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Scariest game ever


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[size=1]1. Resident Evil 1, easily,
It was the first game I played of that survival-horror nature, and it was and intense gaming experience. RE1 looked very realistic for the days back when I was 13.

Though it wasn't the Hunters or Tyrant that spooked me, if anything that lumbering villain brought the tension down, it was those first few scenes, the unkown creature outside hunting you down and chasing you into the mansion, or the freakiy cutscene at the first zombie encounter, that made the game's atmosphere what it was. The mansion interirors were quite atmospheric too.
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I don't play scary games too often, but I think that Resident Evil 4 is capable of spooking some people. What's really great about how the game goes about its scares, is that it's just as adept at building up tension as it is at swarming you with enemies and making you claw and scrape for every inch of space you need to get the hell away from the villagers.

In the beginning of the game, most of the fright comes from the villagers, who are relentless in hunting you down, and will find ways to get at you wherever you go. The beginning of the game really gives you a great sense of desperation, because you're constantly on the run, weaving in and out of place in order to find a few precious moments to gather your bearings and fight back.

By the time you get to the latter stages of the game, more tension is built up, because you're traversing more closed in areas. These places have more of the types of scares that RE is known for, but they're still done incredibly well. A lot of the fear is generated by the person playing the game, because there really is nothing waiting around the corners to spring upon you most of the time.

Though I [i]did[/i] get a nice scare the first time a [spoiler]plague-infected dog[/spoiler] jumped on me and started mauling me. :p
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I've kind of always been able to get into games and movies, so I forget my surroundings and scare pretty easily when they are well done. That being said I would say Fatal Frame II was the scariest game I've played. I never tried the first one so I can't compare it, but literaly I never finished the game because I was too scared to keep playing it. Its just so unnerving that I didn't really want to pick it back up and start playing again. It doesn't help that I only play videogames 99% of the time at night. Its really bad in the game because to get good camera shots you need to let the ghosts get really close to you and snap a shot right before they hit you (usually).

In RE4, the creepiest part was the first confrontation with a regenerator. You know its going to happen, but they are mad freaky.
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In RE4, the creepiest part was the first confrontation with a regenerator. You know its going to happen, but they are mad freaky.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the regenerators scare the crap out of me. Especially when you hear one breathing or see it on a monitor screen but don't know exactly where it is. Only to turn the corner and have your head mauled off. I didn't think RE4 was that scary, until I got to the operating ward where all the regenerators were.
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[COLOR=Blue]Two games scared the living crap out of me.

1. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X PS2: The first time I played it, it was just freaky. Dark shadows, moaning zombies, giant insects, etc. That feeling about "Who or what is behind that door?" and "Oh My God! What was that!?" The giant spider near the end scared the **** out of me! I ate it up. Great game.

2. Resident Evil (RM) GC: It was the first, and very scary. I havn't gotten to far, but that feeling of the unknown. Wow, that's freaky.

I'm looking forward to RE4. But not until I beat 1-3. Hey, wait a minute. If the S.T.A.R.S. Squad is having so much trouble with zombies, why don't the get Bruce Cambel to help? I'd love to see that. :D


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I don't know how many people here have played this game, but considering how cheaply you can get it know and the fact that any modern computer could easily run it, people should run out and find it right now. The game is System Shock 2.

I think it's easily the scariest game I've played. At this point, it looks pretty dated (human characters are really blocky), but it doesn't really take away from the presentation and atmosphere. Besides, there are fan projects you can install that enhance the enemy models to a very high degree and enhance the texture quality. Looks a LOT better afterwards.

Basically, you're stranded on a spaceship that's been taken over by a computer. It's capable of controlling the electronic functions of the ship, which creates enough problems... but you also have to worry about "zombies" and psychic monkeys and god knows what else. What makes these things particularly scary or disturbing is the sound. Killing a vicious mutant, zombie type character while it's begging to be murdered and put out of its misery gives an odd feeling... and a lot of the time enemies appear almost out of nowhere or sneak up on you.

There's just a lot of tension in it, really. Scary and a really damn good game with lots of customization. Probably my favorite PC game.
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[COLOR=Navy]I only really played three scary type games.

I Think that the Fatal Frame series are by far the scariest. Mostly because of the helplessness you feel throughout the game. Especially in the first game where you have limited film.

The other game I played a bit of was Half Life 2. It wasn't all that scary, but tended to be more freaky than anything else. [/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Drizzt Do'urden]I'd have to agree that RE 1 could have been the creepiest game of all time.

But a close second was Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of liberty [spoiler] in the last stage of the game, the qualcom begins to freakout and everyone on there turns out to be a machine...well sort of. It's been awhile since I've played it so I can't remember everything it says. [/spoiler] The first time I played it I was alone in my basement and it deffinateally made me question my humanity.

Most gore....probably the silent hill series (though I hate it so)

and the one that was supposed to be creepy but wasn't... . . .pretty much every game I've played that was "scary" I really couldn't pick one

I'd like to apologize to everyone especially the mod, I thought I hit edit and I must've hit reply I did not intend to spam
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[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']I'd like to apologize to everyone especially the mod, I thought I hit edit and I must've hit reply I did not intend to spam[/quote]
[color=#4B0082]No problem, don't worry about it. It's a simple matter to get rid of the extra post.

Oh, and just so you know, you can delete your own posts. Click the Edit button, and then up above the text box where you can edit the post, there should be an option to delete it. Handy for getting rid of accidental double posts and the like.[/color]
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[color=#DC4A1B]I think the scariest game I've ever played was the first Silent Hill. The story, characters and setting all really created a brilliant mood. The disorientation and sense of claustrophobia was fantastic.

I've played Fatal Frame, Resident Evil and various others, but I've found none of them to be as frightening as Silent Hill. But of course, those games are definitely scary in their own ways; I think my fondest memories from RE are probably from the very first game in the series (the remake particularly).[/color]
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[quote name='Deathmonkey7']If by Half-Life 2 you mean the part where you're in Ravenholm then yeah.. that's really freaky.[/quote]
I second that. First time I saw those howler mutants jumping on the rooftops, silhouetted against a moon-lit cloudy night sky, with those horrid, ghastly, moaning howls...*shudders*

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[quote name='James][color=#DC4A1B']I think the scariest game I've ever played was the first Silent Hill. The story, characters and setting all really created a brilliant mood. The disorientation and sense of claustrophobia was fantastic.[/color][/quote]

I cannot agree more. This game made me squeal like a schoolgirl for the short amount of time that I played. I couldn't play the game for more than a half hour. The fact that I had no idea how to get past the holes in every road or what not is beyond the point, heh. I haven't touched any of the other Silent Hill games. Too scared, heh.

The Resident Evil games never really scared me. Sure there are a few things that made me jump and what not, but not anything to really scare me.

Now if we can include computer games...Doom 3 by far. Playing in the middle of the day with all my lights on, I still jump and squeal. Great game.
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[QUOTE=Zeta]I cannot agree more. This game made me squeal like a schoolgirl for the short amount of time that I played. I couldn't play the game for more than a half hour. The fact that I had no idea how to get past the holes in every road or what not is beyond the point, heh. I haven't touched any of the other Silent Hill games. Too scared, heh.


[color=#B0251E]Yeah, the first Silent Hill remains very frightening throughout the entire experience. The only major problem with the game is that it contains a highly convoluted story; so much so that even Konami can't properly explain it. The only way to really know what it's about -- with any certainty -- is to read an in-depth plot analysis. There's a 20 page analysis somewhere (I think it was at Silent Hill Sanitarium's web site), which pretty much answers all the questions.

Knowing the story tends to help, but in some ways I think the game is even scarier when you are disoriented and you don't quite know what's going on. I haven't yet come across a game that has scared me as effectively as Silent Hill; I love the fact that Silent Hill doesn't rely on Resident Evil's "jump out at you" scare factor. It gets under your skin and that's the kind of scare I really enjoy.

Silent Hill 2 is also pretty frightening and thankfully it contains a significantly better plot (or at least, one that is a lot easier to grasp, yet is also pretty clever).

So I recommend trying it (and playing through the first SH all the way). I played through the first SH with a friend and it was really enjoyable, though that game does get quite difficult at times. But still, it has plenty of awesome twists and turns along the way.

I also found Doom 3 to be reasonably scary, but again, it was mostly the sudden moment type of scares. Unfortunately Doom 3's gameplay was so repetitive and boring that it ultimately suffered; had the gameplay been interesting and had it been combined with the scares, I think the game would have been significantly more enjoyable (as as scary experience and as a game in general).[/color]
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Silent Hill 2 is also pretty frightening and thankfully it contains a significantly better plot (or at least, one that is a lot easier to grasp, yet is also pretty clever).

I have to agree with ya there. My favorite would have to be SH2. Pyramid Head would have to be the best and easily the scariest boss/creature in any game i've played, and i really loved the story in SH2 i probably played that game 8 or 9 times through just so i made sure i wasnt missing anything. i also think SH3 did a good job with the environments and setting the moods, but the story wasn't that great. and SH4 was just a giant crock of crap from any aspect, it completely ruined the series.
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  • 4 weeks later...
[color=blue][font=comic sans ms]Creepiest would hafta be Silent Hill 2. Several Scenes... Pyramid Head for bunches, and [spoiler]the hallway at the end[/spoiler] was definitely unnerving.

Most gore? Depends on what you're counting... If you want camera-splatter, Phantasmagoria 1&2, Stagefright Collection. Nothin' like watchin' [spoiler]our main character's head get splashed by a massive swinging blade[/spoiler] in the [spoiler]"wrong" ending #1[/spoiler].

Scariest overall? Definitely [u]4RE[/u]. Regenerators, Iron Maidens, and the [spoiler]Flamin' Chainsaw guy[/spoiler] were some of the scariest moments i've had in a game. Even on my 8th playthrough, I still jump when I blow away a [spoiler]Mantis, and another goes re-visible between the camera and Leon.[/spoiler] Good stuff[/color][/font]
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[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I'm a wussy when it comes to scary games. u.u

Resident Evil made me jump once but I was only watching while my cousin play it. I'm in charge of navigation and puzzles and stuff. I tried playing Silent Hill but when a flying thing started attacking me from the back, I panicked. lol

So yeah, everything's too scary for me. ^_^;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[font=comic sans ms][color=blue]aww, yeah! i forgot about Silent Hill 1! Those things were nasty! I remember playing it the first day it came out, got it at blockbuster...[i]totally[/i] scarred by that entire opening sequence from the FMV to the time he's in the Cafe and gets the radio. It's engraved into my mind. I still have occasional SH-themed nightmares...namely being trapped in a "Darkside" version of my own hometown.[/font][/color]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][U]Silent Hill 2[/U] was defintely the most creepiest game I've played so far, not because of creature design (Which were excellent) or any specific gameplay elements (Nothing too special anyways) but because the plot was SO indepth and all the symbolism going on. Not to spoil anything, but if you want to get the whole premise of the plot laid out in plain English, then read [url=http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/silent_hill_2_plot.txt][b]this plot guide[/b][/url] on GameFAQs.

[SIZE=-3]~You can't forget about [i]him[/i]. [i]He[/i] was the most hellish enemy out of all the games I've played so far. Doom 3 ain't got nothing on him. :D [/SIZE]

As for most gore, I'd have to go with [U]Nanobreaker[/U]. The game actually *measures* how many gallons of blood you have spilled. Funny thing is, the blood is very comical and the game is extremely mediocre.

As for the goriest...realistic...game, I'd go with [u]Mortal Kombat: Deception[/u]. Sure it's a bit comical too, but hey it was one of...ok the ONLY time I've ever seen a spine ripped out of someone's mouth. And it looked damn convincing too.

As for all time scariest game, I am going to go with [U]Doom 3[/U]. Because that game was just pure fun. If I had to count how many times I jumped, shifted, and shrieked while playing that game...well I could do it on one hand...if I had a calculator.[/COLOR]
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[quote name='yunasgrace']i cant play them alone :animeshy:[/quote]

[color=blue][font=comic sans ms]But how will you ever enjoy a scary game if you can't play it at 3AM on 2 days no-sleep, lights out, no one home, and headphones / speakers&subs? That's the prime time to scar yourself psychologically! :animeswea [/font][/color]
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