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New Game... Ideas? [M-VL]

lil kitsune boy

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Screw it, straight ripoff. This is a Saiyuki game, for those of you who don't know what it is, it's(yet another) retalling of the story, Journey to the West or The Monkey King. Since I don't feel like writing more now, if you'd like more information, PM me or look it up, whichever you find is easier.

Ok, a few rules(mostly thing I just don't like, also known as proper gaming ettiquette):
1)If you want to include someone else in your post, make sure it's something their character would do(if this is too complicated, ask 'em [I]before[/I] you post)

2)Don't try to kill off other PC's(player characters, bad guys are, of course, ok)

3)NO power gamers. There is a limit to your power, deal. All the character's are about the same power level, it's just that they're powerful in different ways.

4)I've noticed that people start games on here and then just let the players go, I don't run games that way. You might not like that. If not, don't sign up. If you want to do something major(i don't care if you succeed in looking up porn on the internet, but if you wanna hack into langley and steal government files, that's a bit different), you're gonna have to check with me first.

5)I'll allow it. I allow a lot of things in my games, as long as they're plausible. Basically, this means that, while I might seem a little mean with the rules and all, if you give me a good reason, I'll overlook something, or let you get away with doing something you usually wouldn't be able to.

(just to get myself out from under some of those angry glares, the only reason I have rules #4 and #5 is to avoid #3, power gamers piss me off to no end)

6)Have fun, it's just a game. Hence rules #1 and #2, that's to keep everyone having fun without any fighting in the teams.(The idea is that, at first, the two teams are working against each other, so they might fight)

7)Sign ups. Here's how this is gonna work. You have to PM me with your character, after I send you a PM back saying that you've been accepted to the game, you can post on the Adventure Inn thread(I'll have a title by then, which will be in the PM back) so everyone knows what they're in for. Then we'll get started on the game.

That's the rules. Those are the only things I won't change, aside from that, send whatever suggestions you got my way and we'll see about getting this thing going.
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