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Boogyman/Hide and Seek

Akieen Cloud

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Hey I went to see this like a week ago, like the day after it came out an I think it's a really good movie. Others thought it was pretty lame. I would advise anyone who hasn't see it to see it if they want a good horror movie without all the flim flam of overacting. It was really good, and pretty unpredictable. Not so much as scary as it was creepy and weird. But none the less good. Anyone else seen it and wish to comment? Feel free to.

Now, Hide and Seek. Me and my boyfriend are thinking on seeing this one before it's gone. I wanna get some reviews from people who have seen it. I have heard alot of mixed reveiws on it. Some say it sucked, others say WAY to predictable and what fun is that? I just wanna hear from you guys and girls because when it comes to movies and stuff like that who knows better than the movie watchers ya know?
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A friend of mine works for the local theatre, so I got coaxed into seeing Boogeyman simply because he got me in for free. Anyway...

I was surprised at how the movie starts off with [spoiler]Tim's dad straight-up getting taken away by the boogeyman[/spoiler]. It made the movie feel straight-forward at first, but then we get to see what happens 15 years later. When he grows up, we get the impression that [spoiler]the boogeyman was all in his mind, and that the attack at the beginning of the movie was a scenario he created in his mind to cope with his father walking out on him.[/spoiler] So for a good portion of the movie, we're led to believe Tim's just crazy. And I liked that. In fact, [spoiler]I wish that were the case, because once we saw that there really was a boogeyman-- something they didn't exactly clarify until he saved his best friend-- the entire movie went downhill.[/spoiler]

So now the boogeyman is [spoiler]leading Tim on a journey through time and space.[/spoiler] But why? There was no real motivation. There was no reason at all that Tim was being targetted. The audience is left to come up with that on their own. Was it because [spoiler]of the house? Because the boogeyman stopped tormenting him until he came back to the house. Was it the general area? Because a little girl and her dad from a nearby farm were also taken. Was it simply because he believed the boogeyman was real? Because his best friend grew up in the same area, and the boogeyman never bothered her.[/spoiler]

But if it's the case of that last theory, then we're left with a crappy paradox. [spoiler]The boogeyman attacked him because he believed in him in the first place. But then, does that mean the boogeyman only exists because people believe in him? None of Tim's family members believed in him, but they were all his victims. But wouldn't that also mean the boogeyman would never cease to exist, because Tim [i]knew[/i] he existed when his dad got taken?[/spoiler] And let's not forget how it all ended. The boogeyman was [spoiler]killed by destroying him in effigy. But not just one effigy-- 3 of them. The 3 things that scared Tim the first night he appeared-- the action figure, birds, and sweater-- had to be destroyed to get rid of the boogeyman. This supports the idea that the boogeyman only exists because Tim believes he exists. Once he conquered his fears, the boogeyman ceased to be. But that doesn't make any sense. Now, more than ever, Tim knows that the boogeyman really exists, that it's taken children before him, and it might continue to take children (and adults, apparently) in the future.[/spoiler]

And we're also left with one huge problem. The bodies. [spoiler]The boogeyman left behind no bodies or evidence. That's why everyone thought Tim's father simply ran off. But then we have to deal with the fact that Tim's uncle, girlfriend, and best friend's dad all disappeared with no evidence behind except for Tim's bloody fingerprints on the bathtub.[/spoiler] So even in the end, a guy who doesn't even exist still gets the last laugh because [spoiler]everyone is going to think Tim murdered all of those people, and disposed of the bodies god-knows-where[/spoiler].

And that's my problem with the movie. The boogeyman's nature is ill-defined. We don't know why he's there, why he's attacking, or if he'll even come back. Maybe I'm not looking deeply enough into the movie, but it felt incomplete to me.
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Eh, Jus got back from seeing Hide N' seek, and I must say, I enjoyed the movie.

I gave it a 7/10, I rated it a few points below the 10 because, while the story was quite good,the ending was predictable, it was the kind of twist I'm expecting from these sort of movies lately.

It wasn't really a horro either, i'd be more inclined to call it a thriller. Making it two movies I've re-vlassified this week. (I also reclassified Spanglish as Drama)
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i really liked Boogeyman. i thought it was a very good horror movie. i have no idea hwy other people didnt like it.it scared the crap out of me. especilly the begining. i thouhg ti thad a good story-line, and over all i really enjoyed it.i liked the fact that u finally get to see the thing in the end.wich really suprised me.
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[font=trebuchet ms]I just saw Hide and Seek on Monday, and take this advice from me, a wannabe actor. [b]Don't see it.[/b] Especially if you're looking for a good horror movie, because it's a thriller, not scary at all. And it's also very, very, predictable. In my opinion, I think two great actors (Robert Deniro & Dakota Fanining) were wasted for this film. But if you like those type of movies, then see it, but if not, then I wouldn't recommend that anyone waste their money on it.[/font] :nope:
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