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Dont you just hate it when.......

Guest Alchemist

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On the RPG side of my hate...

- People who've mastered all martial arts/gymnastics by age 22. It's impossible to do both.
- Silent, brooding types who are devoid of all emotion. They don't exist.
- Tough guys who want to revenge bad-guy x for killing his family. Too cliche.
- Katanas. There are more swords than just that one people!
- People who can't type to save their own lives. Get a dictionary.
- People only want to find true love, and are completely afraid of rejection. Too cliche.
[B] - People who recycle their characters.[/B] Get creative. This bugs me the most!
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[quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]*I hate it when I make the effort to reply to a thread here on the OB and I get ignored.[/color'][/size][/quote]

I do too. Especially when the post has some deep meaning ...

Of course, I've found more.

- When people in respetible RPs type like they're five. "i cant seem 2 find wut he wuz looing 4, can u hlp me"
- When family rags on my for a "C" on my Midterm, when "C" is average.
- Excessive smilies, one or two is enough.
- Being woken up by my father shouting: "Damnit! What the ******* are you doing?!" at the top of his lungs at seven in the morning on a holiday.
- Being "cool". I like being "uncool" so lay off.
- Judgment.
- My coat.
- Teachers who talk too much ...
- Teachers [I]pets[/I] that talk too much.

I think that's it ... for now. Ta.
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[quote name='Annalisse][color=#404142']I don't do myO in blacks, reds, whites because my "life sucks". My life is just fine, I just happen to love the colors, and the pictures I use inspire me. If that's terrible, sorry.[/color][/quote]

[color=hotpink][size=1]Maybe I generalized too much. It's not so much the people I know: as for you Annie, I've seen your website in every color of the rainbow. I'm saying it's the people who time and time again you see them and they ALL have a black website with red font (and no I'm not referring to Ken, either). Also, they have either Kenshin, InuYasha, or Trigun avatars. Of course, this website IS based off of anime fandom and such, but there are such other pretty colors out there. Like yellow. Or green. Or blue! OR! Well, there are just so many.[/color][/size]
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I think I posted in something like this a while back. Oh well.

I hate;

[I]Bad parents[/I] - the ones that walk around supermarkets screaming at their children. Especially when they shout at them for crying, when it was their shouting that made them cry in the first place.

[I]Taxi drivers[/I] - Everyone that I know does. Heck, maybe some even hate themselves.

[I]Racists[/I] - They just do my head in. Period.

[I]Headaches, colds, and all other minor ailments[/I] - You get rid of them, but a few weeks later, you get 'em again.

[I]n00b language[/I] - Pretty much speaks for itself. Quite badly, I might add.

And many other things that I won't go into, partly because they've been mentioned by so many people before me, but mainly because I just can not be bothered.
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- When people get upset because a show they like has been licensed (assuming it was licensed by a good company--that is to say, not 4Kids or Tokyopop). God, that pisses me off. Little whiners can't stand the idea of actually having to pay money for their entertainment. It's even worse when they go on to say crap like "America ruins everything!!11!" or start moaning about how dubs are always bad because Japanese as a language is inherently superior to English. :animeangr

- Which brings me to my next one... subtitle elitists. To clarify, I have nothing wrong with fans who just prefer to watch everything subbed. That's your choice. But people who complain about the simple fact that a dub is being made for a particular anime--even if the Japanese vocal track will also be available on DVD--really get my goat. There's absolutely no reason for anyone to find the mere [i]existence[/i] of an English-dubbed version so offensive. No one's forcing you to watch it.

Now I'm all annoyed. I guess I'll post my non-anime pet peeves later, then. :animesigh

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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Hmm.. in reference to what the thread starter said about drivers.. is that it [i]bothered[/i] me that during my driving test this morning, two people sped past me dangerously to pass. The first was while I was trying to turn right and I slowed down so I wouldn't cut the corner but the lady cut the corner whilst speeding past me. The other guy sped past me down a narrow road. What also [i]bothered[/i] me is that despite their driving make me look like the best driver in the world, I still managed to fail -__-" I [i]hate[/i] myself for that.

Now, onto things I truly hate (things which took me a few minutes to think of):
-Snoop Dog's, "Drop it like it's hot". Especially in the advertisment because they call it a "masterpiece".. oh puh-lease you can't chant that phrase to an annoying rhythm and call it a "masterpiece", let alone call it music. Just like you can't paint a 2x2m canvas in a grotesque pink colour, name it "Seductive Colour" and put it in the largest art museum in NZ.. ARGH!!! Don't even get me started on anything that's similar to the two combined aforementioned points.

-I hate large crowds. Which tends to make school a difficult place for me to relax in : /

-I hate the [i]'bloody'[/i] burden that females get for their child-birthing abilities...

And that's about it, I just tend to get irritated a lot, but not so much of that downright spitefully loathing hate I had for most of last year. I seem so hate-less compared to the last 3 pages of 'I hates..' I read through.

tsk tsk, so much anger :P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[size=1]I hate when I wake up half an hour earlier than I need to get up so I get back into bed only to not hear my alarm clock and wake up an hour and a half later.

I hate it when people call themselves Philosophers because you can't really say "everything that comes out of my mouth is philisophical." That's something that's upto the society after you to decide.

I hate it when really good artists [like musicians and/or actors] die before their prime and so go largely un noticed even though what they started out with is as good as the work of someone who's been in the industry forever.

I hate it when people assume that I'm some sort of hipster/scenester because I go to clubs and I'll do up my hair in a faux hawk every once in a while.

I hate it when people call me by anything that isn't my name, especially in real life situations.

I hate it when people hawk up phlegm and/or snot in public.

I hate it when people refuse to open a window.

I hate it when people start asking themselves if I'm a good friend or not because I don't call them every single freaking day.

I hate it when weird old men with one weird eye hit on me on the Metro. Ugly people in general just shouldn't be allowed to make sexual advances. What's wrong with you people!!

I hate people on their cell phones who talk like they need to let the entire world know about their botched pap smear. It's a telephone, not a loud speaker, god damn it.

I hate when gums looses it's flavor and becomes hard and painful to chew.

And, I'm sure there are more thing I hate but I've chosen to end this now.[/size]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]I thought of about two or three more of these that are SO SO SO annoying:

*When people chew their gum with their mouth open. What the HECK?! Especially when it's dumb blonde bimbo-looking girls and they look like cows chewing cud. Everytime I see someone doing this I have to refrain from telling them this fact. But it bothers me SO BAD.

*People who call themselves ugly or fat for attention. Now, on occassion I will say that I'm fat and sometimes I feel like I have the right to because of my pudgy-stomach. But when little beanpole flat-stomached girls call themselves fat I just want to MURDER THEM. And when girls call themselves ugly, how can they expect anyone to think otherwise? It's the highest form of vanity, I think.

*People who walk slow. When I have 15 minutes to walk from one class across campus to the other, you better believe I'm booking it and you better get your *** out of my way. I hate having to get in the street off the sidewalk to pass someone who is walking slow.

That's all for now! ^_^;[/color][/size]
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[color=indigo]I hate midgets. But, I assure you, it is hatred derived from fear.

I hate bad table manners in all circumstances. There is never a justifiable reason to talk with your mouth full, lean your elbows on the table while you are eating, not place a napkin or table linen in your lap, or do a host of other disgusting things that people tend to do at a dinner table.

I hate when a woman rejects me. I mean, I am soooo awesome, how high can your standards be?

I hate this new trend where Otaku board members create a thread that acts as an index for other threads that they have created. I mean, if you really feel the need to advertise stick it in your signature.

I hate g-g-g-g-unit.[/color]
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I hate it when:

Stupid "otakus" say that they're gonna learn Japanese, change their name to Sakura, and move to Japan. Especially when the ONLY manga they've read, the ONLY anime they've seen is the few series in my posseion that I actually lend out from my collection. Seriously, get over yourself and your "otaku-ness." You know little about the culture and probably think everyone there loves anime or something.

People be annoyingly friendly with me when I barely know them. Now, don't get me wrong, with my close friends I'm a cute cuddly teddy bear. But when a girl I've only talked to twice and whose name I don't know comes up to me and expects me to drop all my books to give her a bear hug and then asks why I never call her, that's going overboard. (This happened the other day)

people be what is commonly called "emo." Especially the ones who don't have any real problems, and when are asked why they cut, they respond "My parents dont lov m3!!!111!! Every1 @ skewl h8s me!" And the truth is that their parents just didn't buy them the video game they asked for and they have plenty of friends, all really worried about them. And then there's the ones who make up problems. That annoys me more. I have an emo friend who said she is being molested by her stapdad and that she told the police and they did nothing. I called a department on it, and the police called back saying they had no record of being told, and then the girl denied it and said I was making up stuff. That really made me angry.

people insult my best friend to my face. It's just not somethign you do.

random friends who hardly know me call me a slut. I really don't dress all THAT slutty, I mean, sure, a low cut shirt now and then, but nothign all that bad. And I'm not doing stuff with random guys. Actually, one of the friends that called me a slut, actually does do stuff with random guys. She just doesn't know how to insult someone creatively and truthfully. If you're gonna insult someone, use the truth. Its more affective.

In my current PMS-y state, I could probably go on and on with this list, but I'll end it there.
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the way that nothing ine the U.S.A matters but paper
mc donalds
playing with a rope dart and hitting myself in the back of head
looking for love in all the wrong places
sex drives
stale pocky
peeps (oh how i loath you)
consantly dying in star ocean 3
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I really hate it when people expect me to be good at basketball and listen to rap just because I am Black. And when they find out I don't they say I'm a nobody. Why can't people see past color? It can be so amazing sometimes to see how ignorant people really can be... This really makes me mad.
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Guest Alchemist
Wil you are spamming. This post should go under "dont deny it, your heritage" This is for stuff that pisses you off besides sterotype. and they dont call you a nobody they call you an oreo, get it right.
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Actually, Sephiroth, YOU'RE spamming. Anyway, more. I hate it when:

My grade in a class gets lowered because of something someone else did.

People make assumptions about me after hearing me say two sentences. Like this one girl, after I said my best friend wants to leave the crap with her ex in the past and be friends, said I'm pretending to be a goody two shoes because I went up and insulted my best friend's ex. Calling him an idiot isn't that insulting, its the truth. And who ever said I wanted to leave all that in the past and all that other warm and fuzzy stuff?

I forget to do my homework . For three classes in one day. Including a poster project, a paper, and some normal stuff. Oh, lovely. (Hey, for my defense, I got the dates all mixed up and thought all this was due next week.)

There is no chocolate in my house. That's a horrible thing to do to me!

I babysit and the parent say they'll be home by 10. And then aren't home by 11:30. (Meh, at least the pay is good, I guess.)

People forget me and blow off plans we have. Especially when they're the ones who wanted to hang out in the first place. Does everyone think that I'd rather be no where else on a Saturday afternoon trying to call them and waiting for them to call?

Ok, I think that's it for now.
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I hate it when

~Americans hate the u.s.a.
~stupid preps smoke weed and stuff just so they can be "bad"
~ my mom sits at the drive through window to make sure we have all our food
~in class when your supposed to read a story and the teacher won't shut up so you can read it
~people ask stupid questions
~we're riding in the car and someone won't roll up the window when it's blowing my hair
~and also when all these popular girls turn all "punk" and go and ask out all these hot skater geeks and corrupt their darling innocent souls

....yeah. that's all the ones i can think of.....
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[QUOTE=Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]I think I can come up with a few of these:

*I hate it when people try to use sexual things to win popularity. Like all of these horny OBers in orgies is just freaking ridiculous and quite frankly disgusting. But then again, what else can we expect from the society were are raised in?

*I hate Hot Topic goths who are so angsty.

*I hate how almost every OB site out there is done in red and black because of these "gothic" kids who are so freaking depressed because their life just sucks!


[COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1]Queen Asuka, I just realized something. YOU RULE.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1]What I hate:

- Pushy people

- Annoying parents

- Not having a car

- Having a curfew

- "Anime Otakus" who "cosplay" and want to change their BORING TOO-AMERICAN NAMES to "cool" ones like "Sasuke" and "Syoran" and who WANT TO MOVE TO JAPAN.

Oh, and people who think they live in anime cartoons as well.

That's just for starters, but whatever.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1][quote name='Godelsensei']I hate the Imperial system and that sign in front of that one church that always has some irksomely Jesus-loving slogan upon it.[/quote]

I totally agree with you, there. I used to live by one of those Churches, and you know what? No matter how hard I tried, I could [I]never[/I] make sense of what they were trying to tell me with those bloody neon yellow signs.

I don't hate many things, I tend to see something and realise I hate it, rather than thinking, 'Hey, you know what? I hate broccoli!' which I actually do...but you see my point.

At the moment I hate:
? My friend Melissa when she starts trying to get all the boys to stare at her then claims she doesn't like the attention.
? Megan literally punching me when I use the phrase, 'Oh my God' before doing it herself.
? Maths. I despise its very essence.
? RE lessons.
? Having a lot of fun in dodge ball before getting hit in the face painfully.
? Last but not least, the Atlantic Ocean.[/SIZE]
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