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War of the Blood 3: Of Blades and Hunters [M-LSV]


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[COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial]Kietha collapsed under a rock shelter, ragged breaths coming from her mouth. Her chest heaved with unexplainable pain as she fell forward onto her right hand. She reached up and clutched the Opal with her left, its broken surface cutting into her delicate flesh. She could hear the shadows dancing about, mocking her pain...laughing at her as she gasped for breath.

She clenched her teeth as she turned over to sit up straight. Hesitating at first, Kietha reached up behind her head and undid the clasp that held the silver chain around her neck. The Opal slid gracefully across her bare chest as she caught it with her right hand. A sudden sensation of a thousand needles stung her hand as the Opal slid from its perch.

She clutched her hand closed quickly so not to look at it, not yet. She brought her head up to stare at the shadows and the peaceful Australlian landscape, the pain in her hand subsiding.

It was not mere luck that had shoved the Opal in front of the priest's sword. The gem had done it on its own, protect Kietha's very delicate chest from being mortal wounded. She took a deep sigh and opened her hand to display the Opal before her. Colville sword had almost gone completely through the hard surface exposing the most interior of the gem.

[I]Blue Lace[/I]

Kietha peered inside the gem, the beautiful blue and pink splashed gem shinning gently back at her. She growled at its beauty and thew it from her. As soon as the gem hit the Australlian dirt Kietha's head filled with a pain so fierce that she fell to her side, grasping her head. The screams that left her mouth caused the shadows to dance in a crazed manner, insane with the Shadow Assassin's pain. All seemed to be suspended in this tormenting moment. The shadows lost in Kietha's horrific screams.

Tears filling her eyes, her gut wrenched from the pain in her head, Kietha dragged herself to her feet and over to where the gem had fallen. The shadows had begun screaming and hollaring with Kietha's pain, drowing out any other sound. With the last bit of strength left in the vampire's body, Kietha pulled Heart from its shealth, the sword pulsing just as much as Chaela, and took it into both hands. She pulled it high and drove it down into the center of the stone. Blue and pink eletricity engulfed Kietha, causing her to cry out again. Her body suspended in its tormented display for what seemed to be forever before the gem exploded, sending Kietha's lifeless body flying.

The shadows scattered as she landed. When the Shadow Assassin didn't move did they then circle around her and the pieces of the Opal. The night seemed to fall silent just before Kietha sat up, gasping for breath. The shadows backed away from her, hissing and chattering at her as Kietha tried to make her way to her feet, searching franticly for Heart. [/FONT] [/COLOR]

[FONT=Arial Black][I]You have destroyed that which has kept you sane

You will kill

You will hunt down Nye

You will search for Zoku

Lana will kill you[/I][/FONT]

[COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial]The shadows began to hiss as Kietha picked up her sword, sheathing it once again. She snarled at them, but they continued to follow her at a distant.

[I]Bring me the Opal[/I] she growled through inside her head, allowing the words to sweep through the shadows.

The shadows laughed and giggled at her as they gathered the remaining shards of the outer opal. They threw the pieces at her feet. She picked them up and looked them over, the light burning filling her hand. There were four equal pieces that all had a round, smooth center.

[I]Where is the center gem?[/I] [/FONT] [/COLOR]

[FONT=Arial Black][I]It is not yours

We take it for ourselves[/I][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DimGray][I]Give it now![/I]

The shadows swirled and cried out as one, human figure came forward and offered the gem with a black hand shape structure. Kietha stared at it for a moment, dreading the pain that was soon to follow. She reached out carefully and grasped the gem. A sudden blue light wrapped itself around her and seeped into her flesh. She felt a warmth over-take her before the numbness returned to her. Her eyes flickering blue lightly before returning back to their dim grey.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DimGray][I]Bring a piece to Zoku, a piece to Lana and Nye, and a piece to Kuroichi. Bring me news of them each and their reactions.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial]Kietha's body grew weak again as she walked back to the rock shelter to spend the rest of the evening and the day in. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
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[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Sienna]The day was cloudy.
Her coffee had grown cold, but the black liquid was still soothingly aromatic.

Julia had stopped pacing, and now stood leaning on the thick oak railing. The wood was smooth and familiar under her fingertips, and she stood with eyes closed, breathing in the damp, salty air. The wind had picked up slightly, pushing her hair away from her face, and brushing her cheeks and lashes with light, gentle kisses. Behind her, someone quietly brought a new cup of coffee, which would be left untouched as the first cup.

"[B]What time is it now?[/B]"

The vampire came forward to the balcony edge, emptying the cold coffee over the side, "[B]It's ten o'clock, Lady Julia.[/B]" His eyes kept looking to the sky, checking the position of the clouds via the sun.
Julia was familiar with the wary movement; all the vampires in Labareda did the same, since only she was immune; but the others only had to fear direct sunlight.

Another minute passed.

Julia came out of her moody silence, "[B]Rocket is dead, as are the rest of them[/B]."

"[B]You are sure, Lady Julia?[/B]"

"[B]In all their years of service, none of them - especially Rocket - has ever been late. They were to come before the break of dawn...and they have not. They are dead, Itzhak[/B]."

Itzhak closed his eyes briefly - he and Rocket had been especially close. "[B]You're right, Julia[/B]," he whispered. "[B]I just did not want to finally admit...[/B]"

Julia nodded, hugging him briefly. "[B]The Myrkur Aniol must be in more chaos than we expected, and we have heard nothing from our usual contacts. It's probable that those loyal to Zuriel have been executed[/B]."

The sky looked a darker gray, and already Julia could smell the scent of the earth rising. The richness of the soil was reflected in the fresh cup of coffee Itzhak now handed her, and this time she took a sip.
She smiled, savoring the earthy, bitter taste. "[B]Call Leon, Mia, and Pinto. Tell Venici to look after things while we're gone. We leave in two minutes.[/B]" It was time enough to finish her cup.


The five figures made their way through the rubble. Blood stained the ground and broken stone, pooling in mirrors of a cranberry tint. Fragments of broken bone were scattered at random, a garnish to the ghastly spread.

Mia, an experienced vampire with slick blonde hair, knelt and touched one of the blood pools. She let the congealing liquid drip from her fingers, watching with glassy eyes. "[B]It's Rocket[/B]."

Julia nodded, and handed her a clean white handkerchief embroidered with poppies. She could already smell the left-overs of the others as well.
A hundred feet further, and their bodies came into view. Julia didn't look at them, but motioned to Leon. He nodded, tying back his pepper hair, and went to work. They moved on without him.

It wasn't long before the air started to vibrate with power, and the sweet scent of angelic forms greeted Julia's nose, discordant with the metallic scent of blood. She signalled to the others:
"[B]Zuriel is here, as are the Fallen. Don't die[/B]."

She led the way in the pitted silence, further into the devastation, following the path that supreme power had broken before her.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1] [I][B]"Understood. Will be there shortly"[/B][/I]

Dusk turned around to face the others in the room. Jinsei, Rift and Obstruct were sitting by the door, and Disaster and Griffin by the window. They waited anxiously to hear of which hunter they would be meeting first. Dusk walked over to his desk and pulled out a seat.

[B]"I just got off the phone with Zoku. He's obviously arranged for us to meet with a hunter named Naoto, and he said that Naoto will probably bring along three others and a girl named Yukiko. We are to discuss current affairs and I am to propose an alliance against Kuroichi with them. We're meeting with them at a bar called 'Hearts Covenant'. Let's go." [/B]

Dusk stood up and turned around, grabbing his coat. And his blade. Jinsei raised an eyebrow.

[B]"Why take your blade along? Why not just summon it to your side if needed? Don't we want to come across as peaceful?"[/B] Dusk stared at his blade a moment, then threw his blade onto the bed. He grinned at Jinsei, then walked out of the door, his comrades folowing behind.

They arrived soon at the bar, looking quite strange coming in as such a large group. Obstuct walked over to Dusk, confused.

[B]"How will we know who they are? Are they marked?"[/B] Dusk laughed.

[B]"Trust me. You will know. They are not ordinary humans by the sound of it."[/B] Dusk felt a great concentration of energy in the corner. He looked over and saw a group of tiugh looking humans. It even appeared that they were radiating auras. Dusk smiled and motioned over to them, then walked over casually. Taking a seat across from the one he believed to be Naoto, his grin faltered slightly as he took on a more serious tone.

[B]"So you are the hunters?"[/B] The others were standing behind him now. The man nodded.

[B]"My name is Naoto. She"[/B], he said pointing to his left at a very pissed woman, "[B]is Yukiko. Now what buisness do you have with us? We do not usually take presence with creatures."[/B] Dusk felt Jinsei get emotional behind him. That was the only thing that bugged Jinsei, being called a creature. Dusk adressed Naoto kindly, not wanting to make an enemy or lose what could be a potential ally.

[B]" I've come here to propose an idea to you. It is your job, as hunters, to kill vampires. You no longer persue that 'carreer' choice, but I know that you have done battle with Kuroichi before. You have seen the pain he has caused.You know what he is capable of."

"What I'm proposing is a temporary alliance. Join us and defeat Kuroichi, and then you can continue to hate and despise us if you still feel that way."[/B]

Dusk sat in silence, awaiting an answer.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][B]OOC: Sorry if I interpretted your characters incorrectly, JJRiddler. Hope everything's okay. Oh and I decided to change Obstruct's look. Stil looks like and wears the outfit from the other picture, his hair is just this style.[/SIZE][/B]
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[SIZE=1]Jinsei, too, waited in silence, unsure of what Naoto would say. When Naoto did not answer for a while, Yukiko spoke up.

[B]"Geez! What Naoto's trying to say but isn't, is that we'll have to get back to you on your offer. We aren't quick to join with you demons, we've seen similiar destruction as to what Kuroichi causes now from others of your kind."[/B] Jinsei scowled again. He hated constantly being distrusted or mocked for what he was now.

[B]"Look, vampires may have a history for being malicious, dangerous, and, of course, bloodthirsty, but not all of us are evil. We just want what's best for everyone. You have to believe us."[/B] Yukiko and Naoto took in Jinsei's words, then rose.

[B]"We will consider your offer and get back to you with an answer."[/B] He began walking away, his comrades walking ahead of him. He stopped and turned his head slightly to say one last thing.

[B]"Maybe I've been wrong about your kind. Maybe I haven't. I'll find out soon enough. But if this is some ploy to get us into a feeling of security and then attack us, we will not hesitate to destroy you."[/B] He walked from the club, leaving Jinsei and the others by themselves. Obstruct laughed.

[B]"Quite the talker, that one."[/B] Rift chuckled at Obstruct's comment.

[B]"He was kinda creepy. Hope he ends up our ally."[/B] Griffin and Disaster turned to Dusk and Jinsei, ignoring Obstruct and Rift. Disaster spoke up.

[B]"Let's head back to the hotel. Maybe your friends Dracula and LeStat have come back."[/B] Jinsei and Dusk nodded and, grabbing Obstruct and Rift, left the bar.


[B]"What...what happened here!?"[/B] Dracula and LeStat were amazed to see the Myrkur Aniol base in ruin. A vampire walked up to them.

[B]"My name is Julia. A battle has ensued here between Zuriel's followers and the Fallen Angels. We are currently trying to dig their bodies out of the debris."[/B]

[B]OOC: Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Haven't had the chance to get on. Oh, and I wanted to note that my character has silver hair (not in a ponytail), and his overcoat is white not red.[/SIZE][/B]
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[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Trebuchet MS][b]OOC: Sorry I haven't posted. I just moved to university so yeah. Sorry about that![/b]

With her dark eyes, Lana pierced the inky black darkness of the night. Her arms were folded behind her back. It had been so long since that fateful day...

That day when her Lady Keitha betrayed them...

Lana had wept for the loss of her friend to the rage of bloodlust but had to turn to nurse Nye back to health. And her magic had worked wonders on him. Slowly, he was gaining back strength from the comforting darkness Lana had surrounded him with. She no longer saw him as a boy - but a fully-fledged man, but more importantly, a fully-fledged vampire. He surpassed his previous abilities and became stronger, much stronger. It will be needed to keep what remained of the Gyshram clan alive.

Lana turned and heard the crunching of bones and the tearing of flesh behind some nearby trees. Nye had obviously caught some unfortunate fools wandering around in what remained of the Japanese mountain wilderness. He appeared from behind the trees, wiping blood from his lips. Lana knelt to one knee, bowing her head, her pure black cloak fluttering out behind her.

" My Lord."
" Soon, my dear Lady Lana, we shall have an audience with Kuroichi. I feel I am near my full strength," Nye said. His voice seethed with power and strength. An unknown feeling shivered down Lana's spine, hearing the confident, strong voice come from Nye's lips.
" Yes My Lord."

She stood but dared not look him in the eyes. While she was his nurse, she had to do some unimaginable things that she dared not revisit in her mind. Nye smiled at his only assassin.

" My dear Lady Lana, you may look in my eyes."
" I dare not my Lord. Out of respect," Lana replied, looking away from him. Bloodlust started coursing through her veins. She was beginning to get hungry. Cursing herself, she pushed it down.

Since her Lady Keitha abandoned them, Lana promised herself never to let her bloodlust gain control over her - just like Keitha. She saw how it could ruin an entire clan - and many lives. Like Kietha, Lana worked to revive Nye to his former glory, and past it. They were the last of their clan, and are determined to return it to its former majesty.

Lana once again turned to the stars for comfort. Now matter what happened to the sky, the weather or the morn, the stars were always there - just like Lana was there for Nye, beside him in everything that he did. As a servant would be loyal to their master. But Lana was much much more than a simple servant. Much more.

Suddenly a dark feeling crept over Lana's skin - the feeling of being watched. Nye had returned to their camp they had made hastily to get out of a previous shower. She was alone, and surrounded by a familiar force.

" What do you want?" Lana hissed. The shadows danced in the moonlight. Her tone became icy and hostile.
[b]We want to bring you something from your Lady...[/b]
" She abandoned us. Why should she give the person that trusted her the most something? Answer me that shadow!" Lana commanded. An air of power crackled around the vampiress. The shadows backed away for a moment before again closing in on Lana.
[b]We cannot answer your request. We are to give you something...that was our orders...[/b]

Lana snorted in disgust.
" Well then? What do you so desire to give me? From my [i]Lady[/i] as you say it." Lana could feel the shadows grow more and more hostile towards her. She wasn't to be played by mere darkness. She was a creature of the night, and no darkness could scare her easily.

The shadows approached Lana, hissing at her, but it was their command. One handed to her a piece of precious gem. Undoubtably it was a shard of the Opal that Keitha was rumoured to have possessed. Lana looked down at it and then clicked her tongue disapprovingly.
" I expected much more from [u]your[/i] Lady. She has manners unlike any other. Tell her that neither myself or Nye is pleased. And that we would have rathered for her to show her treacherious face to us. That is my message."

The shadows withdrew and disappeared into the night. Lana sighed, letting all the rage that accumulated in her body be released. She tried very hard to not let her sometimes irrepressable rage take a hold of her. Especially since Keitha. Clutching the opal in her hand, Lana made her way back to camp. Nye looked up from his seat.

" What do you have there my dear Lady Lana?" he asked curiously.
" A [i]gift[/i] from the betrayer..." was all Lana could say before pressing the shard of the Opal into Nye's hand. Her face grew dark and emotionless. Nye smiled to himself.

[i]She is indeed Kietha's successor. And is becoming more and more like her everyday. My dear Lana. I know what hurt you must be experiencing. I wish I was able to show you more care and change your cold exterior into the one I used to know.[/i][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Light broke through the rubble that was piled on top of them. Zuriel's body was bloodied, broken and bruised, his robe ripped to shreds. He was unconscious, if not dead. The rest of the Myrkur Aniol who remained struggled out of the rubble, breaking through to the surface. Zuriel was dragged to the surface by a pair of powerful hands.

Suddenly, he spluttered into consciousness again. He blinked a few times, and looked around him. He saw a crowd of unfamiliar faces, and some familiar ones. He saw Dracula, LeStat, and a host of unknowns along with his Myrkur Aniol, both loyal and treacherous.

"Who are you?" he spluttered to the unknowns, wiping the blood from his face.

"My name is Julia, and this is Itzhak, Leon, Mia and Pinto. We are Labareda," said the woman who had hauled Zuriel out from the rubble.

"Well, I thank you for your help, Julia, but there is no more needed here. The rest of my clan is dead."

"What happened here, Zuriel?" asked Dracula.

"I can't remember fully," said the King, "Lucifer turned on us. There was a fight, and something happened with the Night-Blades, and then the bulding collapsed. That's all I remember."

"With all due respect, my lord," said Michael humbly, "I can remember what happened. You fought with Lucifer, and as your Night-Blades clashed, something happened in the sky, and it burnt Lucifer badly, but it did something to you. Something took over your body, and claimed to be the spirit that resides in the Harbinger. That was what destroyed the building."

Zuriel sat down on the concrete. He had destroyed his own headquarters? Why?

"I remember now. I saw it, but it was like I wasn't in my body any more. I was watching what was happening from afar," he said.

"Well it seems to me that we have a problem on our hands," said LeStat, "The Fallen have turned, and now they have gone."

The group turned around, and saw that all seven Dukes of Hell had disappeared, leaving only six Archangels and Zuriel to form the Myrkur Aniol.

"We will find them eventually. And when we do, they shall all die," said Zuriel. He stood.

"You shall stay with the Gwyar tonight, Zuriel, along with all your Archangels. We are your hosts for this evening," said Dracula. They walked away, leaving the wreckage of the building behind.

Julia began to follow them, stalking them to find out where the Gwyar were hidden...
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Pain. Pain is what drives all men to greatness. And what drives them to evil. To escape it, to avenge it, to deliver it. Pain is the driving force in the world. Pain is what makes you do what you do. Pain sent Kuroichi on his current path.

The pain of the death of his father sent him into the army. The pain of the death of his family made him a madman. The pain of death made him a shell. The pain of seeing his world destroyed made him want to change it himself. The pain of failure made him want to try harder. And the pain of that single sword...well, that was a personal vendetta.

What would this new pain bring? As Kuroichi lay bruised, trapped under rubble, drained of power. Numb enough to be immobile, but feeling more than enough pain. Head swimming. Eyes bleary. Legs limp. Body beaten. Shards of plaster digging in like knives. The stench of death and blood all around him, smothering, taunting, reeking.

It had been years since he felt like this. That cold satisfaction, tinged with shame. How long...20 years, maybe? Since he destroyed the Hunters. Since he tore the Project apart. He killed nearly every damn Hunter, but five. And they escaped because of one. The damn swordsman...

Itching. That's just what he needed. The old scar to start itching. Fucking perfect. That long, thin, discolored mark right along his chest. Itching like crazy. And he couldn't move a muscle to do a damn thing about it. Just think about it, that's all the great Demon could do.[/SIZE][/COLOR]


[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Corpses littered the ground at his feet. Government officials, soldiers, all slaughtered mercilessly. Krilat Zmaj streamed in, cutting down all in their path. And Kuroichi stood at their head, easily killing two Hunters at a time.

"Pathetic," he laughed, dispatching another.


Kuroichi turned to the source of the voice. A young man with dark hair and golden eyes, just like the rest. But different; handsome, lean, tall, and wielding a sword. Not like the rest, who used the Power. He was a swordsman.

"Ah, want a duel, little boy?" Kuroichi sneered, flicking blood from the edge of his sword.

"I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!"

Kuroichi ducked the powerful swing, stepping back swiftly to avoid follow through. The swordsman was good. Very good. Even in a blinding rage, he was excellent. Kuroichi blocked and dodged, parried and struck, but not a thing could hit the swordsman. And not a thing could hit the Demon.

"You're good, boy," Kuroichi admitted, stepping back. "What is your name?"


"Well, Testuya-kun, I am Kuroichi. Glad to meet a competant warrior amongst these Hunters."


Kuroichi ducked the flying chunk of stone that whistled behind him and returned fire with a sharp piece of metal, decapitating the Hunter.

"Now, where were we?"

Chaos writhed around them. Stone and metal, flesh and bone. Death, bloodshed, screams, pain, hatred, fury. And still, the two warriors clashed. An even fight. Both were equally skilled. And Kuroichi refused to pull his ace until Tetsuya flashed his hand.

That was the mistake.

The golden bolt of energy ripped loose from Testuya, twisting Kuroichi's shoulder to the side. He staggered back, and the swordsman lunged, cutting a deep gash along Kuroichi's chest. The vampire roared and sent a hail of blood darts flying at the Hunters, but the five that stood there were shielded. Kuroichi had been beaten for now. And so he left.[/SIZE][/COLOR]


[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Testsuya. Mochiko. Naoto. Yukiko. Akio.

They escaped the slaughter. They escaped Kuroichi's wrath. But he would bring them into the fold. The Hunters were his. Even now, they were being tracked by some of his best agents. Tetsuya was proving the most difficult to keep tabs on...but it was more than worth it to know just what he was doing.

Kuroichi knew that Testuya and Mochiko got married a few months after the attack. He knew that they fought Vampires across asia for a few years. He knew that Tetsuya left Mochiko, moving to the Pacific Northwest in America. He knew that Tetsuya had started up a business, employing a few...strange people. And he knew that Mochiko was out for his hide, with a legion of Knubrap at her heels.

"Kuroichi-sama!" yelled a voice from afar.

Kuroichi groaned. Feeling had returned to his limbs.

[I]Reminiscing - it does a body good.[/I]

With the last shreds of his strength, he pushed himself up, shaking rubble from his body. He could feel the blood and plaster in his hair.

"Kuroichi-sama! [I] Daijoubu?[/I]"

"[I]Hai...hai...[/I]" Kuroichi murmured.

Then, everything was black.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][I]I hope Dusk and Jinsei met with success...[/I] Zoku thought to himself, the titan sitting on the floor as he leaning up against the wall of his suite. He was shirtless...

Nights seemed to never end for him.....he hadn't been able to sleep since giving the Opal to Keitha. The moonstone continued to grow within him...but finally...it was being mastered, submitting to his will. After all this time being a vampire...Cain, the greatest, thee oldest of all vampires blood running through his veins; Zoku finally began to feel at peace within himself.

The Mirichai...however hesitante to enter the war up front; they finally saw the reasoning of Zoku's intentions.

[I]If were are to fall.......we shall fall with honor....with freedom. ''Every man dies....but not all men truly live...''[/I] both the Knudrap and Mirichai...two of the most unrecognized clans of their people, were now in the thick of things.

[I]This war isn't just about key players.......but even the simplest of us. For who is going to remain when it is all over with.....not all of us will live through this conflict. As it has always been the mission....the old fade away, and the new will rise. [/I]

Zoku saw no better way than to involve those two clans. The Labareda however were a concern...he couldn't determine where their loyalty lay. For centuries they supported the Grysham, no doubt such influence will be conviened into joining the Krilat Zmaj.

[I]my dear Kuroichi....my master........I will bring you your war, just as you asked.[/I]

Zoku sensed a stirring in his surroundings...he wasn't alone. But as he always was, he remained calm...waiting for the intruders to show themselves.

''I know that you are there fools...reviel yourself.'' Zoku proclaimed...there was power and authority in his voice. The titan's appearance and vibe demanded respect...even from those of his enemies.

As the moonlight shined through the window, 4 dark shadows arose from the depths of the floor.

''....Keitha....'' his voice was deep...realizing who these creations belonged too. The shadows didn't say anything...surprisingly...they bowed to him as he sat on the ground; no doubt because of the Moonstone.

They didn't speak, but one revieled a gem with the shade of a bluish pink...dangling from a string that was firmly wrapped around the shard. The being held it out with its hand...motioning for Zoku to take it.

As Zoku took the shard, and began to put it around his neck...an image of Keitha's face flashed in his mind; he could feel her presence...if only for a moment.

Zoku bowed his head in approval and waved for the shadows to leave him....but they disobeyed. Something was wrong.......

[I],,,,She's lost control of them....[/I] suddenly all four shadows prepared to attack Zoku.

But...with the snap of his fingers...in an instant two of his creations came from the shadows and dismantled the shadows with their blades, causing them to loss their definite forms.

When they were finished...the shadows vanishing into the darknesss, Zoku's two servants faded as well. He arose from the floor and got himself dressed, strapping on the Oblivion onto his back with his trench coat. The Oblivion X, still contained within its shealth was held in his hand as he looked upon it...............[I]What is this for Kuroichi.........[/I]

Knowing better than not to weild something he did not understand....Zoku strapped it onto his side and walked out to the balcony. Unlike the previous nights, tonight was calm and peaceful...breathing in the cool, refreshing air of the night, he looked up to the heavens above.

[I]A battle has been forged this night............blood has been spilt.....[/I] suddenly Oblivion X pulsed in his belt....[I]and your brothers and sisters have been used............interesting. [/I]

''Kairi!'' he cried out...and immidiately, his servant appeared before him, standing on the ledge.

''What is it my lord?''

''Forget about the Grysham city....leave them in peace....we're going home. Out time here is no more...''

''Would you like me to gather the rest of us....''

''Kairi...I want you to gather everyone...''

"everyone my lord...'' Kairi was puzzled...

''Find Lady Rose...tell her we leave for Japan tonight; as well as for the Mirichai as well.''

''But Zoku...there's over hundred of them now for our cause...you want all of them....?''

''All of them...now be gone...there has been enough talk.''

''As you wish...'' and Kairi was gone.

[I]It begins now Kuroichi....[/I] ...............[I]stay safe Keitha...[/I] as Zoku took a hold of the gem on his chest. And he was gone with the breeze of the wind...making the journey alone to Japan. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DimGray]Kietha sat calmly under the protection of the rock shelter, the blistering sun glaring down on the Australlian landscape. Her eyes were closed and her thoughts focused to where the pieces of the Opal had gone to. Kuroichi had not received his piece yet. Something had to have happened.

She found herself traveling across the vast waters of the ocean to America where the last of the Gyshram lived, the last of her people. A pulse rushed at her as Zoku's face became clear, his piece of the Opal laid upon his chest. He and the others he had gathered were preparing to leave, to Japan. To Kuroichi. She twitched involuntary and lost her grip on Zoku.

Her next images were scattered. Water. Sky. Darkness. Earth. Death. With a whip-lash effect, it all stopped suddenly as she looked upon a small camp. A small fire rose gentle into the night air, the sky clear of clouds and the stars bright. Kietha was whipped around to take on a man's sight.

[I]Nye? [/I]

The question rose from the darkness and filtered out into the camp.

"Spy!" shouted Lana as she rushed at the figure Kietha saw through.

"No!" Nye shouted in return and Lana stopped instantly.

[I]Nye?[/I] came the shadows voice again...Kietha's voice.

"Yes, Kietha." The voice that came from the man's mouth frightened her. It was him, but how much he had changed. How much she had caused.


The voice came as a whisper, faint and painful.

"Be gone you filth!" Lana shouted at the shadow, pointing something at it.

Kietha backed away, knowing she wasn't welcomed here.

[I]I am sorry.[/I]

The voice came softly, the shadow taking on more and more of Kietha's features. It started to become more solid, taking on her clothing, skin tone, her hair and slowly her eyes. Those dim, distant eyes. The features became so solid that it looked as if the shadow had become Kietha.

"About time you showed your face!" Lana cursed as she continued to stalk forward. Kietha continuing to back away. "You coward. You see what You have done!"

[I]I am sorry.[/I]

"You think your sorries are going to change anything? They won't bring back everything you've destroyed they won't wash away the scars you've created!"

Nye watched, his firm composer taking over as he watched both Lana and Kietha. There wasn't much he could do, but watch.

Lana continued to advance on Kietha, a blade shoved towards her. She kept yelling, screaming at her and Kietha had no idea what to do. She continued to back away. Lana lunged, the blade held out as it struck Kietha's chest.

She gasped, rushing back into her own body. Her eyes flew open as she gasped for breath. Her chest hurt, with a stabbing pain. She brought her eyes down to see a small red spot where Lana had struck her. Kietha looked about the rock shelter, breathing deeply. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black]Zoku destroyed us.

Lana hates us.

You are falling Shadow Assassin.

You have grown weak.

You betrayed Serio and now...

Now you will die with him.

Your lust to bring change has brought your end.[/FONT][/I]

[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DimGray]The shadows hissed from their hidden perches out amongst the sun. Kietha said nothing, just say under the rocks feeling her chest throb with pain and her eyes too dry for tears. It was time to go to Japan, to go to Kuroichi to see what he willed of her.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Sienna]As Julia began to follow, Leon suddenly caught up with her, pulling her back with in his iron grip.

She turned swiftly, twisting out of reach in quick reflex. "[B]Yes, Leon..?[/B]"

"[B]I will follow them, Lady Julia[/B]."

Julia waited, but then Itzhak murmured his approval as well, so she nodded. "[B]Yes, perhaps you are right... Contact me once you find where they are passing the night. I have business I must speak of with Zuriel...[/B]"

Mia came forward, "[B]Why not speak to him now? They are gathered[/B]." She watched as they started to disappear amongst the rubble.

"[B]No, there are too many...others. This is a private matter, and however loyal the Gwyar and Myrkur Aniol might be to each other, this is still only for Zuriel to hear. And at the moment, he seems a bit...testy?[/B]" She smiled, and the others chuckled.

Leon gave a brief bow, and disappeared into the rising dust after their quarry.


"[B]Perhaps it's not my place, but...why is it so important to speak to Zuriel? Our clan has never directly spoken with him - it has always only been through contacts. And...if we needed to eliminate a target, there are other groups that we could contract with[/B]," Pinto asked pointedly. He was still uneasy in the open.

Julia didn't answer for sometime, and after a few minutes Mia took out a cloth and started to oil one of her guns.

"[B]Itzhak...[/B]" Julia started, "[B]...do you remember, a very long time ago when the Founder was still with us... There was an attack in Rio de Janeiro on the main housing complex. The majority of the clan living there were killed[/B]."

Mia started at this, "[B]What? When did this happen?[/B]"

"[B]It was before your time, Mia. But yes, Julia, I remember this probably better than you. Fire was set to all the buildings, and our own explosives had been used against us. But...none of the survivors seemed to be able to remember who our attacker was. Indeed, I actually don't think that the perpetrator was ever found, although there were rumors...[/B]"

Pinto looked to Itzhak, "[B]What kind of rumors?[/B]"

Itzhak looked to Julia, who closed her eyes in thought.
Finally she answered, looking at the gray sky. "[B]Rumors...of humans[/B]."

"[B]What?? Humans could never do that! Wait...were they among our employees?[/B]"

Julia shook her head. "[B]No, none among Labareda were involved. But yes, the attack was instigated by human hands...perhaps just one[/B]."

Mia shook her head in disbelief. "[B]Where does Zuriel and the Myrkur Aniol play into this?[/B]"

"[B]You've heard of their clan warfare? The existing clans have drawn sides in this War, with the Myrkur Aniol and Gwyar both against a being they call the silver-haired demon. There are of course other clans, but these are the only ones in which we need involvement with for the moment.[/B]"

"[B]This...silver-haired demon - is he dangerous?[/B]" Mia asked.

Julia smiled. "[B]Oh yes...[I]very[/I] dangerous. But again, this is where rumor fills in the tale. It is said that this demon fought, and [I]lost[/I]...to a human. A human of something known as The Project. This had all been speculation to us, until the disappearance of the Founder.[/B]"

Pinto drew a quick, angry breath.

"[B]Yes, Pinto, you have guessed it. After the disappearance of the Founder, I followed every path to pursue him and his whereabouts...but to no end. However, this rumor, this tale, led me to believe that the violent attack, as well as the death of the Founder, is to be pinned on the heads of The Project[/B]."

"[B]And Zuriel? And this silver-haired demon?[/B]"

Julia nodded again, "[B]From Zuriel I must find the silver-haired demon, since he doesn't seem to travel in our circles. And from the silver-haired demon, I must find the humans...The Project[/B]."[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[size=1][color=#8A1A28]Another message was relayed to Jarrah, except this one informed him of death upon a Zugai clan member. Growling, he stood and towered over the one who had brought the message. He stepped past them and went out to the spiraling staircase. The Zugai looked to him in fear and heard him roar out to them.

[B]"Now then, who wants to tell the King who defied his orders and walked out of here? I specifically told you all to stay here until further notice, but you can't even do a single damn thing without having to go out and suck the living blood out of some poor sheila who's been walking in the dark, fearing the worst. I may be a vamp, but I'm sure as hell as responsible and reasonable one at that. Next one to exit those doors is as good as dead. Ya hear me?!"[/B]

Walking back to his room, a hand touched his elbow and he turned menacingly to see the young vampire, Akuma, once more. She was somewhat of a protegy, a daughter that Jarrah always wanted, but never had. She would be the greatest thing next to him in the line of warriors. The problem with her was, she never spoke. Small gestures or something of a mental speech was given, but never were there physical hearings of her speaking, but those she trusted well have heard her silver voice.

Kneeling down, Akuma stood on her toes and whispered into his ears. [B]"The blood rains down and the sun will rise red. The fangs and claws will appear, no one will be safe... not even we."[/B] Jarrah turned to her and stood to walk back to his room, Akuma followed. In the room, she spoke softly, it was enough for Jarrah to hear, but no one else. [B]"Knubrap aren't all dead. Myrkur Aniol, Gwyar, and other clans will come for us."

"Akuma, do you fear them?"[/B] She titled her head in confusion, as a child would do. [B]"It's simple question. Do you fear them?"[/B] Akuma shook her head. Her raven black hair bounced slightly as she did. [B]"Good. Then we don't have to worry about the [i]other[/i] half of the blood thirsty worms. Mister Kuroichi has a plan for us. He'll help us in this battle."[/B] Akuma walked towards Jarrah and stood in front of him. He ruffled her shoulder length hair and she went off, leaving Jarrah alone with his thoughts.[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Trebuchet MS]If Lana were a cat, her hackles would have been raised from a rage that dwelt within her until her Lady Keitha appeared. Then it boiled over. Nye strode over to her and grabbed her wrist tightly. She bowed her head quickly.
" Forgive me my Lord in my moment of rage..." Lana whispered. Nye's dark eyes narrowed.
" You will do better to control it next time," he scolded her and released her wrist. Lana turned away from Nye and walked towards the woods.
" Where are you going Lana?" Nye enquired, an angry tone entered his voice.
" Somewhere where I can reap my hell without anyone interfering."


Lana stalked through the streets of Japan, taking any unwary victim that she came across. They all tasted bitter. Bitter and cold. Most of them were muggers, and even a few were murderers or rapists on their daily hunts. Their blood were bitter and twisted. She needed innocents or some of Kuroichi's enemies to sweeten the foul aftertaste in her mouth.

Prowling the streets like a hunting cat, Lana searched for an innocent, or somebody to kill. Her body yearned for bloodshed. It desired blood more than she desired Nye. Looking around, Lana spotted her perfect victim - a young male that was walking home after a late-night job. The lust that once cursed through her body had all but disappeared and focused on Nye. But nevertheless, she would use her wiles to ensnare this pretty boy in her trap. The Black Widow was on the prowl.


Lana crouched on the ground with the pretty boy's lifeless body held in her arms. She had sucked him dry. He now looked like a mummy without the bandages. Her wings had burst from her shoulders in the excitement of the struggle. Lana lifted her head from looking into the boy's eyes when she started draining him of that precious liquid. It was a priceless moment for Lana. Her first drink of blood in Japan.

Turning around to exit the alleyway in which she left the mummified body, Lana ran right into Nye. He pushed her forcefully back into the alleyway. Lana, like always, looked at the ground.
" My Lord. You follow me."
" You are becoming like Lady Keitha, Lana."
" I am nothing like her. I would never betray you my Lord."
" Your bloodlust is strong. If you are not careful Lana, you will repeat her mistakes."
This hit a nerve with Lana. Her clenched fists shook with anger.
" My Lord.....you push my temper."
" I only say the truth."
" In your eyes."
" In my eyes, I am unbiased."
" In your eyes."
" Lana, you are becoming Keitha."

Lana looked at Nye in the eyes. She caught him by the throat and drew one of her Sai on him, pushing him against the brick wall. He could have easily overpowered her, but Nye let her have the thought that she was in control.
" I told you not to push my temper."
Nye just looked into Lana's dark eyes. He was trying to show her that she had just replicated what Keitha did only too soon ago.
Lana continued. " If you wish me to become Lady Keitha, then why don't you just call her to Japan?"
" I already have. She arrives in 7 hours."

Lana backed away. Nye could see the rage ripple through Lana's body. She had become stronger since Keitha had left them - both mentally and physically.
" Fine," Lana spat. " You shall meet her then. Alone."
Nye's eyes narrowed. " I dare not. Not without you my dear Lady Lana. I command you of it."
Lana flinched slightly. Nye just wanted to get Lana to stop hating Keitha and realise that what Keitha did, she was not in control of. In time, Lana will also learn that.
" Come. We meet her at a private airport. My dear Lady Lana, come."

With that, Nye walked off, clutching the shard of the Opal in his left hand. Lana cursed and swore loudly at herself, but obiedently followed Nye as they made their way to the airport.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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It hadn't been too long since he arrived in Japan. After he heard that the assassin and her little prodigy would be here, he had to come. It was turning out to be an interesting trip for Eugene Colville... 'Death', as he'd reclaimed his old, vampire given title, already. He'd already dispatched three vampires, and was working on seven more at the moment.

'You picked a bad place to be, Priest.' one of them said.

'Tell me,' Colville asked, softly, 'Which of the clans are ye from?'

'We are Zugai.' one of the others said, 'The greatest of them all.'

Colville started to chuckle, after a moment it grew into a full-throated laugh.

'You mock us?' the first asked, 'Prepare to die, human!'

Colville suddenly stopped laughing, and stopped the vampire dead in his tracks with a glance.

'Human?' he asked, his gun slowly rising, 'Not quite.' he finished as he opened fire.

A few moments later, Colville stood there, an amused look on his face and seven piles of ash around him.

'The greatest of the clans, eh? I guess that mean the rest'll be just as easy.'
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[SIZE=1]Sumiyaka sat at a bar; drink in hand with Senji opposite her. Something didn't feel right; something in her chest, in her heart was throbbing. It was painful. She looked to the other vampire, [B]"What is it you wanted, Senji?"[/B]

He looked down and took a sip from his drink before starting, [B]"Lady Sumiyaka..." [/B] before he could finish the doors to the club burst open, a rushing wind flowing through to circle around Sumiyaka. It's voice, usually so calm and peaceful, was now urgent.

[COLOR=SeaGreen][I]'Lady Sumiyaka! Kuroichi, he has been mortally wounded!'[/I][/COLOR]

Sumiyaka's eyes grew wide, Senji, of course, could not hear the wind and had shielded his eyes from the flying debris it had caused, but soon it had gone, leaving Sumiyaka shocked and afraid, tears starting to drip from the corners of her eyes.

[B]"Senji...we must have this discussion later...my Kuro-kun...I must go."[/B] she grabbed her bag and sprinted for the door, running as fast as she could to the place where he was hurt. Whether it was re-awakened senses or the force of love, she didn't know, but Sumiyaka made quick time of her journey.

She arrived at a decimated building site, rubble and blood everywhere. Bodies scattered around the ruins. She blanched but began to pick her way through the mess, scanning it for any sign of Kuroichi. Then she saw it, the shine of pure silver hair, dulled only slightly by dust. She went as fast as she could only to find Kuroichi lying under rubble. Her throat clenched and she done her best not to cry out, she managed [B]"Kuroichi-sama!"[/B]

He looked up and managed to pull himself from the rubble, nodding to Sumiyaka, [B]"Daijoubu?"[/B] he smiled defiantly and held an arm out to hold Sumiyaka, only to drop to his knees, Sumiyaka cradling his head in her lap.

[I]Wind...find someone...anyone...we need help.[/I][/SIZE]
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[Color=DarkBlue]Yukiko and Naoto stood in his office, for the third time that day. The two sat deep in conversation, both of them seeming to be passionate for what they wanted. Yukiko threw her hands up and stood up. ?How the hell could you ever think of siding with the same demons that caused all of our freaking problems??

?They?re not the same ones Yukiko. You have to understand that. They want to destroy Kuroichi just like we do, and it won?t hurt us to have allies in places higher than us.? Naoto said, walking towards the door. ?Now sit, and wait, there?s one more thing we need to discuss.?

Yukio sat down and pulled at her pad of paper. She began to scribble furiously, and Naoto sat down at his table. He picked up a plastic bag and opened it. He was about to stick his finger into the bag when the door swished open. There was no one standing there, but suddenly, a human form appeared.

Yukiko picked up a plant, and threw it at the shape, only to have it come zooming back at her. Yukiko stopped it with her mind, and let it hang in midair. Yukiko set the plant back down, and walked over to the door. The shape moved in the doorway, and grabbed Yukiko in its arms.

?Akio?? Yukiko asked, sounding scared.

?Who else?? the shadow answered, hugging her.

Yukiko threw her arms around the figure, and laughed. ?It?s been so long!? she said.

?I know, I?m sorry, but I had to go, because I wanted to work some stuff out. Is Testsuya here yet?? he asked, glancing around the room.

?Of course not. I haven?t called him yet.? Naoto said, putting the bag down. ?You?ve arrived just in time to help us make a decision, if you so wish to.?

?Oh, and what might it be?? Akio said, letting go of Yukiko and sitting on the couch.

?We want to form an alliance with a couple of the clans of vampires that are against Kuroichi.? Naoto said, standing up ?If we side with them, then we have the backup of numbers, and we can work feeling a bit safer.?

?I can?t allow myself to side with the very ?things? that I?ve been fighting. It?s not practical or logical, and I for one, will not do it. I cannot stand next to one of them and not feel compelled to kill. I want what in the end boils down to the best for everyone.? Yukiko said, sitting next to Akio.

?You?re both right and wrong, as I figure you already know. You Naoto for trying to trust something that feeds off blood. You Yukiko for not thinking about making an effort. I say we for now sign a treaty, and see where it takes us from there.? Akio said, standing back up.

?But, Akio, how?? Yukiko said ?If we want to kill all the vampires?.? Yukiko started.

?Our goal was never to kill all the vampires my dear. It was only to eradicate the clans that called Japan their home. Now, it?s to kill Kuroichi. Not matter what the cost is, we have to destroy him.? Akio said, clenching his fists.

?But?? Yukiok started again, getting cut off.

?But nothing Yukiko. We have to destroy Kuroichi for what he?s done. Everything else that comes in between is circumstance.? Naoto said, picking up his phone. ?I?m gonna make the call now, so try to keep it down.?

Yukiko and Akio began to talk, and Naoto walked into his office. When the line picked up, Naoto started talking. ? Dusk? We?re in. There?s three of us now, so we?ll await to hear from you. Maybe you have something you?d like us to do for you??[/color]
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[COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]The Blue Lace throbbed lightly against the fair skin of her chest as Kietha waited patiently for the plane to land. She had a rough time trying to reassure the pilots that her two swords would pose no threat and that she could not part with them. Since the crushing of the outer Opal with Assassin?s Heart, Kietha could not bare to be far from either of her swords.

Kietha took a deep sigh as the plane hit some tuberulance as they extended the landing gear. The light sounds the jet made and the screeching of its tires against the pavement below allowed her to know that she had landed. The pilots and single flight attendent helped Kietha gather her things and make her way from the jet.

The warm air filled her nose as she stepped onto the small steps of the ramp. The night air was warm and death slid across her senses. There had been a lot of death already and some still fresh. She looked down, feeling the pull of the Lace on her throat, and saw Nye and Lana. The Black Widow sneered at the Shadow Assassin and Nye stood silent. He was becoming more and more like his great father, a smile filtered across Kietha's expressionless face as she descented down the steps.

Nye walked forward, despite Lana's protests, to welcome Kietha. He bowed to her, Kietha's eyes fluttering lightly and a smile still creased her face. He brought himself back up and embraced the warrior. Kietha tilted her head with confussion before returning the gesture, hidding her face in his neck.

"Welcome Shadow Assassin." Nye said as he backed away.

Kietha smiled at him brightly, looking into his beautiful eyes as he eyes danced over to Lana. Her smile faded away and Kietha tilted her head slightly to the right. The vampiress sneered at Kietha, her posture threatening. The scent of blood still lingering on Lana.

"Lady Lana." Kietha bowed lightly, feeling the sting in her chest where Lana had tried to kill her.

"What do you want?" Lana spat.

"Nothing," Kietha replied calmly. "I am here to serve my Lord." Kietha stood back up, but avoided looking at the Black Widow.

"Too ashamed to look at me, Kietha." Lana growled.

"No," Kietha whispered as she watched the shadows beginning to form and dance about them. "Remembering scares."

"You can't talk about scares, you didn't watch Nye --." Lana began and even before she could finish, Kietha had her by the throat.

"I never meant to hurt my young Lord," Kietha hissed, the shadows forming faster and beginning to rush about. Nye watched curiously as the shadows in circled them. "I never meant to watch you suffer either, Lady Lana." Kietha's eyes fluttered, the dim grey color flickering with the passing shadows. "I did not know that there was no one to stop me and that Kuroichi would not take me directly into his legends. I did not know you would betray me so and wound me twice." Kietha threw Lana at Nye, who caught her effortlessly.

Kietha turned her head to look at them both, a slight smile playing its way onto her lips. "I know you've grown stronger since I left," Kietha whispered, the shadows carring her words to Nye and Lana's ears. "I prepare to see the full extent when we meet again."

And with that, Kietha vanished into the ring of shadows allowing them to absorb her in a new trick they had learned. They carried her carefully, hidden within their darkness and shapelessness through Japan to where she needed to be, the pulse of the Opal shard quickened.

"Zoku..." Kietha whispered and knew his ears heard it.

The shadows stopped their swirling maddness and left Kietha standing up straight before a large wooden door. She could have used them to melt through the door, but decided it would be best to just open it. She turned the handle, it was locked. Playing with it for a moment she finally unlocked it and opened it to be welcomed with swords. She instintively pulled Chaela from its shealth as two of Zoku's creations brought their swords upon her.

Zoku stood by a large window as he turned to see what was happening.

"Kietha," his voice held surprise as he tried to keep his composure.

"Zoku," Kietha whispered, no longer aided by her shadows. She was bare for all the world to see. Just a humble assassin, her two swords, a gem and her light clothing.

"Let her in." Zoku commanded.

The creations stepped back and allowed Kietha to enter.

"Zoku," Kietha hastly made her way to him, dropping her sword to the floor. She embraced him and fell to her knees.

"I've been worrying about you, Kietha. Was afraid I had lost you forever." Zoku picked her up and stared into her almost colorless eyes.

"I am sorry, Zoku. So very sorry. I have been lost and with a new gift." She pulled the Assassin's Heart from her back.

"I, too, have one." Zoku replied.

Kietha tilted her head to the side before placing the sword on the window sill. "Can I..." Kietha hesitated. "Can I spend a moment the night with you, Zoku." Kietha pleaded, her eyes wide with ache.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkGreen]Zoku's eyes held their cofussion as he bent down to kiss her. Kietha allowed the embrace to take a hold of her as she returned the gesture. A warmth filtered through both as a blue light engulfed them, as Zoku pulled back for a moment to look into Kietha's eyes, he watched them flicker and swirl to their natural green color. He smiled at her as they allowed passion to grab a hold of them both. The creations filtered out of the room as Kietha and Zoku spent their first, and maybe their last night together. [/COLOR] [/FONT]


[FONT=Arial Black]Assassin


[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkGreen]The slight whispering of the shadows brought Kietha awake and her attention to the end of the bed. She was completely free of everything that had every kept her from what she was and was glorious in her knew found nudity.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Black]Sumiyaka calls the wind to find help.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Black]Kuroichi has fallen[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]
Kietha startled as she looked at the massive Zoku still sleeping peacefully. Her eyes burned as tears began to slide down her cheeks. She tilted her head allowing her eyes to return to their dim gray as she slid from the bed and dressed quickly. She wrote a small note and left it on the pillow next to him.

My loyalities have called for me and I must obey. I will forever hold your scent and taste with me, and I am truly sorry that I have been so unkind. Forgive me for what I have to do is the opposite of you.

Kietha gathered her swords and allowed the shadows to engulf her as she followed their cries to Kuroichi.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Sienna]"[B]Shhh...[/B]" Julia held up a finger to her lips.

The vampires stilled, freezing into amorphous images in the rubble.

A few strands of silky brown hair escaped from the pale yelllow ribbon that bound it. They fluttered along Julia's cheek in a wilting breeze... Her eyes unseeing, Julia's head tilted slightly, cocked and listening. Her heartbeat quickened in time; she heard something on the wind that was not...entirely...decipherable. Concentrating and tuning her ear to pick up the slight notes that the wind had sent unknowingly, across such a far distance...

Two minutes passed before Julia nodded. The others let go of their held breaths in unison, and she smiled.

"[B]What was it?[/B]" Itzhak was the first to ask.

Julia shook her head, "[B]I...heard something. But even with tuning, I couldn't understand what they said - it was too far, and too hurried. But it was...worried. Something...troubled it greatly, whatever it was. But...I smell a scent on the air...[/B]"

The others sniffed as well, and Mia nodded, "[B]Yes, there's...blood I think. But it's different - it's not something familiar to me[/B]."

"[B]You're right, Mia[/B]," Julia said, lying back again, "[B]and I doubt that we can catch it this time. But I believe that we've just had our first taste and confirmation of the existence of the silver-haired demon[/B]."[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Sumiyaka....'' as her name echoed in the night. With Kuroichi unconcious in her arms, sitting down upon the rubble...Sumiyaka frantically looked around her to see who was calling her name. But no one was there...all that could be heard were thundering footsteps in the distance.

''Hello!'' she cried out...she could feel the presence of a vampire, but couldn't see the figure calling for her. Suddenly, out of the darkness appeared Zoku at her side, kneeling down with her.

''......Zoku.....'' was all that she could mutter. Taking in the view of the titan, his eyes had changed from there once red shade to a know humanistic looking aqua-blue. She didn't know whether to concider him ally or foe. He had broken most contact with the Krilat Zmaj...everyone concidered him to be a rouge.

But that didn't matter now. If he came to kill them both, he would have attempted to do so already...the shocked look upon her face soon became that of compassion and grief...''please...Zoku-sai...help him.'' Zoku gazed turned away from her own...and looked upon the silver-haired demon.

''......master...'' he muttered underneathe his voice. ''The winds called out to me...I am here...'' as Zoku shot a glance quickly at Sumiyaka in a calm sensation upon his face.

''What happened here Sumiyaka?'' Zoku finally asked as he outstretched his right hand upon Kuroichi's chest, who was now lying on his back on the ground, Kuroichi's hand being firmly held by Sumiyaka.

''I dont know...I wasn't here when it happened. I felt that he was in pain...and I...'' she went speechless as she lost herself in her emotions...[I]whats happening to me...[/I]

''It'll be alright.'' Zoku replied profoundly; pressing his hand upon Kuroichi's chest. Sumiyaka knew he was sincere...but didn't fully trust Zoku's intentions.

''Doubt not my mistress...'' as he began to close his eyes. Zoku began speaking in an ancient language...understood only by those who practiced its magic.

[I]Gaia...spirit of this plain...I envoke thee...I envoke thee...Gaia...mother....father....lift the pain set upon this being. I command thee! I command thee![/I]

A bright blue aura surrounded both Zoku and Kuroichi...a gentle mist being cast out from his palm upon his chest.

''You worship earth?'' questioned Sumiyaka...she figured Zoku to be a cold hearted killer...especially with the Darkness Moonstone.

Zoku ignored her...and continued his concentration upon Kuroichi's wounds. Slowly...Kuroichi's strength and body rejuvenated. The dark angel flicked his eyes open and shut, trying to regain himself.

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard...Kuroichi's name being cried out into the night.

[I]The Zugai and Kuroichi's followers..........Keitha [/I]

Zoku rose to his feet, and looked down upon Sumiyaka who was no comforting her lover's head in her lap and began to leave. ''Where are you going Zoku-sai?''

He turned around to see an enlightened expression upon the vampresses face...''He awaits you my lady.''

[I]....Sole....[/I] was the first name that popped into her head...''What?'' she questioned.

But the titan simply noded his head...and dissapeared into the night as Kuroichi's followers appeared.



Memories seemed to be flowing like a gentle spring breeze across a plain as Zoku walked the streets of Tokyo. The old days...back in the times when The Project flourished.

[I]So much has changed........so much has happened since I've been away...[/I] he thought to himself, recognizing the old hideouts, bars, battlegrounds...[I]I'm home...[/I]

''My lord...'' whispered a familiar voice from his side.
''What news do you have Kairi?'' responded Zoku...continuing to walk down the streets as Kairi followed.

''Lady Rose and the rest of the Knudrap from America will be arriving to Japan in two days time. At that moment, the Knudrap will finally be reunited as you wished...and the Mirichai are accompaning Lady Rose with some specialty items for the war my lord.''

''Excellent...and what of Gwyar and Myrkur Aniol?''

''It is as you feared my lord...the Myrkur Aniol had begun a civil war. Those Night Blades are causing conflict...causing major damage to the cities. And something has happened to Zuriel again as well...something isn't quiet right.''

''And Dusk?''

''He and Jinsei have made contact with the last remaining members of The Project...beyond that, my information is limited my lord.''

''Don't worry...make sure our brothers and sisters are ready........and I want you to accompany Dracula and LeStat. Protect them..........and await my arrival.''

''As you wish...'' answered Kairi as he drifted back into the crowd of people walking the street.

The people of Japan were so small compared to Zoku.......every single one of them wanderered around him as he walked past them on the street. The Japanese were accustomed to such beings; with all the wars that they have experianced upon their streets...who could forget.

[I]Be well my master..................seek him out Sumiyaka.........[/I]

''Time to have a little chat with the King of the Grysham...''[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Suddenly...Zoku's strong composure faded from him; he felt naked...exposed. He quickly made his way to a dark ally as he fell to knees...the emotions flooding through him.

[I]....Keitha..........[/I] the night prior...all of its glory still lingering in his mind. Once again....he had felt alive. The history they had begun to form with one another...finally, they had embraced one another. Looking into the true form of her eyes...he felt his cold heart melting...as it still was.

[I]Why must this be.....[/I] he on one side...and she on another. [I]Please....come back to me Keitha......you don't have to hurt....[/I] Zoku couldn't help it...the titan even shead a tear...if only for a moment.

He knew though...that she had her duties; her loyalities. And he understood...Zoku finally rose to his feet once again; the surge of emotion leaving him...bringing him back to normalcy.

[I]Take care of your master Keitha...always know...that I will always be here...no matter how much you hurt me...[/I] saying to himself in his mind. Walking back out into the street...Zoku took a deep breathe...and continued his walk to the presence of Nye and the young assassin Lana. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1]Dusk grinned and gave the thumbs up to Jinsei and the others. They sighed with relief. The hunters were on their side, and that was a weight of their shoulders even if they didn't trust them completely. Dusk directed his attention back to the phone and responded to Naoto's question.

[B][I]"As of now...I am unsure as to what action we should take. Zoku is in Japan, or so I believe. "[/I][/B]

[I][B]"How can you be sure? Have you seen him?"[/B][/I]Naoto sounded slightly confused. Dusk hesitated, then responded.

[I][B]"No...I can sense him...It's hard to explain. Right now I think we should just lay low and wait for all of the clans that have rallied to our aid."[/B][/I]

[I][B]"Alright. Call us when we are needed. You know how to reach us."[/B][/I]

[I][B]"Kay. Later."[/B][/I] Dusk hung up and turned to the group. He was about to begin talking when Dracula and LeStat strode into the room, accompanied by what appeared to be another of Zoku's creations. He introduced himself as Kairi and took a seat as well. Dusk informed Dracula and LeStat of what had occured recently. Then he once more adressed the group as a whole.

[B]"The hunters are willing to make an alliance with us. I don't think they trust us completely...but It's a start. I wonder...what should we d---"[/B] One thought Suddenly filled his mind. [B][I]Sumiyaka?!?[/I][/B] He clutched the pendant around his neck and fell to his knees. He could feel her...she was sad. In pain. Then suddenly the pain was gone, as if it never happened. He turned back to the others, and they were all shocked.

He quickly took leave and ran to his room. He fell into bed and held his pendant in both hands.He then stood up in rage. [B][I]Dammit...Grraaahhh! She had to go to him...making us enemies...why?[/I][/B] Dusk closed his eyes as tears streamed down his face. He struck the bed a couple times, then sank to the floor, misery full in his heart.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[size=1][color=#C82356][i]Help us.[/i]

Jarrah knew at once that Sumiyaka was searching for someone to help them. He growled and reattached his armor and grabbed his weapons, slamming the door open and storming downstairs, calling the Night Breed as he did. At a rush, Akuma and 5 others came to his side. Jarrah looked to them and nodded, they knew at once to go and aid Sumiyaka and Kuroichi.

[B]"Oy, listen up! No one leaves the grounds and no one enters! I'll be back in a few. I'll call if I'm late."[/B] He waited a moment before leaving and addressed them once more. [B]"And I won't be late. Got that?"[/B]

The Zugai looked to each other as the tall wooden doors shut and the six vampires walked the streets, rushing to help their master. Jarrah rode atop a soundless Harley Davidson, while the others rode in either a car or a modern bike. They all soon came upon a demolished building with two silhouetted figures on the ground. Jarrah called out to Sumiyaka who answered to his voice. The Night Breed quickly surrounded the figures and carefully protected them, one created an ancient spell of sanctuary, while another cast a spell on their weapons. Jarrah walked up and Kuroichi looked to him.

[B]"Kuro, this ain't a good thing, don't you know? Going out, raising hell, destroying buildings. It's all bad for the health, ya know?"

"My friend, I am just glad that you?re here." Kuroichi turned to Sumiyaka and addressed her. [B]"Help me up, my love."

"C'mon, let's get you home. You need to heal. There'll be no more rough housing for you tonight, even if there was one.'[/B]

Kuroichi chuckled and Jarrah bellowed a great laugh and carried Kuroichi in his arms. The Night Breed followed closely behind to ensure safety of the three. Jarrah placed Kuroichi in the back seat of the car with Sumiyaka and sat atop his bike, raising his hand to inform the others to leave at once. They sped off and the winds followed suit, never leaving Sumiyaka as she traced Kuroichi's face.

[B]"You're safe now, darling. You?re here with me."[/B][/size][/color]
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Zuriel sat on the chair with his head in his hands. He had caused the destruction of his own building? He couldn't believe that. He looked at the Harbinger, which was still in his hand, and he felt the destruction that it had caused tonight. He left the building and strode out to the dock. He pulled his arm back, and hurled the Harbinger into the water. He felt a weight lifted from his chest.

He went back inside, and on the chair where he had been sitting only moments ago, was the Harbinger, dripping wet but still in one piece. He cried in anguish.

"Why do you insist on haunting me so? Why must I carry this burden?" He dropped to his knees and began to cry, fat tears dropping from his eyes onto the floor.

"Because you were the one chosen to carry the Harbinger," said a voice. Zuriel looked up and saw Abaddon standing in front of him. His black wings had become even more majestic since the last time Zuriel had seen him.

"Abaddon," he said, "How I have longed to see you again. I never got a chance to thank you for your help with the Skull Sapphire."

"I don't need thanks Zuriel old friend. Just the satisfaction of seeing you succeed is enough. But this Night-Blade. It is a powerful weapon, as you have seen twice before. But you must not use it's power for the wrong reasons. You have used it to kill a horde of Blood Spawn, and to fight the Fallen Angels. You have used it for reasons of anger, of rage, but you must first learn to control the energies inside you, before learning how to control the energies of the Harbinger. The Blade will only respond to your command once you have total inner peace."

"How will I do this?" asked Zuriel, getting to his feet.

"Find Zoku. He will teach you how to control yourself, as he has done for Dusk. Find him soon, and your problems shall be over before you know it." And with that, Abaddon disappeared.

Zuriel grabbed the Harbinger and locked it away, keeping it safe until he had learnt to control himself.
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Night Rider had been serching for a long time, and now he finnaly found them. The hunters. He didn't know how they would respond to him, but he knew if things got bad he could get away with out killing any one.

Night Rider pulled the wires in the fuse box in the hall, the lights went out.

They were only out for a few seconds befor the emergency lights kicked in, but it was enough time for him to get down the hall and into the room. When they kicked back on he stood in the center of the office, hands strait out, indecating he didn't want to fight.

"You people are hard to find." he said softly. "Don't bother attacking me, I'm not here to fight. Quite the opposite, I am an enemy of Kuroichi."

Night Rider looked around..."I know that you just allied yourselves with the clans fighting Kuroichi. I bring what is left of the Ijuuj, thoughs who followed me. We have hidden in the shadows for a long time, we are ready to fight Kuroichi once again. But first I must speak with the rest of the Clans."

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OOC: I'm coming in late here, sorry guys I didn't realize that it started, although ULX said it was cool for me to sign up, so I'll work myself into the story gradually, as to not upset anything.


Jeulnelune left the room Dracula and the others were in, slipping outside in perfect silence. [i]What does he want me here for? The Silver-Haired Demon is meddling again... I need to have a personal conversation with Dracula.... He called me from the north, claiming great urgency and need for my strength, and yet when I come here all I smell are the lingering traces of the Dukes of Hell.... surely he did not call me to kill Lucifer?[/i]

He stepped outside, breathing the night air greatfully. He gazed at the darkened sky, dismayed slightly at not finding even a single star in the clouded heavens. Jeulnelune swept his long black hair out of his face, and walked away from the Gwyar HQ for the second time that night. "Ug... I must have sustenance, being away from the North like this is draining me.."

He took to the sky easily, thrilled to be on the hunt, fending for himself instead of Lillith feeding him. Jeul flew onwards for sometime before selecting a target, a white ranch house in a suburban development. Landing on the roof, he immediately heard the beating hearts... but the WhirlWind smelled a strange smell.

"A vampire feeds here tonight, I shall pay my respects."

He swung his powerful arm through the roof, balling his fist and ripping a huge chunk from the simple structure. The feeding vampire launched itself upward, striking him in the chest with surprising speed and ferocity. Jeul was taken aback, not expecting to be detected, although enjoying himself thoroughly.

He grappled with the vampire in the sky, not recognizing the tatooes it wore on it's arms. "What are you?"

"Alone." It roared, slashing him with great force.

Jeulnelune pulled away chuckling, "You have great courage... either that or madness. Do you not know who I am?" He lifted the veil from the creatures eyes.

A look of intense terror flooded its deathly face, the vampire fell to the ground unable to flee. "I am sorry, my lord."

"I am not your lord. Who is?"


"You lie. The Silver Haired One would not take such rabble as yourself."

"I am a deserter."


"It's true I tell yo-" The Enieffac La'Sourcus delivered severe lacerations to the deserter's neck, and the conversation ended.

[i]Combat has made me whole again, tonight I shall not feed. A deserter? I doubt it, probably a loner looking for respect. Either way, it's time to go back and see Dracula.[/i]

OOC: If someone wants to do the conversation with Drac so I don't take this the wrong direction I'd be much obliged. Thanks for letting me in ULX.
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Kuroichi leaned against Sumiyaka as she caressed his features. The pain faded from his body, and was replaced by an overpowering exhaustion. The rage had opened something in him...it drained him. He couldn't control the power...he couldn't hold it back...and it nearly cost him his life.

Sleep was about to claim him when he felt it. A familiar scent on the air...a jolt that flew through his nerves. A feeling, an ungodly feeling of power. And an itching on his chest, right along the scar. There was only one thing it could be, only one person. It had to be...couldn't be coincidence.

Tetsuya was in Tokyo.

"He's here..." Kuroichi growled.

"What? Who?" Sumiyaka asked, staring down at him.

Kuroichi pulled himself up, gripping the door handle to steady his aching body. He looked at the beautiful woman, and his eyes sparkled. Joy, fear, and hatred mingled in his voice as he spoke the single word, "Tetsuya."[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Nojima Tetsuya stepped into the bustling airport, golden eyes shielded by flimsy sunglasses. He peered around, watching the crowd for...something. A spy, an assassin...or maybe even the Demon himself. He saw nothing, and strode out into the mass of people, trenchcoat billowing around his ankles.

"Oy, Tetsuya! Slow your ass down!"

Tetsuya winced and growled, turning to face his...employees. They were a strange assortment, and he was embarrassed to be seen with the lot. From Aneko's long, dyed-green hair to Peter's chain-smoking to Aly's pentagram necklace, all of them were out of place, even himself.

Aly strode forward to jab him sharply in the chest, mismatched eyes narrowed. "You trying to get rid of us, captain pompous?" she snarled.

"Me? Try and lose you? Never," Tetsuya scoffed.

"What about that time in Dublin?" asked Peter, lighting a fresh cigarette.

"That was an acci - "

"Or that time in Havana?"

"We got separa - "

"Or that time in Pyongyang?"

"There was a bomb!"

"A likely story!"

"It nearly took of your leg!" Tetsuya snarled, grabbing Peter's shirt collar.

The brunette computer technician smirked and batted Tetsuya's hand away, blowing a puff of smoke in his face. Tetsuya felt a muscle tic near his eye.

"Let's just go, [I]boys[/I]," Aly growled. The sorceress was always treating the two men like lessers. It was no surprise that they had dubbed her the Wicked Witch of the PMS.

"I'll get the car!" Aneko cheered, grinning brightly. The college student worked as an intern at Tetsuya's business, mainly because she knew too damn much. He'd always regretted taking her in as a part-timer.

"No!" the rest cried. Aneko's driving was legendary. She had crashed three times in a single day during a trip to Topika. How she crashed in Topika was a mystery.

"There'll be no need for that," boomed a voice.

Tetsuya whirled, hand straying to his concealed katana. As he turned, his eyes widened. Three figures stood to meet him.

Naoto, Yukiko, and Akio.

"Welcome back home, Tetsuya-san," Naoto said. "We'll be supplying your ride. We'll take you and your friends back to our base of operations."

"Wait!" Akio barked. "Where...where is Mochiko?"

"Dead. By my own hand."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1]Dusk lay in bed with his eyes open drearely. He longed to sleep, but he could not for some reason. Deep down he knew what the reason was, but at that moment he wanted to be at peace. He rose up and walked over to the fridge, grabbing himself a soda and a hlaf-eaten burger. While the burger microwaved, he drank his soda and fell deep into thought. The microwave timer went off and he took out is food to eat. He quickly shoved the burger down and finished his drink. He then took a seat on the couch and turned on the TV. Soon, without realizing it, he fell asleep.

He was shrouded in darkness, kept far from the light. A voice kept whispering in his ear, mocking him, insulting him, punishing him. It spoke of his foolishness, his weakness, his inability to be of any use. Dusk couldn't find the voice, and eventually collapsed and gave into it's words. Suddenly the voice revealed itself. It was Kuroichi. He had his arm around Sumiyaka and he was smirking. Dusk, in his ragem summoned Twilight in the shape of a katana and sliced through the image of them. Then a call ripped through the darkness.

[B]"Dusk?"[/B] Dusk awoke and quickly swung his blade. Jinsei jumped backwards and hit the wall. Dusk looked around. Everyone was prepared to fight, though they appeared reluctant. Dusk heaved a sigh. [I]Only a dream...[/I] A tear rolled down his face as he stood up, he was still shaken up from the dream. He sheathed his blade, then walked into his room. He came back out fully dressed and left without saying anything.


Dusk removed his blade from the corpses chest. He bent over and began to mop up the blood, taking in it's savory taste. He had wandered around all day, not really knowing where he was going, he just wanted to be alone. After he decided he was satisfied he headed back. But he encountered a group of Kuroichi followers. He hadn't had the time to distinguish which clan they were from, as he made quick work of them and didn't take time to notice bodily details or style of battle. He wiped his mouth, and then on impulse, grabed his cell phone and began dialing Naoto's cell number.

It rang a couple times and then a suprised Naoto picked up.

[I][B]"He..Hello?"[/B][/I] Dusk was shocked to hear Naoto so unstable. He could hear someone else in the background, and it felt like a powerful aura was actually radiating through the phone. He heard someone yell something along the lines of "by your own hands" and then Dusk adressed Naoto.

[I][B]"It's me, Dusk. What's going on? You sound...hmm...confused. Who else is there? Somebody powerful I would suppose. Correct?"[/B][/I] Naoto replied instantly.

[I][B]"It..it's Tetsuya. He's killed off another one of us."[/B][/I] Dusk gasped.

[I][B]"I'll be there right away, and I'm bringing the gang."[/B][/I] He hung up and dialed the hotel room. When Jinsei picked up, Dusk hurridley (sp?) told him to gather the others and head to the airport. Jinsei quickly told him that twom more of Zoku's creations had decided to join them. Dusk acknowledged that and then hung up. He rushed over to the airport as fast as he could.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[B][SIZE=1]OOC: Here's an image of the new girls. Oh, and Dusk's blade will take the shape of a katana permanately.[/SIZE][/B]
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