Kairi Posted February 28, 2005 Author Share Posted February 28, 2005 [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Everyone was in the hotel resting...watching over one another when M decided to go for a walk. The bite on his thigh was healing...but the pain intensified with every step that he took. Taikaru had wrapped it up with a rag, tightened by a leather belt so that it would help stop the bleeding. [I]damn it....[/I] he thought to himself as he walked outside into the night. There was a gentle breeze within the town...everyone now calm since the attack; all sleeping in their beds. M was glad that they were safe...but he was concerned for his team. They all wanted to go back home...back to Heaven. But M knew the Commander better...their mission had not yet been completed. Hong Kong still needed to be investigated. Even if the majority of the population was already dead...the team still needed to analyze the situation. [I]We must leave though...now...we can come back later......maybe in a day or two. [/I] worrying about Farel now in his coma...Lee, as exhausted as he was...and just the emotional strain that seemed to be bearing down upon everyone. [I]Something has to be done....[/I] ''Commander Red" as M clicked his earpiece on. ''M...give me the situation over there..." ''Sir...Farel and Lee are down. We've collected all the necessary data needed about the serum in reaction the virus. However, the mission to Hong Kong is a no go at this point...we all are hurting sir...there isn't much more we can do here at this point." ''No M...you will continue with your mission and complete it...do you understand me?'' M didn't know what to say................he knew that if they continued, more of his friends were going to get hurt, maybe even die. The pain in his thigh was almost unbearable. He didn't care for the mission...all that concerned him was the pain of his friends...and the fucking sting shooting up and down through his leg. "No..." replied M as he walked farther away from the hotel so that no one would hear him. "I don't think I can do that sir" ''What...are you defying my orders soldier...do not forget who you are talking too boy!" ''Oh I haven't sir...but do not forget who you are talking too. It is not your life that is in jeopardy here commander, and I will not allow you to treat us like this. I'm requesting an emergency evacuastion immidiately from the area...and well will continue to Hong Kong in a couple of days...sir" ''How Dare You!" screamed the Commander on the other end..."this is my operation M...and I will not allow you tooo...'' but there was a sudden gasp on the other end of the line. The commander went completely silent.... M's eyes were black once again...he had had enough. Tired of having another human being control them. He didn't mind taking orders and doing these missions...God knows he loved it...but to endanger those he held the closest to him... "did you forget my warning Red" M's voice was once again cold and deep....the pain in his body dissapeared. Still...silence...all that could be heard was a shuffling in Red's leather chair; struggling with something. "If you do not send us help immidiately...I will tear out your soul now and forever Red...I swear it on the lives of my friends. The next time you question my judgement of their safety...well *as an evil grin spread across his face*...you imagine the rest." M let go of his hold on Red as he awaited his answer. ''A ship is coming now M." and a sudden click could be heard on his end. Slowly...coming out of his trans, M looked back towards the hotel and began to limp himself back, placing a hand on his wound yet again...the pain returning. "Everyone..." ''M...'' answered Andy on the other end..."whats going on?" "Get everyone ready to go...we're going back home for a couple of days. And once everyone is rested back up...we're heading back to Hong Kong."[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: If you all want to include in your posts that you heard the conversation between Red and M...thats cool. Let us all get some rest...be excited...a new member is coming to the Angelic Team:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redemption Posted March 1, 2005 Share Posted March 1, 2005 [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Trebuchet MS][b]Back at headquarters...[/b] Night covered the earth above headquarters. Everyone was anxious to hear anything from the doctors about Farel and Lee's condition. But they were told to rest themselves after being attended to for their various wounds. Andy walked back to her room alone. M insisted on staying behind. She was a little disappointed but hid it well. It had been a stressful mission. Very stressful, for all members. Opening her door, Andy noticed that her Phoenix was sitting on her bedhead, waiting patiently for her to return. A small smile came to Andy's face. " You are very loyal," Andy said softly. She wished M could be with her, so badly. But something about him scared her. When they were in Asia only a few hours ago, she had overheard his conversation with Commander Red. His tone of voice was threatening and harsh. Around his body, you could almost see a dark aura. It was scary. Climbing onto her bed, Andy sighed. She looked at the ceiling. Whatever she was running on now was amazing stuff. Andy had used all of her strength to find a way out of the tunnels which ran for miles. Now tiredness started to creep over her. Her eyes slowly closed as she prayed for M to come to her. [b]OOC: kairi, just go to andy's room and discuss the conversation and whatever else. don't start the scene please.[/b][/FONT][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lil kitsune boy Posted March 1, 2005 Share Posted March 1, 2005 'Enjoy yourself?' Eric asked as M passed him, exiting the room. 'How long were you there?' Ma asked, a little surprised. 'Long enough,' Eric said, smiling, 'You know, most people don't have what it takes to stand up to a superior officer.' 'Is that a compliment?' M asked. 'Eh, somewhere in between.' 'You do enjoy being an enigma, don't you?' M remarked. Eric chuckled a bit. 'It's worked for me so far.' he said. 'You know,' M said, 'You can't keep this up forever. Eventually you'll have to open up to someone.' Eric smile faded, briefly, 'You think so?' M looked at Eric, seeing the all the pain his smile tried to hide, 'Eric, sharing your past is not a weakness. As much as you think you're sparing other people, you're only bringing yourself more pain.' Eric turned away, walking down the hall. 'You might be right, M.' he said, 'But I can't. Not just yet.' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kiba_the_Chosen Posted March 1, 2005 Share Posted March 1, 2005 Taikaru was somewhat happy to be back a headquarters for a bit. She sat in front of the one way mirror to Farel?s operating table. *I guess I can trust them. Or was it what M said on the intercom. I don?t know about his past or much about his present him. All I know is that he cares for us. The fool?s caring is what puts his life in jeopardy. Never will understand that feeling. I know I have felt it and Farel put me in a tight spot. But I gone blank for awhile and that viper disappeared. I still don?t know what happens during that time.* Taikaru got up knowing Farel would be alright. *I wonder if M knew what he was talking about. His voice changed when Red didn?t answer. He sounded like?one of them. That is why it seems so familiar. I just hope this rest here will clear his mind.* She was walking down the hall as she saw M come out around the corner. ?Taikaru you should get some rest.? ?M?? She stuttered a bit thinking about how to put her sentence. ?Yes?? ?Well?? Taikaru was still thinking. In the end changing the subject was the best way to complete a sentence. ?Well I was thinking about the people at the village we went to.? ?They will be fine without us.? ?Yes but when you guys were in the tunnels and you were unconscious for a little while I went to oversee the virus effects. They seemed strange.? ?Really?? ?Yes indeed. I have reports of graying of skin. Also some of them received fatal viper bites but there was nothing wrong with them. I believe something suspicious is going on.? ?Taikaru don?t worry about that. It is your health you should be worried about now. Please rest for the days to come. We will eventually be landing in Hong Kong.? ?Your right M. I should go and get some sleep.? ?Yes I will see you tomorrow.? ?Oh M.? ?Yeah?? ?I just wanted to say that maybe you should go talk to Andy she looks confused and angry.? ?I will keep that in mind Taikaru.? Taikaru then shoved off down the hall to the delta wing. ***Delta Wing*** She peered into the hellknights cage and saw that it noticed her without thrashing. ?I know you know me.? A ghastly whisper came from the cage. ?Yeah. You are a creature that wants to poison this world.? ?No you know that I can see into your power. You know that your power is what we seek.? ?I suppose that would be true. The werewolves told me and they are the only honorable creature in your universe.? ?Yes they may be honorable but they are the weakest out of us.? ?Back to the subject. I don?t think it is only my power you want now is it?? The ghastly voice didn?t answer for awhile but finally gave up the truth. ?You?ve locked me in my prison and I have nothing for suicide. I will tell.? ?Good we finally got some cooperation.? ?That is wrong human. I will just tell you. It doesn?t mean you can stop what is to become of them.? ?I guess that would be true.? ?You have what we call our sacred power. I still can?t believe it is within a human. The next is the one you call Farel. There aren?t that many chameleon like creatures where we come from. After that is the M character. Diving into my thoughts I will kill him for that. But not until we harvest his power. Lee is a telekinetic. He is worth it. Finally there is Ivy. With her exploding our troops she would work as a powerful ally.? ?You say all these things but why would any of us join you?? ?I will only say one thing. We have more technology than you do.? Taikaru sat there wondering. Something was missing. ?What about Andy.? ?The pyrokenetic? She is worth nothing but common filth. There are way too many pyrokenetics within our world. But I saw into what she could do. That phoenix follows her. I believe we could make an exception.? ?Well you are trapped in the bindings. You can?t do any of this. You can only sit and be studied.? ?Who says I have to? I will eventually see this happen.? ?Now wait a minute. Why tell me this? I mean, I am not any different than the others.? ?Sure you are. You?re about as different as I am from the human race.? ?Again I will ask that you tell me why you?re telling me this?? ?Because in a short while I will die. Our lives our short lived and as a warrior we relinquish knowledge onto another being. I just hate that it be you, you filthy human.? ?So you are kind of religious.? There was no answer. The figure lay there through the hole motionless. ?So that is why creatures fight each other. I should have seen it in our first mission. They believed in different things. The honorable lycans and the evil vampires.? *That is not the only reason why they fight. I guess this mission Red sent us on was to observe the creatures and how they behave between each other. He doesn?t want us to save anyone. I will have to keep this from M. If he found out he would let the creatures kill each other.* ?I guess some creatures can be somewhat more tolerant of humans.? ?What are you mumbling about down here?? Lee came down the steps. ?Nothing. The hellknight passed away.? ?What? That was an amazing creature.? ?Well not amazing enough to live.? ?I wanted to see it one more time.? ?The corpse is in there. You can take a look at that.? ?I will head up to my room then. If there is nothing down here to interest me.? Taikaru followed Lee out of the Delta Wing like a lost puppy. Keeping close behind him until they reached a corner where they parted. ?Good night Lee. I will be ready tomorrow to train to go back to Hong Kong.? ?Good night Taikaru and I just wanted to let you know that Farel is going to be fine.? ?In the end good news comes out of everything.? Taikaru took off down the hall and made it to her room. She was able to dodge M. Laying there on her bed she thought about what the hellknight said. ?Religious huh. They are like us in different forms when we were without the president. Wait a minute. The president. We were sent to get his daughter. But I don?t think we actually herd where he was hiding. Hold on a minute. How am I able to know that people were like this when I was little.? She took off into deep thought and closed her eyes. OOC: I hope I don?t seem like a fast poster on this one. One thing about the different religious beliefs of the monsters is, that is why they were fighting in London. For anyone who didn?t catch on. When KariKIce2 brought up the thing they were fighting against each other I wondered why aren?t they fighting the humans. So I kind of mingled that up. Gave it a little stir. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kairi Posted March 1, 2005 Author Share Posted March 1, 2005 [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]*sigh*...[I]everyone seems exhausted[/I] M thought to himself as he made his way to the room. [I]I'm sure everyone will come into their own...[/I] thinking back to his conversation with Eric; and how everyone else had been ever since arriving. Seemed like they were not only fighting against these monsters...but also with themselves in a sense. *yawn*...M had just gotten finished talking with Commander Red. Finally; they had reached an agreement. M was tired of being pushed down by the Commander...making rules and regulations about missions that have never been done before. Some flexability needed to be administered. The doctors told Farel was in a stable condition in his coma...the poison had been extracted from him; his heart beat however was slowly diminishing. They were going to administer a quick shot of adrenaline to his heart to start it back up. But M declined the procedure; it wasn't like Farel was OD'ing or anything. He knew Farel would come out of it...he wasn't the kind to merely give up. After his wound had been treated...he knew he had to go to sleep. He sensed Taikaru was avoiding him...but he didn't care. He didn't know what her issue was with him; but it didn't matter right now. Everyone just needed to get some rest...not to think about the mission at all. A little vacation... [I]Maybe I should talk to Andy...she seemed silent towards me ever since coming back to the base....did she hear the conversation with Commander Red?[/I] Stopping at his own door, M turned around and headed towards Andy's room. He knocked gently so that he would not wake her if she was asleep...there was no answer. He was about to leave...but he had a feeling that he needed to go in. [I]She did come into my room that one time...[/I] Opening the door as quietly as he could...he walked in...[/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blayze Posted March 1, 2005 Share Posted March 1, 2005 (OOC: Umm, Kiba, Lee wouldn't say he wanted to see the HellKnight one last time, because he is blind. Just thought I'd mention that) Lee stood at the HellKnight's cage, feeling his life essence ebb away. He felt the pain of the Knight as it died. He sighed, feeling a great presence leave the world. He looked away, and then used the code he had been given to open the Knight's cage. He walked slowly in, feeling that the Knight was dead, and stood over the corpse, feeling the power around the body. He knelt down to touch the Knight's face, feeling it's last thoughts, when it moved, and grabbed him round the throat. It began to throttle him, choking the life out of him with it's extraordinary strength. He turned blue and fell to the floor. Suddenly, in a burst of colour, he saw the Knight, and drew his sword, ramming it through the Knight's head. A shower of blood splattered all over his face, and the sight left him again. The Knight fell on top of him, and he gasped to get his breath back. He sat up, and lifted the Knight off him with his powers, dropping it on the floor. He stood up, and felt his way out of the cage, locking the door behind him and leaving, going back to his room... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akieen Cloud Posted March 1, 2005 Share Posted March 1, 2005 Ivy stood by Lee's door as he returned. "You know you shouldn't go alone right now, your eye sight isn't at it's best." "Leave me alone Ivy." "I can't." "Why, you here to make it deeper?" "NO. I'm here to talk to you. Help you if I can." "Right whatever Ivy. Not now." "Listen,I'm not going anywhere so you can deal wtih that. I'm your froend and I'm going to help you one way or another. Got that?" She watched as a mix of emotions ran over his face. "Look I know losing your eyes was a tragedy for you. But to just lock your self down isn't the answer to that and you know it Lee." "Wha tif it is and you jus don't know." "Lee. Let me come in and help you. I can, and I will not take no for an answer. I'm going to help you this time. You need it." I don't need help from anyone. I'm not helpless." "I know that, but just please Lee. I want to help you in anyway I can>" I don't need your help Ivy." "I'm not asking you anymore! I"m telling you! Let me help you!" "Why do you care!" "Because, maybe I just do okay? Maybe I seem cold and heartless and that I don't care Lee but I do. I do care. So let me help you." She took his hand cautiously and led him nto his room closing the door ligthly. Sittinghim on his bed she sat beside him. "Now if you'll listen I think there may be a way to use your powers to see again, not as good but you'll still be able to see." "You'd help me this way?" "I will till you master it Lee. I promise." She shook his hand and he nodded. "Good are you willing to listen to waht I have to say?" She sat there silent waiting for him to answer her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blayze Posted March 1, 2005 Share Posted March 1, 2005 Lee sat on the bed, not knowing if he was looking at Ivy or not. He wanted to be able to see again, and this looked like the best way to do it. However, he didn't want a lot of human contact right now. He was feeling down, understandably so. He moved his sight to where he thought Ivy was sitting, and looked at her for a long time, before saying: "I would love it if you could help me, Ivy. I want to be able to see again, I don't care if it won't be as well as I used to be able to. Please help me." "I will, Lee, I will do everything in my power to help you to see again." "Thank you, Ivy. I would hug you but I don't know where you are." She wrapped her arms around him, and he held her tight in his arms, whispering thanks, trying to hold back the tears that were flooding out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meggido Posted March 1, 2005 Share Posted March 1, 2005 OOC: My best post ever. They sat together in a world between worlds. Half in light, half in shade. Farel had his arm close to Mai, holding her close to him.He never wanted to let go of her, though he knew he would have to leave soon. The two had been speaking for hours. More than a day had passed in the real world. Almost two since he had entered the coma. They had discussed everything, the year since she had died, philosophy, faith and other topics. Mai had been able to restore Farel's faith in God. He believed again and only through her wisdom. And finally they discussed Project:Heaven. Farel had covered his new friends and their experience in London. The encounters with the vampires and warewolves, though he left out his rescue of Taikaru. He was about to begin talking about the events of the recent mission when Mai broke in. "She does love you, you know." "WHo, Taikaru?' Farel replied in surprise. "Yes. She is new to the feelings and needs support. You're the only one that can help her," Mai continued. "But why me? Why have I been specially chosen? Why not Lee or Carl?" "They have their own tasks. This on ebelongs to you. She has singled you out. It began when you saved her in the lycan lair," Mai explained, "And you reaffirmed her trust when you put your life on the line for her." "You knew about that," Farel asked looking guiltily. "I know about a lot of things, my love. I am your guardian angel. It is my duty to watch over you and keep you safe." "But you are my only love," Farel began groping for excuses. "How can I have room in my heart for both of you?" "But you do have the space," she responded. "You saved her twice. The first even with the knowledge that you may meet your greatest fears. You have shown that you are beginning to love her. You just need to open yourself to the possibility." Again looking for an excuse, Farel said, "I couldn't allow what happened to you to happen again. I saved her so as to free myself of some of that guilt. I will never fully be free of it though." "You continue with the excuses Farel, but I know what is in your heart. That was my gift and why I was always joyous around you. I knew you always loved me even if you didn't speak it." She paused for a moment. "I want you to find that happiness that you had when I was alive. I want you to love again. Even if it means moving on my love." Farel finally conceded defeat. "You're right. I do have feelings for her, but not as strong as those for you." "In time those feelings will grow and develop," Mai said. "Yes, but what if I begin to forget you? I never want that to happen." "It will never happen," She reassured him. "Even if you don't know it, your memories of me will remain forever. But now I must go, our time is up." "I will always love you," He said as they embraced. "I know. And I will always be watching you." She finished, "Godbye my love, Goodbye Farel." "Goodbye Mai," he said as she began to walk back towards the light. Tears began to stream down his face again. He couldn't hold them back. He didn't want to. And now he was alone in the darkness again. Not as scared as he had once been, but instead patiently waiting. A voice began to become clear to him. "Wake up Farel. Please wake up," The voice said. At first he thought it was Mai again, but after some time it became clearer and he recongnised it as Taikaru's voice. ---Real world--- He opened his eyes to the world once again. He was in what appeared to be a hospital room. Taikaru was asleep with her head resting beside his chest. She was repeating the words in her sleep. Farel placed his hand on her head, being careful not to wake her, and ran it down her hair. She stopped speaking, as if that were enough to comfort her. Farel lay there, hand on Taikaru's back, staring at the ceiling when M enterd to check up on him. Farel put a finger to his lips to inform M not to wake Taikaru. M made his way quietly to the seat on Farel's other side. He sat down. "She must have come in here during the night," M whispered, "It is good to see you awake friend." "It's good to be awake. Where am I," Farel asked. "In the emergency ward back at HQ," was the response. " We are going to keep you here for a couple of days for observation." "How long has it been?" "Two days since you went into a coma. You had us all worried." And finally the last question on Farel's mind, "How is everyone?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akieen Cloud Posted March 1, 2005 Share Posted March 1, 2005 Ivy sat back and wiped hte tears away from Lee's face. "I figure we would start simple Lee." "First of all how do we start this." Well, I have been researching this for a long time." "Jow long?" "For about all night...I-I only slept for an hour last night after I found this in the liberary here." "this place has a liberary?" "I will show it to you after we get your sight back." "You sound so confident." "Becasue I know you can do it Lee, your strong enough." He nodded and she took a deep breath." "Alright, first off, unblock all your energy and let it flow throughout your body entirely." He nodded, she felt it, the room becoame very warm." "Good, now, open your eyes." He hesatanly did so, she held the gasp that threatened to escape her lips, his eyes were a pale lgith blue. She put her hands on his chees, right at his temples. "A-Alright, concentrate your energy here, where you feel my fingers." He nodded and she pulled back as she felt a static shock go through her fingers. "Great! Now, here's the hard part, you have to manipulate your energy and power at the same time so you can use it to visualize what's around you...kinda like your third eye." He nodded agian and took a deep breath, he frowned and blinked as a vision of Ivy flashed to him. "I-I think I did it Ivy." "Great! All we have to do is practice for a little while and you'll have it down to a master." "How long exactly did you research this for me Ivy?" "Ever since we returned." "Tht's been almost a full day and night Ivy..." "I know, I'm fine Lee." She smiled and put her fingers back at his temples and held them there. "Do what you did before, only concentrate it here. Just like your energy, but this time make it both energy and power." He nodded and closed his eyes concentrating hard. "Open your eyes." He did and blinked as he saw her plian as day." "Ivy, I can see agian." He stood breaking the contact between them and stumbled as his world went black again. He fell bacwards and felt Ivy wrapp her arms around his waist to keep him from falling. "I have you Lee. We have to get you so you don't have to use a filter to do that." "Filter?" "Another source to filter your sight through to see. I'm glad you could do what you've done." "Ivy, thanks." "Anything." He reached out to her and motioned for her to put her fingers back against his temples. She followed his instructions and did so. He tried again and looked around his room. "Man if I remembered that it was this messy I would have asked for someone to clean up." "It's fine." He nodded and kept trieing." "Your doing great Lee. Keep it up." She stayed with him for alomost 4 hours having him practice and just talking while they took breaks. "Try again Lee." He nodded and concentrated, she smiled behind him as he stood and walked a few steps with out her help. He was getting the hang of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retribution Posted March 2, 2005 Share Posted March 2, 2005 Julius walked into the hotel, unsure if it was the correct place. The directions said that the team was supposedly resting at his current location. He gave a low call, into the building. "Hello? Anyone here?" A light cut on in a backroom, and a man walked into view, giving him a casual grin and offering Julius his hand. He took it, giving the man a firm handshake, unsure of who the person was. But manners never hurt, did they? "Hello. You must be ..." He paused for a moment, recalling his strange name. "Ah. Julius Arelius. I'm Commander Red." "Pleased to meet you, Commander. I guess you know who sent me and the reasons why." He nodded an affirmative, beckoning him further into the hotel. Julius followed, and was led to a well-lit hallway, with soft talking wafting through the corridor, just barely reaching his straining ears. Obviously, he was analyzing the hotel, who was it in, what they sounded like, what kind of man the commander was, and exactly where the inhabitants were located. It was part of his syndrome. Sometimes he hated it, with a burning loathe, as he couldn't think as simply as any other human. He was blessed and cursed with the gift of an over-reactive mind. He thought almost five times as fast as a regular person. He strode down the hallway, glancing into each room to see who was in it, what they were doing, and if he could occupy the room. Several had people in them -- people he didn't know, people he didn't want to disturb with his trivial presence. He settled upon an empty room, and flicked on the light, surveying the space and finally deciding it would do fine. "Just like... home?" He said, trying to console himself with the thought of his original home on Mars. Looking out into the blackness of space. The hungry vacuum, the gaping infinity glaring at him every moment. It was a great feeling, and made him feel at peace when he thought about such times. He sat on the squeaky bed, unzipping his bag, making sure all his weapons were clean and loaded, and that the rest of his limited belongings were in order. He wanted to talk to someone -- anyone. But he didn't know any one. He had been briefly aquainted with the commander, but no one else. He layed on the bed, flat on his back as he stared at the ceiling, trying his hardest to slow his mind down. "The people in the room next to me breathe deeply, softly, caring? Maybe a relationship. The Commander was firm with his grip, probably a strong, confident man. What made him like that..." he paused for a second, ruminating over all the new information. "Just stop. Stop right now." He took another deep breath to still himself. Wishing sorely someone would take the time to say at least 'hi' to him, he stared at the ceiling long and hard, cementing his over-active mind to a stand still. OOC: So was that good? My character's sign up can be found in the underground thread. Later! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redemption Posted March 2, 2005 Share Posted March 2, 2005 [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Trebuchet MS][b]OOC: For all of those who don't want to read this post (because it is an intimate moment between Andy and M), just move on. I just wanted to put this as a warning.[/b] A small breeze came through the door as M opened it. It ruffled the fire feathers of Andy's Phoenix. It awoke and looked at M approach Andy, who was sleeping peacefully. The bird of flame watched M very very carefully, sensing the full extent of M's powers. M slowly made his way over to Andy and sat on the edge of her bed, looking over her slowly. She looked so peaceful, laying there silently. It looked like she wasn't having any nightmares, and the hauntings over her past weren't haunting her anymore. He lovingly brushed his hand across her cheek. It was warm. Not hot, like her body usually felt, just warm. The Phoenix bent low from its perch and positioned its head next to Andy's. It looked like it was speaking to her. M looked at the Phoenix strangely. It seemed to have a golden glow about it. Something he had never seen before. M looked back at Andy who had a small smile on her face. " I was wondering when you would come by." M smiled. She was awake the whole time he had been in there. " Farel's doing alright. He came out of the coma. And Taikaru is there for him. I don't know how Lee is doing though. Haven't seen him since we arrived." " Oh. And what about you M?" " What about me?" " How are you doing?" An expression of fear flitted across Andy's face. M saw it. " You mean with Red?" Andy nodded. " Well, I don't know. We sorted the thing out. Did you overhear my conversation with him?" Andy nodded again. " You scared me a little M. You just seemed so dark, and, well, evil." M looked shocked at Andy's choice of words. He didn't feel evil when he did it, but from anyone else's perspective, he might have looked it. He looked Andy in the eyes. " I wouldn't do anything to hurt my friends." " I certainly hope not. Otherwise I'll burn you to a crisp." M laughed. Andy just smiled. There was an awkward silence after that. Andy looked at the roof, avoiding M's gaze. And M was looking at the wall, avoiding Andy's gaze. Suddenly M felt Andy stroke his arm. The sensation of a light, tantalising touch shivered up his spine. He looked over to Andy who smiled at him. She sat up and whispered into his ear. " You said ' When this mission is over.......I'll give all of myself for you...whatever you want to know about me....or do'. M.....please....I want to know....what it feels like....to be....to be loved." M looked at Andy. He could tell she was nervous. Nervous about what she wanted to do with him this very moment. He smiled knowingly. M turned to face her and kissed her, slowly and passionately. Andy closed her eyes and leant close to him, feeling the warmth radiate from his body. She felt M's hands slide down both her arms and fall onto her hips. Slowly, very slowly, he masterfully pulled her shirt off her body, revealing the top half of her body, with only a black bra on. Andy's heart-rate quickened. Her breathing became shallow and faster. Andy kissed M back just as passionately. She felt desire starting to run through her veins. She felt the temperature of the room jump and she felt M's heart-beat also quickening. Carefully, she took M's short off, revealing the scars of the operation to attach his mechanical arm. Breaking away from the kiss, she drew her index finger over the large scar all the way around. M shivered at the touch. Tracing Andy's breasts with soft fingers, M drew her close and ran his hands slowly down her sides. Andy softly moaned. Whether it was a release of anticipation, or from the sheer pleasure of touch, M didn't know. But nonetheless, it excited him. Feeling their bare skin touch as M lay Andy down on the bed, M began to kiss. First he started at the neck. Andy shivered in anticipation. Then he continued downwards. Around the breasts, above her stomach, around her navel and finally stopped at her pant line. A look of estasy was upon Andy's face. Slowly, M undid the top button to Andy's pants and unzipped the zipper. Inch by inch, he slid her pants off, revealing a pair of lacey black underwear, and threw them on the ground beside the bed. Andy arched her back as M kissed down her stomach again. Her whole body was trembling from the sensations she was receiving. M leant down, pressing his masculine body against Andy's feminine one. He drew her close and whispered into her ear, " Turn over." Andy did so willingly. M stroked a finger down her spine and began to kiss the back of her shoulders, and then down her spine. She had never experienced anything like this before. It was a fire unlike any she could summon - a warmth she never knew. As M continued down her back, Andy felt like she had wings. She felt like she could soar into the skies and forget everything that ever happened to her. Turning back over, he kissed her on the lips deeply. A rush of exhilaration ran through both of their bodies. M took his pants off, revealing a pair of black cotton boxers, and threw them onto the floor, near Andy's. He massaged Andy's breasts gently with his hands before sliding his hands behind her back to unclasp the bra. Taking it off, M took off his boxers. Finally, he masterfully took off the last piece of clothing between the both of them. Looking into each other's eyes, M slowly penetrated Andy. Moans came from both of their lips. [b]OOC: there you go kairi. finish it off.[/b][/FONT][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kiba_the_Chosen Posted March 2, 2005 Share Posted March 2, 2005 Taikaru was just waking up without opening her eyes. She felt a presence around her. She couldn?t tell who it was. *Uhh where am I? Oh yeah I remember. I came in here.* Taikaru then opened her eyes to see that Farel was watching the ground. She sat up and Farel looked straight into her eyes. ?So this means that the venom is gone?? ?Appears to be so.? Farel said still looking into her eyes. She saw a sad and happy mix of feelings in his eyes. They looked like he cried but there was a slight smile on his face. Taikaru stood up to look at the clock. There were none in the operating room. ?Uh Farel how long have I been out?? ?Oh don?t know. I woke up to find you here lying on the bed there.? Taikaru passed her eyes from Farel and looked to the door. Then she looked back at Farel with kind of the same smile Farel was giving her. ?I think we should go find out what everyone is doing.? ?Well you may be right. I haven?t been out of here for awhile.? Farel hopped off the bed and Taikaru stood up from hers. They opened the door and went around the corridors heading to the living quarters. There they finally found a clock. ?Seems only to be seven twenty one. We have time to do what we want. Right Farel?? ?What do you mean by that?? Farel asked with a wondered look in his face. ?Let?s see here. Ah yes an idea just hit me. I know the missions we been on dragged us from reality of the civilians. Why don?t we go up there for some fresh air?? ?I guess I?m on that vote as long as nothing venomous comes at me again.? ?Well New York here is safe. That is probably why this base is here. We haven?t had an attack here in almost six months.? ?Alright. I will follow you. I got some places to visit too up there.? They headed towards the door. ***Surface*** Taikaru stretched to finally have room. ?Farel I was wondering.? ?What about?? ?You say you come from Mars eh. Well I?m just going to say I don?t know where I come from. You?re lucky to have a memory.? Farel looked down and looked somewhat puzzled. *I guess this is one step forward.* She thought to herself. ?Shall we walk through the city first?? ?What I figure is this entire place is a city.? ?Alright. Where should we start?? ?Hmmm?Want to go to the top of that skyscraper?? Farel didn?t answer but gave Taikaru a small nod. They walked off. Along the way people seemed calm and always busy. The streets were crowded and the traffic was bad. The skyscraper Taikaru pointed to was a sky view tourist attraction. They went in and everywhere there were elevators. They took elevator 1-b to the roof. Once up there they finally let down an unspoken vow of silence. ?Farel do you have memories of doing things like this?? ?What?? Farel asked confused to the sudden leap of words. ?I mean memories of well?you know?this.? Farel seemed to figure it out eventually. ?Yes I have some memories of this.? The entire they answered each other they kept turned looking out over New York. They both went back to silence again for about five minutes. Finally one of them spoke. ?Taikaru.? Taikaru turned to show she was listening. ?I wanted to ask about your memories. What are they like?? ?Let?s see. If we start from what I do remember that would be about three years ago.? ?What do you mean three years ago?? Farel looked confused again but cleared up soon. ?I mean?well how would I put it.? *How do I tell him this without relinquishing my past? I don?t want my past to become the enemies strength and my weakness. Maybe it will get rid of all this guilt I feel about him. This guilt is what kept me from my mission. I need to tell him of my past. Only him I will tell.* ?Taikaru?you were saying?? *sigh* ?Farel what I?m about to say now could you keep a secret?? Farel thought for a moment but quickly said yes in response to not lose trust. ?Here goes nothing. From when I was around ten and before I don?t remember. From ten to three years ago, as far as I can remember, I was in a coma.? Farel stood there and had a slight wince when she said coma. He looked to be keeping under control and understanding. ?I have been remembering things in my sleep. Dreams have come to me and I see more things. That is it. Any questions.? ?Just one. How did you fall into a coma?? Hesitating for a moment Taikaru finally blurted it out so it would get done and over with. ?Some low life thief came into our house after stealing from a bank I think. When he shot my mother in the skull he turned the gun on me. After that I passed out. I awoke my body like this. I lost all emotion control cells in my brain. I had no feeling of hope, happiness, sadness, joy, anything. Now with the sudden explosion of these cells returning I feel these emotions. There are a few I do not like and a few I really like. Now as I said don?t tell anyone about this.? Farel looked at her calmly. He nudged closer to her and wrapped his arm around her waist as he saw the tears rolling down her cheek. ?It is alright Taikaru.? He said comforting her. ?Farel I have another question.? ?Ask away.? He said in a quite voice. ?I herd a name. I think you know who they are.? ?Oh and who?s that?? ?Who is Mai?? OOC: There you go Meddigo. Alright I just want to say that I didn?t have the conversation with the little hellknight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meggido Posted March 2, 2005 Share Posted March 2, 2005 ?It is alright Taikaru.? He said comforting her. ?Farel I have another question.? ?Ask away.? He said in a quite voice. ?I herd a name. I think you know who they are.? ?Oh and who?s that?? ?Who is Mai?? Farel stepped back a bit and looked at her. What had he said when he was unconcious? He sighed and sat down. She took a seat beside him. He looked at her for a moment longer. "Well I guess there is no escaping this now. I was going to wait and tell everyone but you may as well be the first to hear it." He paused for the moment. "Earlier I had said that I had been part of the Mars secret service. Well I was not originally from Mars but moved there from Earth when I was very young. A few years back I was given some vacation time and I decided to visit the planet where I had been born. While on that vacation I met Mai. She was on vacation from Mars to and we instantly hit it off." "So why was it that you said her name while you were unconscious," Taikaru asked, curiosity getting the better of her. "Well we had been dating for about two years and we had finally set a date. We were to be married. We loved each other that much. Anyway we were getting her fitted in her wedding dress, when the creatures made their first attack on mars. Because sometimes my Chameleon ability acts erratic I suddenly blinked out." He suddenly became quiet as the memories hurt. Quietly he said, "I saw her ripped to shreds that day. I was alone. I just wanted her back. I sat there cradeling her limbless torso for hours until I was discovered by paramedics. I finally got to see her again while I was unconcious." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lil kitsune boy Posted March 3, 2005 Share Posted March 3, 2005 [I]'So, having a nice time with your friends?'[/I] Eric sat straight up on his bed. He couldn't have heard what he thought he did, there was no way. That was his only thought as he sat in a cold sweat. '...Who's there?' he asked the cold darkened room around him. His eyes shot this way and that, trying to see something, anything, that would tell him what was going on. As he looked around, all he could see was the room around him as it slowly faded away into blackness. [I]'You seem to be having fun, my precious.'[/I] 'N-no,' Eric stammered, 'It c-can't be you.' [I]'Did you think I would leave forever?'[/I] Eric slowly stood as a figure materialized out of the darkness. He almost fell back on the bed as he looked into that face, [I]his[/I] face. The only physical difference was the eyes. Red, like blood. The kind that seemed to look into your soul, and wished to feed on what it found there. But, more disturbing than that, was the demeanor. Something, feral, inhuman, about this creature. 'You! What do you want?' Eric asked, frantic. [I]'Don't you know? I want what the rest of us wants. What [/I]you[I] want.'[/I] 'No, I'm not like you.' Eric spat. [I]'No, you're not like [/I]them[I]. You'd like to think so, but while they fight to protect there kind, you fight to destroy your's.'[/I] The image of his family's torn and broken bodies appeared in his mind. Along with the image of his fiance's screaming, blood covered face. Somewhere in the distance, he could hear laughter. 'You're not my kind!' Eric screamed, bolting upright as he woke. Breathing heavily, he stood from the sweat soaked bed, pulled on some pants and staggered from the room. Restful sleep would come at a price tonight, he decided, heading for the training room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kiba_the_Chosen Posted March 3, 2005 Share Posted March 3, 2005 Taikaru stood there in shock of what Farel had just said. She still could feel the cool breeze on her cheek when the wind blew on her trail of silent tears. ?Farel?? She said stretching out her hand to comfort him. He sat there. His tears were quite different from hers. His were of sorrow and remorse while hers were of regret and anguish. The day started to pass on and the sun started to set. Farel was still in a moment of remembering what gory scene he had told her about. Five minutes of trying to care for one another, and even more themselves, finally, someone spoke ?You don?t have to feel sorry for me if that is what you are thinking.? ?It isn?t that Farel. I was thinking about where I live. Or used to live. I think it was on this Earth somewhere. It was on a countryside. A field as far as I could see. You know Farel once we get down to the basics we are pretty much the same.? ?How so?? Farel asked in a voice that sounded like, how could you have felt the pain I have felt. ?Because we only have vivid memories and we can only remember the worse more than the better.? ?Maybe you?re right.? Farel said gone with the voice before. They watched the sun set as they thought. The mere tip of it was going down when Taikaru turned to face Farel. ?Hey do you think you could help me out with some of these emotions?? Taikaru said knowing she was finally putting away the barrier of teamwork. Farel turned to her ?I?ll do everything I can for you.? Taikaru looked at the sun again and remembered one of them bad coincidences. ?Uh Farel doesn?t the bases security program keep us from going back once the sun sets?? She said in an oh crap voice. ?Oh son of a?? He didn?t finish he went off towards the elevator down. Taikaru ran after him. With the night setting in estimated time to getting to the base in time was a window of five minutes. Taikaru was running right behind Farel ?Didn?t it take us about ten minutes to walk here?? ?Then we will have to run back.? Taikaru stopped running and looked at Farel who looked back. ?Come on Farel we won?t make it back there in time if we run.? ?What can we do then? You expect me to camp out until morning?? ?How about fly there?? Taikaru put her hands to the ground and made a two seat air plane. They took off and were back at base in two minutes. Quickly they ran into the base and went down. ***Training room #3*** ?I thought I would need to train you in a secluded place.? Farel said when he looked at her. ?I?m not combat training.? ?I know. This is a quite place to perfect what you need to.? ?Alright then let?s get started.? ?First we will start out with meditation. You must focus your thoughts into one to begin. Now once you gather your thoughts fell them flow.? ?I feel something.? ?Now the boring part is over.? ?What?? ?You must now conquer all emotions. You can trust me. Tell me what emotions you need help on.? ?Alright.? Taikaru said sorry she thought of the idea. She started the list ?Jealousy and joy.? *If he learns I can?t control fear or my love he will suspect something. I don?t know what to think. For now I will just leave it at this and see what he does.* Taikaru stared at him while thinking. ?Well we got a start. Now when do you feel jealous?? ?When someone else gets my kill. I feel like I could rip out one of their spines.? ?Sounds to me like a combination of anger and jealousy. I believe all you have to do is focus. That is it, no serious training.? ?I?ll believe you Farel.? *You?re the only one I can completely trust.* They both walked out of the training room with resolved concept. ?Farel how long has it been since we ate something?? ?I don?t know probably the day. We were up on the skyscraper awhile.? ?Well I?m going down to mess hall. Do you wish to escort me.? ?okay.? He said while Taikaru knew he doesn?t like to be alone. Not even in the corridors. It is quite the walk to mess hall so Taikaru got to some thinking. *I wonder how it feels to be married. That Mai person he loved so much. Can I show as much care towards him? I?m sure I could. After all he is only human. We all have the same emotions run through us. Maybe to talk to him is not such a bad?no absolutely not. I can?t fall into his trap. He wants to be the helper of the group, he really does. But for some reason I think he needs the most help. I can?t help forgetting his conversation with Red. It sounded like he was controlled by them but he was his own person. It is just too confusing right now. I will just eat. But Farel, he cared for his fiancé. He wished nothing but the best. Now those monsters gave him to me. It is the will of the fortune that he ended up with me on this team. I will take my chance at it. I need to know the full concept of love though.* Taikaru dazed off to the ceiling while walking. ?You?ve been really quite.? ?What?? Taikaru was caught of guard. ?Oh I was just thinking.? ?We?re almost there. Just around the corner.? They reached Mess hall to find a couple members. There was Andy and M sitting by each other as Taikaru expected. Carl sat at the far end. Lee and Ivy were not to be found. But there was one more she could see. One more that looked to be trying to get into a conversation. *If that guy wants a conversation he should be looking at Farel here. I known from day one that he was the talkative type.* OOC: Alright Meddigo again I pass the baton to you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kairi Posted March 3, 2005 Author Share Posted March 3, 2005 [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Once he had penetrated her...they were as one. She began to heave, and quirm with pleasure as he endulged himself. The connection was incredible as their lips touched, breathing heavily in sink with one another. Her skin warm and smooth like silk as he pressed himself further into her. She cried out for more...and more...not stopping. Andy felt him over her... in her... she had never felt this way before... and she needed the feeling... she needed to feel him... inside of her. She stared at him and was lost..she was..enjoying him..wanting him... was that sin? He groaned in pleasure as he pulled her closer to him, she clutched his back, and shut her eyes as she took him in. She felt him as he tensed up inside of her and continued pressing his body closer to hers... she felt a deep burning inside of her..memories of her distant past flooding through the temples of her soul as they continued to make love. For an instant, the horrors of her past swept over her; however, at that moment, M genlty glided his hand over the side of her face...rubbing his right thumb across her cheek as he leaned his head down to the side of hers as he stopped. Andy began to cry..of pleasure...love...pain, the emotion was almost unbearable. M though...knew what to do. With all the strength that he had..he became one with her once again. Not only in body..but in mind...her tears were his own as he wept alongside her. No words could describe how comforting it was for him to be there...all she wanted to do was to live in the moment... not thinking of her future, nor her past... she would continue living... making each day count... not holding anything back anymore... She opened her eyes and was surprised to see him staring at her..his expression..was soft..something she did not expect..she..tried to say something, but the feeling he gave her was too much... she could barely speak a word... Andy snapped...not caring anymore, and pulled M's face close to hers and ravaged him. Turning him to his back, she completely lost herself in the moment and made love to him. The bed banged up and down, pushing into the wall as it intensified. M held her soft and tender hips and pulled her in and out with the motions. M sat up and kissed Andy with all that he was as Andy wrapped her legs around him. Each seemed to know exactly how to kiss thee other as M grasped the back of Andy's head, with the other around her waist as she held her close. Her breasts pressed up against his own as they continued to kiss with them still connected as one in every possible form of the word. He suddenly broke the kiss and bit her in the neck softly, his teeth grazing along the tendens and muscles of her neck. Andy burst out in an uncontrolable moan as the feel spread through her entire being as she tensed. As he stopped...his eyes locked on with hers...it seemed that the night had been going on forever...both of them burning; sweating from the activity. Andy was tired and simply laid her on his shoulder as they hugged. The tears subsiding, each others heart beat still quickening. Finally...after a few moments of silence...the two of them simply lay back onto the bed, and slipped into a deep sleep with each other still in one anothers arms. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blayze Posted March 3, 2005 Share Posted March 3, 2005 "Ivy!" Lee shouted, "I can see again!" He took three steps towards the door, then the sight failed, and he fell. He curled up in a ball in the corner of the room, almost giving up. "Lee, you can't give up now!" said Ivy, "You've been doing so well, and we're almost there. Just keep trying!" "But I can't keep a clear vision for more than a minute, and I'm concentrating my hardest on this!" "Well maybe you don't have to concentrate. You just have to clear your mind completely, even of things to do with you getting your sight back. Just try it." He sat back on the bed, and cleared his mind gradually. All the thoughts flowed out of his mind, and only a small glimmer of thought remained. He used this to visualise being able to see again, and suddenly, a flash of colour hit his eyes. He saw everything in perfect clarity. He could see Ivy, looking nervously at him, and he could see the room, and the bed, and everything. He waited for a minute or two, then cried out: "It happened! I kept it up! I can see!" He hugged Ivy, then ran out of the room on his own. He ran into the gardens, shouting to the world that he could see again. Everyone looked happy, even a new face who Lee didn't recognise. They all congratulated him. He took a scrap of material that had been hanging off his shirt since the happenings in Asia, and wrapped it around his head as a blindfold, but he could still see everyone in perfect clarity. He couldn't stop smiling, but then he saw Ivy in the corner of the room, not looking as happy as he had done. He walked over to her, and sat down next to her. "What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy for me," he said. She replied: "I'm so happy for you. But..." (OOC: Over to you Lyuann-you can finish this conversation off) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akieen Cloud Posted March 3, 2005 Share Posted March 3, 2005 "I am so happy for you Lee, but..." "But what Ivy?" Ivy felt her cheeks blush brightly and looked down. "Nothing it's stupid Lee, don't worry about it." "No, tell me please." "Now that you have your sight back, you have no need for me to stay with you and spend the time helping you...I mean...I don't know aht I mean." "I think you do Ivy. Is it that you like spending time with me?" She felt her face turn, if possible, even redder. So much so that she could just nodd. "Well, I mean we can still spend time together, I vy I owe you alot for helping me." She looked away nodding. "I know that Lee." He concentrated hard on her and saw how sad her eyes looked and shook his head. "Ivy, what's wrong?" "Nothing...I'm fine." "That's a lie." She shook her head and moved to look away when he grabbed her arm. "Please, tell me." "I do not know how Lee. It is complicated." "Than show me." She spun around and gently put her hand over his and stood on tip toe kissing his lips lightly. "There...that is what I meant." She walked away from him as he stood there and only made it as far as the door. (Your go Blayze! :animesmil ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retribution Posted March 4, 2005 Share Posted March 4, 2005 [SIZE=1]OOC: Is there going to be anything interesting happening soon? Seems somewhat dull right now... IC: Julius sat up from staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours, broken from his trance when he heard a bed colliding madly with the wall. The sound came from several rooms down the hall. "Wow. No analyzation needed there." He said, looking at the door, wondering who was having sex with who, then became bored with such speculations. He didn't know anyone yet. In fact, he felt utterly ignored. He thought that at least one person other than the commander would've greeted him. "This is ... shitty." He said. After thinking about it for a while, he felt like he was being selfish. Should everyone drop everything just to greet the rookie? He wasn't as important as he thought he was. Julius was another soldier, walking to the front line to get blown away, not a celebrity. He should've known such things. "Ahh well... maybe we'll actually [i]do[/i] something eventually. Sleep is boring, when there's a world full of interesting things waiting to be discovered." Julius theorized. "I mean, we waste about eight to ten hours of our day doing nothing, laying comatose. Maybe there'll be an invention that'll minimize the amount of sleep we need." He stood up, utterly bored out of his skull, and walked out into the quiet, deserted hallway. He picked a random direction, and started walking down it, thinking it better than just sitting alone in his room, bored to tears. "When will I see action?" He thought, idly counting the number of ceiling lights in the hallway, estimating the frequency of which they were built, and how many watts powered them. He grew tired of such random thoughts, and leaned against a wall, glancing from side to side, gathering random, useless information from his temporary surroundings.[/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lil kitsune boy Posted March 4, 2005 Share Posted March 4, 2005 Eric was halfway to the training room when he noticed something out of place. It seemed either the wall had put on a few pounds or somebody new was here. Eric walked up behind him. 'Hey, there.' he said, a smile on his face, 'Who're you?' The other man jumped, 'What the-?' 'What?' Eric asked, chuckling, 'It's not like I snuck up on you.' 'I think there are ninjas that make more noise than that.' 'Sorry,' Eric said, 'It's an old habit of mine, I'm just quieter than most. Anyway, you look bored. So, answer my question and you can come with me.' 'My name's Julius,' the man said, 'Now, where are we going? Judging by how you're dressed, the look of your eyes and the fact that you're still damp with sweat, I'd say you just had a nightmare. Where would you want to go after that?' Eric laughed, 'Hypercognition? That's a pretty strange ability, of course, I can't say much with mine. Precognition.' 'So, you're Eric Corvus?' Julius asked. 'Yeah,' Eric said, pulling to a stop, 'What else do you know about me?' 'Just what was in the file,' Julius replied, 'If there's anything else you'd like to tell me..?' 'No,' Eric said, quickly, 'Well, here we are. Training Room, where sleep is earned.' 'Sleep?,' Julius asked, 'That's why you're here?' 'Yep,' Eric replied, 'Nightmares are a bitch, especially mine. So, I had the idea to-' 'Work yourself exhausted, 'Julius interrupted, 'So you're less likely to have dreams.' 'Yeah, care to join me?' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redemption Posted March 4, 2005 Share Posted March 4, 2005 [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Trebuchet MS][b]OOC: Now that's what you call a sex scene.[/b] [i]The next morning...[/i] Soft sunlight woke M. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw Andy laying on her stomach, naked, next to him. A smile spread on his lips. Then he noticed something. There seemed to a golden glow around Andy and it wasn't from the sunlight. The sheets of the bed were pulled down and resided just on her buttocks. Her tattoo of the phoenix glowed a brilliant gold in the sunlight and then disappeared. M's eyes widened with shock. " What.....how.....her dampener is gone...." A slight groan from Andy signalled her awakening. M lay on his side, looking over her naked body. Andy turned her head to see M looking at her with approving eyes. Her eyes crinkled into a smile. " What are you looking at?" " You..." " What about me?" " How beautiful you are when you're naked." Andy blushed scarlet. Mi kissed her on the forehead. Andy sat up and rested her head on M's chest. " I feel different M. I don't know how to explain it." M smiled. She couldn't see that she was glowing with the essence of the flame, nor could she see that her burden had been finally lifted from her. " What are we going to do now M? No doubt the others would have heard us..." Andy whispered, apparently embarrassed at the amount of noise they made the night before. " Well, we need something to eat. Some strength for us from our night." Andy kissed M deeply before they both got out of the bed and put on their freshly washed clothes. Walking out of the room, they went to the dining hall to have something to eat for breakfast.[/COLOR][/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kiba_the_Chosen Posted March 4, 2005 Share Posted March 4, 2005 OOC: Retribution if you make things go to fast then there won?t be a story. Also stories have their moments of dullity. Taikaru was at a table in the mess hall and Farel went off somewhere after eating. She was left alone to eat. Farel seemed to have took off with one of the others. *I wonder who that guy was. I would have to ask him about it.* Taikaru put down her sandwich and went over to the door. She was one of the last to leave. It was getting late, around 11:00 p.m. She went over to her room but didn?t go in. She stood there staring at her feet with an intense gaze. ?When was the last sleep I got?? Was all she said. She went in laid down in bed and fell asleep. -Dream ?Sis you awake?? Taikaru opened her eyes to see a small boy. ?Finally we are going to be late for school. Come on and get your school uniform.? She willingly got up and saw a bedroom with little things. Nothing there was out of the line of suspicion. ?Mom made us eggs and bacon. Come on.? The small boy started to look somewhat familiar. ?Alright I?m up.? Taikaru said still in wonder of what was going on. ?I?ll be there in a second.? Taikaru went to tidy up here physical features. She felt small when she went into the bathroom. The mirror was like it was deliberately placed out of her reach. ?I need a chair.? There was a small stepping stool to her side which she pulled over and got up to the mirror. She blinked her eyes a couple of times and saw in the mirror a small child. ?Uh oh. What is going on here? I am age 25. My name is Taikaru and I work for Heaven but not like this.? ?What you talking about sis. Come on.? ?Coming.? She got off the stepping stool and came out of the bedroom which she thought to be hers. She went through the hall and found the kitchen. ?Good morning my child. How are you today?? Taikaru looked up to see a woman she seen before. It was her mother from previous times. She looked at her with a smile and a pan on the stove. ?Breakfast will be ready soon sit by your brother and wait until I?m done.? *My brother.* She looked at the boy who woke her up. She knew this was a chance to get some information. She thought back to the mind of a child to get the information out of him. ?Hey brother I want to give you a one question quiz.? ?What kind of quiz Taikaru?? ?How about What is your name?? ?Taikaru you know my name.? *Dang didn?t work.* ?Come on what if I forgot overnight.? ?Ok Taikaru. My name is?? -back to reality The alarm went off and Taikaru, feeling groggy turned it off. ?What morning. I need to shut this alarm off. I almost knew his name. But I never saw him die. What could have possibly happened? My mother died. She was the one killed by the robber. Is it something that?never mind. What am I thinking. I should get out and do work.? Taikaru left her room and went to the room. She knocked on the door after thinking about it for awhile. ?Come in.? A voice said in response. ?Hello it is Taikaru.? ?Oh Taikaru sit down. I was just going to talk to you.? ?Uh what for Red?? Red turned in his chair and sat his hands down on his stained oak desk. ?I wanted to ask you about going on the mission you are currently on. There is no room on this team for members who almost kill them selves just because someone was injured.? ?I am sorry Red. It was the first time I felt care.? ?Well don?t let it happen again. I don?t want you to be lost to them creatures.? Taikaru looked up and saw the real reason. ?Or is it because you are afraid of M?? ?Of course not. He poses no threat to me if he went and fought along with the monster creatures.? ?You are a cruel man red. I will let you know this though. If you expect me to complete a mission with two bullets and fifty vipers around me than you will not even be able to say oops before your neck hangs from a noose.? ?I?ll keep that in mind.? Taikaru got up and left. She didn?t tell red what she wanted to tell him from his obnoxious attitude. Taikaru was walking away from the door when an idea sprang from thought. *I wonder if I could get it. If he has it I will be able to find out this mystery.* She went back to her room. Still be cautious of being alone with these calls she pulled out the monitor again. ?Hello again Taikaru.? ?Hi Mr. Netashima. I wanted to get some information.? ?Oh and what information do you want from me.? ?I want to know what my last name is. I told you not to give it to me before but now I have feelings. I need to know it.? ?Alright Taikaru. I will just need to pull it up.? She waited for five minutes ready to hear it. ?I got it here. Your last name is Taikaru Shinro. I think it is quite the name for you. Why did you want to know the information.? ?Just out of curiosity.? ?Now that is done. Just call me if anything pops up Taikaru. Good bye.? Taikaru clicked off the monitor before she said a dues. *With this information I will be able to find it.* She walked out of her room to see Lee and Ivy making noise down the hall. *I wonder when we will go back to the mission. Something still troubles me about it but it is probably nothing.* Taikaru turned to the other hallway and walked forward. Before she knew it she found what she been heading to. The title of the room was in black letters over head. ?Government Computer Center? She headed through the door. She sat down at one of the many flashing computers. Some people were in there but they worked down here. *Where is it? Where is it? There. Now to read this profile. Yeah yeah yeah. Had one sister. Current status unknown. His name is. Found it. The sun of a family who was attacked sister found almost dead. Mother died from bullet wound to the head. The child named Nomi not found. Evidence points to fleeing the scene. I wonder where he lives now.* Taikaru again got up and went into one of the gardens. She eyed everywhere to talk to someone. She even thought of telling the stuff to M. *No Farel is the one I can trust. I must find him. Invisible or not.* She looked down again. She felt curiosity fall upon her. The silence of the garden made her thinking sound like she was screaming. She looked up to see if Farel would come in any direction. ?I need help. I need it. I also want to know where he is. Can someone help me.? She muttered to herself. She looked back down at her feet and lost complete control. She wanted to know where he was, why did she have to die?, and most of all, where Farel was. She then felt a hand touch her shoulder. It was cool and felt nice upon her. Her anger infuriated her. She looked up and turned to see? OOC: I kinda want Kairi or Meddigo to finish this up. If you want to finish it up then do so. I also know this is an R.L.P. (Ridiculously long post.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meggido Posted March 4, 2005 Share Posted March 4, 2005 Farel had left Taikaru sitting in the dining room to follow the new guy. He had moved into the shadows to play a little game. He needed to do something to get his mind off what had happened to him and the memories that had resurfaced. The new guy seemed bored or distracted. It was kinda hard to tell. It took Farel by surprise when Eric walked up to the new guy and started talking to him. It ruined his fun and so he gave up, heading for his room. He was lying on his bed having trouble getting to sleep. [I]It's no surprise,[/I] he thought, [I]I've just been sleeping two days straight.[/I] He just lay there thinking about the two people he cared for the most. Mai the one who had died on that day over a year ago. He had been able to see her again while in his comma. She had said that she would be watching over him. It was comforting to know that but she wished he could be with her. Secondly, and he wasn't able to deny it anymore, was Taikaru. He did care for her and was going to help her with her emotions. He kinda guessed that jealousy and anger weren't the only emotions she was having trouble with. But he would let her tell him in due time. He had told her his secrets but that wasn't so big as tomorrow he was going to tell the whole team, but she had confided in him over everyone else. He wasn't going to get sleep tonight. *The next day* Farel had decided to go for a walk in garden before breakfast. It was a bit late as he had finally gotten to sleep but had slept in. Everyone was bound to be up already. He had been walking around the gardens for about half an hour when he came across Taikaru sitting on the ground. He snuck up behind her quietly and placed his hand on her shoulder. She turned to look at him. "Hey," He said as he took as seat beside her. "What's wrong, you don't look so good?" OOC: Not finishing it as that's your job Kaiba but I've set it up for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blayze Posted March 5, 2005 Share Posted March 5, 2005 Ivy got to the door, when Lee grabbed her arm and stopped her from leaving. He turned her around gently, and, without words, he kissed her on the lips, long and tender. "I feel the same way about you, Ivy," he said softly when they finally broke apart. ---------------------- [I]A couple of hours later...[/I] The door of the training room slid open, and Lee walked in, only to see Eric and the new guy, Julius, training frantically, with sweat darkening their shirts. "Hey Eric," he said. He turned to the new guy. "Hi, I don't think we've met. I'm Lee," he said. "My name's..." "Julius. I know, I'm a telepath. And a telekinetic. It seems kinda unfair that I have more than one power, and also while I'm ranting like this, I'd just like to say I didn't mean to read your mind." "Don't worry about it, Lee," said Julius, outstretching his hand. Lee took it and shook Julius' hand. "So when does the next mission start?" Julius asked. "There's no use asking me, all that stuff is up to Commander Red and M to sort out. So, you never told me. What's your power?" "It's not really a power so much as highly developed cognitive functions. I'm a lot faster, and can think a lot quicker on my feet than most. That's pretty much it." "Cool," replied Lee, "Well, it was nice to meet you, Julius. I'd better get going." He turned and left the training room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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