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I've been waiting for this film forever (I read about it last year and have been anxious since). Now it's finally here. Hitting theatres Friday, I'm off to go see it with my sister and some friends because it'll be sweet.

I'm not a huge fan of Reeves, but he should give a good performance, I believe, since he does well in supernatural flicks (cough, Matrix, cough). But this mostly caught my fancy because of the mention of angels and demons, which is a kickass way to put out a story, not to mention a character of mine that happens to be similar. I just recently learned the plot of the film, but have been aware that it's about Reeves being a super natural detective.

I, for one, can't wait >:^D
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What I've read of the Hellblazer comics it is based on was very good. I've been looking forward to this film for awhile because it isn't the standard comic book film that we're usually stuck with.

However, I'm still unsure about Keanu in this film. The guy definitely manages to sign onto some good projects (at least the last several years), so I figure this movie will be good... I'm just worried about his acting. I've never found him very convincing in anything, no matter how much he tries. The movie also has that main character from Holes, which kind of threw me off.

I really hope it turned out well and meets my expectations.
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Keanu often plays the character that's quiet (or at least that's how he portrays his roles all the time), so I'm unsure about him too. But I too have studied about it through the comics and have become fascinated beyond all reason.

Unfortunately, I've read loads of critic reviews (as many as I could without spoiling anything for myself) and they've all said it didn't match it's hype. It's overrated and isn't very good. But I tend to not listen to what others say. If it looks good to me, then I'll see it.
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[COLOR=LightBlue][SIZE=1]I saw this trailer when I went to see Ocean's Twelve (which sucked, by the way) and found that I had enjoyed watching that trailer more than the movie I paid to see.

I really cannot wait for this to start, I love anything to do with angels/demons or religion and Keanu Reeves is uber hot in this movie. =P It looks like a totally awesome concept, I can't wait until it finally comes out.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Ryan']I won't lie, when I first saw the previews for this movie, I just said, "Here is another Matrix, just with demons." I haven't really heard a lot about it, but that is what is seems like it will be like.[/quote]

That's a huge misunderstanding then, because the plot is not even close to be similar to The Matrix. Just because Keanu Reeves is in both doesn't mean it will be the same ;^D
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Damn this film absolutley amazing. I heard about it when I went to see 'Meet The Fockers' with a group of friends (which sucked, heh). And I was like, woah. Jamie sent me the trailer url about 30 minutes ago, and I have to say that this is gonna be one awesome film.

Religion and Angels/Demons concept is very cool, and I hope they make this look really cool, like what the trailer ha shown.[/COLOR]
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[size=1][color=#003399]I have had mixed feelings on the movie.

The plot itself looks brilliant. But like some of you have said, Reeves doesnt seem like the right fit for the character of John Constantine. A more likeable character would have maybe been someone who is prone to doing these types of movies.

But I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out. Whether it sucks or is amazing, I am going to see it.[/size][/color]
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About a month or so ago I decided to pick up the novel that was based on the movie. If the movie is anything like the book, which it should be, then it will be kickass.

I never really cared for the Matrix Trilogy, but I've always thought Reeves was a decent actor.

So yeah, looks to be a good movie. A must see when I have a day off from work and college.
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Well, I saw it last night (on opening day) and it was frickin' sweet. It was the height I imagined it (which was not too fantasy high, but more action thriller high). Definitely worth seeing. I was aware that the critics have been giving it 1-star and 4/10 and all that jazz, but I usually don't listen to them and go on my own. Glad I did.

[spoiler]The violence wasn't so bad, but I did have to warn my sister to cover her eyes when I saw him pick up the shard of glass because I knew he was about to slit his wrists.[/spoiler] The angel wings used were the kinds that [i]should[/i] be used in an angel movie. Like in Dogma... I dunno if those were supposed to be fake-looking, but they were, but who cares there anyways. What matters is, the graphics were pretty cool in this movie.

I definitely liked it. Not a flick I'd watch twice in a row, though. I can manage waiting for DvD and maybe even a little longer.

[b]EDIT:[/b] Oh, and for those of you who hate Keanu's acting, I thought it was well-done for the character in this. (I don't really have an opinion on his acting all together).
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[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]I've been wanting to see this for sometime. I remember a few months back hearing about it and becoming interested. Of course me being a huge Keanu fan, and a huge Weisz fan, I [B]had[/B] to check it out.

I was kind of skeptical however because I'm not much for those demon freaky movies, such as Exosist. I was absolutely terrified when I saw that movie. This however, I thought was really good.

A friend of mine told me that it was based off a comic, Hellblazer, as Semjaza Azazel mentioned and that John Constantine was actually a blonde haired british man. I could careless however sense I could care for American comics anyway.

I saw it late night with a friend, her boyfriend, and a few others. They all enjoyed it aswell.

[spoiler]I was hoping to see more of heaven, how of interest of what hollywood would come up with. Hell is exactly how I would protray it.[/spoiler]

Both Reeves and Wiesz did an excellent job with this, and I wouldn't mind seeing it twice. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[spoiler]They did show a short glimpse of heaven, which didn't seem like a whole lot, but since there was more to Hell than just a glimpse, I guess there'll be more to heaven in future Constantine flicks. I did enjoy how he flipped off Lucifer, though XD Badass.[/spoiler] And yes, Keanu, did well with the acting, I believe. Those who think he sucks might enjoy him.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Wow. . This movie was really awesome. I have been waiting for a movie that put a heaven and hell story into the works for a long time.

I suppose I am one of the few fans of Keanu Reeves. I think that he may not be the BEST actor, but when you put him in less 'speaking' roles, and let him just run rampant with action scenes, the movie usually rules. I love his manner'isms in these movies. He plays 'pissed-off' very well! [spoiler]Like when he tried to exorcise the demon in Weisz's character, and his 'apprentice' gets knocked around. He sort of stands up, and rolls down his sleeves. It was just awesome watching his expression as he was kind of like, "Ok, fine then!" attitude. [/spoiler]

I loved Gabriel in the movie [spoiler] even though it was played as a female. She is a beautiful woman, and she was just perfect for her role. [/spoiler] I also really liked [spoiler]Satan. It took me a while to place the actor who played him, but I really liked how he just seemed to BE Satan! He was kind of a slimy character (and not just the slime dropping from the ceiling). His little bit of 'snake-like' tounge as he closed in to Keanu. [/spoiler]

Overall, I put this movie as a 8.5 out of 10. I know a few of my friends really liked the movie. A few kept checking their cell phones for what time it is, and a few still thought it was OK, but nothing great. . . Well. . I liked it, and that's all that mattered![/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Well color me entertained.

That was one (surprisingly) damn good movie. I didn't have much hope for this movie at first, but I eventually got to the point where I actually anticipating it. To be different from most people, I actually avoided reading the Hellblazer comics. I didn't want to become acquainted with the John Constantine of the comics, then get bombarded with a completely different character in the movie. I knew that John was switched from English to American, and that was all I needed to know. I wanted to watch this movie as a general movie-goer, not a comic book reader searching for the inevitable changes they'd make to the characters.

And as a general movie-goer, I think this was a good movie. I usually have my complaints about Keanu Reeves' acting, but it wasn't at all distracting in this movie. I can't tell if he's improving, or if the script fit well with his range. Either way, I thought he did a good job.

I was a little bothered that I couldn't quite tell where the story was going for the most part, but then I realized that they were simply building up to the climax. It was just a constant build-up, and it prevented the movie from being too predictable. Some parts I saw coming ([spoiler]like Gabriel being behind the evil plan, and John committing a selfless act that would get him into heaven[/spoiler]), but a few twists caught me totally off guard ([spoiler]I didn't think they were actually gonna show Satan, or that Satan was gonna bring him back to life simply to keep him out of heaven[/spoiler]). I was also a little upset when [spoiler]Chas died, because I was looking forward to him being a growing source of trouble for the demon world in the future. He was so well-versed. It was nice that he became an angel, though-- even if it could mean causing a riff between him and John.[/spoiler]
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I thought it was pretty good. But [i]Million Dollar Baby[/i] is [b]far[/b] more worth seeing. Having seen that movie, it does not compare to this one at all.

Reeves' acting wasn't as bad as in [i]The Matrix[/i] this time around. . .he seemed to fit the role nicely.

I liked the ending, [spoiler]where you thought he was going to stick a cig in his mouth, but it was nicorette gum[/spoiler].

I didn't find the plot to be anything new. . .I've actually had a heaven and hell story idea for quite some time. It's a lot more in-depth than this movie. I've written a few poems like my idea is, but I have yet to fully conceptualize it.

It's worth seeing as a rental when it comes out, but I wouldn't run to the theatre to see it. . .instead go see [i]Million Dollar Baby[/i]. What an amazing movie that was. I personally think it's highly underrated, because so many people haven't seen it. . . either that or it just seems that way.
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Well, I think it's common knowledge that Keanu Reeves has impeccable acting range, but this movie was just terrible. Was it trying to be a supernatural thriller? Was it a satire? Was it trying to be outright comedy? It just did not pick a direction. Ok and let's not forget to mention that the scene in the beginning with that little girl in Mexico is SUCH an Exorcist rip-off. I'm still just shocked Keanu would stoop this low, after such masterpieces as Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
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[b][color=Gray][size=1]Yes,[/size][/color][/b][color=Gray][size=1] but was it an Exorcist rip-off or a tribute? I think, more than exorcist rip-oof, this was more a payign homage type scene. Being a rip-off, the demon would have had more in common witht hte demon in the exorcist film, i would have thought.

The rest of the movie wasn't that bad, I like the way they transitioned to, and prtrayed hell. Hell as some kind of eternal nuclear explosion is a great way to portray it. Heaven on the other hand, was just done as every other heaven scene, basically. It was a gate on clouds. Whee!

[spoiler] Having Gabriel as the villain did not make sense. This, after all, is the angel who bought the news of Jesus' to Mary and the sheperds.

I also didn't like the diea to kill Chaz off, there was enough in this character to keep himn going for at least 1 sequel, I thought.[/spoiler]
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[quote name='Zenju][spoiler'] Having Gabriel as the villain did not make sense. This, after all, is the angel who bought the news of Jesus' to Mary and the sheperds.[/quote]
You must not have seen [i]The Prophecy[/i] movie series. It's like a trend, [spoiler]having an angel named Gabriel become jealous of mankind and going against God's wishes. He/she always seems to end up falling from Heaven and becoming human, too. I really ought to brush up on my scripture, and see why movies like to portray Gabriel in this light.[/spoiler]

[quote][spoiler] I also didn't like the diea to kill Chaz off, there was enough in this character to keep himn going for at least 1 sequel, I thought.[/spoiler][/quote]
You should have stuck around the theatre longer. After the credits finish rolling, [spoiler]we see that Chas has become an angel.[/spoiler] So it's not quite game over for him.

I was a little surprised that they decided to make Gabriel female (it's hardly a spoiler, as it gives nothing away). She dressed like a man when we first saw her, so there's a chance normal humans might actually see her as a him. I think John also referred to her as a "him" when he was talking to another priest. Or maybe he/she was just sexually ill-defined.
I also remember reading somewhere (although it's not like I confirmed it) that earlier versions of the bible used to refer to Gabriel as both Gabriel (male) and Gabrielle (female). However, when Christianity became more patriarchal (male/father-centered, to keep women 'in check'), the female variation of the name was re-written to make Gabriel male. I think that also happened with a few other angels, and God might've also been referred to as a mother (as in creator/mother) once or twice.
So maybe Gabriel in the movie was [i]supposed[/i] to have an ill-defined gender.
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