill went down his spine. "What the hell was that?" he said to himself. He decided to ignore the feeling for now. He needed to find-

He most definetely heard a scream. It sounded like Namia, but she wasn't even in the city. He shook his head, and it happened again, and it was accompanied by a dark and malicious laugh.

Tanken ran from the city. "It's probably my nerves acting up on me again... I'll go back, and she'll probably think I'm a lovesick old fool." He reassured himself. It didn't work...

He reached the campsite, and he called for Namia. He recieved no reply. He went into her tent, and saw a note waiting on the bed. It said:

I have one of your treasured officers. In order to get her back, you must send a maximum of three people to the following location: CRIMSON HOLD. I would belate the conquest of Terrace were I you. Signed,
-Black Knight [/font]

"Shit..." Tanken whispered, dropping the paper, his heart having skipped numerous beats. He sat, exhausted, on the bed. "The only time we can attack is... tommorrow, and Crimson Hold is a almost a day's ride from here... I can't get in the way of defeating the Empire..." He sighed, and hung his head low. "What scares me most... Is that he actually could manage kidnapping Namia. Namia is far too skilled to be caught off guard... And..." He clenched both fists. He looked on the opposite wall. It was Namia's spear, conveniently placed by the Black Knight.

He took the spear, and was walking out of the tent when he heard footsteps. It was Vincent. "Vincent... Namia's been kidnapped!"

Vincent's face went from apathetic to deeply concerned. "You're sure?" He said.

Tanken nodded. "Yeah. I need someone to come with me to get her back! Will you? We can leave Halthan in charge in our absence... I need someone to help me. If he was strong enough to take Namia by suprise, then he is probably much stronger than just one man. We'll need to work together to do this... Will you help?"
OOC: Well, Vincent? Will you?
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Vincent stormed down the road angrily, half mad at Tanken, half-troubled by his past. For his market town had been setting for a horrid scene in Vincents child hood.

[I][CENTER]-20 years ago-[/CENTER][/I]

"Step right up and own your own personal child slave! Whether you use them for work or pleasure, that?s your business. But if you dont buy them, we'll have to feed them to the monsters" the salesman boasted.

the sun beamed down on young Vincent?s head, if only the sun could melt away the shackles of which he was bound to the other children. Bound like animals.

"How did you end up here?" the older girl next to him asked. Vincent timidly looked up, she was alot taller then him, and built like a brick house.
"My mother and farther were killed....at the hands of the Rheiardian Empire, that?s were I?m from" Vincent replied. The salesman turned around and whipped Vincent.

"Shut up, your loosing sales!" The salesman spat. A huge hairy man stepped up to look at the kids. His eyes were like bullet holes that had been shot into his greasy smudge of a face.

"hmm....i'll the feisty one" the man said, pointing his fat finger at Vincent "I just hope he can work as much as he talks hahaha"

The salesman unlocked Vincent and gave him to the man in exchange for money. He was packed into the back of a truck and punched by the man.
"Its gonna be long journey, so no whining. If i here a peep out of you, you get no rest time at the workhouse, kapeesh?" The man said, Vincent nodded. The man closed the hatch so Vincent was in complete darkness. He sunk his head into his hands, he was to young to deal with things like this.

"One day, ill avenge my parents...one day" Vincent said, his closed his yes and began to cry

[I][CENTER]-Present day-[/CENTER][/I]

"Vincent...hello? Vincent" Terra's voice called
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[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Trebuchet MS]A cool wind hit Namia's face as she slowly opened her eyes.

A large bedroom appeared through the darkness around her. Slowly, she moved her hands to push herself up and found herself bound by shackles and chains. She glanced down at her feet - they too were bounds by chains.
" What the hell?"

A door slammed shut across the room.
" It's seems that our little cat has finally awoken..." The voice was dark and menacing. Namia looked up and growled. A burly man of about 25 stood there with an evil grin upon his face.
" What do you want?" Namia spat as she stood up, bowed down by the weight of the chains, but glared at him straight in the eyes.
" Want? Something only you can give me Namia..."

Namia's eyes went wide with shock as he approached her. A growl eminated from her throat, warning him to not come and closer.
" I may look helpless, but I can assure that I'm not," Namia spat angrily.
" I accept that you are a warrior, Namia, but you have no powers, and therefore, you cannot contend with the likes of the Black Knight," the man said. In one of his hands was a thickly-wooded spear, ones that were used by the enemy's soldiers. He smiled as he whipped it around and hit Namia fair in the ribs.

Namia's body jarred violently as the blow shattered one of her ribs.
" Not so helpless now, are we Namia?" the Black Knight taunted.
Namia coughed out blood but glared back at him.
" Bring it on Black Knight.....you cannot break me....."

OOC: Hope this is ok[/FONT][/COLOR]
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OOC: ummm... I guess you're coming with me Vincent? (I'm assuming this because you did not choose in your post.)

"Um... Vincent? Are you going to come? I can't wait any longer!" Tanken said, walking past him. Vincent grabbed his arm tightly. There was a hint of extreme sorrow that came from him.

"I'm... coming..." He said, not angrily or angstily, but in that sort of way that's choking back tears. Tanken respected his privacy, and decided not to ask.

"Alright. Let's go!" Tanken left a note for Halthan, telling him to be in charge of the invasion in their absence.


Tanken and Vincent were making good time to the Crimson Hold. They had come across no hostilities so far, and the hold was only about two hours away by motorcycle. The entire time, Tanken reflected and contradicted. He wanted to save her, but he didn't want to be hindered by her... or did he not want her to die? [i]No, she'll be fine on her own for now...[/i]

OOC: Again, I'll be back in 4.5 hours to complete my post.
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[I]Raion Walks Back From The City To The Camp To Check On Things.. He Calls Out For Tankan But He Gets No Reply.. He Calls Out For Namia There Is Still No Reply.. He Walks Over To Namias Tent Hoping To Find Her.. He Sees A Piece Of Paper On The Floor.. He Picks It Up And Reads It[/I] "Damn! I need to catch up with him! He will need my help!"
I Know Its Short But I Got Shit To Do
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A few hours later...

"GET THEM!" The Black Knight yelled. The Mantaean Troops ran to quell Vincent and Tanken's continuous onslaught.

A soldier attempted to shoot an arrow at Tanken, and he drew a Hessler. He ducked out of the way, pointing it at him. The arrow flew by, and Tanken pulled the trigger. A hole about nine inches in diameter was now in the archer's chest, as well as a good sized hole in the person standing behind him. Vincent lashed out and in a single slice, dissected five men, accompanied by screams of agony and general dicomfort. Vincent then pivoted his right foot, extending his arm towards another one of the soldiers. The soldier was engulfed in a blinding fire. Tanken made a quick slice to get rid of a few soldiers in front of him, taking aim with his Hessler towards another row of soldiers. On both sides of the swirling melee, massive casualties were being incurred.

Soon, the vast majority of the soldiers were drowning in pools of their own blood. Vincent and Tanken were virtually untouched, the majority of the bulk troops sent at them being very new to the feel of a sword. Vincent was bleeding slightly from a laceration on his arm, Tanken suffering from a blow to the head with a dull mace. The Black Knight looked at the duo with surprise, mixed between delight and horror.

"You now have no way to beat me! I have my bodyguards, the elite of the elite! I have ME for God's sake! Give up now, and we'll let you join us!" The Black Knight yelled.

"I dunno, Vince. Sounds tempting. Either kick his ass and get Namia back, or give up and have no fun working as a slave to the Empire... what do you think?" Tanken observed sarcastically.

"Hmmm... How about the 'kick ass and take names' option? I'm rather fond of it." Vincent stated, smirking.

Tanken looked at his grin. "Christ, you plan to kill them all, don't you? Well, leave some for me, why don't you!" he smiled and approached the Knight.

"Guards! Guards!" The Black Knight yelled.

"They won't be coming." Stated Raion. He held the skull of a scorched head in his hand. He dropped it, to dramatic effect. "I killed them."

"Hey, good to see that you're here to help, Raion. You guys take care of things down here... I'll be going into the tower to get Namia!" Tanken yelled.

"Sure thing." They said.

Tanken ran up the tower's staircase. He knew more foes would be forthcoming. He was ready. He spied some at the top of the staircase he was climbing. "Time to get Namia back, you bastards!" He yelled.

The sounds of an epic battle could be heard down below...

OOC: How's that? Hey, remember, he's a toughie. You guys will need mine and Namia's help to kill him, but detain him for the time being! :flaming: Got to get Namia!
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OOC:Sorry that I am soo late to start, my computer was messed up.

IC: Densi Bethern stood atop a grass coverd knoll, he could see the resistance forces in the distance, unexpected but good for him. He set off quickly.

When he arrived he began asking around to see what was going on, "Big assault coming up on Marichs palace." Densi was suprised to hear this, he knew the resistance was large but he didn't think that they were that powerfull. He learned that some people had gone into the city to get supplies. Densi wondered if he should try and meet up with them....

Off on near the boarder of the Edrick Dunes Nation a vast army was preparing to march to war, there king, Relir IX was tired of Marich, the boarder disputes had turned to all out battles in some places and that had been the last straw, entire legions of sharp shooters with specialy crafted long range rifles, calvary numbering over two hundrid thousand. And foot soldiers numbering near five hundrid thousand. When they marched they marched to all out war. There was to be no small battles and encounters, there would be battle on massive scale. The Generals of the armies waited for the message to march, the word from Densi on the status of the resistance and the power of Marich.

Densi dissided to send a report to the commanders of the armies on the boarder, he took out a pice of paper and began to right,

[i]Sirs, I have found the resistance forces, preparing for an assault of Marichs palace. I have yet to speak with the heads of the resistance to inform them of our own plans. I will contact you as soon as I speak with the resistance heads.

For Glory:
Densi Bethern[/i]

Densi rolled up the paper and whisled for a moment. The message hawk that traveled with him flew down and pirched on his arm. Densi sliped the paper on the sheath straped to the birds leg, and sent the creature off.

Finaly he turned and set off toward the city. He would find the resistance leaders and speak to them about there plans...

OOC:Hope this is ok, I got the impression that there is accually an army and your not just going to seige the castle on your own, I hope thats right.
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The black knight appeared to pump up his muscles. A black aurora steamed its way out of his body, it smelt like a cold sweat on a dead mans body.

"Are you ready Vince?" Raion asked out of the corner of his mouth. Vincent smirked like a naughty schoolboy and cracked his knuckles.
"Lets do it!" Vincent yelled. The black knight jumped up and returned to earth lunging his sword infront of him, Raion and Vince leapt out of the way.

"How?s this for starters? Expandomonium!!!!!" Vincent yelled, he planned to expand the black nights sword so it was to big and clumsy for battle usage. He put his left arm under his right arm, and put his index and middle finger together and flipped them up and down untill the spell was cast.

Meanwhile, Raion flame sword was having no effect on the black nights armour, it was made from fibres that resisted magic of the highest calliber
"Vince, don't bother with spells......just concentrate on attacking the bastard!" Raion yelled, but he let his guard down for a second.

"Aha!!!" The black night cried, he kicked Raion back, and while Raion was stunned, rammed into him. Vincent yelled and jumped up and kicked the black knight in the back. The black night turned around and lunged at Vincent, but narrowly avoiding him.

There swords clashed, Vincent?s sword wasn't anything special, like a family heirloom or had fire power; but it Vince didn't need this because he had spellcaster magic.

Vincents memories from the market town came flooding back, seeping into him like memorial ooze. But instead of feeling deep depression towards them, is mind turned to hatred and anger, his blood boiled and eyes lit up like flames. His swordsmanship became more aggressive and less stylish, but it was sub dewing the black knight into the corner.

"Vincent, Vincent! It would take at least 3 of us to kill him, don't be a hero and try!" Raion shouted to Vincent.

"How about you get over here and help!" Vincent spat, he continued to clash with the black night. Raion ran over and attacked the night flawlessly, but still not enough damage was being done. Suddenly disaster struck, Vincents sword chipped and an epic crack cascaded down the middle.
"Your swords giving way, its to weak! My amour is the finest in the kingdom, your sword is made of measly steel!" The black night laughed, Vince ignored him and carried on the onslaught with Raion.

"C'mon Tanken, what?s taking you??!!" Vincent thought. Seconds later, Vincent sword shattered, the room fell silent and the fighting stopped as the million pieces fell to the floor and crumbled. All that was left was the handle.
"Pathetic!" The black night murmured, he rammed into Vincent and sent him into the floor. Raion continued to subdue the black night.

Vincent stood up and dusted himself on, he still had to strong hands left and 2 strong legs, he was not going down. He charged his fists with lighting power to increase here speed and ran towards the knight.

"Its far from over!!!! RRRRRRRRRAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!!!"
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