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What if you could go your whole life without Crying?

Sea Of Chaos666

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I think crying is just one form of expressing and expelling emotion- it's not good or bad.

I don't remember the last time I cried... but I really wish I could, sometimes... I just can't anymore, so, instead, I spin my nunchucks or play music or skateboard or something to get the pent- up emotion out.

Heh- I still haven't been able to cry for the last 3 of my friends who have passed on...
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[quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]I don't cry at movies and such. But yeah, I DO cry. And it hurts me to cry, physically, for some reason. I always get really nauseous.[/color'][/size][/quote]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]That really sucks. I don't get nauseous though, however I always manage to be on the verge of hyperventilating. In fact last month I couldn't find a bag to breathe into so I stuck my head under the blankets. I swear I must be really high-strung. At least it helps me to appreciate the fact that hyperventilation is not that easy to control.

Personally I absolutely detest it when I cry, it is a pride issue though. I do not care if someone else cries, I care if I do. I also despise the fact that the next day my eyelids get so swollen I can hardly open my eyes. :animecry:

I suppose the only way to prevent myself from crying is to stop being so irritable that my feelings coalesce into tears of frustration.

Although last year my friend and I had a competition to see who could make each other cry with laughter the most. I won it 1-5. That was hillarious.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1] I'm not an emotional person. Although some people may tell you that I am, for some reason, although when I ask them if they'd ever seen me cry they will anwser no. In all honesty I'm not, heartless to my family. But I do cry. Now anyways. I think if you didn't cry, you would be a very unhappy person and your missing out. Crying gets all the feelings out of your system and often times when I've been letting out like recently, it makes you feel better. The more I bottled stuff inside, the more depressed or angry you become. You start to get moody, because everyone needs to cry sometime. There is always a point to cry, even as listed above, for happy moments as well. Although I'm not a person that crys alot because thats just how I was raised, I do let it out every once in awhile. Believe it or not that is [i] healthy [/i] and I'm not ashamed to admit it. [/SIZE][/FONT]
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I haven't cried since I was a baby. I find no comfort in crying. I haven't cried when I've hurt myself, someone has done something to me, and never during a happy occasion. Actually, I never really smile during happy occasions... I'm not the first person to come to to see emotions.

Depression usually makes me feel the urge to cry, but it never happens. I prefer to bottle all my emotions up inside so one day they will springboard out of control and destroy everything around me..... :animestun
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