Jokopoko Posted February 5, 2005 Share Posted February 5, 2005 [COLOR=CRIMSON][SIZE=2][U][B][CENTER]OtakuBoards: Enter the Game[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=BLACK][SIZE=1][I]??You were prepared for us to be sucked into the Boards by a freak accident, start a virtual community and deal with an army of spam-throwing hackers?" ? Desbreko, Enter the Net[/I] -=============- About a year ago a freak accident involving some coffee, lighting and a clumsy Australian resulted in the un-imaginable happening. An entire community of people were transported into the Internet and started a virtual island which was modelled after the place they had all come from, a place called OtakuBoards. In the beginning all was calm and peaceful; the RPGs went on [Albeit with some difficulty] the discussions were of a relatively high-standard for all, Play It was always full of loud bangs and triumphant yelps or disappointed squeals and of course the Yu-Yu-Hakusho forum was just there and nothing much could be done about it. And for a time things were good, the moderators were much more daunting in the ?flesh? so people mostly kept to the rules and everyone got on well that was until IT happened. A rogue hacker program known as H4XX0r came to the boards with an army of Spam-Throwers known as the l33t with the idea of conquering the boards. But James, Adam, Charles and the rest of the team weren?t going down without a fight. With the super spiffy Mod-Suits and the equally spiffy Mod-Zords they were able to eradicate H4XX0r and the majority of his spam throwers. The conflict had destroyed most of the Island as well as the OtakuBuilding itself so the task of re-building the Island into version.7 was begun and that?s pretty much where we are now, though the Island is a lot different. Instead of having all the forums and sub-forums squashed into one building it was decided to expand across the Island and each Forum and Sub-Forum would have its own little piece of OB-Island to call home. So everyone is happy and no one really has a care in the world but the gentle members of OB do not realise that the remains of H4XX0r are re-building themselves into H4XX0r v.2 with a mission of vengeance on his mind. -=============- [U]OtakuBoard Island version.2 [OtakuBoards version.7][/U][/CENTER] At the centre of the island is the [B]Index Building[/B] where OtakuBot can co-ordinate all the Private Messages, Instant Messengers, Member Logins and all the other things that come his way. Index is like a large Doctors Waiting Room where prospective members come to wait while their membership is processed by OtakuBot. There is a rota for the ?Welcoming Committee? of current members who must meet & greet the new members as they arrive [Think jury duty but worse]. Index is connected to all the other buildings across the island with transport chutes [Futurama style] that send members rocketing all over the island. Out of all the buildings it resembles OtakuBoards the most with the prominent grey and blue colour scheme designed to look as welcoming as possible to all new members. [B]Tokyo 3[/B] is just a short chute ride from Index, located south-east of Index in a large valley. Its location is much like that of its name-sake and so is its appearance. A large Silver glare on the lush green landscape of OB Island, but the main residents of Tokyo 3 don?t get out much so they don?t see the problem with their homes appearance. A recent addition to Tokyo 3 is the Mecha Battle Field where those with Gundam, Evangelion and other Mecha Avatars can resize them and have a pitched battle while others watch in awe and amazement placing bets on the outcome. [LIST] [*]The [B]Anime Lounge[/B] is pretty much what it sounds, only bigger. There is a whole district of Tokyo 3 devoted to the watching and discussion of Anime, from Neon Genesis Evangelion to Beyblade. The watching areas are dominated by huge flat widescreen televisions which can fit a capacity of 950 Otaku at one time but even so conflicts do some times occur between die-hard fans of certain Anime so the Mods need to use their super spiffy Mod-Rods to break, or rather blast, the combatants apart. The discussion area is dominated by hundreds of super-soft chairs which members can park their arse in and put their feet up and enjoy the finer points of Anime such as who has the best hair and which Mech would rule supreme, hot chocolate and biscuits are all supplied and can be acquired through the member interface. [*][B]Manga Workshop[/B] is the place to be for the most diehard of Manga fans. Many went mad with desire when they first began drawing there characters because no sooner had they done this then the drawings were brought to life and began talking to their creators. Lady Katana herself had to create a new set of guidelines before the problem was sorted. The workshop also takes a whole district of Tokyo 3 but it is much more noticeable thanks to the mounds of balled up paper and paint blobs all over the buildings. There are several sub-forums with have been created to deal with the different art styles which people prefer as well as various break-rooms to people can get away from the pencils and mad-colour schemes before they go slightly mental. [*]The [B]Anime Archives[/B] were kept as a reminder of days gone past. A time when Yu-Yu-Hakusho had its own forum and when newbies ran rampage all over the Digimon and Pokèmon message boards. Also the Anime Boards were the area most hit by the invasion of H4XX0r so there is an area devoted to the battle of the Mods with authentic replica model detailing the events leading up and during the war. Only a few members every month go into these old and squeaky halls, many are curious newbies wanting to what OtakuBoards was like before Version 7 and looking in wonderment at the threads that were allowed to survive into the archive stage where today similar ones would be eradicated before they reached four replies. Dust tends to accumulate but OtakuBot is usually on top of it. James and Adam have left strict orders that these halls should be kept as they were to serve as a reminded to member new and old never to let the likes of H4XX0r and the n00bs get in to the boards again. [*]We come to the end of our tour of Tokyo 3 with out final stop, [B]Team Miyazaki Headquarters[/B]. Like all of the Team HQs team Miyazaki?s HQ towers of Tokyo 3 in the form of the Space Needle from Seattle. Some times members are allowed a VIP tour of the building but not very often seeing as it means the Mods have to get round to cleaning the HQ out. When you first enter the M-HQ the first thing you see is a large mural dedicated to all the Anime and Manga greats then you have a choice of either going via the walk of fame or taking the elevator up to the top. The walk of fame has the greatest Anime and Manga characters of all time in statue from standing in there signature stance. The main part of the tower where the Mods live and work is usually a mess. Empty ramen cups, food boxes and DVD cases are strew across the room in an attempt to be tidy. Each Mod has his or her own room in their towers but no one knows what they?re like on the inside. In the centre of each tower is a transmission and transport system so the Mods can stay in touch with each other using the towers ?Space Needle?. [/LIST] [B]Hardwired[/B] is the gaming capital of the island located to the north of Index where it doesn?t get so warm allowing the gamers to stay in-doors for longer periods of time without needing to get re-hydrated and miss a vital point in the game they?re playing or missing one of Shinmaru?s gaming seminars. In appearance Hardwired is a mish-mash of several gaming environments rolled into one, from the lush green of Hyrule to the desolate and urban Mech-Warrior. The city areas are similar but take cues from the less action based games so the members have places to go and relax while they aren?t playing there games. [LIST] [*][B]Play It[/B] takes up the majority of the Hardwired environment and is mostly urban due to the nature of the game playing and gaming discussions or seminars. The core looks very similar to the landscape of Coruscant from the Star Wars movies and games. Every so often you might see a TIE-Fighter or Fight Jet screaming over the city while games indulge in their fantasies. Quite a large portion of the urban paradise is given over to the gaming centres and renting hubs. The reason the renting system was created was because James and Adam couldn?t get enough bandwidth for an unlimited supply of games so the gamers had to make a sacrifice and receive a limited supply of games for their use. Many members make their home in the coruscant area but many feel more at home in the discussion locations. If you were to take a tube to the discussion threads of Play It you would find specialised areas for certain games, for example the Zelda games thread is a full scale Hyrule Castle with can also be customised into Ganon?s Castle for events like Halloween and the Mario discussion area is the Mushroom kingdom and it goes on like this. Out of all the areas Play It normal has the highest concentration of members at one time which presents many congestion issues for members trying to get out or use the tube to reach another forum. [*]Beneath the thriving metropolis of Hardwired lies a highly secret place, [B]PC/Mac[/B]. This is the place to be for all PC Gamers, tech-heads and web site designers. In the lower levels of the coruscant city of Play It are numerous passages into the secret world of the PC Gamers and only those with the password can get in. After a long trek through the tunnel system bathed in the neon-green glow you immerge in a pure white and grey underground hive with wall to wall computer systems, CDs, program boxes and many other things. PC/Mac is by far the most meticulously kept forum in the entire island with no dust as far as the eye can see. The underground forum is roughly 20 meters high and stretches as far as Hardwired but many believe that it spreads much further and is hidden beneath the entire island. The ground floor is for the game-heads who are always playing the multiplayer versions of their favourite games, from Command & Conquer to The Sims 2 and these lucky people are all Beta testers for the numerous game companies of the world. The second level is for the designers, all kinds of designing take place here from games to websites, only the lucky few ever get to release their creations to the member market of OB. On the highest level is the discussion area where the members meet to discuss the latest developments in the computer world. Many members spend their entire membership never entering the PC/Mac area and some refuse to accept its existence. [*]Like all the Mod HQs the [B]Team Yokoi Headquarters[/B] looks identical to the Space Needle in Seattle. Due to Hardwired being a highly urban setting the HQ cannot tower over the area so instead an area in the center of the city 25 meters by 25 meters was cleared and the tower was placed in the middle and had a transport chute connected to it so people could get there easily. The interior is comparable to a game-players ?pad? in that there are pizza boxes where ever you look, half drunken cans of Coke and Pepsi. In the main area there are four flat screen televisions on each wall all hooked up to the game consoles of the day and a stack of games which can be changed when ever the user wishes. The Yokoi tower is slightly different in that members are allowed to come and go as they wish due to the Hardwired Mods lax attitude which many say is the fault of the games they play but the main reason the members come is to here Shinmaru?s game playing seminars. Each Mod has his or her own room in their towers but no one knows what they?re like on the inside. In the centre of each tower is a transmission and transport system so the Mods can stay in touch with each other using the towers ?Space Needle?. [/LIST] [B]The Prefecture[/B] is a group of towers that from above form a giant OB connoting OtakuBoards it?s self but within the tower formation is a large mall like structure called the [B]OtakuMall[/B] which has a plethora of Cafés, Computer-Centres and social Clubs. Location wise the Prefecture is some distance away from Index to the south-west. The towers resemble the sky-scrapers from the cities of the Real World. Out of all the areas of the Island the Prefecture most resembles the real world, this choice was made because the main purpose of the Prefecture is for discussion of things regarding the Real World events and such so James and Co wanted a more ?traditional? look to the area, though some of the sky-scrapers are from noted Anime productions, films and other areas of the Media. [LIST] [*][B]Community Events[/B] is located somewhere towards the back of the Mall area within the Prefecture. From the outside this place is very un-assuming and rarely draws attention unless there?s an event in progress but if you where to walk inside you would experience something similar to T.A.R.D.I.S [Dr. Who]. The entrance to Community Events is a large reception esque area where people who are there figure out where to vote for what and so on. The bowls are like a call centre where members take votes from other members during the events [Operators are randomly assigned]. The core of Community Events is much like Wall Street in that the walls are lined with statistic monitors and in the centre is a pillar with computers and televisions attached which bring in up-to-the-minute reports on current events while members stand around hoping for the best. [*]The [B]Otaku Lounge[/B] is like a huge coffee shop that provides only the best service for all members of the boards. It is five stories high and, if need be, can accommodate all members at once for short amounts of time. Not only can you get coffee here but the latest E-Books for free should you become bored with the current conversations or just want to relax after a hard days posting. The main areas of the Lounge are the Coffee Corner, Readers Rest Stop, Conversation Station and Sleepers Space. Each area is fully catered for and can provide everything its patrons need. The lounge is usually the area to be for updates and news from the real world as it comes in, it should be noted that a new ?Log-on/Log-out? system has been made to allow people access to the real world should they need to leave the island. There is also a computer lounge for those who simply want to browse the Net but are far to relaxed and care free to face the stress of going into Hardwired. [*][B]Music, Movies and TV[/B] [Shortened to M.M.T.V.] is located to the east of the OtakuMall, this is because M.M.T.V. caters to such a large audience within OB it was decided that it should have its own building. In size it is very similar to the OtakuMall but inside it is radically different. The three separate areas each have their own entrance at the front of M.M.T.V. along with a large reception desk which has information on screenings, concerts or TV premiers that day. [B]Music[/B] has the entrance to the left and upon entering the member is whisked to another entrance style room but this time the doors are labelled with the genre to which that room caters such as Rock or Hip Hop etc. If the member is there to attend a download concert or just to add to their Jukebox all they have to do is walk straight down the corridor and the double doors open up to reveal a large room that will differ depending on the event [Full of mp3 stations or a traditional concert room]. [B]Movies[/B] is the middle entrance, once the members walks into Movies the view will be much like Music in that each door has the genre but underneath that is which film they are showing at that time as well as any special screenings that may be occurring. A select few members get invited to the monthly premier each month and that is located straight down the corridor but you can only gain entrance with a replica Wonka Ticket [James?s idea]. And finally [B]TV[/B] is the entrance to the right and this is the least similar to the other two areas. The main difference is that there aren?t many separate rooms but several master rooms with many widescreen flat-panel televisions located around the room along with refreshment machines and the purpose is not to cater to each genre but just allow general viewing but there is a side room for reality TV shows, such was the demand to keep it away from ?real? TV. [*][B]Art Studio[/B] is another area of the Prefecture which isn?t incorporated into the OtakuMall, mainly for the reason that the Mall is enough trouble to clean by itself without painters adding to the mess. Art Studio is really a larger than life version or one of its name sakes but being in the net allows the designers to go a little overboard with what the artists can do in the Studio. One notable bonus is the HTML art rooms that were made for those who prefer impressionist Art, the member can just enter the room and go mad with the HTML coding in this perfectly white room that seems to go on forever. Some member have to be forcibly removed to get them out before going mad with the colours but the most impressive art pieces were saved to the Boards and people can use them as a skin should they choose to. As well as being a Studio the forum also has a display area when members can upload there works into frames and other members not gifted with the skill of drawing. There is also discussion rooms located throughout the studio so artists can take a break from drawing and relax or talk to their fans. [*][B]Suggestions and Feedback[/B] is a little office located somewhere to the OtakuMall. There is a steady stream of members going in every so often to report a glitch in their myOtaku house or some other fault as well as those ready to give their opinions of the site and offering suggestions for the Island and how it can be improved. The office itself is spacious but not that large and is usual manned by one of OtakuBot?s helpers so the other Moderators can devote their time to better things such as repairing the faults the members raise and such. [*]As with every area of OB each team has a HQ which is identical to the Space Needle and [B]Team Koizumi Headquarters[/B] is no different. But of course the interior is always different depending on what area the Moderators look after. Team Koizumi kept their interior more ?homely? and real than the others because out of all the areas on the Island theirs resembles the real world the most so they wanted to keep it looking as ?real world-ish? as possible. The main area of the tower resembles a students flat [But much bigger obviously] but what you find inside is very different. Drawings are pinned up on the walls, a large flat-screen television with complete entertainment system dominates one side and there is always a plethora of DVDs or Videos in front of it. Also there is a sound system which is linked to the whole tower so the Mods can listen to their favourite music while they are working and it can be pumped through the whole tower. The other similarity with a Student flat is that it always seems to be in a state of semi-cleanliness. Each Mod has his or her own room in their towers but no one knows what they?re like on the inside. In the centre of each tower is a transmission and transport system so the Mods can stay in touch with each other using the towers ?Space Needle?. [/LIST] [B]The Arena[/B] is by far the largest area on the island. This is mainly because the Dome of the Adventure Arena takes up a large amount of space but also because of the beautiful rolling country side these members asked for because they claimed it gave them inspiration while they worked. The Arena looks like a vast network of roads and buildings all interconnected and surrounding the huge dome that is the Adventure Arena. To the east of the adventure arena is the recruitment studios where writers converse about their latest projects and prospective plays come to audition for parts in the next smash hit RPG. To the west is the living quarters of the majority of the members because of the space in the Arena, there are several ?high life? areas such as RPG Boulevard where the top writers live and work. The rest of the RPG arena is given over to the Underground which is not one building but a mass of comic shops, writer?s guilds, night-clubs and an assortment of other things. In stark contrast to these is the Anthology which is a very quiet place compared to the load bangs that echo out from the Adventure Arena. The district seems to be full of libraries and book clubs and it is very rare anything above a whisper can be heard within its streets. [LIST] [*][B]The Adventure Arena[/B] is a huge silver dome which dominates the main area of The Arena. The entrances to this dome are located in several places around its base and are all identical in that they are large silver-plated automatic doors. Each one leads you to a reception area of sorts where the member on duty will ask you to sign in listing your user-name and which RPG you are in so the building does not become too over-crowded. Each reception area has a waiting and game room adjacent so those waiting for their RPG to start can kick back and rest up while waiting for the creator to come along and start the next chapter. Once the RPG starts the Members are led down a ?Star Trek? like corridor with door lining either side indicating the RPGs title and the creator so people do not get lost. The RPGs themselves now play out like an interactive Computer-Game like ?Star Wars: Galaxies? or ?Enter the Matrix? so the members actually become the characters in all aspects but still know who they are and are able to leave at any time. So basically if your character is a jerk, you are a jerk as well; This can?t be helped because it was the way the HTML was programmed for Adventure Arena but it does allow the player to ?Be the Character? for once. [*][B]Adventure Recruitment[/B] is to the west of the Adventure Arena and far away from the grime and grit of the underground because it wants to maintain its sparkling image. Recruitment looks like Hollywood in that there are studios and sound stages all over in a random pattern that are owned by various RPG Companies or Independent Producers such as JP Studios or Arcadia Experience Inc. etc. The Recruitment process has changed slightly from coming to the Island. Now what happens is that the author sends out PMs to all members they feel would be interested with the RPG idea described and inviting them to come along to an audition for certain parts. Once they arrive they are given lines to read and their Avatar is changed to the appearance of the character as specified by the author. The members read in front of the author, producer and a third-party candidate who more often that not is friends with the author and helped them write out the story for the RPG. After the audition is over the member usually has to wait around a week or so before getting a response back from the author saying if they?re in or out. [*][B]The Arena Underground[/B] is not under the Adventure Arena as you?d expect but it?s more of a black market deal that covers a large area of The Arena. It lacks the organised feel of the rest of the Island yet the various areas of the Underground have managed to sort themselves together in some fashion so places that deal with similar things are close together and so it is rare that a member will become lost in the Underground looking for what they?re after. The Underground deals with the parts of the RPG that the Adventure Arena doesn?t have time to deal with. It is a place where those involved in certain RPGs can come and talk with each other as themselves and not in character, joking about events in the RP or wondering what will come next. There is a large Underground following for some members who have hit it big and made some of the most memorable RPs, while most find it flattering others find it slightly unnerving to be chased around the Underground by a group of fangirls/boys or a mix of both. It is also the place where the Nightlife of O.B. has arisen; while this doesn?t have that much to do with RPs most of the clubs have a theme such as medieval and so on. [*][B]The OB Anthology[/B] is perhaps the quietist of all the forums on the Island. Far from the hustle and bustle Prefecture, especially the noise that emanates from the music and movies. In terms of position in the Arena the Anthology is to the south east from the Adventure Arena because the users who live there sound discovered they couldn?t concentrate with the noises that periodically escape the Dome. When you?re approaching the Anthology you are treated to a relaxing walk down a very long garden path which is lined with several book clubs and writing guilds and all the while the large white building ahead of you gets slightly bigger with each step until you finally reach the Anthology. As with most of the forums there is welcoming desk where you can get your bearings and get where you want to go. The reading section is obviously split into sections catering to each genre, from Horror to Romance and so on. These areas have bookshelves full to bursting with the greatest works of fiction known to Man as well as some work by OB members, you can always get a drink here but be careful not to spill on the pages. There are also areas where members can go a work on their own works of fiction, poetry, song writing and so on but added to this are writing seminars provided by the Moderators and some of the better known members, these can range from RPG creation to song writing. [*][B]Team Hanzo Headquarters[/B] is located atop the Adventure Dome and as with all the head quarters resembles the Space Needle in Seattle. Entrance is gained from the Dome, Moderators or members simply step into a transport-chute which rockets them into the Headquarters where they can go about there business. The main room of the HQ has a large screen which lists the currently active RPs as well as the ones that are currently being played in the Dome, this allows the Mods to keep an eye on the RPGs to make sure they stay out of the realms of ?5p@m? and other undesirables. The rest of the room has laptops strewn around with new RP policies ready to be implemented, the RP the Moderator is currently working or their newest addition to the Anthology. When the Underground was first designed it was realised that the Moderators needed to keep an eye on it so they installed several cameras around to make sure all the members are doing what they should be. The living area of the HQ is relatively clean with only a few food wrappers and such strewn around, this is because this area is customisable so the Moderators can changed the appearance every so often to resemble their current favourite RPG. Each Mod has his or her own room in their towers but no one knows what they?re like on the inside. In the centre of each tower is a transmission and transport system so the Mods can stay in touch with each other using the towers ?Space Needle?. [/LIST] [CENTER] -=============-[/CENTER] So there it is boys and girls, the Underground thread for my personal Magnum Opus is up and running. Any questions about the RPG, storyline, character interaction and anything else can be asked her as well as any information you want to add to your character that wasn?t part of the sign-up profile. The Island is online. [I]Jokopoko[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezekiel Posted February 9, 2005 Share Posted February 9, 2005 [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Getting through all of that information took quite a while, but the island sounds, frankly, enchanting. It is almost exactly how I'd imagine the Boards to be if they were a city, at some points even better. Seeing as I am an 'Arena-Baby' I just love how you described everything there. I really am looking forward to the start of this RP, so I hope you get everyone together very soon. Great work, Joko, I'm very proud of you and awed by your skills of description. ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gavin Posted February 10, 2005 Share Posted February 10, 2005 [SIZE=1]I have to concur with everything Jamie has said, the level of detail and craftsmanship you've put into designing this really does make me giddy with anticipation... well maybe not giddy but excited in an exceptionally manly way [¬_¬]. I suppose since Jamie has already called [B]The Arena [/B] as her stomping grounds, I might go a bit Tech-Head and reside in the bowls of OB you have described as being [B]PC/Mac[/B].[/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiyuu Posted February 11, 2005 Share Posted February 11, 2005 [color=DarkGreen][size=1]I'm still not sure I believe the sheer amount of work you've put into this project, Joko, it's staggering. It would have been easy to just rip off Solo's descriptions of places from [color=DarkSlateBlue][i]Enter the Net [/i][color=DarkGreen]but you've obviously made a conscious decision to sidestep that particular pitfall. Especial kudos for not just taking things like the Underground at face value, thinking about the character of each forum and subforum rather than just working from the name. You don't like making things easy for yourself, do you? Can't wait for this to start. And before anyone else gets there: I Call Shotgun On The Mech Arena! [/color][/color][/size][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Sean Posted February 11, 2005 Share Posted February 11, 2005 [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Meh, I don't mind who is staying in the same area as me, but I'm staying in the OB Anthology, just for my love of the Arena, and for my love of reading and writing. Can't wait for this one Joko, you've out done yourself.[/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ Posted February 11, 2005 Share Posted February 11, 2005 [Color=DarkBlue][Size=1]So, where am I supposed to live? Hmm, maybe I'll just stalk random people that walk by until they realize I'm there, then move on to someone else.... or just live the quiet life of a bookworm in the Anthology. I could also be the party animal in M.M.T.V. so, I'll leave my options open. No, but I want to congradulate you Mr. Poko. I am offically hooked, and will signup faster than Jamie. PS: I will never call it Enter the Net again, I promise. Not to insult you Solo at all.[/size][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezekiel Posted February 11, 2005 Share Posted February 11, 2005 [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Ah, Reise, you and I will be sharing an area then. Can you say flat mate?! XD Actually...that would be awful, we'd deafen our neighbours! Mr. Joko, sir, you wanted me to post so that you could get the start of the cast list up. So why have you not posted it yet?[/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vicky Posted February 11, 2005 Share Posted February 11, 2005 [SIZE=1][B]Man, Joko, you've seriously been working over time on this haven't you? I love the descriptions, it's so creative. All I can say is that this RPG is going to put the "coo" back into "cool" (...I know, that's lame... sorry...), because by the looks of things you've sorted everything about the community out. I could repeat comments from the others, but I won't, there's no need to. Two words: Awe-some. Booya, everyone can already guess where I'm living. Once again, boo-ya.[/SIZE][/B] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sakura Posted February 11, 2005 Share Posted February 11, 2005 [color=navy]I love the big descriptions, so we can think of how these places actually look like. Very well done Joko. I bet everyone knows where I'll be living, I wouldn't dream of living anywhere else. Lol, I'll bunk with Methy and Reise and we'll have a wild party. ^_^ Great job, I can't wait for this to come out.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted February 12, 2005 Share Posted February 12, 2005 [size=1][color=blue]Otaku[b]Boards[/b].. overload.. @_@ My goshums, Joko! o: I'm surprised at the detail you've put into all the forums and subforums! How long have you been working on this? (It would've taken me forever.. ;; ) I definately look forward to this hitting the [b]Inn[/b]. Oh! Dibs on the [b]Arena[/b]. ^_~ [It sounds like such a wonderful place. x3][/size][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokopoko Posted February 16, 2005 Author Share Posted February 16, 2005 [SIZE=1]Well ladies and gentlemen the time has come for this adventure to start, so it is my great honour to introduce the team for ?Enter the Game?. [CENTER]============== [B][U]?The Leader? ? Jokopoko[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Place of Residence:[/B] The Arena. [B]Favourite Hangout:[/B] Adventure Recruitment. [B]Favoured Weapon:[/B] Custom designed light-sabre. The handle is custom designed so Jokopoko can alter the length of the sabre at will giving him an edge in combat due to the surprise, the blade is green in colour and the intensity can be shifted from full power which can cut through anything but another light-sabre blade to the lowest setting which will leave a scorching burn. [B]Motto/Saying:[/B] ?That, as they say in the business, is how it?s done?. [B]Skill(s):[/B] Jokopoko brings his unique brand of leadership and cunning to the group. He also has his own style of bitchin? fighting moves; he can blend the Matrix actions of his Avatars namesake with his skill with the Light-sabre and can quickly dispatch multiple enemies. He also has some skill with HTML which he can use to open shortcuts in the Island?s code. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Click here[/URL]. [B]Personality:[/B] For the most part Jokopoko is a care-free spirit who doesn?t always follow by the rules, unless of course he?s made the rules in the first place. Most of the time he?s more worried about how he?s going to come up with an excuse for not doing the work instead of doing it but he will always comes through in the end. He?ll always stick up for his friends if they need him too. Sometimes he surprises himself by doing a rather amazing act without realising. He has a strong sense of loyalty and will go out of his way to help his friends if they need it. With the looming danger of H4XX0r.2 he will have to find the leader with him rather sharpish or else the Island may not survive. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Joko happened by the OtakuBoards while browsing for a place to get reactions for his idea on a Digimon story that was titled ?Digimon: Elemental Force?. Needless to say it didn?t do well but he found something much, much better in return. The amazing thing that is the Otaku RPG and he hasn?t left the arena since, even on the Island. During the whole ?entry? sequence into the Boards Joko wasn?t paying much attention to the chat so when he woke up on the Islands shores with a mannequins body it goes with out saying he was somewhat freaked out, though we quickly saw the cool side and got the grips of the User-Interface system with out much trouble at all. During the OtakuBuilding phase of the Island Joko spent his time wandering around the gaming forum and M.M.T.V. forum more because it was easier to interact with the members and he didn?t forget if he?d started a new thread somewhere or made a post in a thread that had caught his fancy. He was also known to frequent the Yu-Gi-Oh duel arenas every so often but that side of him died quickly. As for RPGs he didn?t have that much time to get any good ones seeing as H4XX0r had to come and ruin things. Joko spent most of the H4XX0r encounter in the Adventure Arena using his characters to fend off the n00bs. Now days he likes to relax in his hip pad on RPG Boulevard, far removed from the rabble of fans he finds when ever he enters the Underground. Other times he is frantically writing down at JP Studios thinking up the next smash hit for the Island. [CENTER]============== [B][U]?The Hard-***? - Blackjack[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Place of Residence:[/B] Tokyo 3. [B]Favourite Hangout:[/B] Manga Workshop. [B]Favoured Weapon:[/B] Japanese naginata (a long staff with a blade on the end; think Seung Mina in Soul Calibre 2). [B]Motto/Saying:[/B] To Whiners/Moaners/Emo kids: "Do you want a tissue? To wipe the tears away?". [B]Skill(s):[/B] Fluency in some of the more obscure dialects of l33t (I have some friends who consider themselves to be l33t...), and a Spiderman-esque Apostrophe Sense - no one that writes "it's" when they mean "its" will ever be safe again. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Click here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Prone to bouts of introspection when the pressure's on, but full of determination. If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well. Some say that he loves Mecha a little bit too much to be considered normal. Unbelievers, they will never understand. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Most of the time since arriving on the island has been spent shuttling back and forth between the Manga Workshop - shut in a side room scribbling down storylines, character profiles and lists of potentially interested artists for various projects - and the Mecha Battlefield, taking on all comers in Akito's black Aestivalis from ?Nadesico: Prince of Darkness?. [CENTER]============== [B][U]?The Funny One? ? Lady Katana[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Place of Residence:[/B] Manga Workshop [B]Favourite Hangout:[/B] MW Library. [B]Favoured Weapon:[/B] Quarterstaff [B]Motto/Saying:[/B] *gasp* Ooo, shiny! [B]Skill(s):[/B] Knowledge of almost every anime and Manga art style known to man. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Click here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Pretty much happy-go-lucky most of the time. Enjoys a good chat with friends, though can be somewhat shy at times. Can become very evil and mean when angered. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Ever since arriving on the Island, after the new forums had been set up, Lady K (using third person to make this easier on myself) has made it her mission to try and collect as many series of Manga as she can so that the Island can have the most complete collection. She's often seen either in the stacks making sure that all the titles are in alphabetized and in their proper series order, or at her main acquisitions terminal trying to find more. She does take time out, however, to try and have a little fun, be it participating in an RPG, drawing her own comic, or having a chat with the few friends that she has around the Island. [CENTER]============== [B][U]?The Odd-Ball? ? Mimmi[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Place of Residence:[/B] The Prefecture [B]Favourite Hangout:[/B] The Lounge [B]Favoured Weapon:[/B] Shears. [B]Motto/Saying:[/B] "In a very innocent way" [B]Skill(s):[/B] Sillyness and team work (mostly by acting as a distraction so that others can "go for the kill"); can also commandeer sheep quite brilliantly. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Click here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Mimmi is very silly most of the time but, if need be, she can maintain a serious attitude for as long as it's required (which is useful when comforting people or plotting against possible threats). There's nothing more she likes than to be helpful ... and to steal pants >> Bad puns and making boys blush is a hobby she's working on perfecting. [B]Short Bio:[/B] After the big H4XX0r incident, Mimmi has been volunteering to help out where she can. Whether it be waitressing in the Lounge (where she also serves her special buns) or running errands for friends and newcomers. But when inspiration strikes she quickly makes her way to the beach, because that's where her mind works best. Sometimes that's meant that whatever she's doing at the time it hits her is cut abruptly short, causing a bit of confusion for those not familiar with her. While residing in the Prefecture, Mimmi do stray away to the Arena more often than not, to publish some of her work in the Anthology and read stories/encourage other writers there. She also loves to sneak into the Adventure Arena and watch her favourite RPG's unfold. [CENTER]============== [B][U]?The Not-so Innocent One? ? Methuselah[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Place of Residence:[/B] The Arena [B]Favourite Hangout:[/B] The Anthology. [B]Favoured Weapon:[/B] *refer to appearance* A large sword that she uses to channel her magic powers through. The she can also wield it as a weapon by itself, the full force of her swing is quite incredible, especially if Methuselah is angry. [B]Motto/Saying:[/B] ?You know that?s really mean.? (Used on friends or foe, doesn?t really matter) "Damn it, I'm a girl!" [B]Skill(s):[/B] Methuselah has the uncanny ability to cheer most people up, always ready with some kind comment. She?s also blessed with the powers of violent description, especially when it comes to things like murder scenes. When seeing that someone is down, Methuselah will readily give out the most affectionate hugs that she can, this tends to put both foes and allies in a profound state of confusion. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Click here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] A generally reserved and kind member, Methuselah is always ready with a comment on something she feels interested in. She is eager to learn new things and look up to many members who she feels are excellent writers. She doesn?t like to see her friends feeling bad and will always do her best to make them feel better using whatever means possible. She is ready and willing to give advice if someone needs it and is a wonderful listener; even if she isn?t able to help she will offer a shoulder to cry on if need be. When someone insults someone she feels close to she tends to snap and gets rather defensive, sticking up for them. When faced with a n00b she is prone to violent mood swings, lashing out at the nearest below par member. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Since Methuselah arrived she has been slowly socialising with members who she always looked up to, including the likes of Jokopoko, Kane and Alan. She used to be very active and would do her best to involve herself in many different discussions, earning herself a certain level of respect. Now she tends to stick to The Arena, her current area of Residence. She writes most of the time and is just happy with seeing what her friends think of her stories and poetry. Methuselah may be a very cool and calm person but when it comes to n00bs, she loses it completely. There has been the odd occasion where she has bopped one with her staff and has come off with a warning from James. Even if she never poses as a violent or dangerous member and keeps her quality as high as she possibly can, that one small streak of violence can be a tad troublesome. She now tends to visit JP studious just to see if she can help out with anything, knowing that Jokopoko is very busy most of the time and has a hard time keeping his patience under wraps. Even if she doesn?t role-play much any more, Methuselah is always willing to help out if anyone needs assistance. She practices her magic alone at home or just jokes around with other members, she?s never experienced true SPAM or a true battle but with the danger of this n00b army approaching, she will fight to the death for the home she loves. [CENTER]============== [B][U]?The Serious One? ? Corey[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Place of Residence:[/B] The Arena [B]Favourite Hangout:[/B] The Adventure Arena [B]Favoured Weapon:[/B] A nice little knife; About eight inches in length with a five inch handle. Laser sharpened. The blade is black steel and the handle polished ceder. [B]Motto/Saying:[/B] ?Everything?s in its place when everything is anywhere?. [B]Skill(s):[/B] Good grammar and RPGs that never pan out as well as he wishes they would. [B]Appearance:[/B] [Coming soon]. [B]Personality:[/B] Usually Corey is a pretty easy going guy. He has an open mind and it's very hard to offend or piss him off. He has a very active imagination and accordingly will never take the most obious course of action. When confronted with a trying situation, Corey usually takes a little time to think by wasting time or, in the case of an RPG, running away from the enemy. It's very easy to make friends with him, and very hard to lose him as a friend. [B]Short Bio:[/B] "I got sucked into my computer one night while I was surfing a lovely proboards site. A wondow popped open with OtakuBoards open in it, and suddenly I was laying right in front of a gigantic metal door. I stood up, a little disoriented, and found a black knife hanging at my side. The air had the slight smell of new plastic and as I watched, several other people appeared too. I immediately figured that I had fallen asleep in front of my computer again. I walked through the metal doors and up to the counter where none other than Radaghast was set in front of a computer screen, looking a little dazed. [B]Corey[/B] - "Alex?" He looked at me, wearing his super cool aviator sunglasses. [B]Alex[/B] - "Corey?!" We exchanged greetings and then he told me that apparently he was on duty as one of the Adventure Arenas 'secretaries'. He asked if I was currently signed up for anything. At the time I had been working on an RPG I wanted to put up in the recruitment thread, so I said no. He gave me directions to the Recruitment center, and I left. Since then, I've been actively participation in RPGS, playing in them and creating my own. I'd like to be a bit more active in the other regions of the Island, but I specifically got a room in one of the taverns in one of the more ongoing RPGS. It takes up a lot of my time, man!? [CENTER]============== [B][U]?The Cute One? ? vicky[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Place of Residence:[/B] The Arena. [B]Favourite Hangout:[/B] Adventure Arena. [B]Favoured Weapon:[/B] Rabbit size Bat?leth. [B]Motto/Saying:[/B] ?Sorry, I?m allergic to ********? or ?I am NOT cute!? [B]Skill(s):[/B] Being a bunny rabbit of sorts, Vicky isn?t just a little rabbit who can jump really high. For a long time she took the appearance of Robin and for that long time she adopted her (girl robin) fighter techniques. She can kick *** rabbit style, from high kicks to scratching. As a bunny she has one thing a bunny shouldn?t have: sharp claws. Claws bigger than cats and not meant to be on rabbit paws, but still claws. Vicky has no magical powers, no special abilities or whatnot, just kick *** rabbit fighting moves. Remember, if you say that she?s cute, you?ll find yourself back home with a few bruises and some deep scratches. Vicky doesn?t have many qualities for the Internet, though writing and RPGing may be a minor one, she?s mainly for everything else in the real world. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Click here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] A little moody at times, happy at times and fun loving. This rabbit likes to have fun, likes to RPG and is always in a good mood when having fun. She tries to be funny sometimes, but hardly gets far. Most the time she?ll stay quite and only make a joke when the situation isn?t bad, though she?s hardly around a lot of people, normally she?s only seen around one or two of her friends to tell a joke. When it comes to speaking she?s all talk, though she?s not sure if she?s right or wrong. Speaking causally is alright, making smart *** comments at n00bs and stuff is perfectly fine, but speaking beyond that, like commenting on work or telling a large group of people something she?s not so good. Vicky hates it when people say that she?s cute as a rabbit. Her reply is always a scratch, bite or a kick in the nose, no matter what mood she?s in. Not only does she hate this but she also hates to be underestimated, for being and kid and for just be? well, herself. She?d want to prove to anyone who thinks she can?t cut it that she can, whether it being a cool RPG or a life-threatening stunt. [B]Short Bio:[/B] A Newbie when she started and then an okay member after awhile. She had gotten used to OB like the back of her hand, even so she wasn?t prepared for the freak accident that got everyone dragged into a virtual community. It took awhile for Vicky to get used to everything, but in time she did. Things didn?t change much for her, either. She hung around the Arena parts, she made RPG?s and basically did nothing more. Often she would talk to a few of her friends and have a laugh with them, or make a fool of herself, it was all the same. During her first few months in the virtual community she decided to change her avatar to a girl-Robin style she had found in a google search. When taking this new appearance Vicky began to fight in a new way: The kick *** ROBIN style! The kid ran around the Adventure Square, before deciding to live there of course. She kicked off with a few new RPG?s, most of them being useless, except for one or two. Vicky was none for popping into threads, forums and whatnot for a good read, but never posting. She did this in other people?s RPG?s, as well, just for a good read. In the Anthology she read many stories, never commented, and felt guilty about it. She was occasionally seen hanging around in Tokyo 3, quietly by herself, then with a few RPG friends back in the Arena. Though she did have many friends she liked to chat to through PM?s there was always the long period when none of them were alone. For sometime Vicky gave RPGing a break. She was around and about OtakuBoards, losing interest in most things, not really doing anything, and whatnot. When the spamming n00bs came along causing the fights to wreck everything Vicky felt like it was the excitement and entertainment she had been waiting for in along time. When she decided to get close to the fighting she soon found out that running from huge exploding spammers and buildings was harder when your cape got in the way. Surviving the attacks was pretty much luck for her. After that she knew that the Robin kick *** style was no longer needed, so she changed to a bunny. Bunny Raven from Teen Titans, to be more precise. However, what she didn?t know was how annoying it was to be called cute. Now the girl spends her time hanging around the Arena parts, mostly the Square, looking into the things and staying up all night in the Underground if she wants. [CENTER]============== [B][U]?The Aimless One? ? Reise[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Place of Residence:[/B] The Arena [B]Favourite Hangout:[/B] The OB Anthology [B]Favoured Weapon:[/B] Katana [B]Motto/Saying:[/B] ?Heh? [B]Skill(s):[/B] Moderate HTML Knowledge; High Photoshop Knowledge; Moderate Spelling/Grammar; More than mastered in the art of?the samurai sword [/Kill Bill] [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Click here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Reise as you know him is a laid back kind of guy, but can get quite tempered when there are n00bs around to annoy him. Usually losing his temper with them he needs someone to calm him down. He is prone to forgetting what he was saying, but that?s because he?s in the middle of several conversations at once. Reise? temper isn?t normally released though, it?s usually kept under wraps by friends, or perhaps a near by wall. But his interest in Heavy Metal has grown to the extent that he random starts singing, which is usually recorded and broadcast over Otaku Island by the OtakuBot. Just to teach him a lesson for making the OB Anthology a little louder. [B]Short Bio:[/B] After the whole incident that happened that little while ago. Reise wandered the depths of OB, looking for a home, he didn?t know what he was wanting in that area of time. He had got more into gaming so he thought about the Hardwired section of OB Island. But before he got to his destination he thought better, and had walk to M.M.TV. For his love of Music was too much to keep him from the discussions there. After starting a few discussions which fell after a few replies he moved his way back to his original home, oh so long ago. The Arena. After a quick swoosh through the tubes he found himself at the Arena. The sight was amazing, and Reise was in awe. He walked through the battles commencing, and the RP?s being played till he found his new home in the OB Anthology. Where his love of books took him to new levels, and to disastrous stories that failed. [CENTER]============== [B][U]?The Enigma? - Dagger IX1[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Place of Residence:[/B] Tokyo 3 [B]Favourite Hangout:[/B] Anime Lounge [B]Favourite Weapon:[/B] Mecha [B]Motto/Saying:[/B] "Anything is better with giant robots." [B]Skill(s):[/B] Talking, angsting and making up cool-sounding attack names. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Click here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] She has two. The dominant one is generally sensible and laid-back, with a penchant for being somewhat long-winded. Overhearing spoilers, seeing members play mod or being confronted by elitist dub-bashers triggers the emergence of her violent and sadistic personality, which can only be suppressed by a healthy dose of yaoi. It greatly amuses her to be mistakenly referred to as male. [B]Short Bio:[/B] A loner, Dagger doesn't go out of her way to make friends but is always ready to discuss/hash over her favourite anime and Manga. Most often, she can be found obsessively re-watching episodes of Revolutionary Girl Utena and Soukyuu no Fafner, or reading the latest chapters of Death Note. She boasts that she's the Mecha Battlefield's current champion, yet has never actually been seen fighting. Known for her relaxed attitude (read: laziness), Dagger has to feel very threatened before she'll bother to engage in serious combat. [CENTER]============== [B][U]"The Maverick" - Kane[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Place of Residence:[/B] The Arena [B]Favourite Hangout:[/B] The Adventure Square [B]Favoured Weapon:[/B] Force Lance [B]Motto/Saying:[/B] ?Interesting, most interesting?. [B]Skill(s):[/B] Gavin's trademark razor-sharp wit and guile as well as an exceptional command of the English language are his most obvious skills. Add to this his unending drive and motivation to achieve his goals, as well as a tacticians mind for strategy and you've got one very useful ally or dangerous enemy. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Click here[/URL] A little more cleaned up that this, but essentially this is what Gavin looks like. Well that and give him some very prestigious looking Armani suits. [B]Personality:[/B] Gavin's personality has never changed since he joined OB, energetic, kind and always willing to give people a leg up in the world, and that same persona has accompanied him to Otaku Island. He has been described by many as Otaku Island's stereotypical "nice-guy", and if he was honest Gavin would probably laugh and say it was true, however that is not to saw that he's a one dimensional person. His work in the Arena, as well as running Kanetic Works has given him a drive and discipline required to compete with the other companies on the market, although compete may be too strong a word. This drive can sometimes lead him to overwork, become fatigued and snappy at people but most know that he has a good heart. As a Otaku Gavin is as complex as some of his best written stories. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Since Gavin ended up on Otaku Island his life has been a bit hectic, first there was the whole H4XX0r attack, in which Gavin and several other leading role-players led the civilian defence of the Arena. Then after H4XX0r was defeated there was the whole waiting until V2 was completed so he could find some permanent living quarters, and after moving into his RPG Boulevard mansion he became inundated with requests to join certain RPGs and take part in certain Otaku Movies that were being produced. Between all that and his own work which he intended to do Gavin was pretty much swamped and exhausted, however as tired and overworked as he was Gavin wouldn't have had it any other way, well maybe with a little less work, but fame was the game. Taking some advice from Corey Gavin decided to take a trip with his wife Raiha to one of the Arena more secluded mountain retreats, where along with resting they could celebrate their 9 month wedding anniversary and just relax and get away from the stresses of being one of Otaku Island's hottest celebrity couples. Getting back from his vacation Gavin got straight back into work, helping to write, direct and star in the third of Corey's "Black Horizon" RPGs, as well as this he also began work in secret on several of his own projects for the Arena [which he still hasn't finished yet]. However underneath all the glitz and glamour that came with being Otaku Island's sexiest man Gavin was more interesting in tying to improve things for the younger generation, the included sponsoring and training several young role-players who caught Gavin's eye. As well as this Gavin set up his own independent production company Kanetic Works, which focused on smaller, more original work concepts. In doing so Gavin retired a bit from the spotlight, preferring to manage and direct much of Kanetic work. As such he became known as the George Lucas of Otaku Island, a title which he very much enjoys. Gavin is also a bit of a political activist in his spare time, [what little of it there is] he approached James with the idea of holding elections for the Moderator positions on OB, but taking James' advice he realised that perhaps for the time being Otaku Island was OK as it was. Between working Gavin lives in his RPG Boulevard home with his wife Grace and a couple of virtual pets, designed by his sister Annie. [CENTER]============== [B][U]"The Descriptive One" ? Arcadia[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Place of Residence:[/B] Team Hanzo Headquarters (the Arena) [B]Favourite Hangout:[/B] The Arena as a whole. [B]Favoured Weapon:[/B] A whip? because she likes to think she?s Indiana Jones. But she also carries around a mysterious fly swatter (you won?t see it until it?s too late), which she uses to defeat spam and keep members in line. Well, all that, and her cool moderator super powers. [B]Motto/Saying:[/B] Le sigh. [B]Skill(s):[/B] Thoroughly experienced in the ways of the RPG, Arcadia has been role playing for a very long time, on the boards and in other places all over the web. She is known to be a very talented writer and very creative, though prone to moments of randomness. Above and beyond that, however, she is also a Team Leader on the boards and wields a considerable amount of influence over the Arena ? she does kind of run it, after all. Patient, approachable, and extremely silly, Arcadia can be serious when she needs to be but prefers smiles and laughter to kicking *** and taking names (although she does the latter very well if need be). [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Click here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Arcadia, though one of the older members on the boards, is usually very youthful and energetic. She likes to be silly and have fun, and enjoys goofing off with friends. Witty and clever and oh so modest, she also enjoys a good laugh. Her humour tends to fall a little on the wry side, but she has equal love for puns of all kinds. However, she is also known to be something of a tease at times and enjoys throwing around innuendo. Contrary to popular belief, she does not accept sexual favours from members. She does, however, have the ability to be rather nasty. It doesn?t happen often, but when she?s in psycho-evil mode it?s generally a wise idea to stay out of her way. All in all, Arcadia is a very easy-going, good-natured individual who prefers to look on the bright side of life. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Since she arrived on the island with the thousands of other members, Arcadia has steadily been working on making the Arena (and the island as a whole) a very positive and welcome living environment. She has quite a few responsibilities as a Team Leader, but she?s never too busy to stop and share a few ideas, a quick role-play or Anthology reading, and maybe some delicious foodage with various members. She?s gained a reputation as being very approachable and is often sought when members need advice about their RPGs or their life on the island in general. Though she has a very large office in the Team Hanzo Headquarters, she?s often on the go all over the Arena. Generally her office isn?t exactly the most organized place, either, and some of her neater co-workers are known to come in and go neat-freak on the place (mostly while she?s out). Though she does wander to other parts of the island, she spends most of her time in the Arena and all of it?s various areas. When she?s not on-the-go, checking on said areas, she?s either working at her personal RPG studio (Arcadia Experience, Inc., apparently, lol) or is hiding in her office and/or room, catching up on some much needed sleep. There?s always the chance that she?ll wander down the street in some ridiculous mardi gras-like costume or plot with friends to make very large, silly parties consisting of delicious buns and lots of confetti. It?s just her way of ?keeping it real,? yo. [CENTER]============== [B][U]"The Pirate" ? Drix D?Zanth[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Place of Residence:[/B] The Prefecture [B]Favourite Hangout:[/B] The Otaku Lounge [B]Favoured Weapon:[/B] Once a moderator, Drix has a dusty Lightsabre locked in a box long stored away after losing the position. Its violet crystal still hums with power long forgotten from Drix?s exile. He has returned a changed man, developing a strange outlook on life, more of a pirate than anything. So he now wields two weapons, a sharpened cutlass in his right hand, and a scalpel in his left. [B]Motto/Saying:[/B] ?Take one dose of Drix per day, apply liberally to sensitive areas? [B]Skill(s):[/B] Elite debating skills that cut like the dance of his blades. Wielding the mastery of medicine in one hand, and the hard-*** life of a pirate In the other, Drix?s dichotomy serves as his greatest weapon. The untaught savvy of a hard life mixed with a sharp intellect and keen wit mean Drix is always on his toes in any situation. His main powers include the ability to destroy the psyche of another through rhetoric. He also has the both the sexy of doctor and the sexy of pirate, a skill he often uses against the fair gender. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=¤t=drixdr.jpg]Click here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Drix is a pretty easygoing guy with a very unique sense of humour. If you?ve earned his respect, that is. He?s pretty careful with the people he spends his time with, and prefers to develop relationships with those quality citizens of OtakuBoards. To all other imbeciles, or fools, he may as well be the closest they come to seeing the devil for Drix is unmercifully unforgiving who he considers idiots unworthy of anybody?s respect, much less his own. He takes careful pleasure in ?burninating? what scrap of dignity they may have before delivering the killing blow. He is not, however, so unforgiving that he doesn?t allow for redemption. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Drix is a former moderator of the Otaku Lounge, wielding his mod-rod with careful grace. He left the boards unannounced for personal reasons before returning at long last as a typical member, enjoying his retirement from the duties of Moderator. He wasted no time in rebuilding the relationships severed from his brief stint, and gathering his influence once more to establish himself in a position of mutual respect with the ones he cared for, rather than one of arbitrary respect. He learned much over his exile, and decided to share some of his gifts with a specific few in hopes that they grow themselves, and that he can grow from his newfound friendships. His stomping grounds now include the Lounge, which he frequents if only to listen to the varied conversations that go about and step in when he must ?inject some common sense?. It is around this time that he began to venture to the Arena more often, attempting to expand his awareness of the Boards and increase his skills with the careful guidance of his friends. It was here that he first noticed the taint of H4XX0R. It was at this moment, the rush of adrenaline accompanying a ?burnination? would be felt once more. Drix had finally come into his own, he had finally returned. [CENTER]==============[/CENTER] And that?s all of us, its open season everyone...go nuts and have fun.[/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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