Ezekiel Posted January 21, 2005 Share Posted January 21, 2005 [SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=Gray]Emotions ?Monsters exist, you know. They exist in the heart, soul and mind of every person on this Earth. Some are contained; locked away by those who are strong enough to resist them, resist the emotions of Lust, [COLOR=Red]hate[/COLOR], anger, envy, and even [COLOR=Pink]Love[/COLOR]. It?s come to be, with all this hate and pain in the world, that Love is the cure, the emotion to defeat those monsters. But no. [COLOR=Pink]Love[/COLOR] turns brothers against each other, can turn a friendship into hatred. [COLOR=Pink]Love[/COLOR] is formed from [COLOR=Magenta]Lust[/COLOR], it must be. All relationships have the sole foundation of [COLOR=Magenta]Lust[/COLOR] and want; they sometimes turn into [COLOR=Pink]Love[/COLOR] and need, a profound need for one person. But consider this; what if the one true [COLOR=Pink]love[/COLOR] in your life came to you, telling you so plainly that they had feelings for another. This person is the one! They are yours no one else?s, but now you feel insecure...[COLOR=Purple]replaced[/COLOR]. Are you not good enough? Not all that your partner wants and needs? Now, how do you feel towards the person who has stolen part of your [COLOR=Pink]love[/COLOR] away? You [COLOR=Red]hate[/COLOR] them. You [COLOR=Red]hate[/COLOR] them with every fibre of your being because they are the cause of your hurt and pain. The cause of your doubt and the cause of your distrust for the one person who you thought you could turn to. [COLOR=SeaGreen]Suspicion[/COLOR] is a horrid thing; it takes your heart into its cold hand and tightens its fist until you are drained of all your [COLOR=Pink]love[/COLOR], void of happiness and joy. That place is somewhere no one wants to be. It is dark and it is lonely, I know because I?ve been there. Take this to heart, [COLOR=Pink]Love[/COLOR] is the worst thing to feel and it will hurt you more than any injury ever could. The world would be a much better place without it.? [B]An awkward silence graced the room as the scrape of a metal chair against tiles sounded followed by a girl taking her seat, her essay resting in front of her, grasped tightly in her right hand as she wiped away tears with the other. Her teacher stood, silent for a moment before smiling warmly, gesturing for applause. A small smile flitted across the girls face, but it lasted for only a moment. She looked across the room to another girl, one who clearly hadn?t been listening to what she had read. A sigh passed her bitten lips but her thoughts were interrupted by a tap on her desk followed by her English teacher?s warm voice, [B]?Miss Nesbitt, that was excellent, an ?A? grade for you.?[/B] ?Miss Nesbitt, formally known as Imogen, raised her head and nodded in thanks, sniffing softly as the last of her tears dried on her flushed cheeks. She liked writing usually but when she got the highest grade in the class for something based on her own experiences she wasn?t so happy. Not when it brought back so many bad memories. Another sigh and Imogen asked to be excused. The scrape of her chair sounded around the murmuring room again as she got up and left, taking in the fresh air outside. Imogen traced two fingertips from her lips down to rest above her heart, another tear slowly working it?s way down her cheek. She [COLOR=Red]hated[/COLOR] [I]him[/I] now and she [COLOR=Red]hated [/COLOR] [I]her[/I], too. It dawned on the teen that falling in [COLOR=Pink]Love[/COLOR] had essentially caused her to loose herself, but she has gained something else as a compensation?it seemed. Not a power, no, she didn?t believe in magic. A gift would definitely describe it better. She now saw people for what they really were, a gift to see their auras and emotions. Sometimes it wasn?t pleasant but at times this ?gift? came in handy. It was at this moment in time that Imogen decided to check her aura. Looking into the classroom she saw the blond and closed her eyes, focussing on the other girls soul, her essence. As Imogen had expected all she saw was a murky yellow colour, the colour of boredom. She sighed, disappointed that she didn?t find anything of interest but as usual she shrugged it off, messing with other peoples lives what not what she wanted and she would not let herself turn into the monster trying to break free.[/B][/COLOR] ****[/CENTER] [RIGHT]Merf, another romance?nothing too special but I needed to write and vent passed feelings that seem to be doing their best to hold onto me, heh. Basically, Imogen (I?ll be playing her) has had her heart broken in two by a boy who she felt sure she was in love with. After she managed to work past it she realised that she could see people?s auras and sense their feelings if she concentrated hard enough. She can either use this gift for personal gain or she can help people, at the moment she isn?t doing either very well, heh. This may get a bit confusing, so I will be starting an Underground thread for any questions. There is a list of Aura/Emotion colours that I will be adding to the Underground thread so it would be good if you had a look at that before you posted in the RP, at least. There are a couple of characters that will be key in this story, it would be good if people played them but it isn?t really necessary; ?Imogen?s ex-boyfriend (You can choose his name)- He claims that he has ?split feelings? i.e. He loves Imogen and this other girl at the same time. ?????s crush- she doesn?t like him back and is an attention seeker. She is very attractive and most of the boys like her. ?Imogen?s English teacher- he?s a really nice person and very helpful, he?s one of the few teacher?s that Imogen can talk to as a friend. [B][U]Sign up:[/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]- Sensible names, we?re in England [B]Age[/B]- 16-18 (Teacher is 27) [B]Gender[/B]- [B]Appearance[/B]- [B]Subjects[/B]- Choose six, all of the normal subjects that are taught in schools are here, but you can also choose from; ?Astronomy ?Fencing or, ?Horse Riding [B]Personality[/B]- [B]Bio[/B]- Doesn?t have to be too long, but quality is important. Note that this is a boarding school (St. John?s) so I?m more interested in why they go to this school and what their life here has been like for the last 4 years since they would have started. That should be all, until I make the actual Underground thread (which should be tomorrow) please send any questions to my Inbox.[/RIGHT][/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revelation Posted January 22, 2005 Share Posted January 22, 2005 [size=1][color=#696969][B][U]Imogen's Ex[/B][/U] [B]Name//[/B] Adrian Hardt [B]Age//[/B] 17 [B]Gender//[/B] Male [B]Appearance//[/B] [URL=http://www.vamppire.com/snowdrop/eyes/65.jpg]Adrian in a suit[/URL] ; [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/guys/Spiral05.jpg]Regular Adrian[/URL] [B]Subjects//[/B] [list] [*]Fencing [*]Advanced English/ Creative Writing [*]Art [*]Sports [*]Advanced Latin [*]Advanced Psychology [/list] [B]Personality//[/B] Adrian was everything but an outcast. He was someone that everyone liked and loved. He was practically royalty in St. John's, yet there was only one person who could have his heart and that was Imogen. He wasn't the type to love and be loved, he was the Prince Charming that all the girls fawned over, the Robin Hood that escaped into the night, the Knight in shining armor sitting upon a pure white andalusian horse. All the boys wanted to be like him, all the girls wanted him, the adults complimented him, but only Imogen saw past all the glorious righteousness. She saw the kind-hearted boy that he was, the kid that wanted to be loved and taken cared for. This was why he loved Imogen for who she was, because she was a pure heart and only saw the inner appearance. Now, Adrian doesn't even care for who he is anymore. He still holds his head high, but deep inside pain strikes him down. There was nothing more hurtful than to have left Imogen. His break up with her made it all seem surreal, as if everything he lived for wasn't what it was. It hurt and that pain needed to be dealt with. His break up with Imogen made Adrian become stoic and esoteric, almost left in solitude. He's become an apathetic, asocial, and distant character, who cares nothing for anything. He is an outcast that fights for himself, that fights to survive. Yet, deep inside, something pulls at Adrian's heart everytime he sees Imogen. He wants her back, to tell her everything, but everytime he tries to talk to her, he chokes and runs away. His quiet and piercing silence returned to him, just as his isolated persona did. He returned to the rebel that he was before St. John's. He returned to the boy who fought to live, killed to survive, and stole to know. Although he has feelings for Imogen, another takes after his heart. Her name's Charity McKnight and everytime he sees her, his heart skips a beat, just as it did when he first saw Imogen, and it still does. Confused and heart-broken, Adrian's left in the middle of a situation where he could go back to Imogen, his first love, or take a chance with Charity. But do rebels choose or do they run? [B]Bio//[/B] Adrian was a child who never quite knew his parents. The only friend he ever had was his butler, Edward, who passed away a few years after his parents had died. Yet, during the years that Edward was with Adrian, he never took advantage of the fact that Edward was his butler. He always thought Edward to be a friend, as well as a guardian. He was the one that helped Adrian with homework, trouble at school, and miscellaneous things. But Edward knew that he was getting old and so at the age of 10, Adrian was placed in St. John. During the time he was in St. John, he had developed a disposition towards rebellion and fighting. The Prince of Fists, he was called, but also the lord duke was a mere nickname that he received. Such petty names were given to him by the schoolmates that roamed the hallways. He trusted no one nor did they trust him. He cared not for the worldy materials, nor did he care for the affections that spread throughout the school. People were cold and evil, they deserved to be cast out into the rain, just as he was. If there was anyone in the world who understood him, it was his friends, Donovan Black and Zach Long. They knew him to be a leader who could help these sheep along, making everything in their rightful place. They also knew him to be a person of a calloused heart and jaded eyes, never looking back nor forward at the world, only what is present at the time. The three grew close and inseperable, they became to be known as the Three Musketeers, but the things they did were not so right and wrong, but what they believed was deemed worthy. Sooner than not, Adrian was known as the silver-haired prince of St. John for his handsome ways and his royal outlook on things. Everyone always said that he must have been brought up by the queen's people, yet it was merely an understatement. He was only brought up by a man who loved him for who he was, which brought him to Imogen. A girl who saw people for who they really were, not for what they wanted or who they knew. This was the first girl that caught his eye, as well as his heart. Imogen was the first for anything and he wanted to make it right. For several years, Adrian and Imogen dated. They were dubbed as the item of the year, a couple who would marry and become king and queen of england. Imogen didn't care, so why did Adrian? It was she who made him a better person, a man in all his wise ages. But somehow, they fell apart. Broken into irreplacalbe pieces. Their hearts could not be mended, nor their souls. Torn and ripped, only Donovan and Zach knew what Adrian could return to, they didn't want to see another episode of Adrian's life turning into a darkened season, they wanted to see Adrian for the passive and joyous person he was, an exuberant person that everyone knew him to be. They knew he had a crush on Charity, but everyime he saw Imogen, his heart fluttered and his stomach lurched. The two girls made him feel inexplicably wonderful. How can he go back to who he was when he was the one who brought it all down? How could he return to the person who wanted to be for years, when he was the one who destroyed that life? How could he just return when he was the one who walked away? The question is just, how could he?[/size][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anne Posted January 22, 2005 Share Posted January 22, 2005 [SIZE=1][U]????s crush[/U] Name- Holly Deaver Age- 18 Gender- Female Appearance- [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/ph-10028.jpg]Holly relaxing in her bathingsuit[/URL] Subjects- [list] [*]World history [*]Drama [*]Advanced English/Creative Writing [*]Advanced Math [*]Astronomy [*]Chemistry [/list] Personality- Holly loves to be the center of attention and will try anything to be it. A drama Queen, she always has to have her way. Always up on the latest fashion. She knows she is attrative and is proud of it. Holly is well aware of that many guys have crush on her, but she won't give the m a second thought unless hse might be able to get something out of it. A bit of a snob and looks down on other people who she feel are not worthy. Though she a snob and a stuck up she is has a very brillant mind. What she lacks in common curtisy she makes up with her mind. This also doesn't help her ego any. Everytime she knows she does better than anyone else it just boost it up more. Bio- Holly has been in England all her life and never has been out of it. Her Mother was from America and her father was from England. They had met on a cruise for single and hit it of. They were marired within a couple of month. Her parents started off living in America, btu when they found out that Holly's mother got pregrant they moved to England and has stayed there every since. When she was thirteen she noticed her parents fighting more and more. She allways knew they fought but it just seemed to be getting worse over the years. The next year her parents told her that they are going to be sending her to St. Jonh's boarding school. As she went there she noticed thatm any of the guys would stare at her and girls would whisper behind ehr back. She found this to be terriably amusing and began to find ways to use this ito her advantage. At the begining of her second year there she recieved a letter from her mother saying t hat her Mother and Father had gotten a devorice. Her Mother was going back to America and that Holly would eb staying in England. The same day her she also got a letter from her Father saying the same thing basically. It also says that she would be staying at the school until she ws done. She tore those letters up and hasn't talk to her parents since. Over the past four years Holy has made some friends, but she wouldn't trust them a whole lot. she is sure that if would tell them anything to important it would be over the school by the end of the day. When she gets out of the school she would love to becoem an actress or model. [/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Onix Posted January 22, 2005 Share Posted January 22, 2005 [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Name- Donovan Black Age- 18 Gender- Male Appearance-Donovan is about 6'0, with a skinny-ish build. He has fairly long black hair, and he dyed his bangs silver. His eyes are a strange, piercing blue. He usually wears a t-shirt and jeans, never leaving home in cold weather without his leather jacket. He usually wears black and other dark colors. Subjects- [list] [*]Advanced English/Creative Writing [*]Advanced Math [*]Biology [*]Fencing [*]Astronomy [*]Computers [/list] Personality- Donovan is a bastard, plain and simple. He's the epitome of badass, the incarnation of surliness, and a walking cloud of negative emotions that can suck the joy out of a person on Ecstacy. Terribly antisocial, he spends all his time alone, or beating the crap out of someone who pissed him off (a very easy thing to do, by the way.) Despite his utter hatred of the entire human race, he is viewed by many of the female population as the "Unapproachable Badboy-type", which, coupled with his good looks, makes him high on the market. Too bad for the girls he doesn't care. Bio- Donovan was born in America, but moved to England at the age of five. Ever since the move, his parents fought harshly, leaving little Donny to fend for himself in a cold, dark world. He quickly developed a cynical attidude and a steel shell around his heart. He also quickly developed a penchant for getting into fights. As he entered school, he was quickly labeled a troubled student. Brilliant yet belligerent, he failed to get along with any teacher, and often refrained from doing homework simply because he didn't want to. His grades plummetted, and eventually his parents brought him into a school for special needs children, also furthering their arguments. Now, as they struggle through divorce, they have placed Donovan in St. Johns. He never leaves for home during holidays, if he can avoid it, and spends most of his time avoiding everyone and everything. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KKC Posted January 22, 2005 Share Posted January 22, 2005 [size=1][color=darkgreen] I hope this is ok, if not I can change it or something. [b]Name[/b]: Aaron Marsee (pronounced Mar-Say, it's French) [b]Age[/b]: 16 (almost 17) [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21945[/img] His hair isn't all in his face though. He keeps it very stiff with hair glue, spiking it out forward. He wears a different amount of things, but his favorite color is orange so he usually wears that color. [b]Subjects[/b]: ~Algebra 2 ~Art 2&3 ~World history ~Percussion ~Forensic Science ~English 2 [b]Personality[/b] Aaron is very humerous fellow with a heart as big as his laugh. He is kind to just about everyone, even if he doesn't really like that person, he won't say nice things about them when they're around, but he is never actually mean to the person's face. He is very silly and knows how to cheer someone up when they're down. He has a big imagination and is always thinking and pondering upon the things he could become once he's out of high school and collage. He sometimes plays pranks, but never means them to be hurtful. Aaron can have a hard time expressing his feelings to people and hides them away, sometimes he hides them for a very long time, like the love for his best friend, Imogen. [b]Bio[/b]: When Aaron was just an infant his parents moved from France to England (his parents have French accents, but sense he grew up in England and his parents taught his to speek he says some words in a French accent and others in an English accent.). He grew up as the nabor of a young girl about his age, Imogen. Their families were wonderful friends and Aaron and Imogen grew being the best of friends. They were such good of friends that their families would go on vacation with each other and just walzing into one or anothers house with out knocking was as normal as clouds in the sky. Ever sense Aaron was 7, he always had this strange feeling for her, one that he felt for no other person. At first, being little, he figured it was just because they were good friends, but when he was older he admited to himself that he loved her, not just as a best friend, but more. Aaron has always been with Imogen through thick and thin, though he has never told her his true feelings and hides them very well. He didn't like her boy friends, but he never made it seem like that. He treated her boyfriends as if they were his brothers. After Imogen's recent break-up, Aaron is trying to cheer her up, but nothing seems to be working. She's been acting different then usual, so he tries to be with her more to take her mind off of what ever it is she is thinking of. Aaron is very artistic. He likes music, art, acting, and alot of other things as well. He doesn't yet know what he wants to do when he's older, but is constantly thinking about it. [/size][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Sean Posted January 22, 2005 Share Posted January 22, 2005 [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]- Zach Long [B]Age[/B]- 17 [B]Gender[/B]- Male [B]Appearance[/B]- [url]http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/ff7-ac/ss-029.jpg[/url] [B] Subjects[/B]- [list][*]AH Art and Design [*]AH Music [*]H Astronomy [*]AH English [*]AH Biology [*]H Computing [/list] [B] Personality[/B]- Zach is quite a happy person for the most part, usually thinking what he?s going to do once he?s left school and how he can develop his skills into something big and important. For the most part Zach is your typical 17 year old, apart from his extreme dislike for alcohol. Something he has hated since an event not to be mentioned when he was 13. He enjoys the little things in life, and knows how lucky he is to have what he does, some good friends, and eventful life to say the least and a good education. He is somewhat a mysterious guy though, slipping in and out without you noticing. But his friends don?t midn, they just laugh at his slyness. [B]Bio[/B]- Zach has been attending St. John?s for little over 4 years now, and he?s grown used to the winding passages and different turns to goto classrooms. But he enjoys it there. He got sent there when him and his parents moved back from Japan. They stayed in Japan for around 4 years seeing as they left when he turned 10. Zach misses his great friends back in Japan all this time on. He keeps in contact with a few of them, but it?s hard seeing as it?s long distance and all. His parents were business people, and they were in the house very little, he had to have a baby-sitter nearly everyday. But his parents decided that it was too much of a hassle and they shipped him off to St. Johns. And Zach was quite happy to go, he could actually stay with the friends he made, he didn?t need to ask to stay at there houses or anything. They were just there, and this excited Zach to bits, any 13 year old would be. So as he turned 14, he said good-bye to his parents and left for St. John?s Boarding School. Did he make those friends? Yes he did, a lot of them, all interested in his life in Japan, he told stories about his old friends and what they used to do, making them laugh so hard they would be gasping for air. But making them cry so much that they would have to leave because of the tragedies that happened. But he got through them, and went by his classes, gaining the knowledge he needed.[/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezekiel Posted January 22, 2005 Author Share Posted January 22, 2005 [B][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1]I like everyone's sign ups so far, very well done. I'm going to go and make the underground thread now, but there may be some changes to it since my writing skillz are dead...yeah, skillz with a 'z'. *sigh* My sign up will follow eventually, I just really can't bring myself to write anything good at the moment. I think another one or two people would be lovely. I wish Legacy could join, but I know his internet is mucked up so that may not happen. Sonata, you have a place saved, my dear. Teacher has been saved for [COLOR=Red]JJRiddler[/COLOR].[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anyu WhiteWolf Posted January 23, 2005 Share Posted January 23, 2005 Name- Raven "the Wolf" Aldwulf Age- 17 Gender- female Appearance- --see attatchment-- She looks like a guy but is a female, she cut her hair to make herself look like a guy to gain more respect, for her own trainers didn't think a woman coud ride right Subjects- -AP Horse Riding -AP Fine Arts -Honors PE -AP English -AP German -Honors Chemistry Personality- A very quiet, gentle person normally. But when angered she can unleash a world of hurt. People don't know what to make of her because of her multiple personalities, most just stay away. She has a deep love of animals, especcially wolves, that's what gave her the nickname "the Wolf". Often times people will only see a smile on her face when she is around her horse, Azure. Bio- Raven used to live with her mother after her father died in a racing accident. There they raised all sorts of horses for racing and dressing. Raven was taught by all sorts of trainers and jockies froma round England. But one day something happened. Her mother caught an illness that attacked her lungs and heart, so after a few weeks, she was gone. Raven, now on her own, dove into the depths of despair and sadness. The horses slowly diesd one by one and the house was unkept as Raven layed in the middle of the floor. one day she leaned out the door to look for something to eat when she heard two old men talink about a boarding school nearby. She grabbed a golden box from her mother's room and ran to the school to sign up for an entrance exam. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sakura Posted January 24, 2005 Share Posted January 24, 2005 [b][u][color=navy][font=Tahoma][size=1]Sign up:[/size][/font][/color][/u][/b][b][u][color=navy][/b][/u] [u][b][/color][/u][b][color=navy][font=Tahoma][size=1]Name[/size][/font][/color][/b][/b][color=navy][size=1]- Sakura Hiwatari[/size] [size=1][b]Age[/b]- 17[/size] [size=1][b]Gender[/b]- Female [/size] [size=1][b]Appearance[/b]- [/size][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"][size=1]Here[/size][/url][size=1].[/size] [size=1][b]Subjects[/b]-[/size][/color] [size=1][color=navy]?English Literature[/color][/size] [size=1][color=navy]?Biology[/color][/size] [size=1][color=navy]?Sport[/color][/size] [color=navy][size=1]?Astronomy[/size] [size=1]?Fencing[/size] [size=1]?Horse Riding[/size] [size=1][b]Personality[/b]- Sakura is a sporty character and enjoys the company of friends and peers. She's usually friendly to people but she won't be if she doesn't like you. She's very dedicated to her school work and works hard to please her parents because they moved from [/size][/color][size=1][color=navy]when she was younger for her studies.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=navy]She's not a material person and enjoys being outside to take in everything the world has to offer. She especially loves the sky, the things in it, and animals and flowers. She?s also not worldly and doesn?t take drugs, alcohol or smoke because she thinks that the body?s a temple and she doesn?t want to poison it with such things.[/color][/size] [b][color=navy]Bio[/color][/b][color=navy]- Sakura and her family moved from [/color][color=navy]Japan[/color]England since then and she?s been attending St. John?s for a bit over 4 years. When they left, she was reluctant to leave her friends behind, but she still keeps in contact with them through email and her friends keep her updated on things that happen there while she does the same, telling them about things in England. She had some trouble mixing in at first because she?s of a different culture but she soon gained lots of friends around and her English is exceptional because it was her best subject after Sport in Japan. When it was time for her to start school, she had to say a fond goodbye to her parents and they said that it was better for her because she?d get a good education. She was excited to go to St. Johns, but sad because she wouldn?t be able to see her parents. Since the beginning she started to try to memorize her way through the long winding corridors to all of the different classes because when she started her first few weeks, she constantly got lost and was late for class. Her favourite classes by far are those that are outdoors like Sport, Horse Riding and Astronomy. She?s made many friends and they like to hear about Japan and their lifestyles. Most of them are sporty as well so they get along fine and play around a lot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lilt Posted January 24, 2005 Share Posted January 24, 2005 [b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkorchid][b]Thanks for saving me a spot, Firefly. At first, I thought I wouldn't be able to join this rp at all. ^.~[/b][/color][/size][/font] [color=darkorchid][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][b]Name[/b] [/size][/font][/color][/b][color=darkorchid][font=Book Antiqua][size=2]- Charity McKnight[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][b]Age [/b]- 16[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][b]Gender [/b]- Female[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][b]Appearance [/b]- [/size][/font][/color][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/Alice1/eye-patch.jpg"][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkorchid]Charity, after the accident.[/color][/size][/font][/url] [color=darkorchid][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][b]Subjects [/b]- [/size][/font][/color] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkorchid]Music[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkorchid]Sports[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkorchid]Fencing[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkorchid]Drama[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkorchid]Horseback Riding[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkorchid]English Lit.[/color][/size][/font] [color=darkorchid][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][b]Personality [/b]- Charity used to be a little bolder in her past, but now she's toned it down a little bit. Nobody knows what made her change like this, (besides the fencing incident,) but they never ask. She still likes to have fun though, and has kept some of her outgoing personality. Charity can be very insecure, (especially around Holly,) and gets embarrassed easily about her accent, eyepatch, and other things.[/size][/font][/color] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#9932cc]Charity will sometimes slip into a quiet and a thoughtful mood. This usually happens when she's alone. And if you ever watch her when she's in this mood, you would see her slip off to her room , when no one's around, and cry softly.[/color][/size][/font] [color=darkorchid][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][b]Bio[/b]- A native of Ireland, Charity didn't really have much trouble fitting into St. John's since she didn't have to worry about a language barrier, (except for the few kids who would make fun of her accent.) She wasn't originally supposed to go to St. John, or England. Her mother had planned for her to go to St. Charity, (which by coincedence, was the saint she was named after.) but with the break up of her parents, Charity left Ireland. (Although she never really told anyone her reasons for doing so.)[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2]Charity was always a creative child, but not very athletic. So, deciding to take up a sport, she chose fencing. But late at night, she and Haley snuck into the gym so that they could show each other what they had both learned in the class. Stupidly, neither of the girls were wearing helmets, and they were both playing around with the teacher's sabres. The point to Haley's sword caught Charity's right eye. Trying to be tough, Charity didn't scream as she held back her tears. At first, Haley didn't know what had happened, but when she realized that her friend had stopped fighting, she thought something was wrong. Seeing blood creep down from behind her friend's dark purple hair, Haley ran off to go tell a teacher what happened.[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2]After her eye was taken care of, the teachers punished the two girls by making them work around the school for a little while. At first, they thought of changing most of the girls' courses, including fencing, but Charity managed to talk them out of it.[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2]Now, Charity tries to be a little more careful than she has been in the past. And even though she's a bit embarrassed about her eyepatch, most of the kids at school thnk it's neat. (Except for Holly Deaver, of course. Who teases her about it constantly.)[/size][/font][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezekiel Posted January 24, 2005 Author Share Posted January 24, 2005 [SIZE=1][COLOR=SeaGreen]Thanks a lot for signing up, guys, I'll start this today. Sign ups are still open. [B]Name-[/B] Imogen Nesbitt [B]Age-[/B] 16 [B]Gender- [/B] Female [B]Appearance- [/B] [URL=http://www.angelroms.com/anime/Anime%20Girls/School%20Girl/SchoolGirls-00026.jpg]Imogen[/URL] on an off day. [B]Subjects- [/B] ?Astronomy ?English Lit. ?Drama ?Art ?Basketball ?History [B]Personality- [/B] Imogen used to be very outgoing with lots of friends and even a few admirers. Now she is shut in and has grown to be a recluse with only one friend that she feels she can depend on, Aaron. He doesn't know about her gift and she is determined to keep it that way, however she wishes that she could tell someone. She is afraid that if people knew they would all avoid her. Consider her gift some kind of perverse power that would let her see what others can't. She isn't very confident and often finds herself slipping into a low level of self-esteem. She finds it very hard to accept compliments form others but she really is trying to get better. [B]Bio-[/B] Brain dieing, I will get back to you on this -.-[/COLOR][/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ Posted January 25, 2005 Share Posted January 25, 2005 Sorry 'bout the lateness Miss Methy. I hope it's good enough, and the post will follow shortly. [color=Darkblue][size=1]Name- Caleb Bruner Age- 27 Gender- Male Appearance- See attachment Subjects- Caleb teaches English. Personality- Caleb is a midly quiet soul. He keeps to himself, only speaking with those he knows well. Most people would call him cold, but he just likes to keep to himself. If you?re on his good side, you?ll know it. To his students, Caleb keeps his spirits up. He?s been known to give parties unexpectedly, and he?s also given some of the best advice in love. Unknown to most students though, Caleb is bisexual. He has dated a couple of the staff, but still hasn?t seemed to find anyone anywhere close to the special one. Bio- Caleb was born in a normal enough American surrounding. His mother was a nurse at the local hospital and his father was a doctor. They had met in school, and things had seemed to go great until Caleb was seven. Things escalated, leaving Caleb homeless. Both his parents refused to fight for custody, so he was sent to his aunt. She was a very religious women and also very strict. She never let him go out or have friends over. That lead him to sneak out. Things escalated, and she kicked him out. He lived his last two years of high school with a friend. It was there that he began to realize his feelings towards people. During a ?Truth or Dare? his friend was dared to kiss him, and at that moment, Caleb realized that his feelings were more than just friendly. After the game, they talked it over, and realized they both had feelings. So they began to date. They dated for 4 years, and after Caleb finished his bachelor?s degree, he moved to England. At first, he was wary of everyone around him, but Caleb?s boyfriend got quickly accustomed. That was, until he went and slept with the gardener. Caleb was broken hearted, and tossed him out of the house. He locked himself in the house for a week. Afterwards, he quietly picked up his life. He had been studying oversees for two years with an exchange program, and after he finished school, he decided to stya and teach at St. John?s. This year has been Caleb?s second year, and to most, he?s seemed like the perfect teacher. He met Imogen through an assignment, and took to her. Her personality seemed to shine through, and he loved listening to her talk on stuff that happens with the other students.[/size][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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