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Scariest game ever


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[COLOR=DarkRed]Indeed, I never really found Resident Evil scary or horrifying. It was more action oriented than anything else. Still a horror game, none-the-less. Silent Hill is just flat out disturbing and wrong, at some points. They weren't BS'ing when they said "Some parts of this game may be gruesome and offensive."

It's not the amount of blood that scares me, it's the psychological effect. The creature designs in Silent Hill and the things they do are what send chills down my spine. Just the sheer size of the Walkers in Silent Hill 3, was more than enough to make me nervous when I saw them.

[SIZE=-3]~A Walker, in Silent Hill 3.[/SIZE]

The "Ghosts" of the victims of those killed by [spoiler]Walter[/spoiler], in Silent Hill 4, were intriguing, as much as they were hideous. Just the sheer fashion, in the way they died made me almost feel sympathetic...that is, until Victim-14 showed me that they don't really care how I felt. The most horrorifying thing, was the "Hauntings" that began to appear in your room around the 2nd half of the game. They were just flat out disturbing. The list is (I wouldn't recommending reading it if you are playing and haven't gotten to them yet) as follows:

Room 302, Main Room:

- Bloody Peephole at door. If you look through it while it's possessed, you'll
see a victim Henry Townshend with "21/21" written on him if you look close.
This one can re-occur, but it's rare for it to re-occur.

- The shoes leave a trail of bloody footprints to the kitchen, where this
haunting's area of effect is.

- The fridge is possessed. If you look inside, you'll see a dead wrapped cat
inside. It meows sometimes.

- The water faucet in the kitchen sink is spouting blood.

- There are cracks/spiked things all over a section of the wall near the hole
to look into Eileen's Room. They will follow you into the bedroom as well.
This one has a chance of re-occuring.

- Victim-oldtype is trying to come through the wall. This occurs over the couch
where the photo Sunderland gave Henry is. He will appear in the bathroom,
bedroom or laundry room too if you don't exorcise him. This one has a chance
of re-occuring, but it is rare for it to do so.

- The TV is turned on and flickers with images that appear to be of Walter.
It also emits a loud static noise.

- The clock is turning rapidly and clicking.

- The windows are banging, closing and opening rapidly.

- The sofa chair near the window is haunted. If no other haunting appears to be
visible, this is probably your culprit. When you set a Candle near it or walk
into its area of effect with a Saint Medallion, it will turn all bloody.

- *A bunch of baby-like impressions are crying and appear above the storage
box in the main room. This only occurs if you place "Shabby Doll" item
inside of it, and it can re-occur. While this haunting is active, the Shabby
Doll item will not be in the box's inventory, but once it disappears it will
re-appear there, so you can take it if you'd like.

* = Can be avoided by not taking the item: "Shabby Doll".

Room 302, Bedroom:

- There are cracks/spiked things all over a section of the wall near the desk
in here. They will follow you into the main room if you don't exorcise them
here. This one has a chance of re-occuring.

- Victim-oldtype is trying to come through the wall. He's trying to come in
from just above the bed near the window, on the wall next to the main room.
He will follow you to the bathroom, main room or the laundry room if you
don't exorcise him here.

- The picture of Silent Hill Church near your door will change to a portrait
of Walter Sullivan. This haunting is pretty rare.

- The phone will be haunted. You'll hear the voice of Joseph Schreiber saying
"I'm always watching you......" repeatedly. This haunting is extremely rare.

- A shadow of the child Walter Sullivan will appear and be making a crying
noise in the closet.

Room 302, Bathroom:

- Victim-oldtype is trying to come through the wall from above the toilet.
There's pretty much no way to avoid damage in here without wearing a Saint
Medallion, so I recommend you leave and exorcise him in either the bedroom
or the main room where he counts as the same haunting.

Room 302, Laundry Room:

- Victim-oldtype is trying to come through the wall. There's pretty much no
way to avoid such damage in a small confined space if you stay here, so I
would very much recommend you leave and exorcise him in either the main room
or bedroom where he also appears and counts as the same haunting. If that's
not possible due to lack of supplies, quickly go through the hole.
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Has anyone play Siren? Siren is a stealth survival horror game, which does things a little differently. This isn't like Resident Evil or even Silent Hill. The feeling of helplessness you feel in this game cannot be surpassed. Fighting is almost never a first choice of action .Hiding and distracting enemies are the true key to success in this game.
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[COLOR=DarkRed]I haven't played many (umm, ANY) survival/horror games, but i liked to watch my friend play Eternal Darkness. It wsn't exactly that it was "scary," although some parts were, but it was the most freaky. It has GOT to be the number one game that plays with your mind. [SPOILER]The camera angle tilts, bugs crawl on your screen. One time it said that it restarted, and erased all memory, and my friend was so worried because he was really far, but then it ended up just being another trick.[/SPOILER] Plus the Twin Snakes remake of Metal Gear Solid was done by the same people, making the fight with Psycho Mantis ten times better (with similar effects as in ED).[/COLOR]
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I can't take a lot of video games with violence or with characters that just pop out of nowhere.

I once screamed when the Chimera in [I]Lupin the Third: Treasure of the Sorceror King[/I] came in and knocked down this wall...I called him "Mr. Chuckles" to calm myself down.

Personally, some of the images in [I]The Suffering[/I] for Xbox were none too enticing. :animeswea
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[quote name='boxybrown305][COLOR=DarkRed]but i liked to watch my friend play Eternal Darkness. It wsn't exactly that it was "scary," although some parts were, but it was the most freaky. It has GOT to be the number one game that plays with your mind. [SPOILER]The camera angle tilts, bugs crawl on your screen. One time it said that it restarted, and erased all memory, and my friend was so worried because he was really far, but then it ended up just being another trick.[/SPOILER'].[/COLOR][/quote]

Holy crap, Eternal Darkness was so freaky. I was looking through this whole thread hoping someone had mentioned it. Anyway, It definitely screws with your mind like you mentioned. Also one of the scariest moments is when [spoiler]you go in the bathroom in the mansion and you walk over to the bathtub and all of the sudden the whole camera shifts and you see yourself dead in a bathtub filled with blood. It stays like that for a few seconds and then the camera shifts back to the normal state.[/spoiler] That reminds me to go out and buy that game :animeswea . It also deals with a lot of heresy issues and really interesting stuff. I reccommend anyone who has a GC to go out and get this game. Its not too much of a well known title I guess since no one's mentioned it and everyone will love you cuz you bought a game that's unheard of.
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I've played quite a few scary games... The Suffering is Very creepy and subliminal... Plus its full of gore.. It's nuts. Doom 3 is also a pretty freaky game if you're alone in the dark playing. Siren was a good game also. It was freaky how all the people were goin insane... lol. A game that was supposed to be scary but wasn't would have to be Resident Evil Zero
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Fatal Frame II Crimson Butterfly has to be one the scariest games for me, the enviorment of the game is trully dark, and damp out in the village and in the mansion, my friend told me to play with the lights off normally I don't get scared, I get surprised, but this game will never leave me alone either in the sunlight, or in darkness, I beat the game but I never play it unless I have a phyco nightmare that interfiere in the real world and turns me into a killer and SOMEONE TELLS ME TO PLAY THAT GAME AGAIN OR ELSE I DIE A HORRIBLE MISERIBLE DEATH AND THAT WOULD'NT BE ENOUGH I WOULD BE IN ETERNAL TORMENT IN HEVEN OR IN HELL FOREVER!!! sorry bout that any way this game is really good I probebly will play again (but beware be very aware MHA HA HA HA HA!!).
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Yeah, I'd have to say that the scariest game that I've ever played was definantly Silent Hill 4: The Room. Man oh man was that whole thing scary (im claustrophobic, so the apartment levels were extra creepy. Silent Hill 2 was also really freaky, but the fourth one is, to me, the scariest one. I never got to play the first one (was it any good?) and I still haven't gotten to beating the third one. Still, though, the entire Silent Hill series (that ive played) stands out as being really, really scary.

Other ones...well, Resident Evil 4 is pretty spooky, but the other ones are kind of cheesy (I wasn't scared by any of the first games in the series, except maybe Nemesis.) But the scariest thing about RE4 is the fact that you don't fight any zombies, and your opponents are actually really smart, instead of moron zombies who sit there waiting to be shot.

Man, what is it about fourth installments in horror games that is just really scary? I can't wait to see what something like Fatal Frame 4 would be like (yeah, I know there isn't a Fatal Frame 3 yet, but...)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Guest Ami the 2nd
The scariest game i've ever played would have to be Fatal Frame II. The movie scenes are chilling; whenever the controller starts to vibrate, you nearly jump out of your skin. The graphics are amazing, and contribute to the freakiness and suspense of the game.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote name='Cap'n]Holy crap, Eternal Darkness was so freaky. I was looking through this whole thread hoping someone had mentioned it. Anyway, It definitely screws with your mind like you mentioned. Also one of the scariest moments is when [spoiler']you go in the bathroom in the mansion and you walk over to the bathtub and all of the sudden the whole camera shifts and you see yourself dead in a bathtub filled with blood. It stays like that for a few seconds and then the camera shifts back to the normal state.[/spoiler][/quote]

Yeah, that scene startled me. I wasn't expecting to see that! There really weren't any other really creepy scenes though. Eternal Darkness is awesome. Its a must own for any Gamecube owner.

I hardly ever get creeped out by games these days. The Suffering startled me sometimes when I was drowsy, and that's the only game that started me more than once or twice.
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[quote name='Bloodseeker']I hardly ever get creeped out by games these days. The Suffering startled me sometimes when I was drowsy, and that's the only game that started me more than once or twice.[/quote]

I don't know how scary I'd call that game, but it did have a lot of really cool horror-esque moments. The use of the Lancers, especially early on, was just so well done. [spoiler]I loved that they would jump up and disappear in the rafters and pipes. You'd just hear their blades clanging around up above you, but you couldn't see them until they'd jump down and try to slice you up.[/spoiler]

It's not really a spoiler, but I might as well be safe.
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[quote name='Cap'n]Holy crap, Eternal Darkness was so freaky. I was looking through this whole thread hoping someone had mentioned it. Anyway, It definitely screws with your mind like you mentioned. Also one of the scariest moments is when [spoiler]you go in the bathroom in the mansion and you walk over to the bathtub and all of the sudden the whole camera shifts and you see yourself dead in a bathtub filled with blood. It stays like that for a few seconds and then the camera shifts back to the normal state.[/spoiler'] That reminds me to go out and buy that game :animeswea . It also deals with a lot of heresy issues and really interesting stuff. I reccommend anyone who has a GC to go out and get this game. Its not too much of a well known title I guess since no one's mentioned it and everyone will love you cuz you bought a game that's unheard of.[/quote]

Yeah it sounds scary but if you watched SH3 when you go to a small room with a wall mirror and you see yourself blood crowling up and invading all her body and walls pulsing with blood, and if you stay there for to long, you'll beguin to lose life and you die, or when you enter a big normal room with just a bathtub in the center, and when you get closer, the bathtub starts to fill with blood, and beguin to spill all the room, NOW THAT'S CREEPY!!! :animeknow
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  • 2 weeks later...
[Font=Garamond] [Color=Red] The scariest game for me has to be the first Silent Hill. [Which was mentioned various times..] The now old graphics added to the affect of horror, and really, it was just all around scary. The little midgets in the beginning were unnerving.. Ah, how I hate that school.

Silent Hill 3, which I haven't finished, was also quite creepy. It even payed homage to an inspiration, [The Train Part was akin to a part in the film "Jacob's Ladder".] which if you've seen, is quite creepy. So far it's not half as scary as the first, but it's still a nice way to scar yourself for life. =]

Oh, and the Fatal Frame series tends to be quite freaky. I'll admit I'm more fond of the SH series, but Fatal Frame is a nice way to get scared. "Nice" being used loosely..[/Font] [/Color]
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I'll have to say, whether you die-hard Silent Hill fans like it or not, Silent Hill 4 gave me chills up and down my spine while I played through it, granted, it was more combat oriented and less puzzle-inclined; it still had that ominous Silent Hill "feel", even if you're not really in Silent Hill at all. Just the locales you travel to give me the creeps and your main advisary, lets just say, is one sick puppy.

As for the most bloodiest game; I'll have to go with none on that because there are so many games out there battling it out for the bloodiest, but if I had to choose the bloodiest game I'd go with God Of War; its not horror but its damn bloody.
If I had to choose bloodiest horror game I'd go with Eternal Darkness, or The Suffering...Hands down. I guess I kinda put myself in a paradox there.

And finally the game that was supposed to be scary but just quite didn't deliver; that would be DOOM 3 folks. Sure, playing it alone in the dark with your doors locked and the sound up was creepy but if, like me, you play alot of horror games it takes much more than creepy hellspawn jumping out of nowhere in an action setting to even give you a "jump" of fright. Sorry, but I was un-impressed at id's failed attempts at scaring the living bejesus out of me. Its just not DOOM, and if you know me you know I love me some DOOM[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Yes, I agree. Doom 3 is possible the one of the scariest games you'll ever play. The monsters aren't bad looking, despite the obviousness of the game. Its more of the shock factor then the actual game itself. Just walking keeps you on edge, you never know when something will jump out and attack you. As Slipheed stated, playing this game in the dark is utterly terrifying.
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[COLOR=Blue]ugh resident evil games had to be the worst for me. every time you turned around there was one of those zombies or something as equally discusting. letsjust say i dont play the game any more do to night mares. :( [/COLOR]
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